
Review: Doctor Who: The Edge of Time - PS4/PSVR | Pure PlayStation

PP: Doctor Who: The Edge of Time VR is definitely geared towards the Whovians. There are some spectacular moments spread thin throughout the game's short run time, but the majority of the game is puzzle solving. It does it well, to be fair, but the game's tendency to constantly push you forward rather than let you work things out for yourself is a definite low point.

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Doctor Who: The Edge Of Time PlayStation VR2 Listing Emerges

A new PlayStation Store listing confirms Doctor Who: The Edge of Time is coming to PSVR 2.

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Two new Doctor Who games are coming to PS5, Xbox Series X, and more

The two titles will join an existing VR game to complete a "trilogy of experiences"

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VR Review | Doctor Who: The Edge of Time - GotGame

For this weeks VR Review, GotGame checks out Maze Theory's Doctor Who: The Edge of Time, giving players the chance to experience the Doctor's world in VR.