
Borderlands Enhanced Edition Gameplay

Here is a look at The Borderlands Enhanced Edition early missions in action on a PC. The upgraded game looks amazing and brings a new level of enjoyment for fans.

Garethvk1877d ago

I was thrilled as it was fun to get back and see it anew.

saad_brigade1877d ago

Okay... the graphics are pretty good. :)

ElementX1877d ago (Edited 1877d ago )

I just started this a couple hours ago after finishing BL2. The graphics look great. I have an RTX 2070 and I was getting frame rate drops into the 20s. If you experience this, try going to Nvidia Control Panel, creating a profile for the Borderlands Launcher, then make sure Power Management is at Max Performance. It's on Optimum Power or something and for some reason I discovered that setting sucks in this game. I went from 20-80fps to over 144fps almost constantly with Ultra settings. There are a bunch of people posting about it on Steam and I posted this there also.

Kados1877d ago

Must be related to some feature in the newer cards. I'm running a 750ti and have not had any issues. Pretty much constant 55-60fps maxed at 1080p. Checked NVCP out of curiosity and it is correctly set at max performance by default.

ElementX1877d ago

Ok cool, I have never really changed Nvidia Control Panel settings much in the past but by default mine was set to Optimal Power.

Garethvk1877d ago

That is a big help as it was chugging during the Boss Battle qnd ai have a 2070 as well.


DC Heroes United and Borderlands Comes To SDCC

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Chriswheeler22490d ago

The Pursuer from Dark Spuls 2 was great, I think the author just sucks at games.

philm87490d ago

The Godskin Duo is a great fight


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