
Death Stranding Review | Giant Bomb

Alex Navarro - "There's a deep thread of insecurity that runs through it, one that manifests in its unwillingness to commit all the way to the arduousness of its main character's task, that's too willing to break that quietness with mediocre action, and that never trusts the player to understand even its most basic ideas without hitting them over the head with them. There is a weirdo, avant spirit to Death Stranding that I do admire, but that spirit fails to carry the game anywhere worthwhile."

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DaDrunkenJester1660d ago (Edited 1660d ago )

"In the opening hours, this doesn't matter as much because you're just on foot and hoofing it from place to place. When you finally get vehicles, using them mostly sucks because you're constantly driving into rocks. When you finally get highways you can build, it starts to feel a little like American Truck Simulator...if you had to craft the truck and the roads yourself. And then the game just kind of gives up on that infrastructure stuff and sends you off to the mountains to criss-cross huge, snow-deluged peaks that take a very long time to get around. And then it asks you to do that a bunch more until the game is essentially over."

Oof. And with this review the Meta dropped to 83.

SolidGamerX1660d ago

"And with this review the Meta dropped to 83."

Which was their intention. Mission accomplished gaintbomb.

DaDrunkenJester1660d ago (Edited 1660d ago )

Was it their intention? Do they have a bias against Kojima?

timotim1660d ago


Maybe it was just his intention to give his opinion on the game?

gamer78041660d ago

No giant bomb just doesn’t care what people think. They give their true reaction.

King_Noctis1660d ago

I don’t think Giantbomb cares whether or not the game drop one point on Metacritic.

InUrFoxHole1660d ago

You can't blame them. 83 is still good. This game just seems boring

NarooN1659d ago

Giant Bomb doesn't have an agenda and I'm 110% sure they don't give a rat's ass about the metascore of this game. You're just upset because you like the game and can't fathom anyone feeling differently, so anybody who doesn't like it as much as you just *has* to have some salacious agenda.

Nacho_Z1659d ago

With a game like this you've got to accept that there will be a huge range of genuine differences in opinion. I think we all knew it'd be far more divisive than your average game.

Shame that agenda lead bad reviews are definitely a thing and it's hard to tell when that's not what's happening.

xenz1659d ago

I guess you played the game already then?

Rambokind1659d ago

That's "Giant." More reading, less gaming?

TK-661659d ago (Edited 1659d ago )

Imagine being so triggered by the review scores for this game that you make up conspiracy theories. While the fans were doing damage control GB was doing rigorous calculations to determine the right moment to drop their review, and make the Metascore drop by a single point.

gtfo fanboy...

mandingo1659d ago

How bout the game just isn’t good?

SolidGamerX1659d ago


Really? Then explain the 67 positive review scores 15 of which are perfect scores.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 1659d ago
badz1491660d ago (Edited 1660d ago )

that's very rich of them to deduct points from the game because of how the game wants you to travel but I remember very clearly they gave RDR2 - a game with many MANY pointless, unskippable horse rides filled with conversations a resounding 5/5!

Rebel_Scum1660d ago

Different reviewer dude. And those unskippable horse rides filled with conversations added more to the narrative which also fits the setting and type of game which was also to that reviewers taste.

This game appears to be very divisive according to people who have played/reviewed it and discussed with other reviewers, deal with it.

King_Noctis1660d ago

“ a game with many MANY pointless, unskippable horse rides filled with conversations a resounding 5/5!”

You can fast travel you know. And as for those “ unskippable horse rides filled with conversations”, they are part of the story missions. Why would you want to skip story related dialogue in a story-heavy game?

DaDrunkenJester1660d ago

But were you constantly tripping on terrain, balancing your weight, and listening to a crying baby if your trip during those horse rides? Or could you enable the cinematic camera and soak in the vistas while enjoying the conversations during the rides that added to the story and upcoming mission?

NarooN1659d ago

A completely different staff member reviewed RDR2, not to mention RDR2's gameplay wasn't as arduous and disjointed as Death Stranding's.

garos821659d ago

RDR2 is a 5/5 game.
Death stranding i cant talk about until i pick it up tomorrow

Segata1659d ago

That was Dan. Dan is an idiot. Alex is not. He is a very educated person.

KillBill1659d ago

Guess what... RDR2 had much more in the game than the traversal system. Not so much in this game though as the traversal system is the backbone of the game mechanics.

chiefJohn1171659d ago (Edited 1659d ago )

RDR2 has way more action and content. You comparing a few long horse rides like that's all the games about is a joke

Yi-Long1659d ago

You're complaining about riding horses, in a game about cowboys.

MoveTheGlow1659d ago (Edited 1659d ago )

Alex gave RDR2 a 5/5 - same reviewer. Dan, in this case, actually came full circle on RDR2 and tore it apart during their GOTY discussions. One of Alex's favorite games was Nier: Automata, which was all ridiculous anime dialogue and meta-mechanics surrounding a lukewarm fighting system. I expected him to like this one more, but eh, that's how it goes. Lately, Dan's been coming back around on RDR2. People are interesting.

