
When Was The Last Time An Xbox One Exclusive Truly Moved You?

Power does not create powerful moments.

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Batchild271959d ago ShowReplies(1)
Vasto1959d ago (Edited 1959d ago )

I am moved every time I power on my X and look at all the games I have to play with Xbox Game Pass and think just how far we have come. I have said it time and time again that Xbox Game Pass is the best thing to happen this gen. You can lineup every exclusive from Sony or Nintendo and I will still take an Xbox X with Game Pass every single time.

See you next month in Crackdown 3 which I will be playing Day 1 though Game Pass.

SCW19821959d ago

But you didn’t answer the question.

Nyxus1959d ago

He doesn't have an answer.

gamer91959d ago

As a console timed exclusive, PUBG. No game gets your heart racing like it. Sick of it now though, playing 500 hours will do that.

It's a bit of a loaded question since xbox exclusives are typically MP shooters, and PS exclusives are story driven.

A counter question could be, when was the last time a PS4 exclusive had an amazing multiplayer component?

SCW19821959d ago (Edited 1959d ago )

Gran Turismo Sport

Dark_Knightmare21959d ago

@gamer9 tlou remastered,gt sport,mlb the show,killzone shadow fall,Uc 4/lost legacy which all provided fun components

Kornholic1959d ago

PUBG was never an xbone exclusive game

Abnor_Mal1959d ago

Damn, he's got some sweet dance moves. Danced completely around the question asked in the article.

Killustrious1959d ago

LMAO this guy said PUBG... I'm sorry you have such a lack of games you had to pick a multi-platform battle royale. I think that says enough about the game selection on Xbox One right there.

alb18991959d ago

Forza Horizon 4 Is just in other league.

nowitzki20041959d ago


Please boy, dont act like MS has had amazing "MP components" lol


trouble_bubble1959d ago

I wouldn’t play PubeG for 500hrs if I was in prison. Rather count bricks.

1959d ago
RedDevils1959d ago

The last time xbox one exclusive truly moved me, is when the xbox brand didn't existed.

nix1959d ago

don't know about xbox exclusive but i'm sure he gets moved every time a good PS exclusive comes out. except that moving emotion is either - jealousy, anger, hate, depression.

i kid. i kid.

sprinterboy1959d ago

He hasn't been moved this gen with xbox, he's just a deluded fanboy who has been blinded.

ILostMyMind1959d ago

Uncharted and TLoU...?

S2Killinit1959d ago

Thats a sad state of affairs for xbox owners. Imagine if they knew this at the beginning of the gen.

SierraGuy1958d ago

Project Gotham Racing 1-4 we're awesome.

gamer91958d ago

@Responses, yes that’s why I said “console timed exclusive” Lol. Because they haven’t had a real exclusive in awhile that’s moved me. And yes, PUBG 1 year ago was amazing, sort of old news now that it’s over to PS4, Blackout stole some of it’s thunder, game is almost 2 years old, etc..

bouzebbal1958d ago (Edited 1958d ago )

Scalebound first trailer...

ThinkThink1958d ago

Ori I and the Blind Forest for me. I think that's the only game that moved me this entire generation across all 3 platforms.

mikeslemonade1958d ago

Lost Odyssey and Alan Wake. Which Alan Wake isn’t an exclusive anymore.

Kornholic1958d ago

@gamer9 it was never an exclusive anything on Xbox one. The minute it was released on the Xbox One, it became a multiplatform game.

gamer91957d ago

@Kornholic it was a timed console exclusive. You could play it on xbox one 1 year before PS4. Console exclusive means you can play it on 1 console and not the other console. Timed means for a set period of time.

Kornholic1956d ago


That's not an exclusive game. It's a multiplatform game.

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 1956d ago
yomfweeee1959d ago

You get more games through PS Now (yes and you can download more than you can on Game Pass). Only advantage Game Pass has is Day 1 exclusives. But, as the article points out... those are a rarity, especially a good one.

