
Eurogamer: Mirror's Edge Review

There's something broken thematically, deep within Mirror's Edge: it tells you a rambling story about freedom even as it confines you to the tight squares of its own personal hopscotch court, and for many that will be one wrong-footing too many. But for those who can shrug off the contradictions and the limitations, ignore the tearing cityscape and lingering qualms about value for money, this will shove you so deeply into the experience of being in someone else's body, and taking it on a terrifying, breakneck joyride, that nothing else will matter.

If you're still undecided, Eurogamer suggests a leap of faith: after all, you may be one of those who end up loving it.

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bomboclaat_gamer5664d ago

0.1 away from a 7.9..... ew. looks fun tho. i didnt really get my hopes up for this tho. too many wicked releases. this game will get lost in the bunch, games like gears and resistance 2 will overshadow this game. or maybe it will be a sleeper hit like crackdown.

DiabloRising5664d ago

Perhaps you can tell me then, the exact difference between a 7.9 and an 8?

Make up your own mind, don't let someone else's opinion control yours.

iamtehpwn5664d ago

I'll LOVE it.
Usually, the demo gives me reason to not buy the game.
But this one convinced me I needed it on day one.

I just put down a $50 preorder on it today.

ChrisGTR15664d ago

iamtehpwn and everyone else.

i suggest you guys watch the 1up show they talk alot about it and they said that they beat it in 6 hours... the whole game beaten in 6 hours, i dont know but that just killed all chances or me buying this game.im just going to rent it.

Homicide5664d ago

The demo was pretty impressive, but it's still a rental for me especially with all these games coming out. Nice review though.

iamtehpwn5664d ago (Edited 5664d ago )

6 hours is very short for a game with no multiplayer.
However, it'll take me about 10-15 hours, because I am retarded as hell, and I can never do things fast as a normal person =P

On a lighter note, I've made a promise to myself to buy at least 3 original IP's. Sequels get too much attention and we need games with original content.

Look at portal. Sure, it wasn't $60, but the game was a very short experience, amazing. A game maybe short, but I prefer the best 10 hours ever to a dragged out 20 or 30.

ChrisGTR15664d ago (Edited 5664d ago )

well its your money so you do what you want with it :p . and dont forget about sequels either cause gears 2 is the best game ive ever played.

well portal is diffrent because it was 1 game out of 5 which were sold for 60$ total. but still dont forget about renting too. 5$ to rent and pass the game, this isnt a MP game where you want to keep playing it again.

DiabloRising5664d ago

Best game you've ever played? There are SO many games out there that I would rank above it... but to each his own! :-)

Homicide5664d ago

Make sure you buy Valkyria Chronicles iamthepwn.

iamtehpwn5664d ago

Even though I have a 360, and I'm getting the PS3 Version of Mirror's edge, btw.

I'm not getting Gears 2 until a price drop a year from now, or a friend sales it to me for cheaper. I'm trying to contribute to a game designer who has a great new innovative idea.

Not Cliffy B who pounds Booze, has sex with many women, drives Expensive cars, and thinks about how awesome he is all day long.

ChrisGTR15664d ago

like what? yea gears 2 is the best game ive ever played this gen. you have to play gears 2 campaign to really see how awesome it is. act 2 is like LBP, act 3 is like bioshock, the grapics are the best ive ever seen on console(and ive owned both ps3 and 360) and im talking about gameplay graphics not just cutscenes

i cant really think of any other games that can be rated higher overall value. SP,coop,MP all of it amazing and super polished, i didnt get into the gears 1 MP cause it had some issues but gears 2 is defenetly miles better.

DiabloRising5664d ago

Well granted it all comes down to opinion Chris, and I am in no way attempting to invalidate yours but... I'd rank the following above Gears and Gears 2 personally...

Super Metroid
Link to the Past
Super Mario World
Ocarina of Time
Metroid Prime
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid 3
Metal Gear Solid 4 (but not Metal Gear Online, too many issues)
Call of Duty 4
Goldeneye 007
Perfect Dark
GTA San Andreas
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry 3
Contra III
Contra IV

Gears is probably the best third person shooter game around though, I have to agree with that. It's just not the greatest game I've ever played.

