
Three Of 2018's Most Disappointing Games

Here are three high-profile titles from 2018 that illustrate different ways games can disappoint.

Traecy1965d ago

I enjoyed FC5,RDR2 is disappointing.

starchild1965d ago

I enjoyed FC5 and I enjoyed RDR2 even more.

HaveSumNuts1965d ago (Edited 1965d ago )

When I saw the Max Payne 3 like bullet damage, I was like this is GOTY

bradfh1965d ago (Edited 1965d ago )

Far Cry 5 and RDR2 should not be on that list, Fallout 76 they got right, Battlefield 5 and Just Cause 4 should be the other two.

bluefox7551964d ago

@gaming Agreed. The game, like all r* games had amazing production values and a beautifully realized world, but also like other r* games, the gameplay itself was mediocre at best, annoying at worst.

Strafe1964d ago

'the gameplay itself was mediocre at best, annoying at worst.'

God you talk so much shit. The gameplay in RDR2 has made me appreciate what Rockstar brought to the table. After RDR2 I appreciate the horse control far more when I play a game like Assassins Creed Odyssey, the way the horse controls in that game is awful compared to RDR2.

And I'd love it if someone can point me in the direction of another game that conveys being part of the classic wild wild west than RDR2? Name another game that does what RDR2 does that is better.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1964d ago
ClayRules20121965d ago

Sorry to hear you found RDR2 disappointing. I absolutely loved RDR2.
Far Cry 5 looked really good. I’m glad to hear you enjoyed it.

rainslacker1964d ago (Edited 1964d ago )

I liked rdr2 alright up until I accidently shot the butcher because aim and shoot are the same button when your gun is holstered. Then since I lost my legendary bear fur from it i thought I'd go get another one, but got on the wrong horse which apparently is worse the shooting the butcher, and I then went to collect some debts and was attacked by the debtor, which I punched a few times which apparently killed him, but there was a witness about 5 miles away who saw me, so I had half the county decending on me, so I just shot them all, which racked up a $200 bounty, to which i said screw this. What's the point in being allowed to be an outlaw if you have to spend so much time paying off bounties on your head.

Nothing against the technical achievements in the game, or the story so far, just some of the game play mechanics are pretty backwards.

sprinterboy1964d ago

Still on chapter 3 after not playing rdr2 for 3 weeks, I will finish it and I do think it's a good game.
However I am also disappointed also with pacing and weapon wheen design.

ziggurcat1964d ago

R2 to aim/shoot was one of the worst design decisions, yes, but I just got in the habit of going right into the wheel, and manually selecting the weapon to avoid accidental shootings. The question, though, is why would you need to aim your weapon at the butcher? You also are supposed to get attacked by some of the people you collect debts from - you're also supposed to chase the witnesses, and stop them from reaching the law.

I rarely had to pay off bounties because I didn't go around murdering people. Outlaws didn't tend to care whether they had a bounty on their heads... and that's the drawback of being an outlaw: having a price on your head, and constantly having to evade the bounty hunters/law. Did you honestly think the game would just allow you to run around like a jerk, and not face the consequences of those actions?

rainslacker1963d ago (Edited 1963d ago )

I wasn't aiming at the butcher. Gun was holstered. I went to sell some stuff to him. Instead of L2, I hit R2, and he was dead, because auto-aim. Don't care if I have the bounty but it makes the game more tedious.

Found out I can pay off my bounties by just surrendering instead of grinding, which takes all your money, because the game was getting boring being chased by people all the time. I then go to lay down my controller, and whatdya know, the R2 button pressed shooting the innkeeper in the leg. I swore an explecative which hasn't passed my mouth in a long time, and then was able to surrender. Got out of jail, passed some O'Driscall boys beating a guy, which I guess they killed, I intervened giving them a hard time, because I figured it's OK to kill them since I had before no problem, then they started punching. I punched them until they were down, never drew my weapon, all was fine. Even looted them.

For experimentation purposes, Pick up the guy on the ground to take him to the nearby doctor, not knowing he was dead, because why would they kill a debtor? Walk a few steps, and then a witness. MURDER! I was able to surrender, and spent the night in jail, because apparently murder is better than accidentally getting on a horse for a couple seconds.

