
The PS5 Logo is the First Step to PlayStation Console Dominance

Don't be fooled: the new PS5 logo may seem 'uninspired' but is PlayStation's best tactic against Xbox Series X and Nintendo Switch.

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Jimboms1615d ago

I really do think it's going to do better than the Xbox Series X.

OC_MurphysLaw1615d ago

Given the PS4 consumer base size Sony certainly has the easier track to beating the competition. Retaining a more or less happy consumer is the easiest task a business has. Increased competition from not just MS but Nintendo as well could eat into the Sony "dominance" but I suspect when the dust settles this next gen Sony will have edged out their competitors. I do however think that gap will not be nearly as large this go round.

1615d ago
bishup251615d ago (Edited 1615d ago )

i'm guessing that the next gen is also being rushed. having AMD release new hardware and letting developers work on it months before doesn't leave much room for advertising.

milohighclub1615d ago (Edited 1615d ago )

The PS5 logo indicates to me that they are set to continue the path they have started. It says to me they have no intention of slowing down or changing course.
Expect even more great games next gen.

ilikestuff1614d ago

A good logo don’t make a good console...... but a bad logo can really hurt a company...... Dreamcast

milohighclub1614d ago (Edited 1614d ago )

No but 4 generations of world dominance does.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1614d ago
SyntheticForm1615d ago (Edited 1615d ago )

This is a silly argument even when viewed from all possible angles.

While it's good that Sony stuck to tradition with the font allowing for no confusion, I think it's a little silly to bring up as a point of "dominance."

People 'could' be blowing up this logo silliness to compensate for what Sony hasn't done, which is reveal anything exciting in regards to PS5. Do they necessarily need to? No - the prospect of PS5 is exciting in and of itself. Still, it'd be nice to see the hardware; a controller and the console.

All I know for certain is that this is a rather silly and 'baity' headline.

DigitalHope1615d ago

You’re right, it’s a stupid argument, but people are people and people like to fight over crumbs.

I don’t know if it’s as much about tradition as it is superstition. They started this font on PS2 which was the best selling console period. Then they used it for PSP which also sold really well but not in comparison to the DS which was a monster. Then they changed it with the PS3 and well the start to that gen didn’t go so well. Eventually they changed it back with the slim models and the gen turned around. PS4 did gang busters with the font. Only console to use the font that didn’t really do well was Vita and now Sony is abandoning handhelds all together. The font has generally brought success so why mess with that. Although PlayStation is now a globalized, Japanese are a pretty superstitious people.

Don’t forget Sony did this same thing last gen, kept their mouths shut. Didn’t leak anything, didn’t give in to the machine and when everyone thought they were in a place of weakness, they dropped the god damn hammer.

It feels like Microsoft is wielding a machete, brute force. While Sony is using a scalpel, pure precision.

SyntheticForm1615d ago

"It feels like Microsoft is wielding a machete, brute force. While Sony is using a scalpel, pure precision."

See, that's not my takeaway.

The whole cards-close-to-the-chest, chess master, precision scalpel thing - I'm not seeing it. I'm just seeing a silent Sony, and do you know what? That's OK. That's fine - I personally don't need any revelations yet, though a console and controller reveal would be nice.

I don't see Microsoft brute forcing either; they very quietly revealed the Xbox Series X. We know a few details, but I wouldn't say Microsoft are bombarding or inundating us with information. SSD, RAM type, SoC pic, and console are now out there, but I wouldn't necessarily call that aggressive.

I really don't see why silence (Sony) is suddenly being portrayed as cunning, shrewd, and masterful. I just see it as silence - not good nor bad.

DigitalHope1615d ago

It mostly comes from what happened at the start of last gen. Sony was quiet well MS did all the talking. It was article after article about MS and Xbox.

It just feels a lot like history is repeating itself. MS has talked more and shown more and although Sony hasn’t said much it seems Sony dominates the narrative more than MS.

I’m not saying Sony is being cunning or anything but more they give just enough at just the right time to keep themselves at the top of the conversation and it’s just a repeat of what has happened before.

