
Red Dead Redemption 2 requires a specific mindset to fully appreciate

Glitched Africa writes: "Red Dead Redemption 2 requires a specific mindset from gamers to really get the most out of Rockstar's amazing open-world experience."

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mad-dog2034d ago

Just take your time and enjoy. Not sure how the young quick fix phone-gazing crowd will manage but i think the game is a breath of fresh air in pace. There is a lot to do but it all takes time. The landscape is breathtaking and filled to the brim with awesome details though. Not a game you want to play when you're in a hurry or when you feel hasty.

chiefJohn1172033d ago

Fax, I haven't played all week cause of work and only 2 hours of gaming isn't enough for red dead. But the weekend is here and I'm back at it!

King_Noctis2033d ago

I’m in the same boat as you. Work has gotten in the way of play. But I’m glad weekend is coming and I can play RDR2 and Yakuza Kiwami 2 back to back.

Tapani2032d ago

This game needs the Shenmue kind of mindset. Many things are similar to it.

Yi-Long2033d ago

Yep, this is a game that deserves a proper sit-down in order to enjoy and appreciate it for what it is. Bought it day 1, but only been able/willing to boot it up twice, when I knew I had 1-2 hours to spend on it...

Struggling a bit with the controls at times, which feel a bit outdated or counter-intuitive, but other than that it's impressive...

Flewid6382033d ago

You'll adjust. I thought the same way, but then the more I played the more I realized the controls & slower speed saved me more than they killed me.

mogwaii2032d ago

Man those controls. There is hope with updates though, like how cdpr did an alt control option with tw3.

moomoo3192032d ago

For aiming, boomstick gaming and reddit got some nice control setups. In general you just got to play more to grasp the controls it really is a lot

3-4-52033d ago

Yea I'm about to sink in a ton of hours this weekend. I'm still not that far but I love that it takes a while. It's a nice relaxing journey.

HeyNowChillax2033d ago (Edited 2033d ago )

I'm thinking red dead in winter for me. I'll likely start during the first major snowstorm with logs in the fire, little bourbon on the rocks and time to appreciate it.

Christopher2032d ago

***Just take your time and enjoy. Not sure how the young quick fix phone-gazing crowd will manage but i think the game is a breath of fresh air in pace.***

Four weeks ago: "Ugh, this game is just too long and Ubisoft forces us to do too much. It's made for kids who have all the time in the world."

Now: "The kids just can't handle the slow pace and long playtime of a game like this."

mad-dog2032d ago

Huh, did i say that? Anyway, some people can't handle slow paced stuff anymore. Not in movies, music or games.

Christopher2032d ago (Edited 2032d ago )

There's a difference between slow paced and poorly paced. You can't just say "it's slow paced" as to say that's perfectly fine to say it's properly paced.

As someone who has played the last two games, this one is way slower in many regards, and feels clumsier in others, when the last ten years other games have improved so that you can maintain story pacing but not force players into wasting time with things that shouldn't be wasting their time with.

It kills it with the atmosphere, but there's definitely room for improvement, and I think most complaints are where people want that to happen.

michaelknight352032d ago

Thats dumb thing to say but im not surprised what kids say nomore

michaelknight352032d ago (Edited 2032d ago )

Yup im not in a rush to beat the game ima take my time

TheSaint2032d ago

The only issue I have with the slower pace is the in-game days are too short!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2032d ago
sammarshall1022033d ago (Edited 2033d ago )

If you can appreciate attention to detail and an added level of realism you'll love Red Dead Redemption 2 it's a great game it's also beautiful

PhantomS422033d ago

Appreciating the attention to detail has nothing to do with the extremely slow pacing. The first game had perfectly fine pacing and allowed the player to enjoy the world. There is no excuse for terrible pacing in any medium.

sammarshall1022033d ago (Edited 2033d ago )

I haven't experienced terrible pacing during my time with the game so far and the open world is possibly the best I've ever played

I went from hunting a bear to watching a show to taking 3 ladies out on a stroll in one session

Skankinruby2033d ago

Pacing shmacing, absolutely the stupidest basis for criticism of a game I've ever heard.