TheAussieGamer1959d ago

Game Pass does more than Day and Date 1st party though ... it's cheaper, PS Now also doesn't't let you play or stream games you already own whereas Game Pass does. Game Pass also offers you the opportunity to buy your favourite game at 20% off and is available in far many more markets than PS Now .... which is not currently available in Australia due to Sony's lack of infrastructure

The Wood1959d ago

Aussie . .
'PS Now also doesn't't let you play or stream games you already own whereas Game Pass does'

Didn't know that. Good addition

StormSnooper1959d ago (Edited 1959d ago )

Yes Playstion Now has way more titles.

chiefJohn1171959d ago

Psnow doesn't have many good games compared to gamepass so it has more but it's mostly shovelware

bluefox7551959d ago

@chief lol what? The ps3 had one of the best console collections of all time. You can probably find more 90+ games on one page of psnow than all of gamepass. I'm certainly no fan of either service, but to suggest the quality of the offerings in game pass is in the same league as psnow is laughable.

RosweeSon1959d ago

Except they don’t release games so the day 1 things a bit redundant

skiggy341959d ago

I had PS Now and got rid of it becazuse the streaming sucks. Out of nowhere the screen will pixelate and that happens all the time. I cancelled service. Its nowhere near as good as gamepass.

thexmanone1958d ago

PS Now cost twice as much, I would hope they have more games.

rob-GP1958d ago

@TheAussieGamer - "PS Now also doesn't let you play or stream games you already own whereas Game Pass does."

What are you on about? If you already own a game, you can play it on your PS4... If you get a PSNow sub you can access over 250 PS4 games (downloadable or stream) and over 600 PS3 games (stream). If you get GamePass you have about 120 games (mix of Xbox one and 360) - regardless of if you already own them or not - you get access in both passes.

I really don't get what you were trying to say as your point is completely invalid and silly. Also, don't forget that all PSNow games (downloaded or streamed) can be played online for free. GamePass games also require a paid Gold account in order to play them online.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1958d ago
NarutoFox1959d ago

What kind of answer is that lol???

CobraKai1959d ago

That’s a public relations answer.

2pacalypsenow1959d ago

You sound like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Atticus_finch1959d ago

What are you trying to say? She's awesome...

2pacalypsenow1959d ago (Edited 1959d ago )

Lol I’m sure she is.

Just has no concept of math and doesn’t like facts.

Her interviews are comedic gold tho, so I guess she’s awesome for that.

Keltech1959d ago

"no concept of math and doesn't like facts"

Sounds like the puppet in the oval office. Did you see that Ritalin addict speaking yesterday?

Atticus_finch1959d ago

Has no concept of math? WTF
The fact that you attack her let's me know you're the one with the facts problem.
You haters keep making her famous, she ain't going nowhere, suck it up.
Stick to videos games because your politics are f up.

2pacalypsenow1959d ago (Edited 1958d ago )


She makes it too easy, she can't answer questions ( check out that 60 minutes segment), and always deflects to trump when asked a hard question she cant answer.


People are too busy trying to get token minority leaders to care if they even have a plan, "as long as a woman of color gets elected, we don't care what she does".

@Atticus_finch show me were she lays out her plan to pay for everything she's offering? And don't use her quote “you just pay for it!”


GrubsterBeater1958d ago (Edited 1958d ago )

“The tippy tippy top”

Oh man... lol silly socialist/communists.. facts and statistics are scary micro aggressions, but feelings and virtue signalling are what’s really important according to the left..

2pacalypsenow1958d ago (Edited 1958d ago )

Here's another "Fact" for y'all.



Still waiting on it.. But she's "Awesome"... and if we disagree with anything she says, we're haters.

CoinOrc1958d ago

The fact that you defend her math skills let us know that you suck at math as much as her. She makes herself infamous with her unintentional comedy.

medman1958d ago

I'm pretty sure Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has achieved something meaningful with her Washington D.C. appointment. Please regale us with tales of all your successes, that you feel somehow qualified to find her interviews "comedic gold".

2pacalypsenow1958d ago


Classic, “I got no response” so I’m gonna attack the op.