It’s still going to take time to see if it plays out the same.

rainslacker1615d ago (Edited 1615d ago )

I actually thought this article was satire due to all the recent "MS will dominate" type articles that we've had since they showed their next console design and a game trailer.

It's a recognizable branding for the franchise. It's not going to have a major effect on console supremacy next gen in the least.


"It just feels a lot like history is repeating itself"

I disagree to be honest. Before the Adam Orth incident, there was a lot of good MS press. Sony had about what it had all gen, but a strong game line up kept them pretty positive. Lots of speculation of both systems of course, and there seems to be less of that this go around. Probably due to leaks, rumors, and logical conclusion based on what tech is available and what's been said already.

This gen though, there is very little, if no, negative MS press, and the year leading up to release for MS was pretty rough. First Adam Orth, which some believed, I personaly didn't, then the reveal which confirmed the DRM rumors, then MS own E3 showing which only made things worse, then several months after which seemed like they just kept digging their hole deeper.

MS, this gen, instead seems to be making the right moves for a successful next gen, regardless of how this gen played out. I think MS will have a better next gen, and the press is going to town with that belief while avoiding all the negativity of this gen.

Sony is just being silent, so there isn't a lot of new info to talk about, and they've already had several months of positive, or at least not negative press regarding the stuff they have revealed. I'm sure that'll change in the near future, because Sony is bound to get plenty of positive press when they start revealing more about their next gen console.

SyntheticForm1615d ago

"I’m not saying Sony is being cunning or anything but more they give just enough at just the right time to keep themselves at the top of the conversation and it’s just a repeat of what has happened before."

Sony doesn't have to do much.

PlayStation is such a powerful name that even low-aggression marketing isn't really necessary. It's so popular, so widely known, and so storied, and frankly so loved that marketing is barely necessary - at least when it comes to the consoles. Games on the other hand need to be more aggressively marketed.

Sony and PlayStation are unique in this way; that they have so much brand power that it's almost unnecessary to market at all. Other brands have to advertise and go out of their way to be noticed while PlayStation doesn't. People just wait in anticipation.

DigitalHope1615d ago


I work for Sony, trust me, they don’t market for crap when it comes to much outside PlayStation and movies. Maybe cameras a bit.

DJStotty1614d ago

I might buy one for the logo /s

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1614d ago
Tech51615d ago (Edited 1615d ago )

they could have shown the logo on youtube instead of getting people to book flights to vegas thinking that they would see it up close. just for the sake of those people that spent money on the trip, sony should have given them a back stage display model to gloat over. i know i would have. - my thoughts.

rainslacker1615d ago

Yeah...except there was a whole other conference going on which has plenty of stuff to write about, and Sony didn't say they were going to have a reveal of the PS5. If someone booked flights for the purpose of more hands on or more information about PS5, that's their own fault, and shows a lack of foresight.

poleerollee1615d ago

"The PS5 Logo is the First Step to PlayStation Console Dominance" … not this time...…….not this time.

Larrysweet1614d ago

That's not a question regardless of power xbox is dead in japan etc

bouzebbal1614d ago

Sony's first party studios have no match in this industry. Like it or not..

DJStotty1614d ago


Unless MS release a more powerful console at a cheaper price, along with a strong line up of launch games.

I do not think it will be as cut and dry next gen.

LordJamar1614d ago (Edited 1614d ago )

Define better cause just cause something sells more does not mean the other did bad that’s not really how business works I mean don’t get this for some reason Xbox HAS to sell more then Sony to be successful why Nintendo just sits their going 🤷‍♂️

SugarSoSweet1614d ago

I don't think it will be better, didn't you see the leak? The Xbox Series X is rumoured to be the more powerful console. The PS5 may indeed sell more of name brand/recognition but the Series X will be the "better" console in terms of performance and specs.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1614d ago
Gazondaily1615d ago

The logo is the best tactic against the competition? And to think some people questioned the lack of info re: the X

MasterCornholio1615d ago

Well if the logo gained all this attention just imagine what the actual hardware will do.

Gazondaily1615d ago

How is that the "best tactic against the competition"?

Wasabi1615d ago


**"if the logo gained all this attention just imagine what the actual hardware will do"**

They say there's no such thing as bad publicity, but is this the right kind of attention?