King_Noctis2033d ago

Which is why articles like this exist. If people find the pacing of this game slow, then Fortnite and COD are their other options.

mad-dog2033d ago (Edited 2033d ago )

It's not bad at all and i see not real difference with RDR1. Hyperbolic bullshit sir. The start is slow paced but that makes sense. The rest is mostly up to yourself.
Controls could be a bit better though.

ninsigma2033d ago

Pacing is actually a very legitimate criticism for a game. If it's off then it can throw a lot of enjoyment out of the window. So far for me rdr2 only had pacing issues at the start which was drawn out and not particularly interesting. Once you get out of the mountains though, it's been great fun!

Yeah cuz if people don't like rdr2 they MUST like TRASH SUCH AS cod or fortnite /S 🙄

nyu12033d ago (Edited 2033d ago )

"Appreciating the attention to detail has nothing to do with the extremely slow pacing."

It has a lot to do with slow pacing. Detail often means the game has to spend more time actually showing you those things, for example animating things that would be a quick menu press in some other game. Besides, it isn't just detail, it's making the player feel like they're in the game world. That means making it more believable, sometimes at the cost of fast gameplay convenience.

"There is no excuse for terrible pacing in any medium."

It's terrible according to you. Slow pacing does not equal terrible pacing. Plenty of people love slow pacing and a focus on 'immersion'. It's the same reason many prefer BF over COD, and many prefer Squad, Insurgency or ARMA over those two titles.
It's the same reason many people really like Kingdom Come Deliverance. It's a greater time investment, and it can definitely lead to more frustration (especially when there are bugs) but there is a payoff. A successful operation in ARMA will be so much more satisfying than the equivalent in COD or BF. A day out in the woods in KCD can actually feel like an adventure, while the equivalent in another game might feel like nothing special.

wwinterj2033d ago

I'm sure that's nostalgia talking as "the first game" was the same as this is pacing. Hell I'd even say this game has more action due to having more options. I also recall spending a lot of time picking flowers in RDR and actually enjoying it. Glad to see that's returned here.

frostypants2033d ago

The pacing isn't terrible. It's just not what you like.

Flewid6382033d ago

Good thing it isnt terrible then.

Christopher2032d ago

***Which is why articles like this exist. If people find the pacing of this game slow, then Fortnite and COD are their other options.***

Shite logic is shite logic.

The person can love everything but how slow it is, but no, let's just associate him with some of the fastest games out there that have absolutely no other comparison to a SP open world Western game.

rainslacker2032d ago (Edited 2032d ago )

The mindset to fully appreciate this game seems to be not caring about anything you may think about games and how they should be paced, and just not even looking at the game critically because its a R* game and people want to be excited about it.

In my opinion, if a game seems to be trying to force you to appreciate all that it offers, then it's trying too hard, because most people can stop and enjoy something on their own if they care about it enough.

yoshatabi2032d ago

What slow pace? I think the pace is just fine. People are just impatient nowadays and want nothing but shortcuts

2032d ago
Flewid6382030d ago

I hate slow games.....I even hated the first RDR.

And yet, I bought this game anyway and feel like it's a masterpiece.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 2030d ago
sampsonon2033d ago

yeah, but the only thing that i would say is the riding, boy there is a lot of long distance riding. Thank god for the auto ride feature which works great.

Jinger2032d ago

There is fast travel, and the train, and the carriages to help you get around quickly.

pyroxxx2032d ago

Capture the fastest horse you can, use train a lot. Bothered me the first 20 or so hours,.. then I started to roleplay,.. and just zone out shooting squirls and shit on the way.

mogwaii2032d ago (Edited 2032d ago )

Except it doesn't because it takes away the great random events that happen, it's just straight to the destination and if people are using it all the time they are missing out on alot of the charm of this game.

