
Resident Evil 3 demo analysis: the game's brilliant but something's up with Xbox One X

From Digital Foundry: "Another superb remake is on the horizon from Capcom with the Resident Evil 3 demo hitting PS4 and Xbox One consoles - showing how its RE Engine has evolved since the Resi 2 remake. Fans of the original Playstation game will be well prepared for what's to come: it's a more action-orientated take on the series from the word go - fewer puzzles and more focus on firepower to push through - with the threat of Nemesis looming around every corner. This is a marked departure from the last game too, not just in tone but also in how the RE Engine is deployed, with some major change seen in the Xbox One X rendition of the game."

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1532d ago Replies(1)
SLiSH831531d ago (Edited 1531d ago )

Ehh I’ll run it with free sync and should fix the choppiness I’ll run it at 1440p or what ever the in between resolution is between 1080 and 4k

Genkins1531d ago (Edited 1531d ago )

it does look like a step down from the RE2 remake and DMCV. (not the only one saying this either.)
with the characters having stiffer animations. no clue if this is only for the demo.
should be running a lot better if the content is lesser than those games.

BiofourceGun1531d ago (Edited 1531d ago )

it may be a step down in animations (Re2 remake) but it's a step up in some other areas on the X.
it has more pixels, better shadow resolution, and better effects.

UnSelf1531d ago

Frames > resolution

Any day. Never forget

1531d ago
Dragonscale1531d ago (Edited 1531d ago )

And it runs like a slideshow.

Tech51531d ago (Edited 1531d ago )

quite a few have mentioned Jill's animations in the threads. (which apply to all demo versions.)

to be fair both the RE2 remake and DMCV have been in development for over 4 years.
RE3 Remake has been in development for like 1.5 years.

BLizardXD1531d ago (Edited 1531d ago )

it's native 4K on the X this time around. (@ 3:15)

CuVe1531d ago

Doesnt matter... serious fps problems, strange

timotim1531d ago

I wouldn't sat it doesn't matter. It honestly just means they need to optimize a little more.

Tekken666341531d ago

it's a 4k console though. so it makes sense to push for 4k.
maybe they'll support a higher frame rate setting.

bishup251531d ago (Edited 1531d ago )

The Re3 remake exceeded 60fps on the X at lower pixels. so they opt for 4k to get the maximum out of the console. RE2 remake reaches 75 fps uncapped at 1440p on a GTX 1060. which is weaker than X by a whole Tflop. with the frame cap enabled the amount of extra performance is discarded. which would be a significant amount for the X. the same issue was reported with Forza Horizon 4. when they supported a 1080p 60 fps option instead of 1440p 60fps, which was possible according to DF using similar specs.

Tech51531d ago (Edited 1531d ago )

given that there are few supported frame settings on consoles. developers have to make specific choices for that. the specs equivalent to X for the Re3 remake on PC can achieve well above 60 fps.
using this metric, how much frames are lost is why Capcom made use of the higher pixels.

gravedigger1530d ago

Naaaah :

"PS4 Pro, Xbox One and Xbox One X seem to be using a form of Checkerboard Rendering to reach their stated resolutions."

Benficaman1531d ago

Maybe 1800p for the xobox x and it will get the 60fps

Tekken666341531d ago (Edited 1531d ago )

you guessed it. give this man a cookie. i think it's easier to subtract pixels.
so it shouldn't be that difficult to provide both settings for the X version.
(if they can't achieve a solid 4k 60fps on the console.)

gravedigger1530d ago

Demo is a checkerboard 4k on X1X, not native.


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1109d ago
Kombatologist1109d ago

RE1's first zombie encounter was definitely creepy in its own right, but it was the Cerberuses that jump through the hallway windows that gave most people a fright. You didn't know what to expect at that point, as nowhere felt safe. Furthermore, not only does the back of the game box mention (let alone show) zombies, but the official strategy guide prominently featured a zombie on the cover as well. It wasn't a secret.

Everything else is on point though.

roadkillers1109d ago

I agree, you knew something was going to happen with the window. I kept walking past and nothing, so I let my guard down thinking I was paranoid.

RE8 had some scary moments. Most of the moments are when you don't know how to survive, like the fetus. There is one aspect that scared me more and it is a spoiler.

Okay, here is a puzzle that Capcom did perfect. You go on into this wooden shed. There is a table with a piece of paper on top and a safe on the bottom. The safe needs a 6-digit code to open. The paper says "look out the window... you grip about looking out the window. When you look, the code is across the buildings. They made you think something would scare you. So you try lining up the code and then this lycon pops up howling! Haha, I shit my pants. That was terrifying and one of the best scares I have ever had.