Then we come to this wonderful example of REALISM!

I'm broke, but since I'm bounty free, decide to do some story progression. Galloping along the road, A guy was shoeing his horse, so I maybe I can do a good deed. Another guy was passing by, literally right next to the guy. I greeted the guy shoeing, and the horse kicked him dead. Was actually pretty funny. The other guy on his horse exclaimed, and said what poor luck the guy had, and made a comments about the horse killing the guy. So, standing there, and the guy trots off, and when he's maybe 30' away, I decide to loot the guy...because why not, he's dead, and I'm broke. Well, I start to loot and the guy moving along screams starts high tailing it to the sheriff, which was quite a ways. Not too long after, I have 4-5 red dots descending on me, had a nice bison skin, which I had to hoof it to get because I didn't have money for the coach, and it was now gone.

All this in the 2-1/2 hours I played today....making a few bucks on some hunting, losing a lot of it because of bounty hunters.

I said, "F this", and now I give up on the game. The bounty system is just stupid, and hinders the enjoyment of the game. Especially since the denizens apparently have the eyes of a hawk, and can witness you from a mile away. How such a flawed system could keep this game at the ratings it has is beyond me....and I know the devs had to know it was like this, so it's by design.

The bounty system pretty much makes this an open world game where choice is an illusion. The devs want you playing as a good guy, and they punish you for playing any other way. There is no way to defend it, and it's pathetic reviewers didn't mention it. I know GTA wasn't much better, but if the game is going to give you a choice, then allow the players to not be so hassled by the mechanics. Hell, I'm trying to play the good guy, and it's nearly impossible....even if I'm being careful about the buttons I press.

Maybe I'm missing something, maybe some people like this kind of thing, I dunno. But it seems more frustrating than fun.

Maybe I'm hostile, but I feel like I've spent more time fighting the game mechanics of this game, than having fun with it. I could get over the chores and slow pace, but not the frustrating mechanics that R* calls game play.

In short: I'm wondering when the realism of the old west kicks in, because I'm not seeing it

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1963d ago
GamingSinceForever1965d ago

I agree that Farcry 5 was a blast to play. I just finished RDR2 and I can say that it was just ok. The production was of high value but gameplay-wise I got nothing out of it. I can’t recall it being very challenging at any point.

Traecy1965d ago

I haven't played in a while & I'll get back to it soon & hopefully it gets better otherwise I'm done with it. There's nothing worse than playing a game that seems like a chore & you're not getting any fun out of it.

Smitty20201965d ago (Edited 1965d ago )

Can you please give me a reason why you didn’t enjoy these games please? Iv had a blast on both

agent131964d ago (Edited 1964d ago )

for me rdr2 is one of the best games of the generation it's absolutely amazing and a great technical and artistic achievement it's almost perfect i don't know why some people nag about the game maybe because they didn't even finish it. just tell me what do you expect from a video game that rdr2 didn't have?

KyRo1964d ago

RDR2 is a beautiful and technical marvel. The game is just mindnumbingly boring. The story is dragged out when it could of ended a hell of a lot earlier. It just really isn't that fun where as God of War was amazing, the story was engaging between father and son and the gameplay was varied.

rainslacker1964d ago

There's a lot of game play mechanics which tend to drag it down. The game itself isn't bad at all, but the combination of overly complicated stamina systems, horse care, personal care, general chore stuff to make money with the only way to make it easier to grind a lot to get more.saddle and bag space, the general bounty system, and the overall uninteresting early build up, coupled with extremely limited fast travel, which is made worse if you want to be an outlaw since you can't use it with a bounty on your head, makes the game tedious and dull.

It is certainly a technical.achievement, but with a few changes to the game play, it could have been an actual great game. As it is, it's a complex game, which it doesn't need to be...even if they want to have all the detail.

JackBNimble1964d ago

Why do you guys keep bring up gow ? ... they are two completely different game styles .
I personally have no interest in gow , just not my kind of game.

IamTylerDurden11964d ago

The legitimate list. 5 deep.

