
Former Valve Employee: Steam was Killing PC Gaming, Epic Games is Saving It

Andrew M writes: "Former Valve employee Richard Geldreich has taken to Twitter in support of the Epic Games Store, going as far as to say it is saving PC gaming."

Christopher1856d ago

If there's one thing Epic has done is to kick Steam into improving its own platform more. So many articles in the last few months about things Valve is doing to improve Steam. Opinion on whether Epic is good or bad aside, it's obviously something Steam is aware of and is combating by implementing things they could have done years ago.

SuperSonic911856d ago

100 % agree.
That how you turn negative into a positive. Bad to good.

WombBat1856d ago

This guy is right. Ive been saying it for a while: price of games has been the same for 25 years, theres inflation, cost of development has risen exponentially from 10 people to 200 people, and steam taking 30% is just not sustainable. There is a reason microtransactions are always tacked on. Steam's greedy 30% cut as the middle man must go.

fiveby91856d ago

Where was this problem 2 years ago? Valve has not been killing PC gaming, they provide a robust platform for both sellers and buyers. Valve helped provide stability in the PC marketplace. EIPC seeks to just replace Steam with EGS. Don't kid yourself they are doing this for gamer's best interest. Valve can do better for sure. But EPIC paying to wall off content goes against the open platform of the PC. I'm all for storefronts offering better deals for their suppliers (e.g. publishers) but paying to limit consumer choice is wrong. Imagine the outcry from EPIC if VALVE was paying to keep games off EGS. They'd be crying afoul too. When EPIC stops walling off content by bribing publishers with Fortnite money then I'll consider their store. But till then, no way.

Seraphim1856d ago


The price of games has, for the most part, remained the same yes but sales have also gotten better over the years. Even between PS2/XB/GC era and now software sales are dramatically better. Something to consider. Also the cost of development can vary dramatically as well. It depends on what they're making, what the expected sales are, etc.

UltraNova1856d ago

Will Lord Gabe order something Half Life now? That is the question!

Dragonscale1855d ago

@ultra, really hope so but I wouldn't hold my breath.

WombBat1855d ago


Do you honestly think that is a viable strategy? How risky is that? Only a few games year crack multi millions of sales a year, and sometimes they end up breaking even still. This is why the AA game has somewhat been eliminated in the modern era, and indie gaming is usually a fruitless venture. If there's an equation for how to ease the risk of game development and ease of forcing developers to work ridiculous hours because of budget constraints, then its taking the money back from the middle man(steam) and raising the price of games.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1855d ago
DaDrunkenJester1856d ago

I love what Epic is doing with their larger cuts for devs. I don't like the gorilla warfare of buying up so many timed exclusives, but it's part of the business and I understand that. What I don't like is how piss poor their marketplace is and their lack of security. If they are going to really damage Steam they need to step up their storefront and features.

porkChop1856d ago

You're absolutely right. The Epic Store is far from perfect and needs serious improvement. But it's clearly keeping Valve on their toes and pushing them to be better and do better. That's good for everyone.

CaptainCook1856d ago

It's about time Steam has competition. Value should be creating more triple A games like Half life 3 instead of sitting back doing nothing.

porkChop1856d ago

This is exactly what I've been trying to get across to people. Steam has been stagnant for so long. Every time a new store pops up they improve, but only a little bit. They largely haven't seen any real competition. This is what we've needed. Valve needed a kick in the pants to get back on track. This is good for all of us, whether we use the Epic Store or not. Competition pushes all companies to do better.

TekoIie1856d ago (Edited 1856d ago )

"This is exactly what I've been trying to get across to people. Steam has been stagnant for so long."

Really? Guess I just imagined Cloud saves, Steam Workshop, profile pages customisation, trading cards/badges, SteamOS and The Curator system. You have to be living under a rock if you believe Valve has been doing absolutely nothing to improve their client over the years.

Just scroll through this and you'll consistently see they've been updating Steam throughout it's lifetime all before Epic took their launcher seriously: https://www.pcgamer.com/uk/...

opc1855d ago

there's also Steam Controller, Steam Input that allows customization of every controller imaginable, in-home streaming, streaming anywhere, family sharing, and next month Valve Index and Knuckles controllers.