You sound like her too 🙋🏻‍♂️

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1958d ago
1959d ago Replies(3)
Redlife2g1959d ago

Hahahaha man this made me laugh

Dark_Knightmare21959d ago

Cool story I only have an og Xbox one and I have no desire to get an Xbox x because they haven’t provided me a reason to and my current Xbox is a glorified blu ray player. I have no interest in an oft delayed game from a mediocre series so crackdown 3 isn’t even on my radar but I will finally get to play something on my GAME console when the ori sequel comes out which I’m super hyped for

sprinterboy1959d ago

Will of the wisp looks great

Jin_Sakai1959d ago


“You can lineup every exclusive from Sony or Nintendo and I will still take an Xbox X with Game Pass every single time.”

Then miss out on the some of the best games in the industry. You’re hurting no one but yourself.

chiefJohn1171959d ago

Outside of gow, horizon and Spiderman what else is there that's been released? Asking for a friend

trouble_bubble1959d ago

You’d have to be in a third world jail to be that cut off lol! Seriously. Tell him we’re on PlayStation #4 now. Donald Trump is US President. The XFL is coming back. It’ll be all the rage at the spork dispensary.

S2Killinit1959d ago

Dude you must be living under a rock. PS4 has had so much exclusives that naming them would be silly. Everybody will find their own gems, but whats clear is that when Playstation is on top, gamers win.

CoinOrc1958d ago

Detroit, mlb the show, uncharted 4/the lost legacy, ni no Kuni, shadow of the colossus, yakuza, persona, ratchet and clank, bloodborne......

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1958d ago
Potnoodle9991959d ago

Lol crackdown. Looks like a solid 6-7/10 game. Enjoy the reviews when they hit your reality like a sledgehammer to the balls... then enjoy trying to spin every negative about it. I don’t need to play it to know this as I laughed out loud at how awful the flagship Xbox one game looked in the initial gameplay reveal trailer. Then again months later when there were apparently improvements.

On topic I’m glad most people agree with the article. Sony and Nintendo are killing it with single player smash hits at every turn. Not sure why Microsoft didn’t get the memo, but we all wish they would join the party and stop with the GAAS shit.

thejigisup1959d ago

Lol yeah that demo was trash, look at all the debris that effects nothing. It falls and disappears, but look at it. Ms needs to give Sony some cloud compute real estate so they can actually do something with it.

CrimsonWing691959d ago

Is it a bowel movement every time you turn it on?

Wha_gwaan1959d ago

You can only be a troll if you're moved by Xbox exclusives this gen

cellfluid1959d ago

spoken like a true gameless fan boy lol

drunkenspy0071959d ago

Moved by power, and hopes, and dreams. Whatever keeps your delusions going I guess.

notachance1959d ago

your comment sounds more like an ad than a comment by a human being tbh

salmonade1959d ago


Thanks man. Oh.. thank you so much for the laugh. You have brightened my day immensely. Big smile on my face now.

UCForce1959d ago (Edited 1959d ago )

@Nyxus He is always being sensitive. This is the problem I have with him who blinded by MS “perfection”.

@alb1899 Was it competitive like GT Sport ? You should watch GT Sport Tournament on YouTube and a lot of people were enjoying it.

ExplodingJuice1959d ago

Good job ignoring the question fanboy.

OffRoadKing1959d ago

The article is referring to the quality of a game, what you're talking about is quantity through a service. A lot of something mediocre isn't the same thing as even just one thing that is "truly moving".

1959d ago
TheSaint1959d ago

I own both an Xbox and a PS4, I'd take all the PS exclusives over gamepass any day.

Mystogan1959d ago (Edited 1959d ago )

Gamepass is amazing, it literally brought me and my family closer when it comes to gaming. Because now we don't have to wait for everyone to get the same games to play togethers, now we play more games together than ever. Sea of Thieves is the last game that truly moved me because of how much fun it was playing with my family.

S2Killinit1958d ago

Yeah PS Now does that except you have a wider variety of games to play with your family.