1. Fallout 76

2. Sea of Thieves

3. MG Survive

4. We Happy Few

5. State of Decay 2

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1963d ago
EazyC1965d ago

It's official, people really don't like RDR 2.

Ezio20481965d ago

Is that why it is selling so much and has gotten over 50 goty awards??

Elda1965d ago (Edited 1965d ago )

EazyC means some people are not fond of RDR2.

gamer91965d ago

U Serious? Rockstar games are going to sell, based on the pedigree of their previous games, no matter if it happens to be amazing or just okay, it’s gonna sell a ton. People pre-order or buy day 1 before any reviews.

GOTY awards? Again due to popularity, no reviewer wants to be the 1 outlier that gives RDR2 an 7/10, or they will get torn up by comments. Riding your horse from point to point 90% of the game, this CAN’T be one of the top 5 games in the past decade, come on. Yet there it sits with a 97 metacritic. Reviews and GOTY are not always fair, and are sometimes swayed by politics. FYI I’d give the game an 8/10

EazyC1965d ago

Perhaps not, but it's getting a lot of hate. Again, I adore this game - look at my recent comments.

stupidusername1964d ago


What your doing there is making assumptions and taking them for facts. I don’t get why some people can’t realize that others totaly loved rdr 2 and had a incredible time with it.
I for one absolutely dreaded Horizon as I felt that it was just another open world game, but the majority loved it. But I don’t make assumptions that Horizon was loved just because it was a ps exclusive and that people only care about graphics, and that reviewers are afraid to give it any lower than 7 because it will put them in a bad spot with Sony and their readers.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1964d ago
Yi-Long1965d ago

I'm people, and I think it's an amazing game.

ClayRules20121965d ago

Right there with you bud. Regardless of some flaws, an amazing game it is. And my personal favorite Rockstar game. I sure do wish we could use the hot air ballon for fun lol.

EazyC1965d ago

I think it's one of the best games I've played, I'm just noticing from talking to others and what I see on the Internet!

ClayRules20121965d ago (Edited 1965d ago )

Many people love RDR2, while many others don’t like RDR2. It happens.

Discobastrd1964d ago

Yup, amazing right? From my friend base, the older guys found it a chore. Shallow and with baddly designed controls ripped right from GTA.

1965d ago
Profchaos1965d ago

Just because people are loud and comment alot doesn't mean a vast majority of people didn't like it the game sold 17 million copies in its first 24 hours to near perfect scores universally but because dopeman6969 wrote a list of games he didn't like and listed red dead because he expected a Michael bay everything blows up and requires no attention span game it must be bad.

It's a clear competitor for goty

AK911965d ago

let people think what they want, I personally think Breath of the Wild is trash and Witcher 3 is boring but that didn't really stop either games from being a success.

Discobastrd1964d ago

Exactly, it's great we can all like different things. It's not great that people can't handle that and opposing opinions. Bored shitless after 20 hrs or RDR2. BoTW was incredible. Witcher ruined by terrible interaction design.

frostypants1965d ago

I liked it. People are being edgy morons.

WillyC0091964d ago

How is it official? I personally loved it and am on my second playthrough.

Your sweeping generalization is way off the mark.

william_cade1964d ago

It's official people don't like your comment hahahaaha "it's official" hahahaah

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1964d ago
Skankinruby1965d ago

Red Dead 2 was fantastic, only rockstar game to date with a campaign that meant much, even RDR 1 wasn't void of this. People wanted a brainless sandbox button masher and rockstar gave them a masterpiece they didn't deserve

william_cade1964d ago

Sums it up. RDR2 is a fantastic game

fluxmulder1965d ago

Forbes has officially descended into clickbait territory.

bluefox7551965d ago (Edited 1965d ago )

Still forming my opinion on RDR2, and while I am enjoying it, and I think it has potential, it's hard to ignore that it really didn't live up to the hype. Hope it gets better as I put more hours in.

ClayRules20121965d ago

How far into the game are you? Like chapter wise.

Discobastrd1964d ago

It doesn't really. I have up. Better off playing GoW again

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PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for May: RDR2, Deceive Inc., Crime Boss: Rockay City and more

All titles release May 21.