TheDude2dot05663d ago

Was that 7.9 comment serious? If so, that is hilarious.

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Arsenic135664d ago

This game looks magical. IDC if its the same stuff as the demo. Its fantastic already IMO. I need this game, its so pretty!

KingDizzi5664d ago

Good score but this is really looking to be a love or hate kind of game, just like good ol' Marmite :D

morganfell5664d ago

Eurogamer didn't like it? It must be a great game.

ReBurn5664d ago

Since when does 8/10 mean that a reviewer doesn't like a game?

DiabloRising5664d ago

It's the current mentality that anything lower than a 9 is a flop, which of course isn't true. But Eurogamer has been known to take some pretty big titles and toss 8's at them, when many people disagree. They seem to low ball it.

ReBurn5664d ago

Ah, I see. I never read Eurogamer. It would seem to me that if they give a game an 8 that most sites rate as a 9 or 10 then an 8 from them would be as good as a 9 or 10 from someone else. These sites don't all apply the same value to review scores.

People get so hung up on these review numbers.

DiabloRising5664d ago

Yeah, if only people knew how reviewers come up with these numbers (hint, they make them up on the spot without consistency) then maybe gamers would be a tad smarter and read the review instead of look at the score.

morganfell5663d ago

Reburn, as stated above in excellent form by OnslaughtX. Personally I think mediocre okay titles should get a 5. But that isn't the current method and any game not getting a 9 is deemed a failure, or at best an also ran. That mentality isn't correct, just prevailing.

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qwertyuiopasdfghjkl5664d ago

Good thing I don't pay attention to reviews. Apparently I am wrong about not liking this game. Maybe now... I will go out and preorder a copy... Hahah! ... HA! Fat chance. This game doesn't deserve 60 bucks.

I'm gonna get a bunch of disagrees, kind of the price you pay for speaking your mind. But hey... I can only hope the disagrees come from people who are truly excited for Mirrors Edge, and if that's the case, PM me a month or so after you purchase this game and tell me if it was worth the dough.

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Battlefield 2042 Mirror's Edge Easter Egg Surfaces in Season 4 Map

It seems that in Season 4, DICE has snuck in a Battlefield 2042 Mirror's Edge Easter egg in the new Flashpoint map.


10 Old Games With Outstanding Graphics

GF365: "There are some games with extraordinary visuals that impress us to this day. Here are old games with outstanding graphics."

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ShwaaMan472d ago

Bioshock still looks fantastic, one of my all time favorites.

Yui_Suzumiya472d ago

Beyond: Two Souls on PS3 can compete with modern day graphics.

SonyStyled472d ago (Edited 472d ago )

Same as Killzone 2 and 3, uncharted 2 and 3, Infamous 2, Heavy Rain, Resistance 3

jasonismoney472d ago

I wish this was entirely true, but you might want to load up Killzone 2 and Resistance 3 again.

SonyStyled471d ago

@jason I watched some gameplay videos of KZ2 and R3 on my full screen. They are on par or succeed graphically to the first person shooters mentioned in the article that also launched on the seventh generation of consoles. Try the same and see what you think

cthulhucultist471d ago

Killzone 3 was super impressive! I could not believe the graphics back then as I was regularly pausing the game to stand in awe looking at the surroundings! Resistance however did not impress me that much. Heavy rain is also another amazing graphically speaking game. It almost felt next gen

Fist4achin472d ago

I always thought the first 3 Gears of War games looked great and still hold up for today.

SonyStyled472d ago

They did for their day. I recently played gears judgement with on the 360 and the draw distance was so blurry. The characters up close look great though

JEECE472d ago

Far Cry 2 was awesome. In addition to having demonstrably better physics and AI than later games in the series, it had a lot of design decisions that, criticized at the time, have since been praised in games like BOTW and Dark Souls.

iNcRiMiNaTi471d ago

It might not be super amazing by today's standard but I thought Mgs3 looked really good

JEECE471d ago

In terms of art style it still holds up.

