
Ghost of Tsushima Will Offer No Waypoints For Open World Exploration, Still On Track For June 26

Ghost of Tsushima is one of the last upcoming first-party games that will be developed by Sucker Punch. It received a preview in OPM UK recently.

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Jin_Sakai1520d ago (Edited 1520d ago )

Great to hear! Game looks amazing.

starchild1519d ago

Yeah, i'm happy it is still on track to come out on June 26th. It has been one of my most anticipated games since it was announced. It looks amazing.

VenomUK1519d ago

It is inaccurate for Twisted Voxel to say this is ‘still on track’ for a 26 June release because this suggest Sony has re-confirmed the release date after TLOU2 delay.

In fact, the magazine article’s mention of the date would have been written prior to the delay.

IRetrouk1520d ago (Edited 1520d ago )

Bring it!! Game looks beautiful in the new official ps4 mag.



Majin-vegeta1520d ago

God can't wait.Im sure if the game gets delayed.Well hear it towards the end of this month or early May.hopefully the whole Rona crap has died died down and we don't have to endure a delay🤞🤞

roadkillers1519d ago

Why are you trying to make Rona a thing. Rona will never be a thing.

JEECE1519d ago

I never would have before, but now I kind of want to make it a thing.

kevinsheeks1519d ago

rona is a thing have you checked social media?

Teflon021518d ago

You can tell who's out of touch because everyone outside the media calls it the Rona LOL

roadkillers1517d ago

Dammit, Rona is becoming a thing. Those 6 who agree’d with me :(

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1517d ago
Blu3_Berry1519d ago (Edited 1519d ago )

Interesting, so is there no indication on where to go to progress the story and rather you must explore, similar to how the Fromsoftware games are treated in terms of progressing through the story? That's the vibe I am getting from what they're telling us and if so, this will be freaking awesome. That's something I want more of, less waypoint handholding that encourages you to explore on your own and find out where to go. That's what I love about the Fromsoftware games. It's gonna be interesting to see how they pull it off in an open-world game though.

MadLad1519d ago (Edited 1519d ago )

Witcher 3 gave you the option, and it worked well. All you need is a solid map, and recognizable points of interest to go by.
Removing waypoints altogether will also remove that compulsion to switch those sort of options back on, and the game will probably be better for it.

Thing is, there will probably be people whining about this, and the option will be patched in down the road anyway.

GameZenith1519d ago

Well if thats how they want to play why does it have to be "whining"?

Larrysweet1519d ago

I'll be one I do not wanna wonder around aimlessly so better add it as option or I'm out

MadLad1519d ago

The same reason why Dark Souls doesn't NEED an easy mode. The designers obviously didn't build the game around it.
If you get it at a later date, fine, but the designers built the game from the ground up without it in mind, and obviously thought they offered enough information to the player to get around, and made that a mechanic of the game, itself.

Hell, I was playing a game like Morrowind at 10, and made it work. Deciphering information at hand to find locations was a major part of the charm of the game, and the game wouldn't be the same game if you were just giving me A to B waypoints all the time.

kingfortoday1519d ago


That kind of kills the point of open world. Making it pretty linear

MadLad1518d ago


My apologies for having a point of view.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1518d ago
Outlawzz1519d ago

If that's the case I don't mind but it sucks when games tie this to a scene you can't go back to and can't remember what was said before, with no hints on where or what to do afterwards. It's happened to me countless times lol which is frustrating honestly

SyntheticForm1519d ago

Completely agreed on the less hand holding thing. Everything in life tries to hold your hand these days. I remember the days of memorizing so many phone numbers, addresses, and directions - now the smartphone catalogs all of it.

I'm confident they'll pull it off. Sucker Punch are all quality whether you're a fan of their games or not. They've no doubt playtested their game to make sure it's not a mess of confusion.