This, like RDR2 but in a different way, is a polarizing game - that's okay - the best books and movies and albums cause people to disagree with each other vehemently. Maybe you'll love it, maybe you'll hate it, but all signs point to you not being bored by it, and that's something. GB loves to have people who disagree with each other on staff, that's fine and reflective of what games really are - subjective works. You all owe it to yourselves to watch Tim Rogers' 1-hour multi-review of this game, it's nothing if not entertaining as heck.

1659d ago
Smclaren19851659d ago

You can’t possibly compare to red dead 2 Jesus what are you guys like if it’s a high score they have an agenda a low score they still have an agenda! It’s a new genre in a lot of respects and a lot of people arnt goin to like the game simple no agenda to lower the metacritic score honestly iv never seen so much people talking utter nonsense

ReVibe1659d ago

The rides served as crude mission briefs at worst, character building at best.

ziggurcat1659d ago (Edited 1659d ago )

@rebel, naroon, and segata:

No, it was the same reviewer:


+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 1659d ago
CoinOrc1660d ago

Oof, and with this review, the median score is still... 90. In case you don’t know, the median is much less affected by outliers than the mean.

Wasabi1659d ago (Edited 1659d ago )


***"the median score is still... 90. In case you don’t know, the median is much less affected by outliers than the mean"***

Interesting that you choose to move the goalpost by using a "different average" to make your point, is median the new standard on N4G now?

As a fan of Nintendo's exclusives I'll be happy with this because BotW moves from 97 to 100, and Super Mario Odyssey from 97 to 99.
In fact using median rather than mean further solidifies Nintendo's exclusives as the highest rated games this generation totally eclipsing the standard set by Sony's first party titles.

It also moves many Xbox exclusive titles up the metascore ladder, invalidating many users claims that MS first party titles are not well reviewed.

Is this a set of goalposts that you really want to move?

CoinOrc1659d ago


"Interesting that you choose to move the goalpost by using a "different average" to make your point, is median the new standard on N4G now?"

I didn't move anything. It is a known fact that the median is much less affected by outliers. Other industries have been using the median for a long time. Are you saying the real estate industry and the census are "moving goalpost" when they use median household income and median home value?

"As a fan of Nintendo's exclusives I'll be happy with this because BotW moves from 97 to 100, and Super Mario Odyssey from 97 to 99.
In fact using median rather than mean further solidifies Nintendo's exclusives as the highest rated games this generation totally eclipsing the standard set by Sony's first party titles."

Sigh. I guess you lack basic understanding in statistics. Not surprising since you refer to the median as a "different average". Moving from 97 to 100 is not a big move. Moving from 97 to 99 is not a big move. Not surprising considering there aren't any major outliers. Moving from 83 to 90 is a big move because there are outliers. Most of the time, there won't be a big difference between the mean and the median because there aren't major outliers most of the time. That's what the median is designed for. The median is a better representation of the data when there are major outliers.

"It also moves many Xbox exclusive titles up the metascore ladder, invalidating many users claims that MS first party titles are not well reviewed."

It doesn't invalidate anything. Gears 5's meta score is 84 and the median is 87. Not a big move. Crackdown 3's meta score is 60 and the median is still 60. No change at all. Again, it's because there aren't any outliers. You should educate yourself first before commenting.


"The basic advantage of the median in describing data compared to the mean (often simply described as the "average") is that it is not skewed so much by a small proportion of extremely large or small values, and so it may give a better idea of a "typical" value. For example, in understanding statistics like household income or assets, which vary greatly, the mean may be skewed by a small number of extremely high or low values. Median income, for example, may be a better way to suggest what a "typical" income is."

Wasabi1659d ago (Edited 1659d ago )


***"Are you saying the real estate industry and the census are "moving goalpost"**"

No. I never once mentioned the real estate industry or the census, they have nothing to do with this discussion.

***"Not surprising since you refer to the median as a "different average"***

From Dictionary.com

"The median is another form of an average. It usually represents the middle number in a given sequence of numbers when it’s ordered by rank"


***"You should educate yourself first before commenting"***

I have a Master's in Psychology, you come across as a child that just had his first class learning about averages and just had to tell someone about it.

***"The basic advantage of the median in describing data compared to the mean (often simply described as the "average") is......."***

See my point above.

Larrysweet1659d ago

Who gives a rats ass on any score...if its best game u ever played helk yes enjoy..if u hate it hate it who carrrrres

CoinOrc1656d ago


"No. I never once mentioned the real estate industry or the census, they have nothing to do with this discussion."

But you did accuse me of moving the goalpost when I did no such thing. All I stated was that it is a known fact that the median is much less affected by outliers and that other industries have been using it for a long time. I then applied this fact to game review scores.

"From Dictionary.com

"The median is another form of an average. It usually represents the middle number in a given sequence of numbers when it’s ordered by rank""

Lol. You are using dictionary.com for information on statistics? How about you use a more technical definition?

"I have a Master's in Psychology, you come across as a child that just had his first class learning about averages and just had to tell someone about it."

Lol. A Master's in Psychology. That explains why you know so little about statistics.

"It also moves many Xbox exclusive titles up the metascore ladder, invalidating many users claims that MS first party titles are not well reviewed."