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-Ghost11h ago

PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium | Game Catalog

- Red Dead Redemption 2 | PS4
- Deceive Inc. | PS5
- The Sims 4 City Living | PS4
- Crime Boss: Rockay City | PS5
- The Settlers: New Allies | PS4
- Stranded: Alien Dawn | PS4, PS5
- Cat Quest | PS4
- Cat Quest II | PS4
- The LEGO Movie 2 Videogame | PS4
- Watch Dogs* | PS4

PlayStation Premium | Classics

- 2Xtreme | PS4, PS5
- G-Police | PS4, PS5
- Worms Pinball | PS4, PS5

shinoff218310h ago

They gotta do better on the premium side for sure. Where are any of those jrpgs from the ps1 Era. Come on Sony.

jznrpg10h ago

Most of the Sony JRPGS have been released. Square has a ton that could be ported over but they would need Squares involvement.

VenomUK10h ago

Crime Boss! I know it hasn't reviewed well but I love the eighties action movie vibe of the trailer but didn't want to risk any money on it so this is a great way for me to play it.

outsider162410h ago

Looking at this list, i gotta ask what is even the point of premium?

raWfodog10h ago

I'm good with just my PS+ Essential

GamerRN6h ago

I have premium, and I'm also wondering why I have it

Xeofate6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

I think there are a ton of good games on Premium, and don't sleep on the movie collection if you like 90's and 2000's movies, the selection is stacked with classics and gets updated pretty regularly.

Abnor_Mal9h ago

G-Police is a game I have fond memories of and will definitely download to replay. I remember controlling your helicopter was a bit difficult and would make my hand cramp having to press all the shoulder buttons to go up and down and I think yaw left and right.

The next game they should add to Classics is Colony Wars, and I wouldn’t mind replaying Nightmare Creatures. I’d also like to replay Black, PSI Ope: The Mindgate Conspiracy.

Redgrave5h ago

Nightmare Creatures, Deathtrap Dungeon, Urban Chaos

MrBaskerville6h ago

G-Police is nice. But might be among the hardest games I've ever played.

Bathyj4h ago

G Police.
I almost want to upgrade for that.

But let's face it, there's no way the game has held up.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4h ago
TheProfessional11h agoShowReplies(7)
hiroyukisanada9h ago

Man.... Premium has been a massive letdown but this is the only month they don't have a single thing for me. Oh well. I've gotten my money's worth so far and still need to finish up Rebirth and Rise of the Ronin then I'll hop back in to Relink and Helldivers after that.

Petebloodyonion9h ago

RDR2 is a win for Sony and Crime boss is a good fit to help promote a struggling game
but we're far from what was removed this month (including Horizon Zero Dawn)

crazyCoconuts8h ago

Yeah I was hoping burning shores would have been added now that it's a year old vs. the base game being removed.
I wouldn't be surprised if both MS and PS continue to either walk back the quality of games in the sub services or increase the price, since it's now clearer to them how cannibalistic these services are

isarai4h ago

The game deserves to struggle, it's garbage

Petebloodyonion2h ago

Indeed it's bad but it does offer incredible Hollywood star power so for free it might draw a crowd while giving a boost to this game.
Just remember Fallout 76 was the biggest turd and yet there are now tons of ppl playing it.

JL29303h ago

How is a 6 year old game a win for anything? Anyone who cares has already played it.

Petebloodyonion2h ago

Simply because ppl do play it!
As much as I don't like it GTA V always managed a boost of ppl when it was offered on Game Pass or PS+.
NOW RDR 2 was never offered on a subscription service.
Again the point isn't about will hardcore gamers play the game because we already played it. it's about having a huge star power game never offered on service that will make casual ppl subscribe to it.

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Fallout 76: Skyline Valley Developers Preview

Players looking forward to exploring the new content can now enjoy a preview of what to expect.


Fallout 76 Spring Cleaning event guide – all challenges and rewards

Spring has arrived in Appalachia and that means that it is time to go on a cleaning spring in Fallout 76 during the Spring Cleaning event.

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