
'Red Dead Redemption 2' Is A Movie I Wanted To Turn Off After 20 Minutes, But Won't

Once again Rockstar has created a world in 'Red Dead Redemption 2' that creates a sense of amazement, slathered with frustrations.

doggo842047d ago (Edited 2047d ago )

But let me guess, Fortnite is great! /s I can understand why a casual will find RDR 2 overwhelming.

Shuckylad2047d ago

I find it a little overwhelming and I’ve been gaming for 30 years. But think that’s due to I only get chance to play an hour or so a day due to young family etc. I do fear it will end up on my pile of great games I never get into that recently has included god of war and horizon ZD.

NotoriousWhiz2047d ago (Edited 2047d ago )

I'm with you. I bought rdr2, but it's in my backlog. I probably won't even play it until Veteran's day. My kids will be at school, and my wife will be at work. But I'll be home alone for a sweet blissful 8 hours.

Of course, I doubt I'll ever beat the game. The only games I've beaten recently are those that can be beaten in < 30 hours.

frostypants2047d ago (Edited 2047d ago )

Worst is getting into it, walking away, then coming back and having no clue what the controls are. Looking at you, Witcher 3.

TheDriz2047d ago

Agreed. I feel like I have no time for it already. It’s just too much for someone with my schedule. Not saying it’s bad but I much prefer the slightly more arcade style of the first one.

UltraNova2047d ago

Wow its like those group therapy things here hahaha. I feel you guys...its ok to admit it, no one will judge you! RDR2 is frickin intimidating for people who can put in 2+ hrs per day in a game.

Frosty, the same thing happened to me as well, as a matter of fact I've never finished Witcher 3 to this day but I plan to...some day...

rainslacker2047d ago


That's every game for me. Which is why I try to complete games completely before moving on, otherwise I have to play all over again to get caught up again. It's fine when there is a new game plus trophy though.😀

Tapani2047d ago

Young family here as well, working my ass off in the biz world. Horizon, BOTW and God of War I could easily complete. I have a feeling RDR2 main story will be the same. The Witcher 3 main story I could complete, but the DLC, which is supposed to be some of the best content, is another story. I'm too tired after work to play too much of anything, just watch the stock market go up and down to relax and spend time with the family. On weekends I game and do sports!

cyclindk2047d ago

I hear ya! I have a similar sentiment, said this is a game I should play when I retire! I'm only 34... ;(

bloop2047d ago

I feel you guys. I'm running my own business and working 7 days a week but still managed to get a good few hours in. That is of course at a cost, as I'd say I've had a total of about 12 hours sleep in the last 3 nights. D'oh!!!

Imalwaysright2047d ago

Don't worry. You'll be able to finish those games when your kids go to college.

Redlife2g2047d ago

Man I'm in the exact same boat as you are! I have a feeling I won't be able to finish it lol

Ceaser98573612047d ago

Lately I have notice the more older I get the more patience I become and start enjoying games. I am 30 years Now. And I take my time and play... Try for plat.. When I was young I use to rush games. I remember how long I took to finish Red dead 1 since most days I wouldn't play it... But now I take my time and enjoy the games I.play...

Ceaser98573612047d ago

Well I realized the more older I get the more I enjoy gaming.. When I was young I.use to rush. Wanting to finish a game quickly.. But now i realize I have become more patience. I don't rage quit. I enjoy my games and try for platinum trophy. I remember how long I took to finish Rdr1 and probably did the story mainly. But now with Rdr2 I am almost doing everything and taking my time..I am 30 years Now and enjoying games more than I did when I was in early 20s.

Newmanator2047d ago

This is a common struggle people of all consoles can relate to. #workgamefamilybalance

Kingdomcome2472047d ago

Don't worry, I too feel your pain. I promised myself that I would finish Spider-Man and Shadow of the Tomb Raider prior to RDR 2's release... yet, here I am just reaching Paititi in Shadow of the Tomb Raider, and three story missions into Spider-Man... I rarely get the chance these days to truly lose myself in these beautiful worlds.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2047d ago
rdgneoz32047d ago

Paying $60 for a game that has a ton of content in it, no micro transactions, looks beautiful, has a ton of customization in it, and is huge? Yah, I'd get bored of it too /s

frostypants2047d ago

I like RDR2, but lots of content doesn't necessarily make a game not boring. At the end of the day, gameplay is king.

