
Get Knack 2 for Free and Here's How

Players can get Knack 2 for free and here's a step by step guide on how. You don't need an active PlayStation Plus membership either.

MaximusPrime_1514d ago

Save you clicking. You'd need to create a German PSN account....

KilluaX31514d ago

Takes like 5 minutes to do, not much effort required.

gamesftw2501514d ago

kinda odd that you need a german account

Sgt_Slaughter1513d ago

@gamesftw250 it's not odd, the game is available for free in Germany only.

Clover9041513d ago

Can i play the game on my american account after i download it, or will it be locked to my german account

AnubisG1513d ago


Yes you can and the game is in English.

dnAWE1513d ago

and then you have a game you'll never play.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1513d ago
AnubisG1513d ago

And that is exactly what I did about 3 days ago. Good thing I used to learn German in elementary school.😁

YoungKingDoran1513d ago

Yeah it really paid off now lol

1513d ago
Kosic1513d ago (Edited 1513d ago )

The link has a detailed guide on how to do this, step by step.

Retroman1513d ago

And I just ordered Knack 1 today off Amazon

lelo2play1513d ago

Sony should just stop fu**ing around and offer the game to everyone, not just Germany.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1513d ago
Smokehouse1514d ago

Yeah I’m not going through all of that lol. If I did it would be a Japanese account so I could get all of their themes and stuff.

KilluaX31514d ago

Took me 5 minutes to go through all of that.

excaliburps1514d ago

It's super easy to create an alt account. I have multiple. LOL! PS Asia always has betas available, so it's worth creating one for that too.

Smokehouse1513d ago

I’m not saying it’s difficult I said I can’t be bothered to take 5 minutes to do it. I’d rather pay 5 dollars for knack 2. If I did do it (which I probably won’t) it would be the Asian one. There aren’t any betas I’m aware of besides the guilty gear one but I think that’s here anyways. I’d rather take 5 minutes responding to you then navigate a German psn account lol. I don’t care enough. Lazy American.

I like when you go to that playstation blog and watch videos for codes and such. That’s what I thought this was. I was just saying no thanks. No offense.

Felix_Argyle_Catbro1514d ago

Yes, and it's good. It improved on everything from the first one, and if you're a fan of action adventure games with some platforming, this is a must play.

uth111513d ago

I liked both knack games. I don't see why people say the second is much better, it mostly plays the same as the first.. pound enemies, platform, gather artifacts to grow bigger, pound enemies harder

Segata1513d ago

And it literally has 2 knacks but it's still knack so it sucks anyway

roadkillers1513d ago

To all the down votes, this game was never advertised. I had no idea

roadkillers1512d ago

Alright piss on ya'll, Knack sucks.

Watchyabackbai841514d ago

I created a German Account yesterday and I got it for free. It too me like 5 minutes to make

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No More Memes: It's Time For Knack 3 On PS5

Beyond the memes, Knack is just a solid platformer that deserves a new home on the PlayStation 5.

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lifeisgamesok1325d ago

I'd rather they make a new platformer IP. With Sackboy and Astro's Playroom PS5 looks very good for the platformer genre so far

SullysCigar1325d ago

Agreed. Astro Bot Rescue Mission is honestly one on the best platformers I've ever played. It took things to the next level and was a delight from start to finish!

That said, while I was happily laughing along with the "Knack 2 baby!" memes with everyone else, I have to say I was a bit shocked when they gave it out free on PS Plus and I actually played it...it was actually really enjoyable lol

And huge too. Really long, loads of replayability and upgrade trees, new powers, costumes, challenge modes...hate to admit it, but I'd be pretty pleased with a Knack 3 announcement now!

Relientk771324d ago

Also Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, Balan Wonderworld, Crash Bandicoot 4 (probably), and Spyro 4 is rumored to be in development

PS5 is looking great for platformers

isarai1325d ago

I think it would be great if they rebooted it, keep the visual style, but change the tone of the story and voices to match. This game looks like it should have a semi mute protagonist with a silly professor and his rebellious apprentice. Instead knack sounds like a brainwashed soldier, the professor like an angry divorced dad, and the kid is such an average joe. And the story takes itself way too seriously, it's so clashing with it's art style

potatoseal1325d ago

Thye don't need Knack they got Sackboy. He'll kill it

ApocalypseShadow1324d ago (Edited 1324d ago )

It's time for Ape Escape PS5, Dual Sense Enhanced.

Give me that first. Then whatever.

GaboonViper1324d ago

Couldn't agree more, i remember the first time playing Ape Escape with the Dual Shock, great times, we need a PS5 version.

ApocalypseShadow1323d ago

Yeah. I didn't know a controller could do so much until that game.

MadLad1324d ago

It's really not.
The first really didn't deserve a sequel, and the sequel, itself, was nothing special.

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Knack - One Of The Best Original Launch IPs PlayStation Has Created

"Recently I got into a trophy hunting kick, after picking up Knack II for a low price on PSN. This caused me to go ahead and try to finish up my trophy list for the original Knack."