They're getting roasted all over the internet.

GTgamer1615d ago

@septic because the competition ain't that much of a threat let's be real ill bet $100 dollars PS5 outperforms SX in sales in the first three months. Got my cash app ready who wants to take me up on this?

GTgamer1615d ago

@Wasabi people make jokes on Twitter wowwwwwwwwwwwwww what's new? they were also making jokes about the Series X design big whoop doesn't mean anything tbh 😂😂😂

ziggurcat1615d ago


I don't seem to recall everyone overreacting when they basically turned the 3 to a 4. Did Sony lead people to believe that the PS5 logo was going to be new or revolutionary?

At any rate, the article is a tad silly - a logo certainly isn't going to have anyone dominate the competition.

The Wood1615d ago

Hmmm. Wasabi the positive one is seeking negative articles . . . Weird right

Sony has a lot of positive mind share and momentum going into next gen. The mystery is building the longer it takes for Sony to reveal more details. Look at what they done with a tweet last year. Trust me, globally, gamers are eager for more info on the V

Wasabi1615d ago (Edited 1615d ago )


**"I don't seem to recall everyone overreacting when they basically turned the 3 to a 4"**

I don't seem to recall the CEO of PlayStation announcing the logo change to a room full of journalists at an event that was livestreamed to millions of viewers around the world after promising "a unique vision of the future" when they changed a 3 to a 4 either.

Wasabi1615d ago (Edited 1615d ago )

@The Wood

**"Hmmm. Wasabi the positive one is seeking negative articles . . . Weird right"**

Just because I can appreciate a bit of humour about the silliness of the whole logo reveal doesn't equate to me hating Sony lol.

It's called a sense of humour bro, this whole thing is silly - it's a website talking about market "domination" because of a logo reveal that essentially amounted to a number change of a 4 to a 5.

It didn't need an announcement and only the evil Galactic empire uses words like "domination", it's just a bit of harmless fun.

I said exactly the same about the VCR memes when the Xbox One launched, they were funny too.

Lighten up bro, it's a logo.

ziggurcat1615d ago


He was most certainly not referring to the logo when he made that statement, so you're grasping at straws there.

People getting upset/being disappointed about a logo is just idiotic, even if it's just jokes. Same goes for authors postulating that a logo is somehow a step towards dominating the competition.

Wasabi1615d ago


**"He was most certainly not referring to the logo when he made that statement, so you're grasping at straws there"**

I'm not grasping at anything, In fact I agree with you.

Unfortunately that's not how millions of PlayStation fans around the world interpreted the message.




MasterCornholio1615d ago


"Same goes for authors postulating that a logo is somehow a step towards dominating the competition."

Logos are important when it comes to brand recognition. But I agree that having it doesn't mean that they will dominate the competition. The strength of the actual brand and it's recognition can help achieve that.

Christopher1615d ago (Edited 1615d ago )

@Wasabi Apparently it is?


Edit: Even then, though, this article is ridiculous.

AngelicIceDiamond1615d ago

Only a certain group of fans are getting excited about a logo tbh. Unfortunately the rest of the internet seem to be trolling Sony. Not because of the logo, but because Sony had more time than MS at CES, with their own stage to do a similar announcement as MS, or could of done slightly more. But they chose to talk about the logo and re-confirm some of the stuff that's gonna be in the PS5.

The prospect of the PS5 is exciting to everyone imo but Sony still, Sony needs to come a little better.

MasterCornholio1615d ago (Edited 1615d ago )



People make fun of that kind of stuff all the time. I remember all the jokes about the Xbone and the PS3. Some of those memes were funny as heck.

Getting Boned and Giant Enemy Crabs were my favorite.

dcbronco1615d ago

It gained attention because people are stupid. Oh, I see your point.

MasterCornholio1615d ago


"It gained attention because people are stupid. Oh, I see your point."

It got your attention right?

Look just because people are talking about this doesn't mean they are stupid. But honestly people expecting a full blown reveal at a consumer electronic exposition and the conference itself wasn't even announced through PlayStation, those people are the dumb ones in my opinion.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 1615d ago
MasterCornholio1615d ago (Edited 1615d ago )

I wouldn't say it's anywhere near the best but it helps to build hype for the system.