That would also explain why you would think using the median will magically make MS exclusives like Crackdown 3 great, thus "invalidating many users claims that MS first party titles are not well reviewed." I have shown that Crackdown 3's score doesn't change when you use the median. Let's use one more example. Sea of Thieves' meta score is 69. The median is 70. Only a slight change. Crackdown 3 and Sea of Thieves are still bad games whether you use the mean or the median. You would only see a big difference when there are outliers present.

"See my point above."

And yet you didn't refute any of the points I made.

CoinOrc1656d ago

Agreed. It is people like Drunken and Frag who obsess over every single point change on metacritic. I just showed that once you account for the outliers, the score actually didn't change much.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1656d ago
xX-oldboy-Xx1660d ago ShowReplies(6)
xX-oldboy-Xx1659d ago

That's fair mate - it is your money after all, but what's with all the posts highlighting anything negative about the game?

Are you trying to sway people? Because like you've made your mind up, I'm sure most have already made their mind up. Be it to buy or not to buy.

The game will be successful, there's nothing that can stop that - that's a reality most are struggling with.

Krangs_Uncle1659d ago

The likes for your comment just went up 20 in the space of 1 minute - these bots are becoming common practice in articles like this..

Proving once again to be the joke of the gaming community.

agent131659d ago (Edited 1659d ago )

if you don't have any problem with just walking boring long distances for 50 hours don't pay attention to meta just buy it and enjoy it but I'm not that patient

SinisterKieran1659d ago

I don’t think people get why he’s highlighting this part of the review.
It may be their opinion but it’s terribly written.
There is an whole area of the game that forces you off your bike because it’s so rocky, sounds like this dumbass still tried to ride through it for some reason.

Rude-ro1659d ago Show
StarLink1659d ago Show
Hungryalpaca1659d ago

I wonder if they docked points from euro truck simulator for being a truck simulator.

ShadowWolf7121659d ago

...yes, I'm sure they docked points from the truck simulator for being what it's stated to be. That's totally relevant to this and clever as well.

Bravo, dear friend, for invalidating this entire review with your rapier wit.

sushimama1659d ago

This guy didn't like the game. FACT IS, that the majority of people who reviewed the game really liked it. This is just one guy's opinion. Who cares? This game actually has the most PERFECT 10 scores of any game this year.

jbrock111659d ago (Edited 1659d ago )

Man I want to like this game so much because I've played all the Metal Gears outside of MGS4 and love them. But I haven't seen a video of gameplay yet that makes me think that this game is going to actually be fun and engaging for the 30-40 hours or whatever it takes to beat. A good story can only take you so far. Gameplay has to be the backbone of the game and if it's all just walking from place to place and getting better upgrades to help you walk/travel better, I just don't think it's the game for me.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 1656d ago
ziggurcat1660d ago

This "fun" thing seems to be the new "this game is bad because it uses gameplay mechanics other games happen to use."

The problem with citing fun factor, and using it against a game is that one person's definition of fun is different from another. I wouldn't touch games like farm/construction or flight simulators because I don't think those games are fun at all, but there are a lot of people that get a lot of joy out of playing those types of games. I also find a great deal of survival mechanics to be abhorrently tedious, and unnecessary, but a lot of people love those types of games, too. I've also thoroughly enjoyed games that weren't necessarily the most fun to play (and frustrating at times *cough( soulsborne games *cough*), but the story and lore is what draws me in, and keeps me engaged.

It's clear that this isn't an action shooter, so these reviewers need to stop trying to apply the same standards they would with those types of games. They should be approaching it as though it is an artwork that just happens to be in the form of a video game. And not getting it isn't reason enough to penalize the game.

DaDrunkenJester1660d ago (Edited 1660d ago )

Soulsborne games have good gameplay though sooo...

"They should be approaching it as though it is an artwork that just happens to be in the form of a video game. And not getting it isn't reason enough to penalize the game."

Lol what a load of BS. So essentially: "Still give it high scores if you're bored, annoyed, and not impressed by this "artwork"."

ziggurcat1660d ago

"Soulsborne games have good gameplay though sooo..."

Some would argue they don't sooo...

Some would argue those games aren't "fun", either.

"So essentially: "Still give it high scores if you're bored, annoyed, and not impressed by this "artwork"."&quo t;


rainslacker1660d ago (Edited 1660d ago )

I've seen mention many times that Souls pretty much commands you to play a certain way, and many find that to be a bad implementation of game play. Being restrictive to the point the only way you can get through something is to do it a certain way isn't always fun, nor is it always properly executed. it's like people saying The Witcher is just roll and attack. I dunno if that's true or not, but that's how some people classify it, and if that's their primary view of how the mechanics work, then who's to say they're wrong or right. And same goes for reviews. The reviewer doesn't care for the game play, and ultimately finds it's not fun, but does that mean that it's poorly executed, or just not their cup of tea?

I have the same criticism of RDR2 that this same exact reviewer gave to Death Standing. Wanna know what this same exact reviewer gave RDR2? A perfect 100. Not a different reviewer on the same site, but the same guy. With a gushing review.