They literally have more features than any other company out there, consoles included.

jeki1856d ago

Have you even seen an unmoderated discussion forum and what it turns in to? It becomes unfixable. That's what Steam is now.

A recent fix comes to mind, the review bomb mechanism they put in place; the fact that they even need to implement something like that shows how systemic the problem really is.

All Valve Corporation can do now is add some features and tweak some others. Steam is beyond repair.

dumahim1855d ago

It removes the rating, but the comments are still there to be read. They've got more work to be done there.

rainslacker1855d ago

The rating thing shouldn't be required, but people think it's right to judge a game on stupid stuff about policies in gaming. It's one thing if it affects the game itself, but in this case it really doesn't affect the actual game. People need to find more productive ways to Express themselves, instead of taking it out on the product or the dev.

Having to remove the bad reviews just assumes all the bad reviews are bombs, as opposed to making it where the score is more reflective of actual usee experience.

Parasyte1856d ago

It is another perfect example of competition being good for the industry

Wolffenblitz1856d ago

Can't call it competition. Everyone keeps saying it, but it isnt.

TekoIie1856d ago

Where were you when Tomb Raider was a timed exclusive?

rainslacker1855d ago


This is more equivalent to gamestop or Amazon getting a game to sell exclusively. The end user isn't precluded from playing outside their refusal to shop at the store itself.

ROTTR actually restricted the game from the platform itself, and there were plenty of people that complained. Just like there are plenty of people complaining now

TekoIie1854d ago


But competition is always good so they had no reason to complain, right?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1854d ago
JesusBuiltmyHotrod1855d ago

HUH? Steam was always improving constantly before epic came around?

rainslacker1855d ago (Edited 1855d ago )

No doubt. Steam has had a bunch of mini controversies, or problems that come up due to policy changes, and despite its popularity it has a lot of people who like using it, but find some things really annoying. It's not unlike blizzard, here you have big fans, but they always have something to complain about.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1854d ago
Araragifeels 1856d ago

That a damn lie. Steam helped PC gaming become what it is today. Epic Games is not saving PC gaming but just another competitor.

Epic Games who started PC gaming war because they buying out games and making it exclusive to their launcher. A launcher that is slacking many modern features that other competitor already have. Plus they stealing steam player data. Epic Games should start making games again.

Steam need to start lowering the percentage of how much they take from the developers because 30% is too much. It might not affect Steam right now but they need start thinking for the future. Also steam just start making games again too.

KyRo1856d ago

Steam did help PC gaming, correct but they have done nothing worth noting for how many years now? They had become lazy from lack of competition. Epic might not have the feature set that steam has but lets not foget how barebones steam was when it first launched either.

Even if you dislike the way Epic games are going about things, if theres anything good to come out of it, it will be valve needing the massive boot up its arse its needed for so long now.

Hungryalpaca1855d ago

The barebones launch isn’t an excuse. Steam/origin/Uplay has had these features for years. epic should have implemented them from the get go.

Tankbusta401856d ago

PC gaming was alive and well before Steam came along...it wouldn't have died if Steam never existed.

Teflon021856d ago

It really wasn't though. It was a messy market that most didn't want to touch because it was too much trouble. PC games barely could break even in the past. Steam gave a easily accessible platform on both ends. Buyers had a proper gaming hub, and didn't have to deal with as much technical problems as Steam keeps track and deals with the instillation stuff for the most part. While it being a platform for games, it allowed Devs to have games in a platform that was dedicated to gamers. So even people who haven't heard of your game, have a chance to see it etc. PC gaming couldn't have died because outside of MMO's PC gaming never lived until Steam

Nerdmaster1856d ago

People say 30% is too much. But when you're buying a physical version, what percentage of the that money goes to the publisher? There's the cost for the disk, the package, transport, store's profit... Would the cost be that different from Steam getting 30%?

dumahim1855d ago (Edited 1855d ago )

It's old data, but it appears the retailer took 25% or $15 of the $60 price tag. The publisher wound up with about $27. Steam is taking a bigger cut that a physical retailer. Sure it can be said the publisher is getting a bigger cut now thanks to Steam's system, but I think there's an argument to be made as to how much the digital middleman should get. I do think 30% is too steep.

rainslacker1855d ago

General retail market is between $15-20, for a $60 game. It will vary based on number of copies purchased, as well as if they're buying it direct(big stores with buying power) or getting it through a distributor.