Sony had other tactics that are much better. Like the strength of their 1st party studios for example.

Gazondaily1615d ago

They changed the 4 to a 5. We knew the PS5 was coming. It's barely a tactic. The subject header and description are laughable at best.

"Sony had other tactics that are much better."

Yeah no shit lol

xX-oldboy-Xx1615d ago

Septic - its the simplicity that's key, ZERO confusion.

crazyCoconuts1615d ago

The way you write your comment implies that this crappy article reflects the ideas of all people that would question the X. Just not logical. You do this often.

Gazondaily1615d ago

No it doesnt mate lol. How does it imply that? The article is silly and I'm calling it out. I haven't implied or remotely suggested that it reflects the 'ideas of all people that question the X'. It does ask for consistency though.

MasterCornholio1615d ago

I mean it is getting talked about slot so if that was their goal with the Logo Reveal then it worked.

gangsta_red1615d ago

Not talked about in a good way as Wasabi's link mentions.

If that's a goal it's definitely not a good one to set.

Wasabi1615d ago


**"I mean it is getting talked about slot so if that was their goal with the Logo Reveal then it worked"**

If by talked about you mean ridiculed, then yeah I agree.

I'm looking forward to the PS5, I actually think that if the leaks are to be believed and the console launches with the rumoured specs at £399 - It'll be the most exciting of the two next gen consoles for me personally.

Having said this, I think having Jim Ryan come out on stage looking like he's just crawled out of bed and announcing a logo was misjudged.

I understand that the world wants news, we all do, but if he Jim had nothing to say then maybe it would be better if he hadn't said anything?

GTgamer1615d ago

@gansta_red would you like a link to the o the tweets making fun of Xbox SX Name and design 🙄 since apparently that means something these days 😂😂😂

2pacalypsenow1615d ago (Edited 1615d ago )


So you two think that Sony using the name "PS5" for their next console name after the previous consoles have been named PS1,PS2,PS3,PS4 is a negative, and will have a negative impact on the actual console? Lol

Do you think that all the negative talk here about xbox one and PS4 actually hurts either console? I can can fill an entire notebook with memes and pages making fun of the new Xbox doesn't mean shi*.

This just proves Sony has the power to get people talking just by showing a logo, while MS has to show an entire console and still not get the following a logo can get.


gangsta_red1615d ago


So do you usually make up your own argument and then answer it as if you're proving a point?

2pacalypsenow1615d ago (Edited 1615d ago )


I don't need an answer cuz it's probably some nonsense, like your original comment.

MasterCornholio1615d ago (Edited 1615d ago )


"I understand that the world wants news, we all do, but if he Jim had nothing to say then maybe it would be better if he hadn't said anything?"

It's not like the logo was the only thing PlayStation related at the conference. They did have some bragging rights to announce there.


That's Jim Ryan BTW in case you didn't recognize him.

Wasabi1615d ago Show
MasterCornholio1615d ago (Edited 1615d ago )


Well I did say "some bragging rights" in case you didn't notice. As for the numbers being important they are to some people especially investors. Which by the way their CES conference wasn't pushed towards the PlayStation fanbase Incase you didn't notice. CES isn't really an expo for the gaming industry. It really just is an expo for consumer electronics. Which is why tech geeks and investors are the ones that watch these types of things for the most part. Also explains why Sony revealed those numbers there.

rainslacker1615d ago

People talked about the design of the XSX a lot too. Good and bad. Some funny, some serious. It lasted about a week, then disappeared off the radar as most things do. I'd say one article about it on N4G isn't that big of a thing, nor is anyone to likely care in the end. Bias still makes it a good or bad thing depending on how people already felt.

I think it's a logo. It could have no logo, or look like it was made by Mattel. It wouldn't change how I feel about PlayStation or if I would get it.

It's just the newest thing to talk about, and it's either the most amazing thing they could have done, or shows desperation on Sony's part.

