
All eyes on Red Dead as UK games retail falters

LEGO, SoulCalibur and Starlink fail to lift physical sales in poor start to Q4.

82% of Starlink's launch sales came on Nintendo Switch, with just 10% coming on PS4 and 9% on Xbox One.

80% of SoulCalibur VI's sales were on PS4, with the remainder on Xbox One.

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Lime1232060d ago (Edited 2060d ago )

"...while Spider-Man continues to impress, rising two places to No.4. Forza Horizon 4 rounds off the Top Five. "

Wow. FH4 already behind Spider-Man despite Spidey releasing almost a month before FH4.

"80% of SoulCalibur VI's sales were on PS4, with the remainder on Xbox One. "

Japanese games continue to sell sub par on Xbox.

UCForce2060d ago

That’s the problem with Xbox brand in Japan. Microsoft have lack of conviction.

Kribwalker2060d ago

?? hes are talking about physical game sales in the UK. What does that have anything to do with MS “lack of conviction” creating problems in japan, what ever that means.......

UCForce2060d ago (Edited 2060d ago )

@Kribwalker Okay, I can see that. But game like SoulCaliber VI which is Japan game didn’t sell well on Xbox One. And I want to make it clearly, Japanese Game don’t sell well on Xbox One and Microsoft have lack of conviction toward to Japan Gaming. Just saying.

Skull5212060d ago

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death of physical media, I will fear no evil, for digital is with me; your convenience and abundance, they comfort me.

michellelynn09762060d ago

Numbers huh? Mario and Rabbids is over 2 million. Hmmmmm

badz1492060d ago

if Mario is not in that game, it would have struggled to reach a million even

King_Noctis2060d ago

“82% of Starlink's launch sales came on Nintendo Switch, with just 10% coming on PS4 and 9% on Xbox One”

You forget to comment on that huh? Wait, it doesn’t fit your agenda right? That the Switch suck and no one buy game on it? Smh Lime.

Lime1232060d ago (Edited 2060d ago )

Or that Super Mario Party is already behind Spidey despite releasing 1 month after.

Kribwalker2060d ago

he also forgets to mention how impressive it is that Forza Horizon 4 is number 5 on that list, when instead of paying full retail price, people can play it for a low cost entry point on gamepass. It’s ok though, his arguments are typically skewed in a direction that favours what he wants to hear

CaptainObvious8782060d ago

Maybe that's because every one is busy playing games other games like spidy, cod, rdr2 etc.

King_Noctis2060d ago (Edited 2060d ago )


Now you’re just making excuse. RDR2 isn’t even out yet and I thought most people here don’t play COD? Its like some of you here can’t stand the fact that other console could sell as well and be as great as the PS4.

badz1492059d ago (Edited 2059d ago )


the game debuted in 14th, mate, not top 10. it didn't light the chart on fire or something. Plus, it's kinda true that PS4 and Xbone have had bigger releases recently to even care about Starlink (personally this article is the first I heard about the game LOL). plus, the game has an exclusive character for the NS in the form of Starfox, right? I think it's a big deal for Nintendo gamers to play as the fox thus more sales there.

the NS's last big release was Mario Party with FIFA getting very little sales too compared to the PS4 and Xbone and there is CoD with its record-breaking digital download numbers still topping the chart even with the steep decline in physical sales. putting Mario Party aside, all the other games on the top 10 either don't come to the NS or is selling so much better on PS4 followed by Xbone. you can't just claim the superiority of NS in selling games debuted 14th here when the thing doesn't even get to play 6 out of the 10 best selling games!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2059d ago
2060d ago
monkey6022060d ago

Forza Horizon 4 was bound to look unimpressive in these reports though. It's inclusion in Game pass has changed it's criteria quite a bit

badz1492059d ago

I thought it was established by many on here and even xbox executives themselves that gamepass doesn't impact sales for xbox exclusives.

monkey6022059d ago

How could it not though? Realistically it would be impossible for Game pass not to steal from the Games Sales

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2059d ago
Geobros2060d ago

It is very impressive that Starlink sold 80% on Switch and 20% on other two consoles. I didn't wait so big difference.

michellelynn09762060d ago

That Star Fox crossover really helped. This will be a big seller for the Switch.

Realms2060d ago


What are you talking about Rockstar games sell way more than any Nintendo game, GTA5 is still the best selling game and it's a last generation game. So the fact that Rockstar's games won't show up on the Switch is big news just because they don't appeal to you doesn't mean that they don't have a tremendous impact on the console space. If Rockstar where to announce GTA5 on the Switch it would be a system seller but I don't think it will ever happen just saying.

PapaBop2060d ago (Edited 2060d ago )

Not really that impressive, you look at all the major third party games coming to both Xbox and PS and you look at the Switch's offerings in this period and it's no wonder it sold well there. Assassins Creed, Call of Duty, Red Dead Redemption, the Switch's answer to these major titles is mediocre at best, it's no wonder Switch owners are flocking to Starlink.

michellelynn09762060d ago

Wrong. The Switch has a lot of very good 3rd party games. Just because you think so, doesn't make it a fact. You assume every gamer cares about RDR2 and AC. Shocker, a lot of us don't care.

UCForce2060d ago

@michellelynn0976 Actually they do care. Red Dead Redemption 2 marketing is huge and it going push PS4 units even further thank to Sony marketing same as Xbox One version. That’s the problem with Switch because underwhelming with its hardware. PS4 have great first party and third party support. If Assassin Creed Odyssey come to Switch, I can bet you will care as well.

