
Sony Interactive Entertainment Germany launches a website for PS5

As we step closer and closer to getting our hands on next generation consoles, Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe’s German branch has launched a website for PS5.

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criticalkare1589d ago

sounds like feb reveal aint happening they sounded like reveal is just a bit far away

isarai1589d ago

Well we have no way of knowing how long "some time" is but it's still gotta be very soon if they're sticking to their holiday 2020 window

I_am_Batman1589d ago (Edited 1589d ago )

Agreed. Since Sony isn't at E3 they'll probably have to reveal the console before E3. A lot of multiplatform games will be shown there and it would be bad if devs couldn't talk freely about both platforms.

It would be a good idea to reveal it before GDC, otherwise a lot of details could leak before they're officially announced. That would require a reveal before the third week of March.

The hardware for both Xbox and PS5 is already set in stone so there shouldn't be any concerns that the competition could reactively change something at this point. The price doesn't necessarily have to be announced at the reveal event. They could even announce the price after E3 if they wanted. I think 4 months of preorders and heavy marketing should be enough.

AngelicIceDiamond1589d ago

"Since Sony isn't at E3 they'll probably have to reveal the console before E3."

I like that idea. It would be nice if Sony has a full blow out of the PS5 around E3 time we'll have an artificial E3 from Sony and we can compare them MS, you know for old time sakes.

isarai1589d ago

I dunno, i feel like E3 is too late. Historically they usually have about 9-10 months between reveal to release to really let the buzz/awareness spread. Waiting till E3 cuts that in half. I could be wrong, but it's just REALLY out of character to have the reveal and release be that close together.

fr0sty1589d ago

Ps4 was revealed Feb 22 2014.

Ceaser98573611589d ago

At this point i want the leaks to happen. Dont understand why they are taking so much time and they also mentioned on their site that "not quite fully ready to unveil the PS5" 😏😏 weird.

DarXyde1589d ago

To be fair, Sony hasn't exactly operated with a mentality of tradition lately. Things leading up to PS5 are quite different: cross play, partnering with Microsoft for cloud services, potential PC release of first party games, skipping E3 two years now... I'm not saying these are bad (or good) changes, just saying, they're difficult to predict at this time. Sony may be pulling a Beyonce: basically, you have so much hype and recognition that you can drop a huge reveal without much notice (i.e., in the form of a State of Play) and everyone will go nuts. I doubt they would do that, but I don't discount the possibility either. Sega dropped the Saturn without much notice at all. It seriously hurt them, but Sony has better sense than Sega—my point being, I disagree that an announcement NEEDS to come soon. It likely will... but it could be 2-3 months down the road if we're being honest. Both console manufacturers could really be waiting for a complete trade resolution with China before announcing because with that comes pressure to make a price announcement.

For all we know, Sony might reveal the look of the PS5 as an Easter egg somewhere in The Last of Us Part II, but we won't know it at the time. That's how secretive they're being.

UltraNova1589d ago (Edited 1589d ago )

In combination to what Darxyde said.aboce, even if Sony holds a reveal event in February what can we realistically expect them to show? The box and controller is my guess. Maybe talk about some hardware specs? I'm pretty sure they will not talk price until after E3 when MS has revealed theirs - a smart move imho.

Price and its reveal timing: Sony has already stated that they want to see where the competition will land price-wise. That's a good plan, staying one step ahead. This is a good thing for us because it ensures either a lower priced ps5 (if Sony has the less powerful system) or price parity with xboxSex at the very least(if they have an equally powerful system).

The timing is everything. MS has fixed date they are bound to reveal everything - that's their E3 press conference, where they have to take advantage of Sony's no show and deliver big time. Sony is not bound to any fixed event/date. That's a distinct advantage in Sony's favor

This is not Sony following MS, its Sony one upping MS again and winning another gen. Don't let certain people tell you otherwise.

DarXyde1588d ago


Something I find very interesting about the power add mentioned in the alleged insider leaks...

On one hand, we've heard Series X is more powerful.

On the other, we've heard PS5 is outperforming Series X.

Those two things may not be inaccurate—if we use traditional measures of performance, Series X sounds more powerful. But if Sony's IPC patent is in effect on PS5, it has more or less rewritten what teraflops even mean.

That would also corroborate Lisa Su's statement that PS5 has secret sauce.

I suspect we're getting a box with deceptively "lower" specs that punches above its weight.

Curious, indeed. I'm expecting highly comparable performance between the two though.

UltraNova1588d ago (Edited 1588d ago )


Yes but we all know raw numbers (as we know them today) can be marketed a lot easier than having to explain to your audience that system A has "secret sauce" and wait to see the results, right?

We have already witnessed this with the Ps4 pro vs Xbox one X where we all know that the latter is significantly more powerful than the former yet games like the order, Uncharted 4, Spidernan, GoW, Death Stranding etc are visually (aka real life, when viewed/played in real time) leaps and bounds ahead of anything on the X, yet some people still believe power is the only thing that matters.