Same roundabout logic as always. Same pointless discussion as always. Same contributors making the same spin as always. It's gotten to the point where one could quite literally make a list of prolific users on this site, and write out what they're going to have to say about it on any new piece of info that comes out. That's how predictable it's all become around here.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1615d ago
The Wood1615d ago

This is weak puff. It's Sony's ethos, momentum and studios why they'll more than likely dominate again just like this gen

1615d ago Replies(2)
SyntheticForm1615d ago

People are grousing and complaining about what they interpret as "puff pieces" for the new Xbox, yet they see nobility in an article praising the PS5 logo as a point of dominance?


RazzerRedux1615d ago (Edited 1615d ago )

Are you seeing the same people "grousing and complaining" one minute that you see "praising" the next? Or is this just some generalization?

SyntheticForm1615d ago

"Are you seeing the same people "grousing and complaining" one minute that you see "praising" the next?"


xX-oldboy-Xx1615d ago

Haha - 1 opinion piece and it's gospel.

Customer - Can I have an xbox x please.
Cashier - A one x or series x?

Customer - Can I have a PlayStation 5.
Cashier - Sorry we're sold out mate, I can put you down for the next shipment?

Now if said customer were uninformed parents or grandparents - that youngin wanting an xbox could end up with the wrong console.

Gazondaily1614d ago

Customer - Can I have an xbox x please.
Cashier - A one x or series x? (What a stupid question haha)

Customer: The latest one
The Earth: Explodes.

xX-oldboy-Xx1614d ago

Haha - What about the other part where parents and grandparents don't have a clue?

Seems non gamers can get easily confused.

Surely a number is easier? Or is that lost on you?

Gazondaily1614d ago

Lol the grandparents eh?

"Surely a number is easier? Or is that lost on you?"

Mate have you forgotten what you posted and what I replied to? When did I say a number isnt easier? Your own point is lost on you lol.

King_Noctis1614d ago (Edited 1614d ago )

Today it is logo, tomorrow it is the material that the console is made of!

Baby step to the grand reveal.

AmUnRa1614d ago

And the XboX Series X showed only the box...whats your point?

King_Noctis1614d ago

“ And the XboX Series X showed only the box...whats your point?”

And games. And the estimate release date. I guess you forgot that as well right?

nowitzki20041614d ago (Edited 1614d ago )

You are right. Logos dont excite me since 90s. But are you gonna believe that is their "best tactic" because dualshockers website says so? come on. we both know they have much better tactics than that coming.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1614d ago
strayanalog1615d ago

Brand consistency. PS2 is Sony's greatest success, so why not?

AnubisG1615d ago (Edited 1615d ago )

We can't talk about brand consistency when they had that beautiful Playstation color logo that they changed to a pure white logo with PS3 slim and kept it on PS5, yet it was color on PS1-PS3(OG) especially on the most successful console, the PS2 which you are referring to. The font style used for PS2 is vastly different as well. So what consistency?

strayanalog1615d ago

The slicked PS2 logo remains a part of their ad campaign. The abbreviated "PS" is the consistency. Without getting hung up on details, like numbers or colors, you still have the logo "PS."

And if you really want to get technical here, most PlayStation 3 ads had the abbreviation "PS3" and every PlayStation has the shadow casting "PS" somewhere on it.

BehindTheRows1615d ago

In terms of money earned, the PS4 is, by far, their most successful device. It should also stop selling maybe 20 or so million shy of the PS2's 157 million.

Nexus5301615d ago

Oh for christ sake. Please just stop posting this nonsense

isarai1615d ago (Edited 1615d ago )

Yeah, seriously its just changing the 4 to a 5 like everyone predicted, fun to see the logo as we get closer to the full reveal, but it's not "The first step to console dominance" i honestly feel like staying away from this site till at least one of the consoles are officially revealed cause all this hyperbole is stupid.

SegaGamer1615d ago

Finally, some sense at last. As somebody that looks forward to new hardware releasing, it does spoil it when they constantly turn it into console fanboy wars.

RazzerRedux1615d ago

It is only going to get worse, I'm afraid.

rainslacker1615d ago

It would seem more newsworthy, and more logical for extended discussion and contemplation if they had broken the mold.

Kind of like PSP to PSVita. Wasn't a direct line of succession like their home consoles. Made for some discussion about the name.

