
Shenmue 3 Developers Refuse Refund Requests From Fuming Backers Over Epic Games Exclusivity

Shenmue 3 is an Epic Games Store exclusive, and Kickstarter backers (who paid for Steam keys) are not happy as they are denied refunds.

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lodossrage1827d ago

This is a lawsuit waiting to happen. They literally told those backers this steam keys were how the game was going to be given. Then they go and pull Epic exclusivity on them. So after their blatant bait and switch, they don't give refunds?

Selling something to people as one thing, then selling it to them as another is false advertising and is very provable.

Sonyslave31827d ago

yup agree lawsuit waiting to happen

BLizardXD1827d ago

"yup agree lawsuit waiting to happen"
and it'll get rejected. pc gamers paid for a PC version. the courts are not going to see anything past that.

badz1491827d ago


" pc gamers paid for a PC version" - NOPE. they paid for "Steam Keys" and were repeatedly promised so which they will now not get because it's going to the EGS.

mkis0071827d ago

Steam keys were never explicitly mentioned at time of kickstarter start or end. All it said was pc copy and they delivered. Im pretty sure kickstarter rules would protect ys anyway.

ChrisW1827d ago

Plain and simply they know that it won't be widely accepted. There's too much hype and too many hardcore fans will be overly disappointed. So... Ummmm... I fore sought this.

UnHoly_One1826d ago

Kickstarters are notorious for completely failing to deliver any product at all.

I don't see any way a lawsuit is going to work just because of the store you need to log into to get your product.

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1827d ago Replies(8)
KeenBean3451827d ago (Edited 1827d ago )

I don't care for epic exclusivity too much but completely agree that they need to honour the customers who were explicitly told they would be getting a steam key, or offer a refund in full. This is a really bad look for deep silver

yomfweeee1827d ago

Kickstarter NEVER mentioned Steam.

TheGamez1001827d ago

Well good thing im getting this on ps4. But man is that a lame move on them.

2pacalypsenow1827d ago (Edited 1827d ago )

What kinda BS is that? You promised a steam key, you have to deliver, or give a refund.

Id be pissed too if I wasn’t getting this on Xbox.

pwnmaster30001827d ago

Hate to break it you buddy. It’s not coming to the Xbox one. That rumor got denied couple of days ago.

2pacalypsenow1826d ago (Edited 1826d ago )

Fine then on PS4 then.

Im sure it will come out on Xbox eventually.

badz1491827d ago


"Id be pissed too if I wasn’t getting this on Xbox."

LOL you're free to be pissed now

Tech51827d ago (Edited 1827d ago )

pc gamers should rejoice this and all of David cages games will playable on pc very soon. and it'll be the best of all versions anyways. 4k 60 fps.

DevilOgreFish1827d ago (Edited 1827d ago )

exactly. the complaint means little in the aspects of still being able to play all of Shenmue's games, Yakuza games, Sam lake's games, David Cages games, Halo, Forza, and Gears on a single platform. before this was never possible. all of them were split between platforms. Epic, Windows and Steam are effortlessly supplying pc with a vast unmatchable selection of games. everyone is so immature to not see this.

yomfweeee1827d ago

They never promised a Steam key, the amount of misinformation being spread is Trump level.

SegaGamer1827d ago (Edited 1827d ago )

Stop repeating this nonsense. When backers were asked to decide which version of the game they wanted, they had a choice between PS4 and Steam. Ask any backer that donated enough and they will tell you the same thing.

They even created a Steam store page. They fully intended to release this game on Steam.

Also, the physical pc version said it would come with a disc, now Deep Silver are saying it will only come with an Epic key and case.

yomfweeee1826d ago

You're the one repeating nonsense. The Kickstarter NEVER mentioned Steam. When you paid for the Kickstarter, you had to pick PC or PS4.

Only later did a "survey" come out asking your preference.

#1. You committed to the sale prior to any mention of the word Steam.
#2. A survey is just a survey. It doesn't mean anything or promise anything.
#3. Whether they had a Steam store page has nothing to do with the Kickstarter.

rainslacker1826d ago

It's a legalese BS. Technically, they aren't actually required to deliver anything, even if they complete and ship the game through other means.

Such is kickstarter.

And no, I'm not condoning what's going on here.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1826d ago
Ristul1827d ago

I went with the Ps4 version, but damn that is a bad move. All that good Will out the door.

kythlyn1827d ago

Yet another Kickstarter regret.

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15 Biggest Unresolved Video Game Cliffhangers We May Never Get Answers To

Cultured Vultures: These 15 unresolved video cliffhangers could be solved in the future, though if we’re really honest with ourselves, we all know there’s no chance in hell of that happening.

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Fluke_Skywalker121d ago (Edited 121d ago )

Never say never, I really didn't expect to ever see Space Marine 2 and 12 years later its almost here.
So there is still hope for all these games.

Chocoburger120d ago

I've completed 5 of the games on the list, but the author forgot to include Advent Rising. It was supposed to be a trilogy, but it bombed hard, and the two sequels never got made. It was Mass Effect, a console generation before Mass Effect.

The game is buggy and unpolished, it needed a few more months of development, but the potential was there. At the end of the game, you have all these super abilities, I remember the stomp attack that created a shockwave being especially powerful.

shinoff2183120d ago

I personally think days gone will recieve some sort of sequel at some point. I'm personally also hoping it's not the rumored multiplayer online stuff. I'd think most that enjoyed it would rather thisnto.

Knightofelemia120d ago

Sony needs to dust off Sly Cooper and Days Gone so needs a sequel two of my favorite Sony titles. Bulletstorm I love great game wish it also got a sequel. And I wish Namco would finally give Enslaved a sequel another great game.


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anast733d ago (Edited 733d ago )

Dragon's Dogma and XCOM 2 are the best deals. The rest of the games are still overpriced. I would say 8.99 is good for AC: Origins, but you need to put $10 more into MTs to avoid the grind that slows down the story. So, the game is actually 18.99.

It's not on this list, but Pathfinder: Kingmaker is only $9.99. This is a deal if you have a current gen. consoles, as it runs poorly on prev. gen.

hangdang733d ago

I beat AC origins without grinding or spending any money on MTX?

anast733d ago

I had to grind for side missions. So, did many other people.

HeliosHex733d ago

Has anyone been able to login in to the ps store on ps5 I haven't been able to in days and my network is good.

RedDevils733d ago

Reset or shutdown your PS5. I always can go login to PS5, in fact just a moment ago.

HeliosHex732d ago

Hey thanks again. Although the shutdown/reset didn't work i found that resetting the mdm and hub did the trick. I use a Lan network instead of wifi. In case anyone has a similar setup and problem.

RedDevils732d ago

I forgot to mention about the router reset, that usually do the trick when it come to network problems happen with iphone/android. btw np