Concertoine2047d ago (Edited 2047d ago )

While i agree RDR2 is a 60 dollar game through and through, we know microtransactions will be a big part of the multiplayer.

TheDriz2047d ago

The content is there but I’m not sure it’s very good. It’s fine for people who have the time to live a second life but my first life is more interesting, important, and takes too much of my time to go hunting and make coffee in a video game. I’m not saying it’s bad at all and I would have loved this game 6 years ago but at this point in my life I just don’t have time.

rainslacker2047d ago

Complaints I've seen seen to indicate that's it's more tedious than boring. Most say the world is engaging, so I can't see how that would get boring. The tedium is from the excessive micro management.

Snookies122047d ago

@frostypants - You're saying the gameplay isn't good in RDR2? It's completely fine. The only thing I personally found wrong with it. Was that the aiming sensitivity was too low, and there was auto lock-on turned on by default. Other than that, it's brilliant. People saying it's 'boring' just don't have the patience needed for a slower paced game. That's fine and all, but people need to stop acting like it's a bad game just because they can't grasp what's so wonderful about it.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2047d ago
l3w1s2047d ago

But RDR is the epitome of a casual game, what are you talking about?

doggo842047d ago (Edited 2047d ago )

What is considered a "Hardcore" game then?

Snookies122047d ago

Just like your comment is the epitome of trolling?

badz1492047d ago


a wild "RDR2 is the EPITOME of a casual game" comment appeared out of nowhere! I LOL

Armaggedon2047d ago

A "hardcore" game would be a title where gameplay and challenge are typically king. A "casual" game is a game in which presentation and accessibility are king. This is of course debatable.

l3w1s2046d ago


I don't know, I don't usually care about some arbitrary criteria like "hardcore" or "casual". But if Fortnite is considered "casual" by the guy above, isn't RDR2 also casual, seeing how many people play both?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2046d ago
jukins2047d ago

Wow calm down lol. Dont be so butthurt. Casual or not rdr 2 is slow. And just as the article said it's pretty predictable and standard fare as far as rockstar games go. Travel here with crew listen to story on the way get fired upon kill and then do some survival take on some quests where again you travel with your crew to be fired upon bbby whatever deputy or gang. Rinse and repeat and fill in with "survival" tasks.

I dont even like fortnite but being able to get in snd out of a game and play how you want in short bursts fits anyone's gameplay style or habits.

I always fall for rockstar hype and bits always the same bigger more detailed and nuanced but really the same. Online may save this game for me but as of now I'm already tired of slow horse rides and gunfights.

doggo842047d ago (Edited 2047d ago )

"Travel here with crew listen to story on the way get fired upon kill and then do some survival take on some quests where again you travel with your crew to be fired upon bbby whatever deputy or gang."

Anyone can break down a game like that and make it seem bad. That says nothing about the quality of the story or the game itself though. I can't really comment on the story, but for the bit i've played, i have definitely enjoyed. This game is a graphical and technical power house. Of that there is NO question. The gameplay is a step above the first game and have added so much detail and depth into just about every system (weather, hunting, etc.) . There is a lot to appreciate about RDR 2. I Guess i choose to support great devs that make great games like RDR 2. So screw me for liking a masterpiece i suppose!

2047d ago Replies(1)
n1kki62047d ago

Its not overwhelming, its boring. The lengths fans will go to justify a boring game because its rockstar is not suprising however. But any other cowboy simulator that is essentially an average waling simulator and a poor 3rd person cover shooter would get absolutely destroyed.

