
How Playing Breath Of The Wild For 600+ Hours Changed My Life

Lizzie Fourman writes: "I have a confession to make: I have logged over 600 hours on Breath of the Wild.

I got the game last year (September 2017) as one of two games that I got with the Nintendo Switch.

I wasn’t expecting to play the game as much as I have up to this point as I hadn’t played a Legend of Zelda game for several years."

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NecrumOddBoy2086d ago (Edited 2086d ago )

That's a lot of time doing much if nothing in a barren empty overhyped excuse for a Zelda title, but i'm glad you had fun.

porkChop2086d ago

Barren? Empty?

Look, I can understand not liking the game. I can understand not liking the combat, or the weapons breaking, the disappointing fight with Ganon, etc. There are many valid complaints that one could make about Breath. But the world being empty is not one of them, because that simply isn't true.

Practically behind every hill, every turn, there's something to do. Be it a shrine, a quest, a Korok seed puzzle, enemy camp, secrets, etc. There are tons of things to do and find in the game.

On top of that, the game excels at making the simple act of exploring the world a legitimately fun and exciting thing to do. And the games many secrets reward you for doing so.

kevnb2085d ago

He needs more non interactive cut scenes.

G3ng4r2085d ago

600+ seems a little crazy to me but NecrumOddBoy does have a garbage minority opinion.

Zeldafan642085d ago (Edited 2085d ago )

I have played Breath of the Wild for over 800 hours and everything you said is the reason why I have logged so many hours into the game. I haven't even found half of the Korok seeds yet.

SirBradders2085d ago

To be fair the game is pretty empty compared to most open world games. Not really much diversity, other than collecting seeds and finding towers. The puzzles are great but there is a huge lack of actual side questing and story telling.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2085d ago
2086d ago Replies(4)
Neonridr2086d ago

ever wonder why it's ok to do this in a Nintendo article and get a free pass?

Just stop, if you had a Switch and actually played through this game you wouldn't be saying that. I put in over 100+ hours and I still haven't beaten Ganon yet.

gangsta_red2086d ago


Lots of acceptable tropes for certain brands on this site.

Kribwalker2086d ago

100% agree with everything you’ve said. I couldn’t put that game down. Haven’t put that much time into a single player game since Skyrim, and i didn’t come close to finishing it all.

My current game of the generation

CarlDechance2085d ago (Edited 2085d ago )

I see comments like these on articles for other games on other consoles all the time.

XabiDaChosenOne2085d ago

@gangsta_red dude you were in a Spiderman thread a couple week's claiming how easy it is to make an open world spiderman game. Cool it with your victimhood
@Kribwalker I have also seen you in articles with your passive-aggressive trolling so remember you're victimhood in this article the next time you choose a troll of Sony article.

EddieNX 2085d ago

Kribwalker getting downvotea for expressing an opinion. It's a seriously amazing game, anyone who disagrees I don't envy their taste. They probably sleep with their socks on and have their steaks well done. What do they know?

AspiringProGenji2085d ago (Edited 2085d ago )

It is a 95+ meta rated game. It will get some people upset over its score and hype. Tjis happens with GoW and TLoU and some people in your thread are guilty of the same thing as well

By 300hrs I was done with BoTW so I don’t know what was that guy doing to get that much playtime

Sono4212085d ago (Edited 2085d ago )

WHAT?! I'm honestly genuinely dumbfounded. How could you not beat him after 100+ hours?! Have you not even tried to fight him? He is honestly the easiest Zelda final boss in the series. I left a whole comment above yours describing a lot wrong with the game already but didn't even touch on the fact that the final boss could be beaten while you're half asleep and drunk. I went there LOADED with recovery + food, as well as attack and defense elixirs expecting a serious fight, but nope, didn't use a single bit of the recovery + food. Probably would fall into my top 10 easiest boss fights of all time, but I should have known better based on the fact the rest of the game was very easy as well.

Neonridr2084d ago

@Sono421 - there is a difference between actually trying to kill Ganon or just explore the overworld. I was working my way through finding each and every shine, exploring all the secrets and just generally in awe of the landscape. Plus I put several hours in the Master Quest DLC to upgrade my Master Sword.

so no, I haven't beaten him because I haven't tried yet :P

I have no doubt he will be easy.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2084d ago
Shikoku2085d ago

Agreed not to mention continually fins new weapons because of the craptastic weapons system.

