
Dark Souls Streamer Runs All Boss, No Damage Speedrun

Souls streamer Squillakilla manages a nearly impossible, No Damage run for the original Dark Souls.

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Thundercat771604d ago

How many times do you think this guy played and finished the game before being able to do this?

Like 50 times?

Fluttershy771603d ago

I can do that. Is not that hard. It really isn't. Is just a matter of patience for the most part. He's not using even the most basic exploits, glitches, shortcuts to make the game faster... Ok I get it, is no damage, but still you are calling it a speed run, is ridiculous.

FullmetalRoyale1603d ago (Edited 1603d ago )

Well I personally think a speed run shouldn't be done using exploits and cheats. I don't see how that is remotely impressive. This *no damage run ismore impressive than any glitching through the world speed runs.

YodaCracker1603d ago

“Is not that hard.”

If you can do it, then what are you waiting for? You’ll only be the second person in history to ever accomplish it. I’m looking forward to your run.

bluefox7551603d ago

Probably more than that, these guys do it basically full time.

Fluttershy771603d ago

@FullmetalRoyale Well i don't know about that... (there are no glitches categories in any case) But I can tell you that the community is the one that make the rules, and most glitches are allowed in Dark Souls speedruns.
And this I know: some of them are insanely hard to execute.
Like I said I know that this is No Damage, but the whole point of the article is that this is ALSO a Speed run... I'm just wondering how can you call it that way when you are not doing the most basic stuff a Dark Souls speed run does to save time?

Christopher1603d ago

There are glitch and no-glitch speedruns. There exist categories of speedruns to account for most of this stuff. The only question in some games is "what is a glitch and what isn't". Just like how there are Any%, all bosses, and 100% speedruns. But, I'm certain you "know this".

Greg28011603d ago

Because you take damage with some skips and exploits. And this is a 0 damage run.

Christopher1603d ago (Edited 1603d ago )

Way more than that. Likely over 2k hours in the game alone if not close to that.

Speedrunners tend to spend thousands of hours in the primary games/series they play.

YodaCracker1603d ago

Waaay more than 50, if I had to guess. Hundreds of times?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1603d ago
MadLad1604d ago

I don't know if I should applaud the man, or pity him.

Christopher1603d ago (Edited 1603d ago )

If he loves doing it, why pity him?

MadLad1603d ago

Oh. It wasn't meant as a negative thing. It's aimed at the sheer amount of time something like this had to have taken.

Toiletsteak1603d ago

Yeah well I got hit thousands of times and died alot and it also took me 53 hours to complete the game... beat that!

Rambokind1603d ago Show
l33t_haxx0r1603d ago

hang on, ive seen a few 0 damage runs on this game he is not the worlds first?? am I missing something?

Christopher1603d ago

"All bosses" is the difference, IIRC. The others skipped some.

luckytrouble1603d ago (Edited 1603d ago )

Look up The Happy Hob. He has an all bosses no hit run from over a year ago and is the most popular no hit Soulsborne streamer. The title alone tells me this author did no real research or is trying to hang off the word "speedrun".

I would also look up his god run. He is waaaaaay too good at conquering Soulsborne games.

Greg28011603d ago

The other ones are "0 hit runs".
This a 0 damage run.
The discription from the youtube video explains it well.

Christopher1603d ago

Ah, yeah. Even The Happy Hob takes damage from environment.

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phoenixwing81d ago (Edited 81d ago )

i understand the authors frustration i'm not the best at parrying in games. not that i can't complete a game that requires it but it is a definite harder thing for me than other kinds of techniques in games. which might be the main reason it's so heavily added in games nowadays. want to make your game challenging without having to do a lot of work? just add a parry boss. (what i mean by parry boss is a boss you have to beat by parrying such that their attacks will kill you otherwise)

Dudeson80d ago (Edited 80d ago )

I always think it's fine as long as such games also have the roll/dodge panic button. But I understand the will to parry, it seems so cinematic in a fight when you pull it off.

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Father__Merrin109d ago

bastard sword and claymore do the job when grinded up