MoshA2032d ago

I think God of War's giant snake the size of an island with no loading screens took longer to develop than horses

Skankinruby2033d ago

Rockstar finally made a game with depth to it. Characters have actual personality, and relationships feel real and not scripted like a junior high kid reading flash cards in front of the classroom. This game is fantastic, not for the COD/GTA online button mashers but an actual well thought out game.

UnSelf2033d ago

People like you kill me. Im going to presume your jab was directed at GTAV and probably every other iteration of the franchise. You really think the game that sold more than any other piece of media IN HISTORY, did so because the writing and/or characters resembled the ramblings of a junior high school kid's flashcards?

And yeah i know someones going to mention how sales dont equate to greatness and bypass the entire point of this comment entirely. To them i say switch up already we all know that.

The point is, a part of the reason GTAV is as praised as it is has a lot to do with its CHARACTERS. Unbelievable. I bet you have less than 70% of trophies in GTA and i bet you this will be the only part of this comment you focus on. Prove me wrong and eloquently retort with a sound response.

MaximusTKG2033d ago

You threw in two fancy(ish) words in at the end to make yourself sound better. Well done!

Flewid6382033d ago

To be fair. I never liked GTA until V, and I didn't like Red Dead until II.

So I definitely see your point.

ShinRon2033d ago

gtav is known for its online nowadays man, not for its single player content

Skankinruby2032d ago

Lol well done sir, you have managed to so profoundly made a completely unprofound statement. First off, let's talk about the sales. GTA 5 came at the tail end of a generation with max install base and immediately double dipped into next gen while the title was still red hot to cash in, and THEN when that momentum slowed a tad they release a PC port to keep the train rolling and since then have spaced out their 'new online mode' announcements to keep the sales coming in. I personally know 7 people who have bought the game 3 different times, by no means am I minimizing the accomplishment in their success but spare me the idea that those sales contradict my point. They were able to mildly tickle the ears of nearly every portion of the gaming market, an already insanely popular franchise now adds multiple protagonists and online multiplayer. And just to tickle the ears of the pre-pubescent fans let's throw in a completely vulgar script to give them the giddy rebellious satisfaction. But beneath the heavy coat of controversial paint what you have is a very cliche story and characters with virtually no substance or personality beyond your average 'dick joke' type humor. Basically a very, very bad attempt at ripping off a Quentin Tarantino script. I see the technical achievements they made with the game and commend them for that, but I'm not going to just side with the popular vote and pretend the campaign/storyline was something special because it just simply wasn't. Ok now you're turn!

Profchaos2032d ago

GTA IV was praised for it's story and character development also and now 10 years later people scream they hate it as it was to slow.

People forget easily.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2032d ago
moomoo3192032d ago

GTA V is a biting satire and theres some great social commentary hidden beneath the silly dialogue. Red Dead is grounded realism, both great just very different. Clear why one is more popular though

Inzo2033d ago

Not really, the clunky feel isnt a mindset . I am really enjoying the game but that doesn't mean that there aren't things that are frustrating.

nyu12033d ago

He isn't talking about movement mechanics. he's talking about the game as a whole.

chiefJohn1172033d ago

How is it clunky? For example state of Decay movements was clunky you mean to tell me red dead 2 movement is anything close to that? Realistic movement= clunky? Lol wtf. Do a 360 spin and compare. Go up some stairs or a hill. Clunky games the player won't react or adjust to the angle of the hill or stair they'll glide right up it. And when you spin they're feet won't be planted and pushing.

Dark_Knightmare22033d ago

I love the game but I’m tired of seeing that excuse who the hell moves like Arthur in real life lol no one

chiefJohn1172033d ago

Seriously I have 0 clue wtf y'all talking about what's wrong with the way he walk? I really don't get it.

nyu12033d ago (Edited 2033d ago )

Great article. Some games are slower paced than others, and focus more on immersion and detail. As the author said, RDR2 requires more from the player. It's not necessarily the game you play when you want to have 30 minutes of fun after work. Same can be said about something like Kingdom Come Deliverance.