In the end, it was all pointless, just like it always is when discussing naming conventions which don't have much impact on the actual sales of the console regardless.

King_Noctis1614d ago

This kind of nonsense got heated up in the front page over actual gaming news.

Some things never change on this site.

FernDiggidy1614d ago

Dry week bro....the don't got shit to write about

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1614d ago
AnubisG1615d ago

I'm not a fan of the logo. It's exactly like the PS4. They changed it up a bit with every console so far but not the PS5. They should have brought back the color PS logo at least. This white one is mehhh.

porkChop1615d ago

Bringing back the coloured PS logo would have been a nice touch.

DigitalHope1615d ago

They’ve used this font and logo for every console except PS1 and the start of PS3. Outside of that it’s been exactly the same.

AnubisG1615d ago

They used this from PS3 slim. But it was different for PS1, PS2 and the original PS3.

Saijahn1615d ago

Maybe it’s indicative of what to expect from their machine, a half step forward rather than a true next gen console. Then they’ll hit Sony players over the head with a pro model later at a higher price point

AnubisG1615d ago

Well, I hope it's not a half step forward. That's kind of what we got with the PS4. I did not really felt the generational leap from PS3 to PS4 as I did from PS1 to PS2 or from PS2 to PS3.

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gold_drake34m ago

quite honestly, i love how it looks ha


PlayStation Allegedly Has Major Games From First Party Studios Set For Release In 2025

PlayStation allegedly has multiple major games from first party studios scheduled for release in the year 2025.

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purple10111h ago

better be early 2025, well, we already know they got one coming march as they said so themselves, but we don't know which one,

everyone better get out the release window of GTA6 or expect half the sales you would have got,
that is of course, unless your game it totally different /. not appealing to the masses, such as a driving sim, beat-em'up or something else niche.

jznrpg2h ago

Good games are worth waiting for just like anything else that’s good.

S2Killinit1h ago


Also, I was certain that PlayStation was keeping things close to the chest because it wanted for MS to show their hand.

tay87011h ago

Was about to say the same thing. They better have these games roll out the 1st half of the yr. They don't want to be anywhere near GTA6. We saw what happened to forbidden west when it launched near elden ring. Guarantee once Rockstar announces the date, studio after studio will be delaying or moving up their games if they are in the same window.

neutralgamer19924h ago

How is this news? Offcourse they do because we haven't heard from many in a while. Playstation can get easy good PR sand make gamers happy by doing small things. Hold a one 1 and half hour showcase and show these games

Killzone trilogy remastered with MP for PS5/PC
Infamous 1-2 HD on PS5/PC

Gameplay for wolverine
Whatever the 2nd team at guerrilla are working
Rumored sly game or GOT2
Cory Barlog's new game teaser
Bluepoint games teaser
Returnal studio's next game teaser
Death stranding 2 trailer

If you really want to go crazy get with R* and get a new trailer for GTA6

-Foxtrot4h ago

The real question is if they do have multiple games releasing are their other studios or back up plans being made behind the scenes so we aren’t waiting years for them to create the next batch of games after 2025

We don’t want to be the same situation again and I’d be annoyed if Sony hasn’t learnt their lesson

PapaBop3h ago

My mate's uncle's nephew works at Sony and gave me the inside scoop, allegedly they have third party games releasing in 2025 as well!

romulus231h ago

I can clear this up it's his friends uncles sister or bothers son.

jznrpg2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

The guy I know said games are coming 2025,2026 2027,2028 and PS6 around the laters years as well. Shh it’s a secret

Relientk772h ago

Not gonna lie you had me in the first half lol

Levii_923h ago

I bet almost all of them (few exceptions ofc) will be boring press this button to cinematicaly squeze through this or cinematicaly do that and bla blaaa. You know that familiar predictable boring we wish we were a movie kind of gameplay for dumb people who don’t know any better all while characters constantly jabber on and on about some stupid stuff you don’t give a shit about and don’t ever shut up.

Excited for Ghost of Tsushima 2 though! One of my favs.

2h ago
jznrpg2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

So your saying third party games like Detroit, Heavy Rain Until Dawn type games that Sony is going to start making instead of third party?? Makes little sense to me

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