KillZallthebeast1959d ago

He orgasms every time he touches a woman

fathertime44641959d ago

Xbox has plenty of exclusives that move you. They raise your adrenaline, make you laugh, frustrate you, make you happy. The only thing they don't do is make you sad. I'm not much of a drama genra person anyways so Sony can keep that to themselves

AmUnRa1958d ago

To move you is not raising your adrenaline it means not that it make you laugh, not that it makes you happy. And no it indeed dont make you sad.
You can also say it touching me...

fathertime44641958d ago

I'm aware of what "to move you means". I guess I should have been more specific. "Moving/emotional games" = boredom

kayoss1959d ago (Edited 1959d ago )

Its call deflection. People who cant face the truth or reality, tend to do that.

Exvalos1959d ago

People with your mindset are a big part of the reason Xbox is in the state in.

Exvalos1959d ago

Somebody get this guy a job at microsoft

Thomaticus1958d ago

Phil Spencer... is that you?!

FPSFox1958d ago

If that's the only response you can manage to the question of "When was the last time an Xbox One exclusive truly moved you?" then you should just get a PC. Same service, better hardware, less restrictions, less monthly fees, less advertisements in your face.

FPS_D3TH1958d ago

Fanboy HO!

You’re kidding right? Game pass has so few games. Take 2 exclusives from the rivals library and the game pass starts looking like a joke. Literally like 3 or 4 decent games on it and only Horizon 4 is really worth the trouble

+ Show (31) more repliesLast reply 1956d ago
Neonridr1959d ago

I mean it's not just exclusives that can move us though. I agree in part with what the article is saying, but it just seems like an excuse to brag about Sony over MS.

isarai1959d ago

Nintendo exists too y'know. And maybe this is not a way to brag, but to point out an issue that MS has had for a long time.

Neonridr1959d ago

yes.. Nintendo has made some stellar exclusive titles too. Ones with really engaging story lines.

I agree that MS is definitely lacking in that department when it comes to their own first party studios, but plenty of 3rd party games can still move us. And the Xbox isn't lacking in those.

KillZallthebeast1959d ago

Nintendo and sony are awesome

KillZallthebeast1959d ago (Edited 1959d ago )

Neo you do realize nintendo might not dominate home traditional consoles anymore but they thrive with their own brand going handheld

ArchangelMike1959d ago

Yeah I have been moved by great exclusives like TLOU, but actually games like SOMA, Bioshock Infinite, Red Dead 2, even Outlast moved me (although in a different way :) So yeah, multiplatform games do move you just as well as exclusives.

But I think the article highlights a good point about Microsoft though - and specifically the power that Microsoft boasts about. If the choice is to invest in GaaS based games or multiplayer experiences, then there will naturally be less investment in those more cerebral and emotional single-player experiences. But the thing is that those are usually the best games that showcase the power that the console brings to the table.

Microsoft brought the power to the table, but they didn't bring any games that are built from the ground up to show the world what the X can do. Sony is great at harnessing the power of their consoles and translating that into great exclusive games. Microsoft need to take a leaf out of Sony's book, and stop talking about "the most powerful console" if they don't have anything to show for it beyond "4K".

Neonridr1959d ago

yes, that is why in part I agree with the article and it highlights a glaring deficiency that MS has when it comes to quality software. Hopefully it's something they have learned from in time for their next console to release. Power is only so good if you have nothing that drives the platform.

BadElf1959d ago

Yes, we as gamers should EXPECT great 3rd party games...like always.
But...we also HAVE to expect the First Parties to have their ish together, and make superb games.

Nintendo better have phenomenal Zelda, Mario, etc. games and new games. They have.
Sony better have some phenomenal GoW, Uncharted etc. and new games. They have.
MS better have some phenomenal Halo, Gears, etc. and new games. They havent...sadly.(Cuphead though! An exception)

Z5011959d ago

When I read your comment. I was like "c'mon, really" But then I read the article and not one mention of Nintendo. So it's strictly about PS versus XB.

nowitzki20041959d ago

You can brag if you got it, and you cant brag if you dont.. simple really.

rainslacker1959d ago

Maybe it's more a way to say that X1 may not have as many defining moments that you can't have anywhere else.

