
Yes, the best Final Fantasy is even better now that it's portable

Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age is finally out on Switch, and playing the 2006 RPG on the go is every bit as wonderful as I'd always hoped it would be. There's something about the nature of this particular Final Fantasy that makes it perfect for portable play; spend a commute fine-tuning a set of gambits for your party, then put your Switch to one side once at work to let them do their worst in a fit of power-levelling. It's glorious, and helps put one of the most fascinating RPG mechanics into sharp focus.

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PhoenixUp1867d ago

Cuz everyone knows every game becomes better when it’s p-p-portable

EddieNX 1867d ago (Edited 1867d ago )

If you think about it, portability is genuinely an advantage over a stationary console.
Although some games are best played on more powerful hardware.

Doesn't mean someone has to write an article about it every five minutes tho FFS. What's wrong with these people?

dRanzer1867d ago (Edited 1867d ago )

All games are better with more powerful hardware*

Neonridr1867d ago

@dRanzer - didn't know that indie games are better on a PS4 Pro or One X when there is zero optimization for those devices.

naruga1867d ago

non-stop shit articles from the shtyy Eurogamer against their arch enemy Playstation

bluefox7551867d ago (Edited 1867d ago )

"A tiny, low res screen is a genuine advantage over far more powerful hardware on a giant high res screen."
@naruga They do seem to have a weird animus against Sony. Glad I'm not the only one who noticed it.

rainslacker1866d ago

Doesn't mean the game itself is better. Maybe if you're parachuting out of a plane, and the adrenaline rush makes the game better or something. Maybe if the smell while you play on the toilet adds a certain sense of realism to the city area of the game. Except, those things don't actually make the game better.

No one can actually seem to say why a game is inherently different just because you're playing it on a portable device.

Maybe one's experience with the game is better that way, but that's a highly subjective thing to use as a factual statement.

Babadook71866d ago

Games aren’t better when portable. Playing games at work, on a train, anywhere in public is worse than in the privacy of your home on a big screen.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1866d ago
TheGamez1001867d ago (Edited 1867d ago )

Holy crap the amount of fanboys hating on the switch lol. Ppl have their preferences.Ive played on many handhelds and ive always preferred to play my jrpgs there especially older ones like ff12. The more modern AAA games, id prefer on a big screen with a more powerful device yes.

TekoIie1867d ago

"Holy crap the amount of fanboys hating on the switch lol."

Sorry but this isnt hate. Real hate is giving Day's Gone a 7.9 out of 10 when it's clearly an 8.05 out of 10. Nintendo fanboys have it easy with the media bias/s

SamPao1867d ago

I dont think its about hating on the switch, its just that its a preference and there have been SOOOO many of these same articles. its laughable.

himdeel1867d ago (Edited 1867d ago )

No hate, people have been playing better rpgs and jrpgs on portables for years. I've been doing so on the Vita. Other people on a DS.

Just sounds ridiculous that people are screaming from the mountain top like they've discovering something. If you play games and not bandwagons or entertain these ignorant so called video game journalists you would might think the same. This like Columbus discovering someplace a telling a whole group of people they didn't know what they already had until you told them.

SamPao1867d ago

I also prefer playing on the portable, smaller screen, its my preference. that said, is the game any better? nope. ITS THE SAME.
I just prefer it that way. Its no hate against the switch, its just these laughable articles

Neonridr1867d ago

@himdeel - yes but you aren't playing FFXII on a DS or Vita. I think that's the difference here.

rainslacker1866d ago (Edited 1866d ago )

I've played FF7 on 7 different platforms over the years.

Each time, the only thing that was better was the graphics in some cases. Didn't matter if it was on PSP, Vita, PC, PS1, PS2, PS3, or PS4. Some of those times was through BC, where there were no actual improvements to the game, but in the case of the portable versions, I didn't find the game any better or worse because it was portable.

I don't hate the Switch. I really like the system, and it's replacing my Vita now for my portable gaming needs. But, these kinds of articles are really just ridiculous in their premise.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1866d ago
AirJohnston1867d ago

lol this sounds so condescending. Y’all have the weirdest sense of elitism I’ve ever seen on this site

DaDrunkenJester1867d ago

I'm surprised we haven't gotten one of these for mortal kombat 11 yet. Seems like we get an article about how late or worse looking ports are the best only because of portability.

Tototot1867d ago

You're r-r-r-right fanboi

bluefox7551867d ago

These articles really are tiring. It's literally the same nonsense every time.

jjb19811866d ago

Combine that with Da P-p-p-poWa uV dA ClOuDz from being in cahoots with Microsoft... 4K frames per second, 4K x 4K resolution, 4K Teraflops, GDDR4K, 4K Terabytes of storage.... unbelievable.

MoshA1866d ago

Old games are superior on the go. Are these fake Sony low iq hiveminds really denying that?

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1866d ago
2pacalypsenow1867d ago

Another one... - “Dj Khalid voice”

-Foxtrot1867d ago

Best Final Fantasy?



Obelisk921867d ago (Edited 1867d ago )

The battle system is one of the best, but seriously... story and characters felt so uninspired to me, when compared to other installments.

I wanted to like this game, but I couldn't.

FinalFantasyFanatic1867d ago

I had the same issue, I was indifferent to the battle system though, but it was the story and characters that really bogged it down, it took ages for me to finish it because I just wasn't invested in that story/characters.

Gardenia1867d ago

Not the best, but it's a great game

-Foxtrot1867d ago

Oh I agree

Just..."the best" out of all of them despite it's huge obvious flaws.

The only reason however more people appreciate it is because of how bad Final Fantasy XIII and XV were in comparison

rainslacker1866d ago

Only thing I really disliked about it was how the story was presented. Seemed more like the characters were just going through the motions, while the actual story just happened around them.

FalconofLucis981867d ago (Edited 1867d ago )

Best Final Fantasy? LOL. This game currently stands at a 7.5 for userscore on metacritic.

nommers1867d ago

Not that I think 12 is even close to the best, but it’s even more laughable that you think the user reviews on metacritic have any value.

Felix_Argyle_Catbro1867d ago

You are actually unironically judging the quality of games based on metacritic scores? You are one of the things wrong in the gaming industry.

Lilrizky1866d ago

Using metacritic userscores to prove anything? LOL

2BlackBelt1867d ago

This has to be the 10th article uttering the same thing in the past week.

Gemmol1867d ago

Lot of people like rpg games on a handheld while prefer other games like shooting games on a big screen

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727d ago
Zeke68727d ago

I'm glad Nioh got some love, but I think Nioh 2 should be there too, an even more polished game imho. :)

ChasterMies727d ago (Edited 727d ago )

The graphics of 2015’s Bloodborne do not hold up. This game needs a remaster.

shinoff2183721d ago

I personally dont think ff10 is the best ff on there and bloodborne imo is the best rpg on there. I guess i still prefer my jrpg to be turn based and not action rpgs.


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shinoff2183753d ago

Shame they dont have any 1st party jrpgs. Thats what made me buy a used 360 in the past. Blue dragon. Lost odyessy. One or two other games. But imo blue dragon was the best of them