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Mirror's Edge achievement designer: "Achievements have been bad for gaming"

Ubisoft Massive lead gameplay designer Fredrik Thylander, previously of DICE where he worked on Battlefield and Mirror's Edge, has spoken out about achievements and trophies, arguing that they "have been bad for gaming."

Machina489d ago (Edited 489d ago )

The achievements in Mirror's Edge opened my eyes to a whole other way of approaching the game. Since some of the toughest and most rewarding ones are basically whole levels turned into time trials with very strict time requirements, they force you to become much better at the game - in a way that difficulty levels just don't - and made me appreciate the mechanics that much more (especially the momentum-based running and platforming).

They actually made the game better for those like me who really enjoyed the game but wanted more of it, basically adding a new level of difficulty that took a long time to master/overcome. It added some extra longevity to a very short game.

He says "it eats resources that could have made the game better". I'm curious what he thinks the time he spent designing the achievements for the game would've been better spent on, because I expect bang for buck-wise achievements are a pretty efficient way of adding value to a game for the people who end up loving it.

shinoff2183489d ago (Edited 489d ago )

I kinda see his point but I also see your point.

I've been trying to remember what games over the years have had their own trophies inside the game before trophies and such were a thing and all I can think of is the star ocean series

Christopher488d ago

I think his point, though not elucidated upon because of Twitter limitations, is not that they can be bad but that they are used improperly to extend gameplay rather than reward actions.

Nebaku488d ago

Harvest Moon: Magical Melody on the GCN did.

In fact it actually built the game around it.

RpgSama488d ago (Edited 488d ago )

I am very OCD about playing games that I can platinum, in that sense I probably avoided playing games that I knew I would be unable to 100% complete.

I do think there are other people like me and also feel there should be an option for you to individually deactivate getting trophies on specific games, just so you play them and they do not go to your account.

-Foxtrot488d ago (Edited 488d ago )

I don't know. I used to think Achievements / Trophies were ruining games at first but then I saw the positive, if you totally love a game then they would offer you replay value by going after the last achievements to 100% the game. It made you explore every last bit of the game to achieve this and sometimes pushed you into areas or scenarios you probably might have missed.

It was a blast to get them on Oblivion / Skyrim, Fallout, Witcher, God of War, Elden Ring etc

Don't get me wrong, I do think there's achievements which are annoying, the ones where you need to find all collectibles which end up being missable AND are like trying to find a needle in a haystack are a kick to the balls, you know the majority of us are just going to use a guide to find them so what's the point.

Kind of a shame Nintendo haven't gotten a full system in place, they are so behind.

jambola488d ago

Nintendo seem to either be ahead of their time by years
or behind by 10 years
no in between

Rimeskeem488d ago

I enjoy having something to go for and feeling accomplished when doing something hard. I just hate it when achievements are based on things you can't really control. Like when something is for MP and the MP is just dead.

MadLad488d ago (Edited 488d ago )

I used to be a hardcore achievement hunter back in the day, but I couldn't care less nowadays. I just want to play games the way I actually want to play them, and don't care to waste my time just to get a little pop-up.

AzubuFrost487d ago

I envy you sir. I just gotta have every single achievement whenever I play a game. On my Steam profile I have an 83% completion rate out of 35 games, and my OCD is telling me to keep upping that percentage higher.

MadLad487d ago

Yeah. Back then, though I'm not sure what my actual completion rate was, I was mainly an Xbox player. I had close to 80k gamer score during the 360 days.

It just doesn't excite me anymore. I have less than 20% completion on my Steam account, though I have a pretty asinine amount of games there at the same time.
But I don't really bother with any of this anymore. If there's an interesting achievement I might aim for it just because I find it fun, but usually I just get that pop-up, say "cool" and continue with the game.

Outlawzz488d ago

Never been a fan of achievements. I just want to play the game however it may present itself to me, there's an overflow of achievements to seek in real life lol

Great for those that enjoy them though, much respect to the platinum hunters, it ain't easy lol

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