ShadowWolf7121959d ago (Edited 1959d ago )

The entire pointof the article is that MS needs to do better with their first party. Period.

No one is saying there can't be third party games that move you. They are, however, on every system. First Party exclusives are games that can bring these unique, moving experiences to that console and give people incentive to buy one to experience it. I can experience RDR2, Assassin's Creed, Resident Evil, Dragon Quest, Yakuza etc. on the PS4 or the PC just as often as I can the Xbox or PS4. But on the PS4, I can also experience Uncharted 4, TLOU Remastered, Bloodborne, God of War, Spider-Man, inFamous, Ratchet & Clank, etc. I cannot experience those anywhere else. What does the Xbox One have like that? That's what we're discussing, that's what's relevant.

You're rather deliberately dancing around the topic at hand and trying to cry foul.

1958d ago
ShadowWolf7121958d ago

@Troy Reading Comprehension is not your strong suit, clearly.

jznrpg1958d ago

Dragon Quest and Yakuza not on Xbox

ShadowWolf7121958d ago

@jznrpg I said PC as well. And they are indeed there. DQ coming to Switch as well.

My point is, there's only one place you can experience those games AND games on the level of the PS Exclusives right now. And THAT is why PS is dominating and Xbox is floundering.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1958d ago
OffRoadKing1959d ago

"it just seems like an excuse to brag about Sony over MS."

Really so every single article we get here about the resolution of a game on X vs Pro, whats that doing exactly?

Neonridr1959d ago

exactly the same thing that was done at the start of this generation. There was no crying about the 900p vs 720p or 1080p vs 900p articles when it was the base PS4 vs the base XB1. The article is making it out like only exclusives can move you, which is a flat out lie.

SwampthingsSon1959d ago

People disagreed because it is ONLY exclusives that can move us apparently. Agreed on the 'excuse to brag' part, too. It's like these buffoons can't see their own flaws in logic. I know I'm going to get a million dislikes but I own every console and game mostly on Switch and PS4. XD

Neonridr1959d ago

that was what I was more or less getting at. I understand the article was trying to point out that the XB1 lacks in the exclusives department, and I wholeheartedly agree with that. But it's not only the exclusive games that can get us in the feels department :P

kayoss1959d ago

its not bragging, its pointing out the obvious. What make a system stand out from its competitors, the multi-plat games?? of course not. Its the Exclusives.
Nintendo have great exclusives, but in my opinion their game are pretty the same every generation. Mario this, Zelda that, one metroid, then another Mario game, then a Yoshi game, then a Luigi game.

Neonridr1959d ago

how is BOTW in any way the same as Skyward Sword? Completely different titles with completely different stories. Every Mario game does something different and changes some core mechanic up. It's not like they just rehash the same game like so many companies that annualize their releases. You're lucky if you see two core Mario / Zelda games across an entire console's lifespan.

Rude-ro1958d ago

I got addicted and switched because of the magic halo once had.
Halo 2 blew my mind.
Gear of war had a huge impact on the 360 sales while the most anticipated sequel was coming, their best selling AAA game called halo 3... and no, multiplayer had nothing to do with any of them. Did people enjoy pvp, yes.. but not the majority of players that are out there.
The majority also do not care about where to “play the best version” when you count the frames advantage either way on one hand and need to magnify an image to see quality differences. We are also well aware that any third party developer can be effected per money and deals that means a game can literally be effected per a deal and not hardware.

Notice the decline in exclusive great single player games AND the decline of demand for the consoles that are not offering them?

That’s not coincidence.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1958d ago
darthv721959d ago (Edited 1959d ago )

I've never had a game "move me". Maybe it's because I can separate fantasy from reality.

@below, nah... I'm certainly alive. I just dont feel any connection with a game like I do my family or a good piece of music.

Scissorman821959d ago

or maybe you are just dead inside.

1959d ago
_FantasmA_1959d ago

Dead inside.
Aren't we all?
Jk don't get all depressed on me.