But no mention of tedious travel or chore like tasks, or multitudes of fetch quests which could bring the game down. No talk about the beat you over the head narrative which dragged on and had a player who was barely part of the story, and only did things because that's what the narrative required him to do. Nope, quite the opposite, as Author was apparently intricately weaved into the narrative with all the other characters. Nothing about him basically being a puppet along for the narrative ride at every step of the main story. No mention of the rather simple game play of pop up targeting like you were in a shooting gallery. No mention of the tedious menu system, or complete cluster f**k that was crafting or collecting of things that made inventory management a pain.

Nope, those things were only a problem in Death Stranding for some reason.

DaDrunkenJester1660d ago (Edited 1660d ago )


Except that Soulsborne allows you to play many different ways... tank, dexterity, mage, battle mages, all with a myriad of different weapons, armor, spells etc that you can choose from to fit your gameplay style.

And about your RDR2 comment. Luckily there is so much more depth to RDR2 other than its fetch quests and long rides. Right? Luckily your dont need to manage encumbrance and stacking items within clunky menus. At least there is at least some good stop and pop gunplay. At least there is a hunting mechanic to upgrade and craft items. Death Strandings world is completely void of any wildlife to hunt. :/

TheOptimist1659d ago


Not to mention, once the world opens up, there is no telling which boss will be encountered first. I have seen people go directly to Gascoigne without ever fighting the Cleric beast inBB. More examples are there later on.

Souls games are much more open than most open-world games in terms of gameplay approach. Even the story is very much open-ended where the player has to pick up on subtle cues to get and complete side quests or get different endings.

If someone says that the soulsborne games ask you to play a certain way (Which might apply to Bloodborne in relation to other Souls games), then they just aren't paying attention.


For Death Stranding, it probably is a problem because the game is centered around fetch quests. Most games use fetch quests as optional padding. In DS, the fetch quests are probably (According to reviews, most likely) NOT OPTIONAL and are probably a part of the main quest.

rdgneoz31659d ago

Some enjoy the soulsborne style of punishing you for your mistakes. Others cry and hate it.

TK-661659d ago

The damage control for Death Stranding has become so desperate that the defence is now that it shouldn't be reviewed in the same way as other games. Literally asking for special treatment and a different standard. I'm so tempted to take screengrabs of all these comments and laugh at them whenever we have review controversies in the future, and maybe even see if peoples opinion changes for games they dont like.

ziggurcat1659d ago


The same reviewer gave RDR2 a perfect score, and never once mentioned the gameplay even though it shared a lot of the same criticisms from a good handful of people. The only one applying different standards is this reviewer, it seems.

rainslacker1658d ago (Edited 1658d ago )

I'm not trying to talk bad about Souls games. I'm saying that's what some people say about it.

You prove my point exactly by defending the game. Some people saying it, doesn't make it true, nor does it make it so those that don't like now should suddenly like it, or that those that like it should now hate it because they feel otherwise.

All I know, is that you haven't played Death Standing, so your assertion about what it is in terms of game play is pretty pointless, and your constant attempts at saying it's something you can't possibly know, while there is evidence that suggests you are focusing too much on one negative aspect, while going through extraordinary effort to try and convince people they're wrong.

As far as RDR2....yeah, there's some depth. But wait....all those negative reviews seem to say that exist, or how even all the good reviews say the negatives, even though they don't all say that....also say DS have more depth. But....you won't say that there is more depth, because that would go against this attempt at trying to bring the game down. That depth also doesn't mean that this same reviewer decided to not mention all those negatives in their RDR2 review, because without a doubt, the same criticisms that they had for DS, exist in RDR2. So much so, that many of those failings were pointed out in all the good reviews for RDR2....but it was Death Standing where the author thought that it should go from a 10, to a 4. That's illogical, and is clear bias. No conspiracy, just bias.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1658d ago
DaDrunkenJester1660d ago (Edited 1660d ago )

You said not understanding the "art" isnt reason to give it a bad score. Well, he is also giving the gameplay a bad score as well.

And objectively, the reason why soulsborne games have gained so much popularity is because of its gameplay, not story. Where in Death Strandings case even the higher scores mention the many gameplay faults and tediousness.

ziggurcat1660d ago

"You said not understanding the "art" isnt reason to give it a bad score."

Because it's not.

"Well, he is also giving the gameplay a bad score as well."

Maybe he was just bad at the game. One person criticized Cuphead's gameplay because he had a difficult time with the tutorial. Some of the complaints this reviewer had with DS's gameplay could easily be due to his impatience as he failed in his attempts to cut corners.

And I suspect that within the context of the game, it's probably supposed to feel like a bit of a slog. Boring tedium seems to be appropriate for what the game is about.

"And objectively, the reason why soulsborne games have gained so much popularity is because of its gameplay, not story."

The lore is every bit a part of the appeal of those games, so I would disagree with you there. I love those games, but the masochistic nature of the gameplay is hardly something I would consider "fun."

"Where in Death Strandings case even the higher scores mention the many gameplay faults and tediousness."

Uh huh... and what does that tell you?