Zhipp1518d ago

Breath of the Wild pulled it off fantastically in an open world, so it already exists as a template for how to do it successfully. Hyper light Drifter is a very small world but technically you could call that open world as well. These games have no waypoints but they use other more immersive means to guide the player.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1518d ago
Thunder_G0d_Bane1519d ago

No waypoints? Since when did people start liking these tedious things? I feel like Devs just do this to artificially inflate the playtime.

isarai1519d ago

A map built on pillars of good level design doesn't need a waypoint or compass to navigate. You should be able to easily generalize your location based on your surroundings and horizons (think breath of the wild). Waypoints and compasses ala Skyrim were done as a crutch for bland level desin with poor variety.

So taking out Waypoints forces them to focus on better maps, and Sucker Punch has already shown strength in that aspect, this will further it. Thats why i "like these things"

porkChop1519d ago

Yeah, exactly. Breath of the Wild really nailed the open world exploration. You didn't need waypoints or anything.

sinspirit1519d ago

And, it also requires more creativity and better writing rather than a system telling you where to go and highlight the way for you. Open worlds have become 360 degree linear games in a way, if that makes sense. I can't wait to roam freely and see how this one turns out. I've always wanted a Samurai game

Thunder_G0d_Bane1519d ago

Maybe I misunderstood the waypoints. Cause I'm thinking of fast travel points cause I really hate when open world games don't give you fast travel.

Like someone mentioned breath of the wild nailed it. It had an amazing fast travel system. That's what I meant by waypoints.

sampsonon1518d ago

Breath of the wild was mostly barren landscapes.
It would be much harder for games like Horizon and GOT . But it looks like they've done it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1518d ago
blackblades1519d ago

That's what I heard on Twitter some people avoid games like this just because they cant navigate. As with me I dont care if does or not but it shows that people are to reliant on that stuff to much like real world technology.

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Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut PC Review - A Legend Reborn | The Nerd Stash

TNS: "Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut on PC is one of the best ports we've seen in recent years from one of the best action-adventure games ever."

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Ghost of Tsushima on PC delivers impressive upgrades over PS5

Ghost of Tsushima PC vs PS5, best settings and more in the Digital Foundry tech review.

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VincentVanBro16d ago

Playing this at a locked 175 fps on an OLED ultra wide at max settings is truly awe inspiring. A great way to replay this classic.

Psychonaut8516d ago

Sweet! Glad to see it make the jump. Hopefully the PSN requirement doesn’t put too many people off. I think it’s only if you plan to play the Legends mode. It’s bullshit, but at least you can access the main game without making a PSN profile if that bothers you. I know on PC everyone’s sick of everyone trying to push their own launchers and shit.

Deeeeznuuuts16d ago

It's really not that big of a deal, PC players just love to complain, my friend has quite a few launches and never once complained, really no issues at all 😂😂😂 28514;

Goodguy0116d ago (Edited 16d ago )

Indeed. It's for the trophies and online. I just hope Sony doesn't require ps plus subscription at some point for their online games. PC gamers have dealt with 3rd party launchers forever, just a bunch of silly complaints, nothing different.

just_looken15d ago


Right how dare those 180 countries that had this game listed a month ago but no longer do complain about a forced new regulation that is blocking the sale of the game even in japan.

Then you got the fact many countries need a goverment id to check if your legally a adult.

I have a psn account that is not linked to my steam account as having any form of vpn/antivirus and even something like discord can break there psn TOS. If your psn account gets banned via pc bs then your entire consoles online are bricked as do too them needing real information we all only have one account now.

FinalFantasyFanatic15d ago

I don't mind having a few launchers, just don't make me log into it all the time, it's astounding that some developers still persist with having their own launchers.

just_looken15d ago

Its a greed deal

Alot of them wanted to leave steam so they would not pay that 30% charge but then there overall number of sales dropped opps so now there back but with there launcher as a leach because all these games have attached bullshit like ubi points or capcom rewards/stat tracking even the activation launcher that needs to be a thing for cheaters/stat track i think even trophies to a extent.

Just be glad we do not have a sony launcher as it would no doubt be fighting rockstar for most unsecured worst launcher on pc.

anast16d ago

So we are lovin' PSN now? How fickle the herd is.

