
Obsidian's Grounded Looks Incredible In First Gameplay Footage

Grounded is an upcoming first-person survival adventure from Obsidian Entertainment. The first gameplay footage for Grounded has debuted at PAX East.

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Obscure_Observer1541d ago

The game definelly has Minecraft as inspiration.

Lots of things to do and explore. Crafting system and lots of customizations for your character appearance, tools and weapons. Gameplay looks solid and third person view option is a nice addition.

My kids gonna love it. :)

SierraGuy1540d ago

Why not just name it Honey I Shrunk The Kids ?

SierraGuy1540d ago

Logic won you donkey?

Logic would dictate mt's make more than enough change for a "licensing fee".

Wtf kind of logic were you smoking when you chose the handle gniosdb?

ElementX1541d ago

This looks really sweet! I like the way the blades of grass stack on your shoulder as you pick them up. Knocking drops of water off of plants, the way the ends of the straps on the spear shake as you move... there are just so many details.

pwnmaster30001541d ago (Edited 1541d ago )

Looks good and bad at the same time. Nothing crazy
3rd person gameplay looks a little rough but I’m sure they will fix that...
Tall grass for some reason makes me think of bugs life, which strangely makes me interested in it.

ElementX1541d ago

I think of Honey I Shrunk the Kids, Rick Moranis actually agreed to do another film. He quit acting for a while because his wife died, I think I read somewhere.

pwnmaster30001541d ago

Actually yeah, I forgot about that. Brings back good times.

Spenok1540d ago

It was a mix of his wife dying, and him wanting to pour as much time and energy into his kids as possible.

Freaking outstanding guy that one.

sprinterboy1540d ago (Edited 1540d ago )

Yep he wanted to look after the kids properly after the wife died.
The kids both goto University now but says he doesn't miss the acting but never says never.
Pls be in the new ghostbusters.

ssj271541d ago

This look very easy to do in dreams by any skilled user . After owning dream and doing the totorial i am not there jet. But hopefully will get. I dont understand how many games take so long to make. Some i understand some i definitely dont after owning dream my perspective of gaming has changed so much i can't wait to get better and making stuff in it as others already do and use my imagination to make unique games in it.

Again this game in dreams can be made by 5 users in a month or two no joking. Obviously it can't be made now since the inline portion is not activated but soo. Will and i am sure this one will be copier very easy if needed

Ghostbob1541d ago

Yes, you could make something like this in dreams but remember you don't have to do the game coding in dreams.

Kerppamaister1541d ago

I'll give you 5 years and bet you can't do it

ssj271541d ago

The idea seems fun but if i end up leveling up my skills in dream i will be doing more interesting things way sooner, i am amaze how easy is to create levels in dream what i have notice is character creationand logisticsis what seems to be more complicated. It's definitely challenging and not easy i wasn't trying to say the devs or game idea suck i am saying after seen tutorials hrs of it and how fast those more advanced skilled dream makers do their job( not me at least not jet) i am saying they could do this in 1 or two month and i am not exaggerating. Maybe two more months if the online logistics is more complicated to the offline but using common sense i am sure is not that much complicated or deeper that the offline logistic. Visuals look very possible. I will even dare to say animation are easier to do and better one than the ones seen here deeper in no time.

ssj271540d ago

I'm not interested in making this game . Anyone skills to manage dreams can do it in two months not saying i habe the skills now i am barely learning.

1541d ago Replies(1)
Palitera1541d ago (Edited 1541d ago )

Then try to do it. Then try it again. Then again and again. Then make profit out of it. Then make an original game by your own.

Maybe then you can try to give a less ignorant, arrogant and stupid opinion. Remember we are talking about creating a full game, as you said, not only the content shown in the trailer.

Good luck.

Spoiler alert: I don’t like this specific game, but you won’t come even close to this.

Palitera1541d ago

“I can’t do anything barely decent.”
“DeVeLoPiNg a FuLl gAmE iS So EaSy.”

ssj271540d ago (Edited 1540d ago )

I actually haven't try so been honest the controls are really hard to get used and need to star taking lot of notes to move in the editing fast and smoothly because there is a lot to learn but by watching the tutorial the guys that give the tuturial move smoothly in it and know where is everything most of the time naturally..

so i can tell by looking at their skills they can do this game in no time and once i learn more and get faster at the controls and menu's i will be able to but i will first focus on doing socom remake to my taste and a personal project plus other small stuff.

Whoever thinks i am a jerk or not humble is mistaken and been a jerk . I am humble and admit i am still learning and practice and time will get me there. This game seems easy to make not discrediting the creators skills but also saying the facts. Go play dreams and you will see what i mean.