Elda2047d ago

Pretty much! I've seen comments where folks were going to stop & drop everything in their life for RDR2 as if it's the second coming & with RDR2 being my first RDR game I personally find it ok & being somewhat of a chore.Hopefully Chapter 2 will be more entertaining & fun.

2047d ago
deafdani2047d ago

Stop being a fanboy. People have a right to like or dislike stuff, even if you personally feel different. By the way, I find Fortnite boring as fuck, but I understand why other people find it fun and I getting all elitist and having a sense of superiority based on the kinds of games we play is immature. You have some growing up to do.

Christopher2047d ago (Edited 2047d ago )

I just finished AC Odyssey, got the platinum trophy.

R. D. R. 2. Is. Way.Too. Slow. It's freaking molasses.

This 'casual' B.S. you're spreading is just gatekeeping at its finest. The game should be called out for its flaws like any other. It's an almost 3-hour tutorial where the majority of the time you're watching a cut scene or holding 'x' to follow others on horse. Your movement is slow. Aiming is slow. You spend more time 'finding' things because you have to run into everything and look for the prompt in the bottom right of the screen rather than having it front and center.

A ton of this game is artificial inflation of game time. It's still a quality story, very pretty, and has some good gameplay, but it's got issues that will definitely frustrate a lot of gamers. And not just the ones you like to mock for enjoying the type of games they like to enjoy.

rainslacker2047d ago (Edited 2047d ago )

Edit: meant this as a reply to someone else, but my oozing sarcasm works for your comment too. Although I k ow you don't appreciate that kind of thing too much. Sorry about that.

But....accepting those flaws makes one hardcore....

😥 I wanna be hardcore dammit.

It's even harder core when you can tear other games apart for things which aren't even bad overall....Or say it's nothing new. That's what we call the hardest of the hard. They're so core, they're centers are inside out.

DerekTweed2046d ago

I went straight from AC: Odyssey to RDR2 as well and the contrast was shocking, AC is so smooth and fast paced, the character movement is great, go anywhere, climb anything.

Even the horse riding is better, especially the auto-ride, go to objective marker system works really great.

The one button press to loot all nearby enemies is also nice.

BenRC012047d ago

Rdr2 is the only casual game here.

Segata2047d ago (Edited 2047d ago )

I have not played RDR2 but I have been gaming since the mid-80s. I have a good-sized collection and I will say most modern games esp open world games are getting rather complex. So many systems and subsystems. Sometimes it's nice to go to something simpler once in a while. Don't tell me simpler is more casual because I don't think MUSHA (I've been playing a lot of older games on repeat and Genesis games today) is for casuals.

shaenoide2047d ago

I am not a casual player But I have never seen such a long tutorial (3 hours or so) which explain so little.

Zenbaby3692047d ago

not gonna lie, i watched someone stream it for about 20 minutes and wanted to mute it :( the conversations are god awful to me

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2046d ago
Artemidorus2047d ago

You have to use your brain in this game, no pay to play here, you have cheats though if you can find them.

frostypants2047d ago (Edited 2047d ago )

RDR2 isn't difficult. It's a great story-driven game with fun side quests. It's not a thinking man's game though...same as most Rockstar games.

"Mash triangle to make Arthur put wheel on wagon"

"Oh God, WHAT DO I DO?!"


j15reed2047d ago Show
Christopher2047d ago

What? There's nothing in this game that requires anymore brain activity than most other games out there.

King_Noctis2047d ago (Edited 2047d ago )

Side activities like Hunting require tracking and stealth. You can’t just run and shoot them up like it is world war 2.

While it does not require the brain of Einstien, it nonetheless still require a degree of planning and thinking.