Aloymetal16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

Some people love to complain but if it wasn't for Sony themselves they wouldn't be playing these amazing 1st party games on their PeeZees.

13d ago
HankHill16d ago

Cry more while your precious plastic box keeps losing exclusives.

anast16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

As long as your not serious, welcome to the party.

This is fun. My turn.

Yeah, all 10 people that can actually afford a decent PC isn't much. This is why they are drip feeding PC gamers because they'll eat up 10 year old games like they're new, and that's all 10 of them. Consoles gamers already wore that shoe, you all are getting leftovers.

Your turn

Number1TailzFan15d ago

@ anast uhh, looks like the video is showing last gen (soon to be 2 gen old) GPUs running it pretty well to me? I mean if you can't keep your PC decently current then that's hardly the devs fault now is it?

Shiore2u15d ago


You really need to stop trying so hard, it's getting downright embarrassing. Brand loyalty is a stupid endeavor, accept it, learn from it and move on.

FinalFantasyFanatic15d ago

A 7-year-old GPU can trade blows with a PS5 in performance, I don't think it's going to be that hard to match/beat the PS5, especially if you look at the second hand market for parts.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 15d ago
just_looken15d ago

here and most of the internet will never go against sony or play station there like the apple logo.

InUrFoxHole15d ago

I guess the ps5 was holding this game back.


Has Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut PC sales earned around £18 Million in its first week on Steam?

CG writes: The question we’re asking is, has Sucker Punch’s just released stealth-action game Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut on PC earned over £18 million in revenue on release week via the Steam platform alone (also available via the Epic Games Store)?

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thorstein17d ago

"also available via the Epic Games Store"

I'm pretty sure Epic Games Store is available in over 190 countries and 30 territories. So anyone that said that this game was not available in them was just lying.

I'm so shocked by games journalists and fauxragers lying. Really shocked. I do pity them though. I can't imagine going through life with such anger... at everything.

bunt-custardly17d ago

Hehe, you do know how much PC players whine about having multiple store platforms when really all they want is Steam to run a monopoly. Thank ye heavens for Gog and Epic.

Giblet_Head16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

When Steam is one of the very few actually trying with it's feature set it's a hard sell to get people to want something on a storefront that could care less about improving it's service. GoG is another exception, but Epic, which is still missing many features that have been on Steam for years like every other publisher just half-ass it, so they've earned and continue to maintain their poor reception and presumably act confused come every quarterly report for failure to understand the market they're in. Who really wants to invest in something that actively instills little faith?

bunt-custardly16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

Interesting answer from co-pilot when asked what are the differences between EGS and Steam.

The Epic Game Store (EGS) and Steam are both digital distribution platforms for PC games, but they have some key differences:

Game Selection: Steam has a larger selection of games, including both indie and AAA titles, and has been established longer, since 20031. EGS, while newer, offers a curated selection of games, including timed exclusives and titles not available on other platforms1.

Revenue Split: EGS offers a more favorable revenue split for developers, taking only a 12% cut compared to Steam’s 20-30%, which can be a big draw for game publishers1.

Free Games: EGS is known for its regular giveaways of free games, which has been a major feature since its launch in December 20181. Steam also offers free games, but less frequently1.

User Interface: Steam provides a more feature-rich experience with user reviews, community discussions, game streaming, and non-gaming software. EGS has a more streamlined interface, focusing on a simpler user experience1.

Social Features: Both platforms offer social features like friends lists and chat functionality, but Steam’s community features are more extensive, including groups, forums, and user profiles1.

Exclusivity: EGS has secured exclusive deals for certain games, making them available only on their platform for a limited time before they can be purchased elsewhere1.

These are some of the main differences that set the two stores apart. Each platform has its own strengths and caters to different preferences and needs.

Co-Pilot forgot to mention: Both offer software, but Steam is very much more in-tune with VR with its Steam VR integration.

Giblet_Head15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

I wouldn't take AI as gospel, especially a corporate one that ends most every answer with meaningless neutral ambiguity. You're better off actually talking to humans that use either and have something to lose, be it time, energy or financial investment. Personal experiences AI can't relate to.