The difference for publishers is that those sales are done, and they get alm their money up front, as returns aren't usually a thing if the store over orders.

Stores have significantly more overhead unless they're online only, and it's why gamestop has tried to sell everything under the sun in addition to regular gaming. The largest gaming store in the world, who sells the most game software, can't manage to keep its doors open by selling just new games, along with more traditional things.

The monthly operating costs if steam are probably equivalent to 3-4 retail gamestop stores. Other costs are involved, but certainly not to the tune of 30% of a a few billion dollars a year. Especially since steam doesn't do anything particularly special to sell or promote those games with additional payments provided by the publisher, whereas a retail store will typically advertise more for longer. About the only thing steam has is the new releases page as a listing. But those highlighted titles are usually played for. Even apple and Google do those kinds of promotions for free

rainslacker1855d ago

And MS had made PC usage what it is today. Doesn't mean they have a perfect system, despite improvements over the years. I hear plenty of people who like steam that still have problems with it.

The killing of gaming being discussed here is about the cut that valve takes. Its unreasonable. Even retail outlets are lucky to get that nig of a cut, and that's if they buy in bulk. Yet the cost to run a retail outlet are significantly higher.

No one is dismissing the things valve does right, or taking credit away from what they've done for PC gaming, just saying that they havent improved in some areas that are better for the developers or publishers.

Epic isn't saving PC gaming, but their game engine significantly lowered the cost of development for longer than steam had been around, and is the model used by all other SDK based game engines nowadays. Both companies have done good. Both companies have done bad. They can both improve.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1855d ago
slavish01856d ago

Steam needs to compete. They need to get out their high castle and do something. I don't understand why people arent mad at their lack of action

Baza1856d ago

A little competition comes to town and Steam is folding up like banquet chairs. Valve even admitted Steam alone isn’t sustainable anymore to keep Valve afloat. You guys should be happy cause now we get HF3 we been waiting over 10 years for.

Wolffenblitz1856d ago

It's not competition if you buy away the other runners.

neoandrew1855d ago

Well no, in business view, it is competition.

neoandrew1855d ago

Epic store tries to compete with steam.

SegaGamer1856d ago

What lack of action? I keep seeing this crap and I have not seen a single person give good examples.

Honestly, I think the people that say this don't even use Steam or play games very often on pc.

1856d ago
SegaGamer1856d ago

And just like the other day, I ask the question, and nobody can answer. It just sums N4G up really, most people on here just make stuff up to suit their agenda.

Shikoku1855d ago

People believe it's the fact Steam charges too much is why Epic is getting exclusives and they want to see them lower their take from 30%.

slate911856d ago

Monopolies are never good. Hopefully Epic can improve to rival steam. Outside of all the hacking/chinese theories out there.

Elwenil1856d ago

You need to look up the definition of "monopoly".

Baza1856d ago

What’s your point?

jeki1856d ago

It's a monopoly for PC games, for the most part.

Elwenil1856d ago

You people are hilarious. Either you are completely ignorant of the meaning of "monopoly" and are just running wild with a buzzword you heard somewhere or you haven't bought a PC game in your life. You can buy PC games anywhere. There is no one retailer for PC games in any region, so there is no monopoly. There are hundreds of places to buy PC games, even before Epic ever thought of putting up their incredibly basic version of a web store. You can buy at GoG, GamersGate, Steam, various publisher's stores, GameStop, Amazon, hell you can even buy PC games at BestBuy and Walmart. So how is Steam a monopoly again? Just because one store is popular with buyers doesn't mean it's a monopoly. The very fact that people are free to choose the store they like best, in this case usually Steam, means there is no monopoly. You people with your disagrees and asinine comments are like a circus run by monkeys. The very idea of calling Steam's presence in the obviously huge PC gaming market a monopoly is ludicrous.