Christopher2047d ago

I disagree on that. Pressing L3, moving slower, and then hitting L3+R3 to follow a highlighted track while then shooting from range... that's not a difficult task compared to... I dunno, fighting a common enemy in a Souls game, managing materials in a Sim/World Builder game, doing combat combos in a fighting game, and tons more games that actual require way more thinking, let alone some of them in a rapid response manner.

iplay1up22047d ago

The graphics are fantastic. I am a little bored by the game so far though. It is just not grabbing me. I am only just now in the town of Valentine though. I have not had a ton of time to play. I hope it hooks me.

xenz2047d ago

I felt the same way until I got to Valentine. I litteraly went from slightly dissappointed to being immensly immersed. It's definatly the best game I've played this year so far besides God of War

UltraNova2047d ago

Yeah...GoW and Spider-Man are immensely more fun than RDR2. But RDR2 is the more detailed and visual arresting game by far.

So far I'm still leaning towards GOW for the gotya.

boing12047d ago

I know what you mean. My first reaction was 'overhyped much?' but after the intro (mountains) I became so immersed it's crazy. Definitely grows on you with time.

frostypants2047d ago (Edited 2047d ago )

The intro portion of the game is waaaay too drawn out. They should've cut a good 50% of that. Once you get to where you are, it starts to open up and become more engaging.

wwinterj2047d ago

It's a methodical pacing to the game. Starts of slowly then picks up. Much like most great games or films for that matter. I'm only in chapter 3 at the moment though.

PapaBop2047d ago

I'm actually surprised Rockstar was even allowed to make this game really. After GTA 5's success, I never expected them to go off in such a different direction. Personally I love the game so far but I can completely understand why others don't, it's big and beautiful that all but forces you to take it slow and appreciate all the detail. GTA 5 on the other hand while still having a staggering amount of detail, you could play it as fast as or as slow as you wanted, the sandbox was just pure undiluted fun. While both games are considered adult games, it's pretty obvious GTA has far more mainstream appeal while RDR 2 is a more mature game.

jukins2047d ago

I'm an older gamer and this one is even too slow for me. I'd honestly much rather jump into gta online just to mess around than to horse ride slowly around a huge map eh just my opinion

King_Noctis2047d ago

Then this game is not for you. When people say the game is slow I feel like they are still in the introductory chapter. The game pace will start to pick up once you reach Valentine.

xenz2047d ago

I totally agree. I do love GTA V but for different reasons. I just love all the small details they've put into this game. While I do understand that people may get bored by maintaining core stats and all those micromanaging thats going on, it has a different effect on me and has me completly immersed in this game world

jukins2047d ago

See I absolutely loved red dead. And wished there was more story after I completed it but this one for some reason I just cant. I've been able to platinum recent games like gow (on hardest) Detroit too human and spiderman which involve alot tedious or monotonous things. Ivr basically been forcing myself to get into rdr2 in hopes that it will pick up but I'm already meh. Dont get me wrong I can see that it's a good game but I think it's just too big all things considered for me right now.

wwinterj2047d ago (Edited 2047d ago )

I wouldn't see any point doing a GTA: Wild West edition when you already have GTA V/Online making the money. RDR 2 and probably RDR Online offers a alternative that will get more people spending who might not have liked GTA Online. Hell perhaps even some folk will spend money on both. Options are always welcome.

rainslacker2047d ago

I'm not a fan of gta, but i do have to agree, the pacing is much better based on my limited time with rdr2.

Rdr2 is trying to to something different with the sand box formula, and while there is nothing wrong with that, as I don't mind slower paced games, more consideration should have been given to if what you do on the game is fun....Or fun enough to do for 50+ hours.

nyu12047d ago

"I'm actually surprised Rockstar was even allowed to make this game really. After GTA 5's success, I never expected them to go off in such a different direction."
" it's pretty obvious GTA has far more mainstream appeal while RDR 2 is a more mature game."

Good point, and can I just say that this is what makes me so confident in Rockstar. It shows that at the end of the day, the driving force for their game is their creative vision above all else. The fact that they went this route when other games shy away because they're too scared to make these decisions. Will it make the game boring for some ? Absolutely. Will it mean that some people who don't have much time won't be playing this game ? Definitely.

Is it worth it ? 100%. They have a grand vision for a game, and they stick with it. They deal with the consequences, but also reap the rewards.