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Sonic-and-Crash1428d ago (Edited 1428d ago )

If Knack had an animal hero-mascot would literally have far better sales and appeal ....it is very good mechanichally and visually almost on par with mario

bouzebbal1428d ago

I wish PlayStation kept one mascot and gave it love everytime.. Crash.
I liked knack 1, bought it day one with killzone I had a blast playing it I loved the graphical style, and the phone app compatibility to get extra orbs and power ups. A cool game to kick start a successful gen

Sonic-and-Crash1428d ago (Edited 1428d ago )

@bouzeball...that would ve been the best ...imagine if sony was smart enough and bought the Crash franchise back in vivendi years (where probably had the lowest value)....now we would playing a Crash made from Astrobot devs (which is a stellar game) and Horizon s zero graphics engine ...would have been a masterpiece

isarai1428d ago

There were two major problems with knack that kept it from taking off.

1) The tone did not match the style. Seriously if you showed me some promo image and asked me to guess i'd say he's some semi mute protagonist like crash, with a quirky scientist creator and his edgy funny son that treats knack more like a bro than an experiment. Off to fight some evil goofy goblins in some harrowing levels. Instead knack has the personality of a mindless soldier and everyone just orders him around and he's just all "affirmative" and the conflict with the goblins seems ripped straight from a boring military drama.

2) The levels lacked hazards, nearly every fall was just a small drop loop around and try again. Didn't really incentivize playing well, and made it boring.

The sequel fixed issue 2 in a really cool way, but issue 1 was still there and the damage from the first game was already done.

1428d ago Replies(1)
Yodasfavoritesoda1428d ago

Excellent breakdown! All in all th rough knack got two games the op did alright

rainslacker1428d ago (Edited 1428d ago )

I didnt think it was anything special, but was fun in it's own right.

As far as best launch IPs, jumping flash would be mu favorite.

I'd say driveclub, but the delays kept it away from being a launch ip like it was intended. I'd maybe say Resogun, but not sure that's classified as a new sony ip because it was 2nd party.

FallenAngel19841428d ago

Knack doesn’t seem to have a place in a post-Crash resurrected world

Sonic-and-Crash1428d ago

...still Activision s Crash remakes-sequel is nowwhere near the quality standards of Knack....Knack if had corrected some minor things here and there would have been killer app...and somehow carries better the soul of og Crash than the mediocre remakes

rlow11428d ago

It was a cool concept, but didn't fully grab me.

NeoGamer2321428d ago

Personally, I enjoyed Resogun much more than Knack

And PS3 launched with Resistance. Much better than Knack.

Shinkus1428d ago

I'm still holding out on a remastered resistance trilogy. I loved the story and the online was fun as hell.

Mr_cheese1428d ago

Loved Resogun and have been hoping for a resistance reboot for a long time!

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Top 10 Sequels Nobody Asked For

COGconnected: Some sequels come as a result of the artists behind it truly believing an IP deserves a second chance, could be improved with just a few small tweaks, or is indeed good enough to warrant a sequel. These ones do not.

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MrSec842058d ago

Loads of people asked for a sequel to Knack, including myself.

The first game was good fun, clearly rushed for launch, but a good launch title for PS4.

rainslacker2058d ago

Yeah, I know a lot of people who liked the game, and said they wouldn't mind a sequel which improved on the original.

SuperSonic912058d ago

Knack 2 is so much fun for couch co-op.

sprinterboy2058d ago

Great for co/op keeping the kids entertained

Platformgamer2058d ago

you stole the words from my mouth.
knack is so underrated

NotanotherReboot2058d ago

So how come "loads of people" didn't buy the game?

Teflon022058d ago

Half a milli is pretty fine for that game actually

rainslacker2057d ago

Loads of people did. Loads of people also played it on PS+.

Although, I don't really know what the actual numerical value is of a load, unless it's the kind of load that we usually see used to criticize Sony or its games.

Akarogg 2058d ago

It sold about as well as Doom on Switch

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thepatientgamer2058d ago

The great dunk spoke, and knack 2 was goty before it even dropped. Spaghetti. Meatballs. Puerto Rico.

Amplitude2058d ago

Knack 2 and Kane and Lynch 2 were so good
Cool article though aha mostly all true.

Still waiting for Kanye and Lynch 3 to solve that insane cliffhanger ending

PhantomS422058d ago

I will always want more Naughty Bear. Those games are like bad SyFy movies, just so awful but so fun.

Retroman2058d ago (Edited 2058d ago )

Knack 1-2 was Fantastic...,.... hope Knack 3 being developed.
Can't wait for Ratchet and clank 2

King_Noctis2058d ago

I wonder what would happen if Knack was multiplatform. Would people defend it that much.

rainslacker2057d ago (Edited 2057d ago )

I think people probably wouldn't even pay attention to it at all. There is no denying that exclusives do get a bit of a bump in notoriety. Same could be said for any number of mid-tier game which is multi-plat. It doesn't really get that much attention outside of an announcement, maybe an occasional screen shot or marketing blurb, and then some reviews on release. Quite a few mid-tier titles that are exclusive...especially those from 1st party, get a lot more attention.

That being said, the first one was pretty fun for a launch title. The second one was really good, although still had some room to do things better.

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