
The Witcher 3 is So Close to Being the Best RPG of All Time

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is without question one of the best RPG's of this generation, but what could be fixed moving into Cyberpunk 2077.

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CrimsonWing691911d ago

It is in my book.

Hell, I got lost in the meta games like Gwent for hours only to realize I was supposed to be doing a quest. The amount of content, the production values, pretty much everything was just epic on all fronts. I could go on forever talking about my amazement with the game but I'll just leave it at: in my humble opinion it's the best RPG I've played.

Brave_Losers_Unite1911d ago

I found it to not be that great. There were only a few parts that I found good but overall it was above average to me. The story wasn't too interesting

bluefox7551911d ago

Did you do the Bloody Baron quest? Easily one of the best storylines and writing in a video game ever.

goldwyncq1911d ago

Same here. The game excels in its sidequests, which are some of the best in any game, but the main story itself isn't anything special, save for some parts like the Bloody Baron storyline.

slayernz1911d ago

Totally agree main questline I found boring and rushed through it just to finish the game and combat was awful so repetitive....I still cant work out why people keep raving about it

Count_Bakula1911d ago

I thought gameplay was actually pretty bad. Enjoyed it, and glad CD had a hit on their hands, but it definitely didn't feel great. The avatar's movement was clunky (so much so that they patched in an alternate system to choose from), constantly switching spells was poor, hacking and slashing at health bars with no dynamic wounding or marks. Definitely not a 10/10, and certainly not greatest RPG of all-time.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1911d ago
solideagle1911d ago

its much better than overrated Skyrim but I sometimes find this bit boring. gameplay is very simple dodge dodge hit...dodge has huge iframe. I have started it few months ago on Death March from scratch, although at times it felt challenging but if they improve the combat in next one that would be great.

dumahim1911d ago

"I got lost in the meta games like Gwent for hours only to realize I was supposed to be doing a quest."

That sort of thing sort of ruins RPGs for me a bit. "Hey, we need you at X just over there to take care of a situation." 3 weeks later... "Got here as fast as I could"

zypher1911d ago

It's definitely in the running for mine too. The only one I can say I like more is Suikoden 2 ... and I fully admit that nostalgia has a bit to do with it.

FullmetalRoyale1911d ago

I didn’t actually like or play Gwent during my playthrough. Then when I beat it, I had decided to platinum, and I played it agin on Death March! During that second playthough, when I had to collect every Gwent card, I grew to really enjoy it.

DrumBeat1911d ago

Agreed. Best RPG I've ever played and I was born in 81. I've played a lot. Decent amount of JRPG and lots of old TSR PC games. Witcher 3 is in a class all its own. I've said so much about this game and why it's so great, so I'm not going to go into a long-winded, laudatory gushfest.

If you can't get into it, I urge you to keep trying. I was put off initially, but I kept playing and it clicked.

Veneno1905d ago

I like your comment 👍. I tried with with a friend and was also put off after playing for 1 to 2 hours. I put the game in my wishlist. Hopefully I'll pull the trigger on it and give it another try. To me though it seems this game's legacy is something like the original Mass Effect. A beloved game but still flawed enough to keep it out of the GOAT 🐐 realm.

alexkarkar1911d ago (Edited 1911d ago )

i found it pretty bad. repetitive and boring combat, clunky controls, buggy and jerky gameplay, small font. not even close to such games as fallout, neverwinter nights, kotor, skyrim.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1905d ago
opc1911d ago

Complaining about character customization is is bizarre. The story is specifically about Geralt. Imagine playing Batman and complaining that you can't change your character.

MadLad1911d ago

Seriously. It's HIS story. You can just influence it. That's the whole point.
Having a more open experience, set in this universe, would be cool though.

FalconofLucis981911d ago

Ill put 12 FF games over TW3 in my books.

pietro12121911d ago

The only FFs that I'd rank along the Witcher would be Tactics and FFXII

MadLad1911d ago


We must have very similar tastes, being those are easily my favorites of the series.

pietro12121911d ago

You have great taste my friend!

BoneMagnus1911d ago

Yes - having the story about Geralt allows for the relationships that were interesting.

Games like Skyrim don’t allow for that level of relationship and interaction between the characters.

leahcim1911d ago

Just try name 1 that surpass it in production values, story, scope, character writing, graphics....
It is my friend. It is the best of all times.

King_Noctis1911d ago (Edited 1911d ago )

You are right. No RPG come close in size, scope, and story to the Witcher 3. If there is ever a Witcher 4, I don’t know if CDPR can ever top TW3.

pietro12121911d ago

There's a lit of bad things about RDR2, but it's story wasn't one of them.

ShinRon1911d ago

red dead 2 better story, characters and production values

Hroach6161911d ago

That’s up for debate. Both are top notch games that are hard to compare.

MadLad1911d ago

Most of that is subjective; and I'm sure people would fight you on the writing part.
As for production values, well, while Witcher 3 is still one of the most impressive open worlds to be found, after five years and unlimited resources, I would hope the largest developer around would be able to make something more technically impressive than the indie developer a fifth of its size.

1911d ago
yomfweeee1911d ago

RDR2 story was a complete joke.

goldwyncq1911d ago

I agree that RDR2 is the better game of the two but I wouldn't really call it an RPG. Just an open world game with RPG elements.

sevilha821911d ago

very debatable indeed,i loved the game but had to force myself to finish it,too depressing and the pace was soo slow.after a 9h sifht of retail it was just to much to bare,still best game i played this year no doubt about it.

King_Noctis1911d ago

We’re talking about RPG. Is RDR2 even qualified as an RPG?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1911d ago
1911d ago
Cmv381911d ago

I can make a few that are better, but its my opinion. Witcher 3, is overrated, but I would gladly play a witcher 4. You guys who love it, that encourages them to make a sequel.

PoSTedUP1911d ago

ive never played it. sound like i have no other choice now lol. i keep hearing so much about it.

knight_drives1911d ago

And gameplay...? too bad that sucks

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1911d ago
ShinRon1911d ago

they just need to maintain the solid writing and actually put in some compelling gameplay systems. as good as the story was the gameplay was pretty bad

starchild1911d ago

The gameplay wasn't bad. It was much better than what you get in most RPGs. It's just not as good as the combat in games like Nioh and Dark Souls, but combat is the whole focus in those games so that's not surprising. The Witcher 3's combat is still enjoyable for me, even as a veteran of From Software's games.

MadLad1911d ago

Mine held as Morrowind until New Vegas came out. After playing Witcher 3 though, it definitely is my favorite.

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just_looken4d ago

"It’s incredibly difficult to figure out a way where New Game Plus could be done in a way that doesn’t completely break the way the game is constructed,"

Yet in 2020 i had this mode via a mod they are actually saying that your powers can screw up v's infection for those unaware pre the big update so it might not be a thing anymore but if you maxed out v with save editor your character would get sick see johnny all that but still would be in the first part.

Here is a very old vid of mine you can see how it can screw up the game

So they could do it if they did not spend years making a mess of everything then last minute toss a game out half done.


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