There's been a lot of negative press for Rockstar, and I really hope they improve where they have to... but I really admire them for what they've done here.

2047d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2047d ago
Skankinruby2047d ago (Edited 2047d ago )

Rockstar finally makes a game that isn't so damn pointless and they get flack for it? I don't get gamers these days, GTA 5 and the first RDR bored me to tears. I must just not be meant for these shallow games the core fanbase was expecting

doggo842047d ago

Im in 100% agreement with you. Couldn't get into GTA V. Thought it was a technically second to none but the game felt run of the mill and boring. Same as the first red dead redemption imo.

RDR 2, however, i cant stop thinking about great this game is. Everything just fits into place and works and im having a blast with it. My jaw dropped when i first fired this game up.

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PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for May: RDR2, Deceive Inc., Crime Boss: Rockay City and more

All titles release May 21.

Read Full Story >>
-Ghost22d ago

PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium | Game Catalog

- Red Dead Redemption 2 | PS4
- Deceive Inc. | PS5
- The Sims 4 City Living | PS4
- Crime Boss: Rockay City | PS5
- The Settlers: New Allies | PS4
- Stranded: Alien Dawn | PS4, PS5
- Cat Quest | PS4
- Cat Quest II | PS4
- The LEGO Movie 2 Videogame | PS4
- Watch Dogs* | PS4

PlayStation Premium | Classics

- 2Xtreme | PS4, PS5
- G-Police | PS4, PS5
- Worms Pinball | PS4, PS5

shinoff218322d ago

They gotta do better on the premium side for sure. Where are any of those jrpgs from the ps1 Era. Come on Sony.

jznrpg22d ago

Most of the Sony JRPGS have been released. Square has a ton that could be ported over but they would need Squares involvement.

VenomUK22d ago

Crime Boss! I know it hasn't reviewed well but I love the eighties action movie vibe of the trailer but didn't want to risk any money on it so this is a great way for me to play it.

Exvalos21d ago

I don't know why Sony is not getting some of the legendary ps1 games from square like parasite eve, xenogears, brave fencer musashi

outsider162422d ago

Looking at this list, i gotta ask what is even the point of premium?

raWfodog22d ago

I'm good with just my PS+ Essential

GamerRN22d ago

I have premium, and I'm also wondering why I have it

Xeofate22d ago (Edited 22d ago )

I think there are a ton of good games on Premium, and don't sleep on the movie collection if you like 90's and 2000's movies, the selection is stacked with classics and gets updated pretty regularly.

Abnor_Mal22d ago

G-Police is a game I have fond memories of and will definitely download to replay. I remember controlling your helicopter was a bit difficult and would make my hand cramp having to press all the shoulder buttons to go up and down and I think yaw left and right.

The next game they should add to Classics is Colony Wars, and I wouldn’t mind replaying Nightmare Creatures. I’d also like to replay Black, PSI Ope: The Mindgate Conspiracy.

Redgrave22d ago

Nightmare Creatures, Deathtrap Dungeon, Urban Chaos

TheColbertinator22d ago

Colony Wars, G-Police, Black and PsiOps were all amazing games. Such creative games from a golden age.

DefenderOfDoom221d ago

I would love to play Black again on a higher difficult setting . Black was so fun to play!

MrBaskerville22d ago

G-Police is nice. But might be among the hardest games I've ever played.

Bathyj22d ago

G Police.
I almost want to upgrade for that.

But let's face it, there's no way the game has held up.

MrBaskerville21d ago (Edited 21d ago )

You can just buy it, you don't need premium.

And it's still good, but there's a couple of early missions that are extremely tough. But they don't really make games like this anymore.

DarXyde22d ago

2Xtreme was the first game I ever bought for PS Plus (I still have the PS1 version somewhere).

