
Mortal Kombat 11 Owes More to Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe Than You Might Think

With the Mortal Kombat franchise now on its 11th installment this year, one of those many franchise entries, Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe has not been remembered fondly, and in fairness, it isn’t difficult to see why. The action is somewhat muted for a Mortal Kombat game, it’s infamously lacking in extra content, and its arrival heralded the end of series publisher Midway Games. However, while this reputation is understandable, it is not deserved. Not only that, but the game may have even ensured that the more recent Mortal Kombat installments came into being at all.

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Mortal Kombat's Single-Player Modes Beyond The Kampaign Are Boring And Uninspired

Despite having creative ideas, NetherRealm Studios can't properly execute them to incorporate a fun progression-based single-player mode.


Mortal Kombat 11 Easter Egg Finally Found After Years-Long Tease by Dev

A Mortal Kombat 11 Easter egg has finally been found years after it was originally teased by the senior designer who put it in.


Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe Helped Save The Franchise

While some feel it was the Mortal Kombat: Annihilation movie, Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe is popularly touted as the lowest point for the franchise – at least in terms of video games. The prototype IP soup tried to do something new with popular characters going head to head, but never really got a good reception.

The biggest issue was that with the introduction of DC and Warner Bros, MK's iconic gore had to be dialed down. Batman, after all, cannot be split into two by Kung Lao's hat. However, while the game itself signaled the fatality of the Mortal Kombat franchise, its core formula is what resurrected it to become NetherRealm Studio and the reboot we've come to adore.

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hotnickles526d ago

MK vs DC wasn’t awful. If reception for that game made mk9 possible then hopefully the failures of MK11 can make some good changes as well. It’s time to get rid of variations, they had a good run but ended up a mess.

CrimsonWing69526d ago

I think MK 9 did.

In fact I remember being bummed that this was a T rated MK game and just dismissed it. MK 9 was when I actually stood back and said, "They're back!". Still think that game is fantastic.