WelkinCole1856d ago

@Elwenil Agree but you didn't need to be so harsh man

jeki1856d ago (Edited 1856d ago )


There aren't hundreds of places to buy PC games, there are a handful, so you are mistaken right there. Saying people are hilarious and their opinions are ludicrous indicates that you're a troll, or at least talk like one.

Elwenil1856d ago


So you are saying that around the world there are only "a handful" of places to buy PC games? Be serious. An no, I am not a troll. A troll would say things to get a rise out of people for kicks. I am saying factual things to correct either your ignorance or to at least draw attention to the fact that you are ignoring facts because they don't fit your chosen narrative. And yes, it is hilarious that people go so far out of their way to ignore the obvious just so they can bitch and moan about something they obviously do not know anything about. It's every bit as funny as those "flat earth" lunatics. If anything, anyone with common sense would think that you are a troll since you are purposefully denying facts in evidence to everyone in order to push your argument which is completely invalidated by said facts. Again, look up the definition and explain to everyone how Steam still fits your narrative that they are engaged in a monopoly.

jeki1856d ago


"Be serious...your ignorance...ignoring facts because they don't fit your chosen narrative...lunatics...anyone with common sense"

i am the troll...I am purposefully denying facts...and on and on.

I'm not interested in debating you. Bye.

Elwenil1856d ago


You aren't interested in debating it because you have no ground to stand on.

dumahim1855d ago

Look up the definition of an effective monopoly. Sure that's even probably a bit of a stretch, but the quick search I did I could see that Steam had 75% of the market back in 2013. I think it's safe to assume that number hasn't gone down from that in the last 5 years.

rainslacker1855d ago

It's an oligopoly. Except that steam controls almost the entire market, as opposed to having a few companies which control it. However with uplay and origin, and maybe GOG, it could be that by definition.

Considering that smaller competitors do have a hard time breaking in, as seems epic is if you go by opinions online, I think the original poster is pretty close to accurate, even if he wasn't aware of the distinction....which you could have informed him on instead of dismissing his intent.

Steams "monopoly" isn't unlike MS with windows, and how they had almost total control of the PC market, and almost all the word processing market. Other markets couldn't get in. Until the mobile devices became popular, and suddenly ms was losing lots of market share. First they tried to jump in that market, then they tried to mimic it, then they just finally improved their products.

Steam has always been better than ms, by a wide margin. But even steam fans have plenty to gripe about going by steam forums. People like the service, but steam isn't always quick to address concerns of the customers or developers, and often tend to bounce around from one policy to another, sometimes without notice or reason. They're reactionary to things which affect their business, but not to the consumers or devs themselves.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1855d ago
fiveby91856d ago

I am not blindly loyal to Steam. I was initially glad to see EPIC enter the market. However, since that announcement, EPIC has really destroyed any goodwill. They seek to limit consumer choice by paying to keep their product off another storefront. I'd no more support Valve doing that. It tells me EPIC can't really compete based on features at this time. Had EPIC provided a good deal for devs and passed on savings to customers it would be fair. But instead, they pay publishers to not sell elsewhere. That's not exactly a free and fair market. Steam could do better, sure. But EPIC is creating a terrible precedent in the PC market. For the time being, I chose not to support EPIC as it will only make the problem worse.

slate911856d ago (Edited 1856d ago )

Thats a good stance. I also don't think this route epic has chosen with buying exclusives is sustainable. So it will catch up to them in the end if they don't build a good platform.

rainslacker1855d ago

I think the issue with epic right now, it's that just having the lower cut wouldn't be enough of an incentive to get publishers to keep content on their store only. As an option, sure, but steam has too much market share to ignore, and it's unlikely the loss in sales from the smaller customer base would be made up with the smaller cut.

So, for the time being, this is the best way epic has to compete and get the customer base to actually compete.

It isn't good for those that want the features that come along with steam, but hopefully epic can improve that, and do so quickly. I have a feeling though that if epic launch almost all the important features, if not some better ones, people would still find something to be negative about. Epic has gotten more criticism the past couple years due to fortnite's popularity, which is baffling considering that epic has generally never been against the consumer, and tends to make popular and well made products.