Nyxus1959d ago

"Fortunately I have enough emotional engagement in the real world that I only play games to burn time between the real things"

Real things? Such as going to N4G to tell people how great your life is?

Batchild271959d ago

I've been moved by a good cupcake so I cannot empathize with not being able to feel emotions playing games.

Nyxus1959d ago

So why can't you separate fantasy from reality with a good piece of music then?

darthv721959d ago

I've always been a musical person so my connection with that medium runs deeper than that of movies or games. I'm not saying games can't move someone, they just dont move me the same way.

Nyxus1959d ago

@ darthv72: fair enough, but it has nothing to do with ones ability separate fantasy from reality.

Neonridr1959d ago

Bioshock, Legend of Zelda series, The Last of Us.. a couple of games right there than had me really engaged into the stories.

darthv721959d ago

those games do have good stories. A good story will keep me engaged throughout. I just dont get moved by them to the point where i am emotionally vested in the outcome. I play them for what they are.

Neonridr1959d ago

@darthv72 - fair enough, it's hard to exactly describe something you enjoy vs something that moves you. You are invested either way.

I guess FFVII when *spoiler alert* Aerith died.. it got us all in the heartstrings.

ArchangelMike1959d ago (Edited 1959d ago )

Yeah, then you're doing it all wrong. Stop wasting your time with games and go do something more meaningful. At least do something that moves you aye!

Edit: I have to say I do love music though, and yeah I'm with you on the music front.

darthv721959d ago

music is such a different experience than games / movies. It has to do with your own ability to close your eyes and picture anything to go with the beat.

RedDevils1959d ago

"It has to do with your own ability to close your eyes and picture anything to go with the beat."

"Maybe it's because I can separate fantasy from reality."
Sound like two different view all together hmm.

Chevalier1959d ago

I get you're personal connection with music, but, you sound a bit insulting about the fantasy versus reality comment. Some people can have a connection with games and movies too. In fact musical scores are a big part of it too at least for me. The music for Journey made that game so much better for example.

darthv721959d ago

But games are fantasy though. they are meant to take you out of reality and into the world you play. I'm not saying i cant get into a game, I'm saying that they dont have an effect on me like they do others. and that's okay.

rainslacker1959d ago

Most moving moments in games are accompanied by moving music.

Christopher1959d ago (Edited 1959d ago )

Or perhaps you're trying too hard to make 'move me' seem like you have to cry when it can be about any surge of emotion and not you breaking down in tears? It could be a game that made you laugh, made you feel good about yourself, and more.

darthv721959d ago

I've raged a few times but never to the point where I break something. That is more frustration in the moment. Does that count?

UnSelf1959d ago

Darth, you’ve lost all credibility with such a myopic first comment. To try to legitimize what is sufficient to move someone is asinine and elitist. Some of the best music in history resides within the very video games you dismiss

darthv721959d ago

Sorry unself if you dont get it but that is the way it is for me. Also note, I am not disagreeing with anyone else pov or telling them they are wrong. I believe we all have our own pov so to each their own.

rainslacker1959d ago

"I am not disagreeing with anyone else pov or telling them they are wrong"

You did though. You diminished others by implying that being moved by a game, or movies, is akin to not being able to separate fantasy from reality. Something that isn't generally thought of as favorable.

This is about akin to what you said.

Opera music doesn't make me feel any emotion because I have a life, and I can separate fantasy from reality.

How is opera music any different than a moving SP game? Both have music, narrative, structure, and emotion.

If you don't feel a connection to the stories in the games, fine, but don't take the elitist mentality, and ultimately, it speaks poorly of you that you are too cynical to feel any emotions towards a presented story. That's not normal, and usually means a lack of empathy towards others.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1959d ago
Kakashi Hatake1959d ago

Watch Coco or play Tlou, if you're not moved at all by those pieces of entertainment you can't be human.

patterson1959d ago

So I guess you've never been moved by a movie, song or book because reality got in the way. Got it.

darthv721959d ago

not so much by a movie but I did say that a good piece of music can be very moving. Same with a book because both music and books are not visual and allow for the individual to interpret what they read and hear in their own way which makes it more of a moving experience.

patterson1959d ago

You don't feel that games have the same capacity for this? So movies and games don't move you because they're visual mediums?