That doesn't mean they're worse games. It just means they're different, and honestly it's so nice to see Rockstar go down this path, because most games are the opposite. For people who appreciate this kind of immersion and detail and slower paced gameplay, it's nice to see Rockstar doing this.

I also applaud Rockstar for sticking to this vision, despite obviously knowing that some people wouldn't like it. You wouldn't expect such a big production to do this, but it shows you that Rockstar values the creative vision a lot. The end result is something special.

Sillicur2033d ago

Thanks, well said. I thought the same about Kingdom Come when reviewing it, was still an awesome experience, but it does ask a lot from players to fully enjoy


I think as more of a simulation they nailed it. As a game I hated the controls and traveling requirement. Having a more immersive mode for those that want it and allowing traditional fast travel otherwise would have been a smart move imo. The controls just need a complete overhaul.

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PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for May: RDR2, Deceive Inc., Crime Boss: Rockay City and more

All titles release May 21.

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-Ghost12d ago

PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium | Game Catalog

- Red Dead Redemption 2 | PS4
- Deceive Inc. | PS5
- The Sims 4 City Living | PS4
- Crime Boss: Rockay City | PS5
- The Settlers: New Allies | PS4
- Stranded: Alien Dawn | PS4, PS5
- Cat Quest | PS4
- Cat Quest II | PS4
- The LEGO Movie 2 Videogame | PS4
- Watch Dogs* | PS4

PlayStation Premium | Classics

- 2Xtreme | PS4, PS5
- G-Police | PS4, PS5
- Worms Pinball | PS4, PS5

shinoff218312d ago

They gotta do better on the premium side for sure. Where are any of those jrpgs from the ps1 Era. Come on Sony.

jznrpg12d ago

Most of the Sony JRPGS have been released. Square has a ton that could be ported over but they would need Squares involvement.

VenomUK12d ago

Crime Boss! I know it hasn't reviewed well but I love the eighties action movie vibe of the trailer but didn't want to risk any money on it so this is a great way for me to play it.

Exvalos11d ago

I don't know why Sony is not getting some of the legendary ps1 games from square like parasite eve, xenogears, brave fencer musashi

outsider162412d ago

Looking at this list, i gotta ask what is even the point of premium?

raWfodog12d ago

I'm good with just my PS+ Essential

GamerRN11d ago

I have premium, and I'm also wondering why I have it

Xeofate11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

I think there are a ton of good games on Premium, and don't sleep on the movie collection if you like 90's and 2000's movies, the selection is stacked with classics and gets updated pretty regularly.

Abnor_Mal12d ago

G-Police is a game I have fond memories of and will definitely download to replay. I remember controlling your helicopter was a bit difficult and would make my hand cramp having to press all the shoulder buttons to go up and down and I think yaw left and right.

The next game they should add to Classics is Colony Wars, and I wouldn’t mind replaying Nightmare Creatures. I’d also like to replay Black, PSI Ope: The Mindgate Conspiracy.

Redgrave11d ago

Nightmare Creatures, Deathtrap Dungeon, Urban Chaos

TheColbertinator11d ago

Colony Wars, G-Police, Black and PsiOps were all amazing games. Such creative games from a golden age.

DefenderOfDoom211d ago

I would love to play Black again on a higher difficult setting . Black was so fun to play!

MrBaskerville11d ago

G-Police is nice. But might be among the hardest games I've ever played.

Bathyj11d ago

G Police.
I almost want to upgrade for that.

But let's face it, there's no way the game has held up.

MrBaskerville11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

You can just buy it, you don't need premium.

And it's still good, but there's a couple of early missions that are extremely tough. But they don't really make games like this anymore.

DarXyde11d ago

2Xtreme was the first game I ever bought for PS Plus (I still have the PS1 version somewhere).

