
Sony, Microsoft, Google and Nvidia Show Little Interest in Becoming "The Netflix of Video Games"

“The Netflix of video games” is a label thrown around like confetti at a victory parade. It’s held out as the prize that awaits the winner in the burgeoning game streaming arena. How close are current or near-future game streaming services to being the Netflix of games? Are the services even trying to emulate the Netflix model or are they aiming at something different?

Bigman4k1787d ago (Edited 1787d ago )

I disagree Microsoft xbox game pass is taking steps to try and be like netflix of gaming and I think sony will follow starting next generation with their ps now

Applejack1786d ago

If Sony does decide to go that route, then they better keep the quality up for it. I’ve personally tried PS Now and although I enjoyed playing games I never would have otherwise, I can’t get over the issues that came with it.

Spurg1786d ago

Psnow shouldn't be a way to measure how cloud gaming will be in the future. Sony has neglected to update the infrastructure of the service. If Sony thinks it still acceptable to be streaming games at 720p late in his gen then they are way behind times.

Obscure_Observer1786d ago


"Psnow shouldn't be a way to measure how cloud gaming will be in the future."

Why not? Ryan already said that Sony will be taking PS Now to the "Next Level" later this year and the service will be renamed to Playstation Streaming. I think it´s part of their partnership with Microsoft.

ILostMyMind1786d ago

The main feature of Netflix is to be streaming. The second is to be on all media platforms. How does the GP compare to that?

LabRat1786d ago (Edited 1786d ago )

@ ilostmymind - I think they mean you get access to tons of games for a low monthly subscription. Also, gaming is a different media type then shows and movies, where you want to download the game to have good frames and reduce input lag etc.

SocialDanny1231786d ago

The main feature of Netflix is the monthly subscription to access all their games, not streaming itself.

Steveoreno11786d ago

Sony won't do a game pass because their exclusive actually sell.

SocialDanny1231786d ago (Edited 1786d ago )

Sorry if they don't do a Game Pass, their PSNow service is guaranteed to be a failure.

Why would anyone subscribe to Sony's service over Game Pass? Right now PSNow content is absolute garbage. Game Pass gets good releases of games whereas PSNow only has very old titles.

rainslacker1786d ago

Hasn't MS explicitly used the term "Netflix of gaming" in one of their PR interviews?

I'm also pretty sure that Forbes of all sites had used the term more than any other site over the years...so if they are writing this article now, are they saying they've been wrong all these years?

ShadowWolf7121786d ago

Gamepass is losing money right now, MS just reported revenue for services is down 3%. Meaning that price is gonna be creeping up soon and we'll likely see quality take a hit on games for that service.

Not sure that's the route I want gaming to go at all.

SocialDanny1231786d ago

Microsoft is a company that is willing to take a short term pain for long term gain. If loosing money will allow Microsoft to gain a massive user base, they would take it.

jsiddlehfx1785d ago

ps now is... a streaming gaming service already implimented

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1785d ago
jeb691787d ago

This is interesting but in the case of video game publishers they were already offering cloud-based and downloadable games. With movies and TV, Netflix beat the studios to the punch and now you see them catching up. Eventually Netflix may only offer their own content.

PhoenixUp1786d ago

Netflix would never give up on licensed content

Sono4211786d ago

What is this article on about? How is Google NOT trying to become the Netflix of gaming? They are the ones putting in the biggest effort to do so, with Microsoft taking a good second, and Sony in third.

Meanwhile you got Nintendo in a corner over there by themselves still trying to figure out how to get regular online play to work.

ShadowWolf7121786d ago

@Sono because Google is not trying to be the Netflix of gaming. They themselves have said they're more akin to PS Plus and Games with Gold; an occasional free title, with anything else requiring a full-price purchase.

PhoenixUp1786d ago

@ Son

“What is this article on about? How is Google NOT trying to become the Netflix of gaming?”

If you actually read the article then you’d know. Stadia isn’t an on demand service. You have to buy each game individually, which isn’t the case with Netflix

XiNatsuDragnel1786d ago

I absolutely disagree with Microsoft with this, because they stated they wanted to be the netflix lol

Stanjara1786d ago

This Guy who wrote this totally can't see the tree from the forest. The whole point of games on subscription is Netflix model. The problem I have with that model is that companies will be putting fast, mediocre content on that services.

It's like moaning about Witcher series not having the right armor, or music, or cast, or whatever. Yeah, its Netflix people. They are investing in lot of shows.

Spurg1786d ago

You will get a range of different types of games. Not all games are going to be AAA quality IP. There will be gems on Netflix and there is also crap you can't have only AAA. The whole idea is to give people choice and will break the cost barrier to try a new game.
Speaking of difference in the quality of games it is easy to go for only buying games that an 80+ on Metacritic but there are some seriously underrated games like Vampr, Call of Cthulhu and many more around the 70 range that are more fun and memorable than AAA games. Service like Gamepass will allow players to try those game without needing to buy it outright and if they like it the choice is still there for them to buy.

Stanjara1786d ago

I agree, but also like to buy those 70ish games on sale to own them. Great response. I just afraid that we are not going to support great product from these subscription, but something else.

rainslacker1786d ago

I can see it being the same. Netflix, o tend to binge watch older shows through to the end. I wouldn't do that with games, as long series of games get tiresome when played in succession.

With Netflix I'll watch the new Netflix produced stuff that comes out if I'm interested. I'd do the same with games.

With netflix, I'll watch newish movies that come out if in interested. I'd do the same with games.

With netflix I'll watch some older stuff on occassion if it interests me. I'd do the same with games.

Overall, it's not much different.

One difference is I'm not going to sub to a game streaming service, because I like to own my games, and I'm not opposed to buying hardware.

PhoenixUp1786d ago

You’re never going to have a 1-1 comparison with Netflix, but on-demand gaming does exist

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