
Death Stranding Japanese Trailer Features New Footage and Alternate Music Track

Following the English trailer released earlier today, the Japanese version of Death Stranding's latest trailer includes some new footage.

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bluefox7551839d ago

Love that they're using Apocalyptica in this game, long time fan.

Yi-Long1839d ago

Kinda hope they'll include the Japanese voices, but knowing Kojima, that probably won't happen.


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After Death Stranding, Here are 5 Games Apple Should Port to iPhone

Now that Death Stranding has landed on iOS, here are five other PS4-era blockbusters that we'd love to have to play on our iPhones at any time.

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Death Stranding Controller Launched by Backbone

To celebrate the launch of Death Stranding on iPhone 15, Kojima Productions have teamed up with Backbone to launch a special controller.

Juancho51124d ago

Just got to chapter 5 and Im loving every second of this game. Phenomenal boss fight at chapter 4, and just great dialogue and story. What a GEM.