
Someone Spent Over $220,000 In Microtransactions On A Transformers Game

You thought $90,000 in microtransactions was bad? Then you should see what one person spent on a mobile Transformers game.

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gangsta_red1699d ago

I used to play this game and wow, every thing was centered around gating a user as much as possible.

Wasn't long before you hit a wall or have to wait days to farm or build items because you're not spending real money.

neutralgamer19921698d ago

this is why these publishers and i am not even going to call them greedy and fighting so hard to protect MT in games. The reason i won't call them greedy because your have people like this gamer here who are called whales and they are the reasons we all have to deal with MT in our games

from a publishers point of view it's easy money

Cobra9511698d ago

That doesn't mean the publishers aren't greedy. They're ruining the scene for most gamers to make far more money than they need from some people with more money than sense (and some without both, who end up bankrupting themselves). That's practically a definition of greed.

1698d ago
Cmv381697d ago

They are greedy, and they exploit psychological impulses. But we can't only blame the developers, and I won't call this person stupid. But I can think MJ of other things I'd spend 220k on rather than a video game.

xTonyMontana1698d ago (Edited 1698d ago )

I'm not sure what's worse, seeing the same gating strategies used in subscription based AAA games like WoW (it's one of BFA's largest criticisms) or the fact developers are talking about this sort of spending in a positive way.

deafdani1698d ago

I don't hate microtransactions (or even loot boxes) as long as they are cosmetic, fairly implemented, and don't lock any gameplay aspect behind a paywall. There are FTP games that understand this perfectly, and I am, in fact, a big fan of Paladins, a FTP game that I've been playing non-stop for over a year now because their microtransactions are pretty well implemented (100% cosmetic, loot boxes never give you repeat items, and plenty of options to buy stuff you actually want outright if you don't want to bet on loot boxes).

But any game that restricts my playtime unless I pay money, or becomes pay to win in any way... yeah no, fuck that.

gangsta_red1698d ago

"But any game that restricts my playtime unless I pay money, or becomes pay to win in any way... yeah no, fuck that."

100% agreed, this is why I can't get behind a lot of FTP games that are basically designed around this model.

Artemidorus1697d ago

So this must of been a free to play?

gangsta_red1697d ago

Yeah it's a FTP mobile game so no surprise here.

The reason why I tried it is because I'm a Transformers fan but unfortunately this falls into the oh so familiar pay for everything you do realm that plagues these ftp games on mobile devices.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1697d ago
XiNatsuDragnel1699d ago (Edited 1699d ago )

Oh hell no MTs need to stop

Asuka1698d ago

I agree but sadly this is the very reason why it will never stop.

1698d ago
Cobra9511698d ago

Not without regulation or legislation.

xHeavYx1698d ago

MTs won't stop until idiots like the one spending almost a quarter of a million dollars exist

RosweeSon1698d ago

They won’t tho if people out there are spending this much. I’d wanna be in the game for the much.

deafdani1698d ago

Microtransactions aren't inherently evil. You can do them right, and there are games that do so. Sadly, they are the minority, I guess.

XiNatsuDragnel1698d ago

No mate, this is the majority of scummy MTs.

deafdani1698d ago

I think you misunderstood my post. I said that the games that have well implemented, fair microtransactions are the minority. So yeah, we agree here.

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Knightofelemia1699d ago

I'd hate to be that guy explaining to the wife we can't afford rent or keep food in the fridge because I spent the money on a damn cellphone game.

MrCrimson1698d ago

It's probably a Saudi prince tbh.

sushimama1698d ago

LMAO an image of a Saudi Prince sitting cross-legged on the floor of his palace playing his mobile phone just flashed across my mind. xD

deafdani1698d ago (Edited 1698d ago )

Nevermind rent or food in the fridge, explain why you have to sell the house... lol.

conanlifts1697d ago

More likely explaining why they need to sell the house.

UnSelf1698d ago

(In Jim Carrey's Liar Liar voice)

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The True Cost of FIFA Ultimate Team

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Mr_cheese1181d ago

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ocelot071180d ago

Don't get me wrong. You can get a decent team by just playing. I have done this my self. Buy I agree to even get just one of these icons it's going to take such a grind to the point where even playing at intended is just not fun anymore or spending such a large amount of money.


Activision Blizzard: Worth $ 72 billion thanks to microtransactions

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masterfox1235d ago

Please don't give Activision Ide.....oh damn too late.

Ninver1234d ago

Speak for yourself. I've never purchased dlc from them

TheExecutioner1234d ago

Seems you always purchase from them

Furesis1235d ago

That is such a crazy amount of money. Good for them i guess?
"In its most recent financial quarter, the company made $ 1.2 billion from pure microtransactions, which was more than half of total revenue"
This does not bode well.

galgor1235d ago

People are voting with their wallet. Microtransactions aren't gonna be going away.

Dee_911235d ago

by people you mean kids parents who could give two craps about what this does to gaming.

Minute Man 7211235d ago

Didn't they laid off devs last year???? From how Activision started in the 80s to what they have become it's an embarrassment but money talks

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According to its developers, (Toys for Bob) Crash Bandicoot 4 will not feature microtransactions, despite the x-box storefront suggesting that it would contain “in-game-purchases”. Game Luster’s Rhiannon Bevan isn’t convinced due to publisher Activison’s track record. In this article, Rhiannon details the reasons for her concern.

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Majin-vegeta1427d ago

Its activision thats all you need to know

IRetrouk1427d ago

Even if not there at launch, they will most likely add them in with an update, just like ctr, wont be a day 1 this time.