PapaBop2060d ago

michellelynn0976 - You can't downplay the gaming significance of games like RDR 2, the next title from the developers behind the most successful title of all time, a game that even five years after it's initial release, is still consistently selling more units each month than a lot of newly released games.

Switch's third party lineup might not be bad but looking into it, nothing really stands out next to the heavy hitters in the gaming industry and seemingly relies heavily on the portability aspect which in itself isn't particularly a bad thing.

michellelynn09762060d ago

I wasn't downplaying them, I am pointing out that not every one cares. Like I know, not everyone cares about Pokemon, Mario or Zelda. Thing is, RDR2 is on other machines, so it is not gonna be a system seller or make or break for a lot of people. Now God of War and Spiderman. That is different.

UCForce2060d ago

“I wasn't downplaying them, I am pointing out that not every one cares. Like I know, not everyone cares about Pokemon, Mario or Zelda. Thing is, RDR2 is on other machines, so it is not gonna be a system seller or make or break for a lot of people. Now God of War and Spiderman. That is different.” Still make the same excuse than ever. “Sigh”.

Like I said, some Switch owners do care about this. Nintendo Third Party supports are not bad, but they need more of it. That quote “Now God Of War and Spider Man. That is different”. Hmm, it’s seem like you have issues with Sony exclusive games.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2060d ago
UCForce2060d ago

Not surprised, because Ubisoft love Nintendo and support them by any means.

Lime1232060d ago (Edited 2060d ago )

But Nintendo owners don't support Ubisoft.


King_Noctis2060d ago

What is wrong with Ubisoft having good relationship with Nintendo?

UCForce2060d ago (Edited 2060d ago )

@King_Noctis Is that bad thing ? No, it was just obvious really.

Phoenix762060d ago

82% of Starlink's launch sales came on Nintendo Switch, with just 10% coming on PS4 and 9% on Xbox One

Err........ the maths is slightly off here lol

LucasRuinedChildhood2060d ago

One of those numbers is probably rounded up and another rounded down

Phoenix762060d ago

I realise that. Just funny when see typo's like this

2060d ago
Father__Merrin2060d ago

Wow only 20 percent sales on Xbox. Looking at last week's sales PS4 is over 221k and Xbox including the X is 71k something's gone wrong. Can't wait to see black Friday and Xmas numbers

michellelynn09762060d ago

@badz149 You know the future. Wow, how impressive. Na, we don't know to be fair, how it would have done. But, it sold 2 million. Skyrim sold a million, so get over it.

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Games Leaving PS Plus Extra & Premium In April 2024

Here are the games that will be leaving the Extra and Premium tiers of the PS Plus subscription service in April, 2024.

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darthv7291d ago

Lego games are always fun... and that is one I had not played before.

isarai91d ago

It's always the ine they leave out if the headline that interests me most 😅 DBZ Kakarot, been waiting for this to pop up on plus

Kyizen91d ago

I completely missed that DBZ Kakarot was in the group, I have midnight sons and RE3 so was kinda disappointed.

StormSnooper90d ago (Edited 90d ago )

Yea, it’s my last chance to play my childhood, now that he is gone. I’m watching way too many good anime at the moment to rewatch the series but this is the perfect excuse to visit that universe.

jznrpg91d ago

Never played Midnight Suns and probably won’t anytime soon but maybe someday. Pretty good month not great not horrible. I used to love sports games when I was a kid but that was before the monetization they went through and now I avoid them.

phoenixwing91d ago (Edited 91d ago )

Not all sports games are like that but ea and 2k games are definitely

DarXyde90d ago

Definitely give Midnight Suns a download if you've got Plus.

It's great.

phoenixwing81d ago

I agree midnight sun's is fun

Eonjay91d ago (Edited 91d ago )

Heard a lot of good things about Midnight Suns! Also looking forward to Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot and will probably download 2K24 as well.

LucasRuinedChildhood91d ago (Edited 91d ago )

Not a great month for me. Will give Midnight Suns a go.

I've never played Jak & Daxter: The Lost Frontier. Might give it a go although it's supposed to just be okay.

Never played a Phoenix Wright game before, so might try Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy.

SonyStyled91d ago

The Lost Frontier isn’t a true Jak and Daxter game. If you haven’t played them before I’d highly advise skipping The Lost Frontier and spending your time on the trilogy. The real Jak games are developed by Naughty Dog

LucasRuinedChildhood91d ago

I'm a big Jak & Daxter fan. Just not that into portables so I never picked this one up (didn't know there was a PS2 port when I was younger).

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Cancelled Call of Duty Game "NX1" Gameplay Footage, Black Ops 4 "War" Mode" Surface

A cancelled Call of Duty game titled "NX1" had footage surface online, along with a Black Ops 4 unreleased mode called "War."

RaidenBlack136d ago

looks like the OG Infinite Warfare

Profchaos135d ago

Yeah it does look good wonder why it was canned

EvertonFC135d ago

Probably a proper game with no MT and they didn't see any profits 😂🤣

Name Last Name135d ago

That Neversoft logo took me back to Tony Hawk days. Sad to see this cancellation led to the studio closure.

Juancho51135d ago

It’s always sad to see great concepts destroyed so deep into development. They obviously had a lot of ideas and aren’t happy about it. Now withe layoffs even more videos like this will surface soon.

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