Game is awful, but it's stupid fun. Like Thrasher: Skate and Destroy.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 21d ago
TheProfessional22d ago ShowReplies(7)
hiroyukisanada22d ago

Man.... Premium has been a massive letdown but this is the only month they don't have a single thing for me. Oh well. I've gotten my money's worth so far and still need to finish up Rebirth and Rise of the Ronin then I'll hop back in to Relink and Helldivers after that.

hiroyukisanada21d ago

I should clarify that I was referring to the Classics catalog, in particular. Only 1 PS1 game I've loved is the Legend of Dragoon and the Tekken/Soul Caliburs on PSP

Petebloodyonion22d ago

RDR2 is a win for Sony and Crime boss is a good fit to help promote a struggling game
but we're far from what was removed this month (including Horizon Zero Dawn)

crazyCoconuts22d ago

Yeah I was hoping burning shores would have been added now that it's a year old vs. the base game being removed.
I wouldn't be surprised if both MS and PS continue to either walk back the quality of games in the sub services or increase the price, since it's now clearer to them how cannibalistic these services are

isarai22d ago

The game deserves to struggle, it's garbage

Petebloodyonion22d ago

Indeed it's bad but it does offer incredible Hollywood star power so for free it might draw a crowd while giving a boost to this game.
Just remember Fallout 76 was the biggest turd and yet there are now tons of ppl playing it.

shinoff218321d ago

When I seen video on this game I thought Holy sht this is gonna be awesome. Then the footage continued and I seen what type of game it was going for. Was so disappointed. Would've loved a gta style game not from Rockstar,like we had back in the day some studios trying. I'm all about being different but a little gta clone idea been cool with.

Yui_Suzumiya21d ago (Edited 21d ago )

To be fair, I'd play Crime Boss before GTA any day. I mean I have no interest in either but just for the celebs I'd pick Crime Boss, lol

JL293022d ago

How is a 6 year old game a win for anything? Anyone who cares has already played it.

Petebloodyonion22d ago

Simply because ppl do play it!
As much as I don't like it GTA V always managed a boost of ppl when it was offered on Game Pass or PS+.
NOW RDR 2 was never offered on a subscription service.
Again the point isn't about will hardcore gamers play the game because we already played it. it's about having a huge star power game never offered on service that will make casual ppl subscribe to it.

MrBaskerville21d ago

You are aware that new people are born every day? All the 5 year olds probably didn't play it when it released.

But I guess you played every game ever released, which is quite impressive.

JL293021d ago Show
seanpitt2321d ago

A 6 years old game is a win? Yes it's a masterpiece but I am sure most of hardcore gamers have already played it! I doubt it would be shifting ps plus extra subs if there was a native ps5 version or 60fps option then maybe

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 21d ago
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6 Games That Genuinely Deserve A Current-Gen Upgrade

Games such as Mad Max, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Batman: Arkham Knight desperately deserve a modern-day revisit.

thorstein50d ago

Mad Max is underrated. Such a fun game.

Cacabunga49d ago (Edited 49d ago )

RDR2 still looks astounding on PS4 Pro. i cannot imagine how it could look with a next gen upgrade.

JonTheGod49d ago (Edited 49d ago )

Probably not very different.

No idea why this article is highlighting recent beautiful graphically-advanced games and saying they need current gen makeovers. They already look better than most new releases; just compare Arkham Knight and Suicide Squad!

exputers49d ago

I see what you did there.

Yi-Long49d ago

It's obviously never gonna happen since Sony killed the game and studio, but Driveclub. Even in its current state, 10 years after release, it still puts many competitors to shame ...

Demetrius49d ago

I'm not into racing games but yeah I even looked at gameplay of that sometimes

redrum0621d ago

It's a shame they cancelled the game. Definitely the best racing game I've ever played on Playstation. Just got GT7, but it feels so slow and less arcade-y, which is to be expected of a sim racer of course, that I just enjoy it less.
Driveclub also graphically looked insanely good for its time. I wonder what a Driveclub 2 would look like for the PS5.

Demetrius49d ago

Mad max ikr! Far cry primal, it amuses me how ubisoft just left ac unity hanging, sadly most of the good staff left from rocksteady while being forced to make that abomination smh