Palitera1540d ago

You are pretty much the opposite of humble when you say doing other people’s work is easy.
Also, self complimenting yourself for being... “humble” (?!) shows even more you’re the opposite.

ssj271540d ago

Haha and who are you? The mr humble judge who clain a humble men an proclaimed himself humble. I didn't knew i had to pass understand your humble radar standards to qualify as a humble men hahaha. Sorry who i though i was. Give me few year and i hope i can gain my humble tittle certified by you lol

Palitera1539d ago

Then you can give yourself another Super Humble Award.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1539d ago
1540d ago Replies(1)
DJStotty1540d ago

Should be preaching on a Dreams thread.

spicelicka1540d ago

but then he won't be able to troll and justify his love for that sweet piece of plastic!

MrChow6661540d ago (Edited 1540d ago )

The Most stupid shit I read all day

spicelicka1540d ago

I don't even like this game but relax. You can a ton of things in Halo 5/Car cry 5 as well.

On the surface maybe but try creating a full game like this, which requires rigorous testing. You're looking at a few minutes of gameplay which shows you nothing other than some mechanics and the visuals. I feel like that's a fanboy jab because almost every indie low budget game can somehow be replicated in Dreams, including games on PS4. I've followed Dreams for a year now since early access and almost everything created is experimental and like a mini game. It's an incredible tool and technically has the power to make games better than most indie games, but that doesn't make such games obsolete.

I'm sure you won't go into articles with PS4 games saying the same thing.

CaptainHenry9161540d ago

Lol you can make this in Dreams 😂

frostypants1540d ago (Edited 1540d ago )

I love Dreams, but...you're just wrong. Show me any full game anyone has done in Dreams so far that has this much depth, much less one made "in a month or two". Just list one example.

Even in Dreams, highly complex games take a lot of time. Not as much as if you had to write code, but still...you're not going to create a complex RPG in a month.

ssj271540d ago

Looks like i hit some nerve because this is not about ps4 vs xbox. This is about me has a gamer not understanding how many games take so long to develop when they could be done in no time.

This game is one that can be done in dreams in no time. If you think dreama is all about demos you are estupid.

I like the idea look cool. No hating on the game itself. I am actually hoping for a creator in dream to do it sooner or later and i am 100% sure he or they will be able to replicate it in no time. Because from seen the trailer visuals and animaltion logistics of the game seem very easy to do in dreams very dreams friendly.

1540d ago
ssj271540d ago

Well developers get paid for working not finishing the game fast and plenty devs are very basic skilled if you go to college doesn't make you a herman hust or a cory barlog or a kojima just because you went to school or know how to code. And because you suck at it doesn't mean other can't. Because you don't know someone or suck at it doesn't mean i don't know or suck at it.

Kerppamaister1540d ago

@ssj27 go to a Ghost of Tsushima article and say you can do this in Dreams in 2 months, see what happens

King_Noctis1540d ago

“ Again this game in dreams can be made by 5 users in a month or two no joking.”

You’re joking right? If it is that easy to make Grounded don’t you think MS would want to release it asap? Do you even know how game development works?

And no wonder why you get so many upvotes. You can say anything on this site no matter how delusional it is and still get upvoted as long as it is against MS.

ssj271540d ago

Downvotes don't always means i am wrong. If you think vote tell.the whole history you are a sheep stupiditly sheeply

King_Noctis1540d ago

“ Downvotes don't always means i am wrong.”

If you are so right then pray tell, who will be in the group of that super 5 human that can recreate the entire Grounded game in Dream in “a month or so”?

FanboyPolice1540d ago

"If you guys were the inventors of facebook, you've had invented facebook."

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 1539d ago
Tapani1541d ago

Nothing incredibly was shown here. Some type of a crafting game in a generic environment with Disney graphics.

Tapani1540d ago

Won’t but I’m still allowed to state my opinion. Me buying a game has nothing to do with voicing my opinion, would it be positive or negative. After playing classic games recently, my bar is high! ;)

ThinkThink1540d ago

lol he didn't say anything about not being allowed to voice your opinion. Scream it from the mountain tops buddy!

Show all comments (78)

Grounded PS5 Review - Buggy, In a Good Way | COGconnected

Grounded is a survival and crafting game about kids that find themselves in a miniature backyard world, originally on PC/Xbox and now on PS5

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anast21d ago

Never read an article that begins with "fan boys", it's a waste of time.


Grounded comes to PS5 and Switch - but performance is a problem

DF investigates Grounded on PS5 and Switch - how does the game compare to the original Xbox release? And how does cross-play work?

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gold_drake27d ago (Edited 27d ago )

360 to 720 p

what did they do lol even on the ps5 its horrendous looking

Palitera22d ago

Long story short: shouldn't be bought on PS5. Screw these guys.


Grounded (Nintendo Switch) Review - CGMagazine

Obsidian Entertainment’s Grounded is a unique survival game that shrinks down to fit on the Switch, but is it a worthy experiment?

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