
Resident Evil 3 feels just as good as Resi 2, except when the Nemesis shows up | GR

The streets of Raccoon City present an interesting change of pace for Capcom's latest remake.

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1556d ago Replies(5)
Charal1556d ago (Edited 1556d ago )

Back in the days I was also frustrated with Nemesis on original RE3.
I think it is due that gameplay and reward mechanics for RE3 are counter intuitive vs RE1/RE2.

RE1/2 are very slow pacing games, where being careful with ammo and herb can help built a good inventory that secure main part of the game. Plus inventory management is a big part of the game and quite enjoyable.

In RE3, inventory build up is no more an option, every Nemesis encounter will suck you dry and global gameplay is far less secured.

Sure it is done on purpose, but I always felt it was kind of a cheap trick to artificially increased difficulty and gameplay time.

I am curious to see how it ends up with the remake.

GameStallion1556d ago (Edited 1556d ago )

Hi Mr. BlackTar187, I’m replying here because N4G doesn’t allow the double reply. You called me, “neutered.” If you knew me, that’s the last thing you’d say to me. Here is my gamer tag: MCSantaBarbara (PS4). You can see I love punishing, difficult video games. Obviously, you love the Nemesis style a.i. mechanic, which is fine. I can actually see the appeal. It’s exciting in a way. However, I am not a fan of the unlimited, thrill-shock, invincible bullet sponge around every 3rd corner. I like killing stuff. I like feeling a little more in control... even if almost impossible. That is just my preference. I enjoy other aspects of the game, so that is why I will probably purchase it but wait for a discount.

Charal1555d ago

Well, having multiple big bosses as in RE1/RE2 would have created more variety.
Plus, his is appearing almost from nowhere which is not the most creative way to use him in term of level construction.

gold_drake1556d ago

i remember Nemesis being just as annoying and soul crushing bk in the day, but if theres absolutely no way to run away, or avoid him, well that just sucks lol

Father__Merrin1556d ago

I remember the original the nemesis parts were frustrating as hell. Not my idea if fun getting cheaped out like that

KaaF1556d ago (Edited 1556d ago )

At least it's Nemsis that's hard, not some random ass tank Zombie that made RE2R into garbage, just watch this trash:


The stupid rubber banding dynamic difficulty from RE2R better not carry to RE3E, this new RE team really need to understand the difference between hard and tedious/annoying.

monkey6021556d ago

After 6 playthroughs of Resi2 I hadn't ever seen that happen. It was either a glitch or dodgy editing

KaaF1556d ago (Edited 1556d ago )

It's not a glitch, the game has a stupid dynamic adaptive difficulty, if you play well and don't miss or die a lot the game will increase the enemies health and number - technically it will spawn harder version of enemies which is practically the same thing -, and the game also reduces ammo, but if you played sloppily, the game will reward you with decent game balance, so most people will not have this issue.

The problem is not the system itself, RE4 had it too and it was always balanced, the problem is that the ceiling for the dynamic difficulty is so god damn high, it can get absolutely ridiculous real fast. I rarely miss and never die in these games, so what that means is this dumb game is always like this for me, it turns the game into unplayable garbage unless you just pop the knees and run, which absolutely mind numbingly boring and kills the game for me, thankfully there is a trainer where you can do the devs job for them and tweak the adaptive difficulty system to a sane level.

Not to mention this game has no headhshots, all it does is add and absolutely useless tiny random critical hit chance, making the whole point of being able to aim in the remake mute.

Sorry for the rant, just replayed the game wishing they patched this crap, but nope, as broken as ever and had to vent.

sushimama1556d ago

FAKE and deceptively edited. I platinumed RE2 Remake and never came across anything like this. It's BS.

KaaF1556d ago

Ah, yes, the great sushimama shattered our careful plan once again, nothing passes his careful eye, darn you suhimama.

DeadManMMX1556d ago (Edited 1556d ago )

If you did stuff in the right order you only had to deal with the Tyrant for like ten minutes of the entire game. Also if you played the game good like you mention below you would just shoot the zombies in the knees wait till they flinch and run past them. I can see how if you trigger Tyrant before you have done everything you need to do in the station it would be frustrating but once you know what to do it’s easy. I have the platinum and that requires you to beat it In less then 3 hours. To do that you pretty much get to know where everything in the game is every enemy every item. That game is a sweet science.

BlackTar1871556d ago

or shoot them in the knee and knife them to death when you weren't surrounded. i did that for at least 30% of the zombies i killed in the game on Insane or whatever the major difficulty was.

Skeyerd1556d ago

I definitely wouldn't say RE2R is garbage by any means, but I do recall several enemies that died a lot quicker with critical headshots when I was low on ammo. Vice versa when I had more ammo.

BlackTar1871556d ago

after about 9 playthroughs myself on all difficulties I've also never experienced this

BrumpoTungus1555d ago

I know exactly which zombie this is lol. The one by the door in the morgue always has way higher resistance than any other zombie in the game, including even Marvin. Not sure why, but the best way to deal with it is either blast its head off at close range with the shotgun, or run past him on your way out.

RE2R definitely does not have adaptive play. I’ve played it on every difficulty dozens of times, and it’s perfectly consistent depending on your selected difficulty. Handgun bullets are somewhat arbitrary in their strength, but practically every zombie can be killed with a well-placed shotgun shell or MAG bullet to the brain. Or you can just shoot their legs off and avoid them with ease, if you want to save on heavier firepower.

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1109d ago
Kombatologist1109d ago

RE1's first zombie encounter was definitely creepy in its own right, but it was the Cerberuses that jump through the hallway windows that gave most people a fright. You didn't know what to expect at that point, as nowhere felt safe. Furthermore, not only does the back of the game box mention (let alone show) zombies, but the official strategy guide prominently featured a zombie on the cover as well. It wasn't a secret.

Everything else is on point though.

roadkillers1109d ago

I agree, you knew something was going to happen with the window. I kept walking past and nothing, so I let my guard down thinking I was paranoid.

RE8 had some scary moments. Most of the moments are when you don't know how to survive, like the fetus. There is one aspect that scared me more and it is a spoiler.

Okay, here is a puzzle that Capcom did perfect. You go on into this wooden shed. There is a table with a piece of paper on top and a safe on the bottom. The safe needs a 6-digit code to open. The paper says "look out the window... you grip about looking out the window. When you look, the code is across the buildings. They made you think something would scare you. So you try lining up the code and then this lycon pops up howling! Haha, I shit my pants. That was terrifying and one of the best scares I have ever had.