DaDrunkenJester1660d ago (Edited 1660d ago )

Haha do you even believe what you're writing? First of all, almost all reviews have said this game offers 0 challenge. Second, boring tedium fits the game? And we are suppose to be okay with that?

The reviews that mention boring tedious gameplay and give it high scores tells me there is an obvious bias. Describing something as boring and tedious is no way a positive thing.

Chriswynnetbh1659d ago

You're last statement is flat out wrong about souls games not being popular because of story. I'd argue that the lore and world building in those games is some of the most interesting and best story telling in all of gaming. And the gameplay elements tie directly into the lore and overarching themes of the games. Yeah they don't spoon feed the player every little plot point. You have to read item descriptions and actually pay attention to the tiny details of the environments and enemies. So saying they are only popular because of their gameplay makes no sense because the gameplay and lore are very closely linked together.

TK-661659d ago (Edited 1659d ago )


"Uh huh... and what does that tell you?"

You tell us. We have reviews giving it 9s and 10s which mention that the game "isn't fun", and is at times "boring". What does that mean? Suggests that reviewers didn't like the gameplay but really enjoyed the story. So you've actually gotten what you wanted from those reviews, but then throw a fit over a review that doesn't cater to your All-New-Just-For-Death-Strandi ng-Review-Standard...

Also, I'm really curious as to where all the people that called BotW an empty world have gone. All of a sudden Kojima makes an empty walking simulator (I'm exaggerating so no need for anyone to get triggered) and it's a masterpiece, and we need to rally to defend this games honor against the tyrannical game journos, lol.


Let's just clarify the story is almost non-existent in most souls games, and they tend to just have a lot background fluff that is very good. At best it complements the game, but in no way is it the deciding factor for why the vast majority of fans love the series.

rainslacker1658d ago


"Also, I'm really curious as to where all the people that called BotW an empty world have gone. All of a sudden Kojima makes an empty walking simulator (I'm exaggerating so no need for anyone to get triggered) and it's a masterpiece, and we need to rally to defend this games honor against the tyrannical game journos, lol."

There's a huge difference between calling out Nintendo fan boys who were claiming the game is the best ever, especially when trying to compare it to Horizon:ZD which they also said was lame, and the reactions going around for DS reviews right now.

The Sony fans aren't going around saying the reviews are wrong. They're saying the people saying the reviews are wrong, or picking up on one or two negative things those people are saying, are wrong for the way they're addressing the reviews. It's the same crap that happened with Days Gone, except in this case, the naysayers have less legs to stand on because the reviews are overwhelmingly positive, instead of being in the average range.

The "defense" of the game is only there, because there are those attacking it, and the attacks seem to be extremely overzelous in their attempts. It's like a mission or something. If the game was getting good reviews, and there weren't people that seemed hellbent on bringing it down either because it's an exclusive, or they seem to have some problem with people who are Kojima fans, then these people defending it would probably just be sharing their enthusiasm for the game. But the naysayers can't let people have that. They have to have attention by going on record...over and over and over...about how the game is just bad.

So, the question is...why? What do you care at this point? You've said your piece. You aren't required to play the game. Let people be excited.

Or, go the other route and keep up the attacks, and come tomorrow, you'll see the defense like you saw for Days Gone, where the negative comments just led to a huge influx of people who said why the game was good, which just got more people interested. In the end, all the attempts to say the game is bad, will only help the game, because the false narratives can only exist for so long.

TK-661658d ago (Edited 1658d ago )


"There's a huge difference between calling out Nintendo fan boys who were claiming the game is the best ever, especially when trying to compare it to Horizon:ZD which they also said was lame, and the reactions going around for DS reviews right now."

I'm sorry, I was under the assumption that you'd actually been paying attention to the fan reaction when anyone utters even minor criticisms of Death Stranding. The sort of damage control that has people saying Death Stranding should've been held to different standards than other video games. We had no such damage control for BotW, so you've thus far failed to show how BotW was under similar treatment by its fans. I don't recall a "if you don't like BotW you just don't get it and only like actions games" style of talking point being made in its defense. Death Stranding's average fans are much worse than BotW's most dogmatic defenders.

"The Sony fans aren't going around saying the reviews are wrong. They're saying the people saying the reviews are wrong, or picking up on one or two negative things those people are saying, are wrong for the way they're addressing the reviews. It's the same crap that happened with Days Gone, except in this case, the naysayers have less legs to stand on because the reviews are overwhelmingly positive, instead of being in the average range."

Rainslacker.... Are you trying to troll me right now? Have you read any of these reviews and some of the laughable things written by it's highest scoring critics? A 9.5/10 review stated that the game "isn't fun" and is at times "boring". This review in your view is "overwhelmingly positive"???? No legs to stand on, but its best reviews mention all the same criticisms. Mmmmkay, babe.

"So, the question is...why? What do you care at this point? You've said your piece. You aren't required to play the game. Let people be excited."

This is a gaming news aggregate site with a discussion thread for every article. If you don't want the discussion part why did you engage with me in discussion? I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume you know how stupid your take right there is.