Hungryalpaca1855d ago

Steam isn’t a monopoly. There’s a ton of online stores to suit your needs. Don’t want DRM? go to GOG. You have Uplay, Origin, humble, etc

Steam just happens to be the most refined service available.

A monopoly is basically when there isn’t another option. PC has tons of options.

killswitch801856d ago

Epic is bringing AAA publishers back to publishing to dedicated store fronts on pc or keeping them from leaving and creating their own Store front Launchers. I know people dont want to believe it but every large publisher was slowly leaving Steam.

Teflon021856d ago

You realize that epics not stopping them from doing that right. If a dev is big enough and wanted to, they will. Example, Overwatch is a case where being on a dedicated launcher was always going to be a win, steam nor epic can benefit the game enough to make it better for the devs to be on those launchers. It's about the games they bring to the table. That's why Ubi games still show up on steam in alot of cases. They couldn't carry it, but made the games rely on them so they can transition once people had Uplay accounts. They even do it on consoles. Origin makes sense with the amount EA owns, and wasn't going to be stopped because Epic takes smaller percentages etc. I find it funny that people even defend epic. the same people who think they should be allowed to have Fortnite on Android but don't want to share the profits so force you to allow permission to third party stuff so you can play. So they're telling you take the chance and compromise your phone instead of sharing the profit with the platform holder. Yet they share with everyone else lol. Epics just scum

Uglyday1856d ago

Ya major ones like Bethesda that just crawled back to Steam with its tail between its legs.

Hungryalpaca1855d ago

That doesn’t even solve the issue. You’re still forced to download the Publishers launcher anyway. All epic did was add one more place to add your credit card.

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My Trust in Xbox is on Shaky Ground Right Now

The Outerhaven writes: With multiple gaming studios, including Tango Gameworks, closing, the editor-in-chief of The Outerhaven shares his thoughts on the matter.

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rlow18h ago(Edited 8h ago)

Honestly I was looking back and at the launch of the Xbox 1. With Don Matrick at the helm I was disappointed but therevwas something else. That fighting spirit of Xbox at its inception was lost. They stopped innovating, I lost excitement on what the next big new surprise was, because their weren’t any. Not like Halo 2 and Gears launch. You couldn’t really brag about it anymore.
So here we are and corporate MS has ruined what was a beautiful renegade project.

Cacabunga1h ago

Xbox do not give a crap about developers they want publishers to make money for them that is all.

romulus2350m ago

Well without developers there's nothing to publish so if that's their plan it's a pretty bad one.

shadowhaxor6h ago

For everything that Xbox did, I was hopeful it would turn stuff around. Game Pass was a start, and the release of its upcoming titles was a nice way to return. I mean, I'm not going to say it was perfect, just like I wouldn't say PlayStation is perfect. Neither company is, but when Xbox goes and does this, it makes zero sense. The message of Xbox's plan had already had me frustrated, but I was like, "Maybe they'll fix this mess."

Now... yeah. Not so confident anymore.

Aphrodia6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

That's how you know this is clickbait garbage. If you write about games for a living and didn't know Microsoft is a cancer on the industry until now than you are awful at your job.

XiNatsuDragnel8h ago

Xbox will destroy Activision too and Bethesda will be gone too lol

Chocoburger7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

"Right now"?
But not 11 years ago with the disastrous Xbox One reveal which they NEVER recovered from?
Man are you slow on the uptake.

shadowhaxor6h ago

No, Xbox never recovered, but Game Pass (which you're a fool if you deny the success of it), Xbox Cloud, the acquisitions, the reboot of Perfect Dark (which seems to be in the gutter now), the success of Forza Horizon, Sea of Thieves, and yes, Hi-Fi Rush (FFS).

Denying any sort of improvement only goes to show you don't pay any attention to the entire picture.

Crows906h ago

I think you missed the part where these things were spread years apart. Theres no consistency

ApocalypseShadow5h ago(Edited 5h ago)


Perfect Dark IP was purchased along with many other games like Halo, Gears, etc. Perfect Dark needs help with Crystal Dynamics just to finish the game. That's pathetic. HiFi Rush was purchased and was probably already coming to PlayStation before the purchase.