RedDevils1959d ago (Edited 1959d ago )

Either this guy is in denial, an idiot or mental unstable to accept what his true emotion really is. Is like when you like someone, but doesn't accept the fact you like that person. then when the person no longer there you feel sad and empty.

rainslacker1959d ago

That's a pretty cynical view I think. If a game has never moved you, then you should evaluate what kinds of games you play...unless you just buy non-story based games. It's not the game itself that's moving you, it's the content within working on emotions within you that you can understand. Spider-Man had a real tear-jerking moment for me. The Last of US was quite meaningful, although I wasn't moved emotionally in the same way.

Mass Effect 3 spoiler

Probably one of the most moving gaming moments for me was Mordan Solus in Mass Effect 3. At least depending on what choice you make. After coming to love his character, to have him go out the way he did, making an attempt to cure the genophage actually made me sad. I wasn't depressed, but moved by the empathy I had gained for the character.

End Spoler

So, if you think that it's not possible to be moved by something that isn't "real", then yeah, you're dead inside. When you watch some inspirational piece of work...say Apollo 13, are you not on the edge of your seat, despite knowing the ending. Not feeling the overwhelming sense of relief appreciation courage and resourcefulness which allowed the astronauts to come home? It's just a movie after all. I know it's based on a real event, but replace that with any fictional piece of work, and tell me you can't be moved by something like that. If you can't empathize or relate to anything in games, then it means you lack the ability to empathize with others...which is the signs of a sociopath or psychotic.

I don't place the same kinds of connections on games as I do with family, and I can be moved by music, but surely, if you can be moved by music, then there is something in games that can move you as well. It's possible to be moved, without having any direct connection to the work that's moving you.

UCForce1959d ago

Well, I do feel for my family. Video game, movie, comic, book and music do me make feel as well. I think you should expand your emotion more.

OffRoadKing1959d ago

Separating fantasy from reality has little to do with being moved by a game especially if it has a great emotional story, the ending of the original Red Dead Redemption and TLOU were both games with great story lines with elements that could easily move someone. To say music can move you but a game cant doesn't make any sense.

RedDevils1959d ago

Wait a second, darthv72 and UrTearsRSkittles are the same person right?

cd11959d ago

Same here apart from TLOU where I did feel an emotional attachment to the characters - not happened since.

kayoss1959d ago

Theres a difference between a game that "Moves you" vs a game that controls you. I think Darthv72 missed that point. There things that people can be passionate about such as food, family, work, and games.

1959d ago
Rude-ro1958d ago

Well, something about gaming has moved you to the point of commenting on n4g about gaming for around 11 years...

So.... perhaps you are in denial or you think “move” is very limited in meaning.

BlackTar1871958d ago (Edited 1958d ago )

games and music are both Art.

Your first line is pretty dumb when you close out with MUSIC.

how does something moving you constitute living your life thru games? what an asinine comment.

jznrpg1958d ago

Denial is not just a river in anartctica

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 1958d ago
SpaceRanger1959d ago

It takes a lot generally for a game to move me. Ori was close when I saw the walkthrough, some gaming scenes make me sad.

But the only true game to actually move me and make me break down was The Last Guardian. Not an Xbox exclusive, but if we’re talking about a game that moves people they’re hard to come by.

darthv721959d ago

I guess there was one game that made me close to sad and that was phantasy star 2. Because right off the bat (spoiler alert) when Nei dies that was pretty sad. Other than that I havent felt moved by any game or cut scene in a game.

Scissorman821959d ago

have you ever played the last of us or the last guardian? how about nier: automata or what remains of edith finch? i can name countless others but i decided to go with games that came out recently, hehe.

im not sure if you just haven't played these games but if you can be moved by a piece music, i dont see how you can't be moved an by emotional moment in a work of fiction.

darthv721959d ago

sure i've played those but I just never got attached to the characters because i knew they were characters. I can't explain it but a game is just a game, it is meant to play to a certain level of senses and some people can maintain the separation of things better than others.