So you see even if the ps5 doesn't have some secret sauce and the XboxSeX is more powerful it won't matter at the beginning (launch window) if MS goes full in with marketing; people eat this shit up, even if they wont have any next gen exclusives that could actually take advantage of their system. This is an area were Sony's marketing team sorely lacks.

That said, I wont pretend MS doesn't know this, if they indeed have the more powerful system and play their cards right they can have their devs make the best looking console games. What's dumbfounding is their recent mandate on no next gen exclusives for 2 years... seriously do they get off by shooting themselves on the foot?

DJStotty1588d ago


I dont get the "Microsoft will have no exclusives in the first 2 years" argument.

Everyone knows that Microsoft no longer have exclusives and they even announced this during one of their E3 conferences. All Microsoft games going forward from that announcement have been backwards and forwards compatible so....

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1588d ago
nucky641589d ago

and it's looking like dave jaffe didn't know what HE was talking about, either. LOL

I_am_Batman1589d ago (Edited 1589d ago )

He clarified that he was basing his claims on the rumours that were going around: https://twitter.com/davidsc...

AngelicIceDiamond1589d ago (Edited 1589d ago )

Jaffe just looking attention this whole time it sounds like. He really didn't know anything.

OB1Biker1589d ago (Edited 1589d ago )

It's a site. It makes a big difference if an official said that. Website is updated when needed.
It actually makes likely to have more news soon because why would it be up then?

neutralgamer19921589d ago


Late February Ps5 will be revealed in my opinion. Even during ps4 reveal the invites didn't go out early

Muzikguy1589d ago

We still may get it in February. What sucks is it sounds like we won't know the price right away.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1588d ago
MasterCornholio1589d ago

Well that takes care of the rumors about the delay.

nucky641589d ago

hard to have a "delay" when sony never announced an official reveal date, yet.

AngelicIceDiamond1589d ago

Even though Sony is further ahead in PS5 dev kits and development than MS. 3rd, 2nd and even AA games that are still under NDA, unfortunately they don't operate on Sony's time. Maybe Sony is forced to make plans for reveals around E3 when all the devs reveal their games. Though Sony can do like MS and still do a reveal, show in engine for 1st party games.

MasterCornholio1589d ago (Edited 1589d ago )

They will have a reveal for the PS5 and those games. It doesn't have to be at E3.

Also this still proves that there with be a delay.

Az1ner1589d ago

What proof you have they are ahead of MS development? Share the link.

The Wood1589d ago

What proof you have they are ahead of MS development? Share the link.

The various devs who had access to the dev kits. I'll look for a link for you

MasterCornholio1588d ago


Wood will probably give you links to developers who claim that they got the PS5 dev kits before the Xbox dev kits. And that's kind of supported by the fact that we saw the PS5 dev kits along time ago while we haven't even seen the Xbox dev kits. Not to mention there's a few industry insiders that claim that as well plus the rumors that the console was supposed to launch in 2019 but was delayed.

But none of this really matters when they both launch.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1588d ago
CaptainHenry9161589d ago (Edited 1589d ago )

Sony is about to dominate again with the PS5

AngelicIceDiamond1589d ago (Edited 1589d ago )

"We’ve begun to share some of the incredible features you can expect from PlayStation 5, but we’re not quite ready to fully unveil the next generation of PlayStation. Sign up below to be among the first to receive updates as we announce them, including news on the PS5 release date, PS5 price and the upcoming roster of PS5 launch games."

Those rumors were deemed false not at all surprised. Feb 5 event won't happen. Feb 12 event is possible but the likely hood is meek. The latest rumor was as early as March but that's not saying much. Well I'm ashamed that I gave 4chan the slightest faith in their fake leaks there's a reason why nobody on the internet takes 4chan seriously. Their leak sounded so damn compelling though I have to admit. This is by far the most frustrating part of the year.

If what Sony is saying is true then they could do a soft reveal in April, then a full blow show around E3 time (Meaning have their own event) Just because Sony isn't at E3 doesn't mean they can't plan something around that time. You can't expect them to sit there and let MS take all the coverage that summer, there's no way in hell that's happening.

isarai1589d ago (Edited 1589d ago )

Well heres my thought process. I think it's very likely going to be the event they have planned feb 12th for these reasons.

- it's literally a Playstation event not a general Sony event.
-Sony usually has just under a year between reveal and release so if they are going for holiday this year reveal has to be VERY soon
-PS4 was also released holiday season, reveal was feb at a similar event also held in new york same year.
-they would likely want to get this out before GDC 2020 in march as if they dont they exclude a lot of people being able to talk about the new games they're working on (what GDC is all about) aswell as run a high risk if leaks during GDC, which if their absence at E3 taught us anything it's that they dont like leaked info.

I could be wrong but there's more supporting the likelihood than opposing it.

froy4021589d ago

I'm sure Feb 12 will be the reveal

froy4021589d ago (Edited 1589d ago )

☹never mind, read the briefing, not goin to happen 😅 lol... it will probably be revealed at a later date around e3, to Steal off all of xbox sx hype😅

SolidGamerX1589d ago

They already did that. :)

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