"Or, go the other route and keep up the attacks, and come tomorrow, you'll see the defense like you saw for Days Gone, where the negative comments just led to a huge influx of people who said why the game was good, which just got more people interested. In the end, all the attempts to say the game is bad, will only help the game, because the false narratives can only exist for so long."

Cool story, bro.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1658d ago
Hardiman1660d ago

Good point and I LOVE to explore beautiful game worlds. HZD, Withcher 3, Days Gone, AC Origins/Odyssey and Spider-Man are just a few of such games.

I put hundreds of hours into these types of games and it's not because I'm just going through the campaign (I do that of course) but I love to explore.

Friday cannot get here soon enough! Cheers and enjoy the game!

chiefJohn1171659d ago

Don't forget to add RDR2 you never know what youll come across exploring

Hardiman1659d ago

@chiefJohn so true. Can't believe I didn't mention RDR2 because I'm actually playing through it right now. I know some folks hated the slow pacing but I really enjoy it!

Your so right about not knowing what you'll come across. So far I've seen Nosferatu, the wolf boy, Donkey Lady, Hobbit House, Witch House, Witch, serial killer, tiny church in swamp, Night Folk, a ghost, crazy woman locked in an outhouse, talked to Bigfoot, found Bigfoot skeleton, saw 2 UFOs and so many more.

PlayableGamez-1659d ago

Here is my problem with people like you and Kojima fanboys... You guys are trying to remove the fun factor element out of critiquing a video game, and were not going to allow you to do that.

The problem with your argument is that you are ignoring the fact that it's already the default assumption that not everyone is going to find a game fun and that goes for any game. Even the most critically acclaimed games.

When you are critiquing a video game and considering the fun factor, it's measure by the general consensuses of what is fun and what is not fun.
Hypothetical Example: It's not fun to play a video game with bad and unresponsive controls. That is the general consensuses. Generally people like to play video games that have smooth and responsive controls. However, by your logic if there are people who like to play games with bad and unresponsive controls (which there are people like that), then it voids the criticism of saying a game is not fun for having bad and unresponsive controls simply because people who like bad controls exist. Do you see the flaw of your argument? See, you are removing the general consensus part of an opinion and treating it neutrally. When you treat opinions in reviews neutrally, it renders the review pointless because you are not considering the critiques. It wouldn't be a review if there is no opinion. And reviews are important because it's a tool for consumer protection. People depend on reviews and critics to make sure that they do not buy a bad product, and that includes video games. By treating all forms of opinions of a video game neutral, than there is no such thing as a bad or good game.

However, back to fun factor element. Yes fun is subjective and totally opinionated but it is a necessary opinion especially when it comes to video games. You cannot deny that there is a general consensuses of what is and is not fun in a video game end of story.

NXFather1653d ago

Boy you dropped some hot fire.

Kribwalker1659d ago


They should review it based on whether or not they enjoy the game. Reviews are opinions. why should they change their opinion to fit a narrative like that?

Stanjara1659d ago

I totally understand what you're saying, couse I absolutely loved Ico, SotC, and Last guardian, where every friend of mine that I've shown those games was perplexed with my enthusiasm.
That beeig said, I don't think that game reviewer has to award games just because they are art. They are subjective take on a game as a whole. I would personally loved if the DS showed that Redus was a bad ass with some Metal gear action, camo suit and weapons.

Zeref1659d ago

Long hours of silent and annoying traversal is objectively boring.

ziggurcat1659d ago

No, that's a subjective opinion.

Christopher1659d ago

Not that I like such things, but that is 100% subjective in nature. My wife thinks I'm boring when I spend an hour doing some sudoku puzzles. I have a ton of fun doing them, though.

Zeref1658d ago (Edited 1658d ago )

I agree, It's subjective the same way that skat porn is subjectively disgusting

Vegamyster1659d ago

They acknowledged that in the review lol.

"It is a game that takes, at minimum, 10-15 hours to actually become "fun," and even then the definition of fun is one likely to vary wildly for its players."

Simulator games are just that, simulators and it's in there titles. This game is from the guy who created MG ect, a lack of action isn't even what he's criticizing, it's at the games core the game doesn't really change over the course of 50 hours and your just doing the same thing, you can't tell me they couldn't add some more mission variety instead of strictly delivering packages.

"They should be approaching it as though it is an artwork that just happens to be in the form of a video game. And not getting it isn't reason enough to penalize the game."

This is just an excuse to avoid criticism, what does art have to do gameplay/mission variety?

ziggurcat1659d ago

"They acknowledged that in the review lol."

Then he should have had enough integrity to not use "fun" as a metric in which to score the game. If he has the wherewithal to acknowledge that, then his review shouldn't be: "It's boring, tedious, and I didn't understand the story - 4/10." He also complained about the gameplay being a "pain in the ass" after recognizing that when you overload your character by taking on too much weight that it becomes a little challenging to control. If the basis of his opinion of the gameplay being a "pain in the ass" is derived from possibly overloading his character all the time, and then possibly choosing to traverse a more difficult portion of the environment in order to save time (assuming that these paths aren't set in stone, and you have the freedom to take any path you want) due to his impatience, then that's an invalid criticism.