That does not mean we dont enjoy them, we just dont get emotionally attached.

ArchangelMike1959d ago

Yeah, I can't lie, I know it's cliche by this point, but The Last of Us moved me to tears a couple of times; even on my second or so playthrough. That end scene with Ellie and David, and when Joel comes in hugs her... gets me every time. But yeah, I can completely submerge myself into my games.. the really good ones at least.

Godmars2901959d ago

Then what was an Xbox exclusive which just moved you? Justified buying a console or defined it.

SpaceRanger1959d ago

That’s the thing, most Xbox games this aren’t really geared toward that. The lack of story driven games is what’s made it feel so lack luster on that end.

I literally just play Siege and sometimes PUBG, when my closest friend has time to play. Our jobs have both changed for the better money wise recently, so my gaming time has diminished.

chiefJohn1171959d ago (Edited 1959d ago )

The only game that ever made me buy a console was Halo. No other game defined, or justified my console. 90+% of my games are multiplats so any exclusive on ps or Xbox is simply a bonus to me. Smash bros nearly made me buy a Nintendo platform but like I said it lacks the 3rd party games so I'd be stupid to waste hundreds of dollars just to play 1 game.

ThinkThink1958d ago

Now we have to be "moved" by games? I love playing videogames, they are a lot of fun. That's it. It's just a game for me to enjoy and have a great time with, then set down and get back to the real world. Not trying to take anything away from story driven games, lots of people like them. But lots of people couldn't care less if you try and weave a story into the game. One of the reasons i couldn't get through the last of us was because the story was always getting in the way. Great if you're into the story but if you're like me, it gets frustrating when you don't care about the characters but are forced to watch.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1958d ago
shinoff21831959d ago

The last of us got me in the first 15 minutes.

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PlayStation Store: April 2024’s top downloads

Last month’s most downloaded games chart features newcomers and old favorites alike.

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Jin_Sakai11d ago

This should be a warm welcome to all other Xbox games heading to PlayStation.

XiNatsuDragnel11d ago

A sign that xbox will become 3rd party in the future since there games sell better on playstation

P_Bomb11d ago

Sea of Thieves is a hit! Sadly Hi Fi Rush looks like it fell off.

VersusDMC11d ago

Love to see Stellar blade selling well. 2nd only to helldivers 2 in the US. Currently going for that platinum.

Where the F is Rebirth?! I wonder if people just don't know it's the sequel to remake. It is too good to be overlooked.

solideagle11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

I have been playing Rebirth for few days now but it feels like a mini game galore than an actual Final Fantasy 7 remake sequel. Too many mini games, I still think they could do whole Final Fantasy 7 in 1 or maximum 2 parts rather trilogy. This is my opinion

VersusDMC11d ago

Well i am not one for asking a developer to censor themselves by asking them to cut stuff out of their game...but you do you.

Remake and Rebirth are GOTY to me and you always have the original for you.


Review: Sea of Thieves on PlayStation 5 | Console Creatures

`Court writes, "Sea of Thieves can be whatever the player wants, which is part of the game's magic."

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Sea Of Thieves (PS5) Review - CGMagazine

Even after six years, Sea Of Thieves remains a great time with friends, and now, with the PlayStation 5 port, even more friends can join in the hilariously fun high sea adventures.

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Markdn18d ago

Does it though? I don't know of anybody who has it or plays it on xbox, and I have a lot of friends on xbox. Not slating the game, but never found it very exciting.

Elda18d ago

LOL!! I can't believe anyone owning a PS5 paying $40 or more to play Sea Of Thieves.

darthv7218d ago

give it a spin... it may surprise you.

Elda18d ago

No thanks. I know what interests me & Sea Of Thieves let alone any type of pirate game I have zero interest in.

JackBNimble17d ago

Well I own it on ps5 and I'm enjoying it. I was considering buying an xbox because I was interested in this game... now I don't need another console.
Elda, it's a good thing that your opinion and interest are just that ... yours.