
Interview with Dominik Schön of A Juggler's Tale

An interview with the Programmer and Game Designer of 'A Juggler’s Tale'.

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Assemble Entertainment's indie hits is now verified and playable on Steam Deck

"The Wiesbaden-based (Germany) indie games publisher and developer Assemble Entertainment today announced with great thrill and joy that their indie hits is now verified and playable on Steam Deck." - Jonas Ek, TGG.


A Juggler's Tale Switch Review - Strings Attached - Nintendo Link

A Juggler’s Tale is the story of a young girl named Abby, who happens to be the titular juggler. And when I say story, I do mean story, as despite being a playable game, the entirety of the game is a story told by a puppeteer to a small audience in an undetermined place and time. Click here to read Chris Z's review!

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A Juggler's Tale Review — The Gamers Lounge

Ever feel like a puppet on a string? Dancing to someone else’s tune? If so, you will relate to Abby, the protagonist of Kaleidoscube’s A Jugglers Tale. Short but sweet, A Juggler’s Tale has more than a few surprises.

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