"Simulator games are just that, simulators and it's in there titles."

Yet those games don't get dinged for the gameplay being "boring" or "tedious." Grading something lower because it didn't happen to have enough action or explosions shows a failure to understand the gameplay as is it related to the context of the game. The same reviewer gave RDR 2 a 5/5 score - a game that certainly had/has its critics towards the gameplay... but he never mentions gameplay in his review of that game at all, really.

"This is just an excuse to avoid criticism..."

No it's not. You wouldn't go into an art house film, and score it poorly because it wasn't like End Game, would you?

"what does art have to do gameplay/mission variety"

A lot when the gameplay reflects the context of the story.

Vegamyster1659d ago

"Then he should have had enough integrity to not use "fun" as a metric in which to score the game"

You're playing a video game, reviews are just opinions so if a reviewer is not having fun with it they shouldn't be bashed for saying so otherwise you can't take any review seriously.

"If the basis of his opinion of the gameplay being a "pain in the ass" is derived from possibly overloading his character all the time, and then possibly choosing to traverse a more difficult portion of the environment in order to save time (assuming that these paths aren't set in stone, and you have the freedom to take any path you want) due to his impatience, then that's an invalid criticism."

He explains that the game slowly makes traversing easier but notes at points they take that away from you later or just make it a pain to maintain. The problem that i see with the game is it's not actually hard, you can deliver stuff with minimal effort but that requires more backtracking which isn't fun meaning you need to ponder the high risk/low reward for a mundane activity to progress the story.

"Yet those games don't get dinged for the gameplay being "boring" or "tedious."

Because people know what they are, a truck simulator is a truck simulator, Kojima himself said DS was a new genre, never mind this is new sci-fi IP.

"Grading something lower because it didn't happen to have enough action or explosions shows a failure to understand the gameplay as is it related to the context of the game."

Did you even read the review?

"It's not nearly confident enough to just rely on the delivery aspect of the game as its main thrust, so it changes things up with combat and stealth sequences that never feel all that great. Early on, combat is something you mostly want to avoid. Human enemies consist of MULES, a group of ex-porters who have been driven insane by the chemical boost they get for receiving "likes" from making deliveries. They are a nuisance who will come after your cargo, but thankfully you can mostly just beat them senseless with a few quick mashes of the square button. By the time they give you bola guns and stun bombs, they become comically easy to dispatch. BTs, the aforementioned sludge ghosts, need to be avoided until you learn how to make bullets and grenades from your own blood. If you do bump into one, you have to trudge your way through a pool of moaning tar bodies while mashing square to escape. If you fail, you get whisked away to a space some distance away and fight a giant tar animal, for reasons."

" No it's not. You wouldn't go into an art house film, and score it poorly because it wasn't like End Game, would you?"

I didn't realize you bought games in art houses, it's a video game that you buy in a video game store or online.

"A lot when the gameplay reflects the context of the story."

That's a convenient way to put it, given they had in game ads for Monster Energy drinks and TV's shows, i'm sure they could have added a little context to improve the gameplay experience then lol.

Bruh1659d ago

Think you missed the entirety of the reviewers point, its gameplay is cumbersome not that its not "fun", most people got jobs and school and a career to focus on. I doubt people genuinely wanna sink hours to micromanage every little thing in a video game that doesn't even save the best bits of its story till the end.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1653d ago
D__RAiL1660d ago

a 4 out of 10 game is full of bug, terrible graphics and sound and everything else you didnt like.

JEECE1660d ago

I'm actually not opposed to critics starting to explore the scale a little bit more (i.e. treating 5 as average instead of 7, and broken games as 1s instead of 4.5), but the problem is that that goes against how so many people view the 10 point scale, so there would have to be almost industry wide agreement to redefine it.

Additionally, as you seem to suggest, it's inevitable that within the next six months giant bomb will give a 6+ to a bug-filled game with massive framerate drops and broken online play.

rainslacker1660d ago

I wouldn't be either, but you know that won't be the case, and that review scores will continue to be inconsistent and meaningless.

JEECE1660d ago


Yep. And because of things like Metacritic, which unfortunately matter, it's a real problem if one site-especially a "big" site-decides to deviate from the common understanding of how the 10-point scale works.

chiefJohn1171659d ago (Edited 1659d ago )

It's not that black and white. You can still have fun with a broken game if you can suffer through it's bugs. So a game that you would've given 9 becomes a 6 cause character falls through the ground cause you to reboot and other weird glitches but at it's core when the bugs aren't happening you're loving the game. The main point of gaming for many is "is it fun"? So dragging a "fun" game with glitches that drive you nuts every now and then to a 1.5/10 isn't something many will do or should do. If death standing isn't fun it's gonna get a lower score by someone that enjoyed a bug ridden game more

CoNn3rB1659d ago (Edited 1659d ago )

Personally, my scale has been:
10/10 = closest thing to perfect
9/10 = A game that sets the mold for future games
8/10 = a great game
7/10 = a good game
6/10 = above average
5/10 = average
4/10 = below average
3/10 = a bad game
2/10 = a buggy game
1/10 = completely unplayable

I've never understood the whole idea of "you can't give this game a 4/10 because it's not broken" mentality if that was the case what's the point in anything below 4 on the scale?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1659d ago
Rebel_Scum1660d ago

The giantbomb review scale doesn't work like that. The game you describe would be a 1 or 2 out of 10. Or just a 1/5 at GB.