Game is awful, but it's stupid fun. Like Thrasher: Skate and Destroy.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 11d ago
TheProfessional12d ago ShowReplies(7)
hiroyukisanada12d ago

Man.... Premium has been a massive letdown but this is the only month they don't have a single thing for me. Oh well. I've gotten my money's worth so far and still need to finish up Rebirth and Rise of the Ronin then I'll hop back in to Relink and Helldivers after that.

hiroyukisanada11d ago

I should clarify that I was referring to the Classics catalog, in particular. Only 1 PS1 game I've loved is the Legend of Dragoon and the Tekken/Soul Caliburs on PSP

Petebloodyonion12d ago

RDR2 is a win for Sony and Crime boss is a good fit to help promote a struggling game
but we're far from what was removed this month (including Horizon Zero Dawn)

crazyCoconuts12d ago

Yeah I was hoping burning shores would have been added now that it's a year old vs. the base game being removed.
I wouldn't be surprised if both MS and PS continue to either walk back the quality of games in the sub services or increase the price, since it's now clearer to them how cannibalistic these services are

isarai11d ago

The game deserves to struggle, it's garbage

Petebloodyonion11d ago

Indeed it's bad but it does offer incredible Hollywood star power so for free it might draw a crowd while giving a boost to this game.
Just remember Fallout 76 was the biggest turd and yet there are now tons of ppl playing it.

shinoff218311d ago

When I seen video on this game I thought Holy sht this is gonna be awesome. Then the footage continued and I seen what type of game it was going for. Was so disappointed. Would've loved a gta style game not from Rockstar,like we had back in the day some studios trying. I'm all about being different but a little gta clone idea been cool with.

Yui_Suzumiya11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

To be fair, I'd play Crime Boss before GTA any day. I mean I have no interest in either but just for the celebs I'd pick Crime Boss, lol

JL293011d ago

How is a 6 year old game a win for anything? Anyone who cares has already played it.

Petebloodyonion11d ago

Simply because ppl do play it!
As much as I don't like it GTA V always managed a boost of ppl when it was offered on Game Pass or PS+.
NOW RDR 2 was never offered on a subscription service.
Again the point isn't about will hardcore gamers play the game because we already played it. it's about having a huge star power game never offered on service that will make casual ppl subscribe to it.

MrBaskerville11d ago

You are aware that new people are born every day? All the 5 year olds probably didn't play it when it released.

But I guess you played every game ever released, which is quite impressive.

JL293011d ago Show
seanpitt2311d ago

A 6 years old game is a win? Yes it's a masterpiece but I am sure most of hardcore gamers have already played it! I doubt it would be shifting ps plus extra subs if there was a native ps5 version or 60fps option then maybe

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6 Games That Genuinely Deserve A Current-Gen Upgrade

Games such as Mad Max, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Batman: Arkham Knight desperately deserve a modern-day revisit.

thorstein40d ago

Mad Max is underrated. Such a fun game.

Cacabunga39d ago (Edited 39d ago )

RDR2 still looks astounding on PS4 Pro. i cannot imagine how it could look with a next gen upgrade.

JonTheGod39d ago (Edited 39d ago )

Probably not very different.

No idea why this article is highlighting recent beautiful graphically-advanced games and saying they need current gen makeovers. They already look better than most new releases; just compare Arkham Knight and Suicide Squad!

exputers38d ago

I see what you did there.

Yi-Long39d ago

It's obviously never gonna happen since Sony killed the game and studio, but Driveclub. Even in its current state, 10 years after release, it still puts many competitors to shame ...

Demetrius38d ago

I'm not into racing games but yeah I even looked at gameplay of that sometimes

redrum0611d ago

It's a shame they cancelled the game. Definitely the best racing game I've ever played on Playstation. Just got GT7, but it feels so slow and less arcade-y, which is to be expected of a sim racer of course, that I just enjoy it less.
Driveclub also graphically looked insanely good for its time. I wonder what a Driveclub 2 would look like for the PS5.

Demetrius38d ago

Mad max ikr! Far cry primal, it amuses me how ubisoft just left ac unity hanging, sadly most of the good staff left from rocksteady while being forced to make that abomination smh