Neonridr2085d ago

hopefully we will have the ability to repair weapons in the next game. I agree that these weapons breaking meant half the time I was too afraid to use the nicer weapons / bows for fear of losing them.

Zeldafan642085d ago

You're just salty because this game is going to sell over 15 million units.

Gaming4Life19812085d ago

I find your lack of faith disturbing lol. The only bad thing I'll say about the new zelda if dungeons(real dungeons where you need the specific item to beat it and its boss)I miss that. Other than that I have no complaints and is one of the best zelda's and games to come out this gen.

RedDevils2085d ago

Don't know why idiot like NecrumOddBoy always manage to hate on this game. I played and love it. Someone f kn need to appreciate good game regardless the platform, stop worshiping 1 console when you happen to not able to afford the other and then hating on it. So my advice to those who haven't play the game yet, you should stop acting like you play the game and jumping on the hate train rather should just try out the game first with your own experiences.

Soc52085d ago

So why did you put so much time in it playing til completion if you didn't like it and it was “barren empty overhyped” are you a masochist?

NecrumOddBoy2085d ago

Awesome game play that entices you to keep exploring. But sadly, the carrot on the end of the stick never leads to a worthwhile reward. I feel duped because this specific Zelda title is designed like a phone game. Small chunks of content repeated over and over to keep you hooked. The exploration and combat aren't the problem. It's everything else.

wonderfulmonkeyman2085d ago

If it were that barren and empty and bad, you wouldn't have played it to completion.
We can smell that bs from here.

LordoftheCritics2085d ago (Edited 2085d ago )

If you think Zelda is overhyped, then every other game is horseshite.

Anyways, replying to the author. Hoepfully you can read it under this pile of flamebait.

My gf has 300+ hrs in, i have 250+

Its nothing short of legendary.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2084d ago
PhoenixUp2086d ago

Just wish there were more effective methods to preserve all these saves

porkChop2086d ago

For me personally, that's the biggest problem with the Switch. SD card backups should have been there on day 1.

Neonridr2086d ago (Edited 2086d ago )

did Nintendo say that Zelda wouldn't support Cloud Saving?

Cobra9512085d ago (Edited 2085d ago )

Re: save backups thru firmware, I don't think it's going to happen. The reason they're denying us that basic need is to prevent hacking and cheating. They're not going to back down, even though it's clearly a self-serving anticonsumer move. Neither am I. The funny thing is that an ironclad hack or mod that would allow me to back up my saves regardless of firmware updates would probably lead me to buy a Switch, because otherwise I want one.

Neonridr2085d ago

@Cobra951 - it's one thing for Splatoon, which relies on some online rank vs say BOTW which is tracking your progress in the main game.

zombiewombie2085d ago

Even if they allowed cloud saves, yoi have to maintain a sub so your save doesnt get erased from the cloud. Complete bs!

Cobra9512085d ago

Ironically, the best version of the game for preservation purposes is on the WiiU. It allows full backups. The inability to back up saves in any way is what finally spoiled my plans to buy a Switch. I can't live with that deficiency.

Neonridr2085d ago

maybe it will be added in a firmware update down the road. I mean how long did it take Sony to finally support external hard drives on the PS4?

King_Noctis2086d ago

I cant believe I had played this game for more than 100 hours. Not alot of games can keep my attention as long as that.

DrStronk2086d ago

Played the game for 200 hours and never once did I feel bored. The game is just genuinely fun.

leahcim2086d ago

I am playing it on my wii U...
How the hell can I see the time counting that I am playing until now ?, I suppose it is explicit on the switch version though...

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GotGame818106d ago

Animal crossing came out the week the entire world shutdown. Yeah I bought it.

kevco33106d ago

Agreed. I think a lot of the AC: H sales have to do with early lockdown players!

I mean, I would've played it anyway. But I guess there's a lot of people who got into it because of the hype and their new found free time!

DivineHand125106d ago

Nintendo made out like bandits with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. It's the same game that was on the WiiU except they added 2 item boxes like in double dash.

kevco33106d ago

It's the Capcom method:

1. Add a new word to the end of the title and features that should've been expected first time around.
2. Charge full price for it.
3. Profit.

gold_drake106d ago

this is why i always say that Nintendo will always be fine. look at those numbers lol

and those are all first party games.


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SinisterMister635d ago

Is Elden Ring an adventure game? If so, it should be at the top of the list.

631d ago