Bootyholetickler691660d ago

Yet they give COD 4 stars almost every year

Chumdiddy1659d ago

That's why I tend to prefer a 100-scale system. There is a TON of nuance in a 5-scale. A ton. 5 points where 1 has to barely be functional by default, by it's own demand.

0/5 has to basically be not a game. Nothing of worth.
1/5 is like Big Rig Truckers shit
2/5 is then a game that's technically there but full of garbage bugs, controls, plot, gameplay, etc.
3/5 here is above-average by default. It's more than a 2.5
4/5 a good but not amazing experience
5/5 being as perfect as one could expect

That scoring system is ridiculous by any standard or reviewer.
Death Stranding may not be good. People may dislike it. However, don't fn tell me that it's a 2/5. That's a 4/10 or 40/100. That's reserved for Wii Ware shovelware dogshit. You give the half-assed, Unity Engine, thrown on Steam in a month Call of Duty clones a 4/10. No way Death Stranding is a 4/10 whether it engaged you or not. We all know that much.

I'm barely ok with a 10-scale system so 2/5 is a review I won't even give a read to. Too broad, zero nuance BS.
The game may suck and it's not a 2/5.

DaDrunkenJester1659d ago

Then read the actual context and don't only look at the score. The text gives the nuance.

Chumdiddy1659d ago


Yeah, no it doesn't. That's the issue. Their review doesn't equate to a 2/5.

WWE2K20 is getting 2/5 scores. It may not be great but don't tell me it's on par with that pile of dogshit. I'm open to DS being a mediocre game. That doesn't bother me at all. The scale and review does.
A 5-scale system is inherently stupid and their review only proves that.

But cool job hate-trolling a game you don't like and never played while also defending GiantBomb, the literal anal juice of the industry lmao

NarooN1659d ago

This explanation is so dumb and lazy. Not every site/company has the same rating scale in terms of criteria, so to blindly proclaim "this score means this for everything" is completely illogical. People only say this when a game they like gets a lower score than they wanted.

Kurt Russell1659d ago

I disagree. I wouldn't review a torture porn date rape simulator highly just because it was bug free, visually incredible and had an incredible audioscape. I would rate it on my opinion.

MadLad1659d ago

Are you telling Giant Bomb how their review system works?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1659d ago
Evolve1660d ago

Giant Bomb!?
I am so not surprised for seeing this score.

OB1Biker1659d ago (Edited 1659d ago )

I dont know why some people still say they arent biased. Just need to watch their reaction to PlayStation E2016 conference to understand.
They only liked GOW haha

Segata1659d ago

They joke about Nintendo stuff and MS stuff as well. MY GOD! They must be Amiga fanboys! They are salty Amiga is not at E3! SIR YOU HAVE SOLVED THE MYSTERY!

OB1Biker1659d ago (Edited 1659d ago )

I didn't say they are fanboy. Are you saying they arent biased and but on the contrary open minded and not deriding, mocking etc? I didn't think so.
I do think they clearly favour some platforms over others but that's not the point of my first comment.

Edgelordsupreme1659d ago

You realize Jeff gave Horizon 5 stars right?

timotim1660d ago

The game definitely doesn't seem like its a mainstream kinda game. Seems a lot like Kojima himself...a little on the weird side.

xX-oldboy-Xx1660d ago

Nothing wrong with that - we can't all be carbon copies of each other, what boring world do you live in?

timotim1660d ago (Edited 1660d ago )

Haha...I agree, nothing wrong with that at all. Im a little weird myself in some ways...just pointing out that the game isn't going to be for mainstream audience's. If you like it, that's totally fine.

EDIT: Gave you a +1 btw

xX-oldboy-Xx1659d ago

Uniqueness is a wonderful thing - I'm sure you're only as weird as the next bloke 🍻

ElementX1659d ago (Edited 1659d ago )

Funny you should mention carbon copies, from what Dan said on Beastcast every bunker in the game is exactly the same. Talk about a boring world

xX-oldboy-Xx1659d ago

ElementX - Talk about boring, people like you carrying on over something you'll never play.

It's amazing how much this game has gotten under peoples skin - highlights the level of intellect amongst you lot.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1659d ago
MadLad1659d ago

Pretty sure this, and the man, is mainstream, dude.

timotim1659d ago

The man definitely is, the game - im not so sure. The game has the player doing mostly delivery and fetch quests that involve managing and stacking packages on the back of the character while trying to maintain balance and traversing terrain. Most of its mainstream bits seem to come from its story elements and quality of the cutscenes and motion capture, not in its design structure and gameplay mechanics. Its OK to make a game that is not mainstream...a true creative's work (which I think he fits that bill) wont always be.

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Juancho51105d ago

Just got to chapter 5 and Im loving every second of this game. Phenomenal boss fight at chapter 4, and just great dialogue and story. What a GEM.