If Game Pass was a success, these developers wouldn't be closing their doors. We told gamers it isn't profitable. It does make revenue. But revenue isn't profit. It hasn't changed Microsoft's position in the industry or increased hardware sales. If it did, they would be shouting from the rooftops like their arrogant asses always do.

Anyone can have a cloud service. And Sony's is more successful. It took buying major publishers just to increase their spreadsheet. But Xbox continues to fail even then. By having to place games on their competitors platform while still trying to compete. You don't see Nintendo putting their games on Xbox. And Sony was only forced because they don't own the MLB license. Which was forced behind the scenes by Microsoft to take away Sony's successful game and throw it on game pass to use it against gamers buying it on PlayStation. How is the acquisitions a success if they have to close companies they just bought and make many developers jobless? Are you serious? Unless you call it a success by taking away games from other platforms that made those developers more money. That's ridiculous.

Sea of Thieves took years to fix. How is that a success that you have an unfinished game for years that needs fixing? Games should be complete at launch. Just like Halo was an incomplete game that needed fixing. Forza Horizon is a good game but even that game hasn't improved Microsoft's standing at all.

Denying all that shows that you're not paying attention.

Chevalier5h ago

Success? They missed their own targets 3 years straight, stopped announcing numbers because they're so terrible and it's not profitable. Hence the closing 4 studios. There will be more consolidation too. Just watch the by the books garbage yearly releases too followed by more season passes and shorter games come out

Chocoburger4h ago

I have been paying attention for past 11 years. That's why I made my fully accurate above post.

You're the one who hasn't, thus you made that completely worthless post.

- I don't care about a rental service for mid-tier (or any tier) games.

- I don't care about streaming services, I play on actual hardware.

- What is Perfect Dark at this point? Its just a name trying to have an easy win with nostalgia. The original developers and talent has long been gone once MS bought Rare in 2001. ITS JUST A NAME, nothing more.

-Don't care about Forza Horizon.

- Don't care about Sea of Thieves.

- I am interested in Hi-Fi Rush, but MS killing off Tango has pissed me off, so I don't want to reward them for their B.S. and now its guaranteed that the hard working devs won't see any benefit from me supporting them.

MS has done squat over the past 11 years. Nothing but the embarrassing stink of failure. I know this because I have been paying attention.

StoneTitan2h ago

I never played hi-fi rush, even though I would have loved it from all I can see, but as it never came to playstation... Now it comes to playstation and I have no intention to buy it because they closed the developer and the money will only go to poor phil and his poor suits. Well I mean, what else is there to say.
Gamepass brought them into this position so you would be a fool to see it as a success lol

romulus2343m ago

It's also foolish to deny the negatives gamepass is having on the industry as that is part of the entire picture as well.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 43m ago
Skuletor4h ago

Must be getting their news on Microsoft's Internet Explorer

notachance7h ago

I imagine smaller ABK studios like toys for bob and beenox are now feeling uncertain about their futures

LucasRuinedChildhood7h ago

Thankfully Toys for Bob managed to safely separate from Xbox and are independent now.

notachance7h ago

lol I don't know that, thanks for clarifying

TheColbertinator6h ago

Beenox has been in danger for years now with Activision. Microsoft may act more ruthlessly to them unfortunately.

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20 Best PS1 RPGs of All Time

Cultured Vultures: Where would the PS1 be without RPGs? It’d no doubt still be a massive seller thanks to bandicoots, clones, and halfpipes, but half the cultural institution it is today? We’re not so sure.

Read Full Story >>
SimpleSlave8h ago

While most of these games are great to amazing, most are not actual RPGs. Faux RPGs if anything. Turn Based Adventure Games for a more apt description, with Diablo, Brave Fence Musashi and Star Ocean as Action Adventure games.

Again, all great games without a doubt.


The Nordic Game 2024 (NG24) Spring conference is to host more than 150 speakers

"While the 20 year anniversary edition of Nordic Game, NG24 Spring's homepage on 21-24 May in Malmö, Sweden, is getting closer, the organizers announced that more than 150 speakers are now lined up for the show." - Nordic Game.