
10 Games That Sold Better on Nintendo Switch Than Any Other Platform

The Nintendo Switch has picked up plenty of Steam since it launched. Here are 10 games that sold the most on Nintendo's hybrid console.

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alexgibson2099d ago

It's a haven for indies atm but I do wonder how long before the eshop gets flooded and new game discovery is muddied. that said, the hybrid function of the Switch makes it perfect for shorter experiences, or ones that you wouldn't necessarily want to sit down on the couch and play instead of AAA titles.

Ephemeralespoir2099d ago

Nintendo has plans of stuffing the e-shop with shovelware in the near future iirc

indysurfn2098d ago (Edited 2098d ago )

Why do all these people repeat lies? From the list of 10 games *all of them good.

Disgea 5 is AAA to RPG fans
Lets Dance is AAA to dance fans
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is AAA to fighter fans
Ocean horn is very good it is not shovelware
and SONIC is not considered shovelware.

nothing on that list is shovelware.

Dark_Overlord2098d ago

It's not a lie, Nintendo do want to stuff their Eshop full of games

"Information from Nintendo's recent 78th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders has revealed the company's goal to release "around 20 to 30 indie games on Nintendo Switch per week". "


If you think all 20-30 of them every week will be good then I think you're going to be sadly mistaken. You'll probably get 1 maybe 2 a week that are good and the rest will at best be average.

G3ng4r2097d ago

"Switch has no games!"
"Switch has too many games!"
Unless you're already finished with spider-man, and many of you are lol, maybe work on formulating some solid opinions that aren't fake news speculation.

Osito2099d ago

I would agree with this, but Civ VI is coming and that's going to mean hours and hours of me playing right on the Switch.

EddieNX 2098d ago

Trust me on this, I've dobe a lot of sitting down on the couch playing the Switch.

Mithan2098d ago

Crapwear is a problem, but you can get around that with better filters, user reviews, word of mouth, etc. I don't see it being nearly as big of an issue as people make it seem.

The cream floats to the top.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2097d ago
Neonridr2099d ago

While some may argue that the Switch lacking most 3rd party titles means that they have "nothing to play", there are still so many indie games releasing each week on the Switch (over 1000 titles on the hardware now). Games like Dead Cells, Shovel Knight, Disgaea 5 and Sonic Mania are all great games. Some games just naturally feel better being played in a portable type setting, which obviously the Switch is the only one that can truly offer that (console wise).

Nintendo does need to find a way to showcase their indies better as with the impending flood of titles coming, they will need a better way to ensure they get their exposure.. At least having these Nindie directs help put the spotlight on certain software.

2098d ago Replies(4)
SurgicalMenace2098d ago

My thing is, most of those indie games are already out for the Vita and the Vita was bashed for having too many indie games. The double standards are ridiculous.

Neonridr2098d ago

The Vita was knocked because it barely had any first party support. Sony themselves stopped making games for that thing ages ago and it's only a handful of Japanese and a few indie devs that bother releasing software for it.

There is a difference between having too many indie games and having ONLY indie games. The Switch has gotten so much quality first party software in it's first 18 months.

SurgicalMenace2098d ago

Having a Switch, I cannot see the first party quality that you speak of. Most of my options are to rebuy games that I already own on my Wii U, and that is NOT an option. I'm all for Octapath and Metroid whenever it comes out, but to call rereleases quality is not acceptable. Now looking through the available library, how many of those games were also on the Vita?

People are blinded by bias, it's like the kid that downed name brand clothes though they were the first thing he purchased once he had the means. Smh

thesoftware7302098d ago (Edited 2098d ago )

Just because some of the AAA games are ports does not mean they are not high quality. As a matter of fact they are some of the highest rated games of the past generation. In a some cases they even come along with huge improvements over the WiiU editions, which a great amout of people missed because the system was a flop

If your argument is to be believed then 1/2 the AAA first party games on ps4/Xone should be discredited as great games as well. If you look at Sony and Microsoft 1st and 2nd years on the market, you will see there is no difference in strategy.

And please, the vita is a good portable but its nowhere as good as the Switch. You tell me, how many of the indie games were on the vita and gained great success?

Neonridr2098d ago

@SurgicalMenace - Splatoon 2, XC2, Mario Odyssey, Octopath, Mario + Rabbids, Mario Tennis, Arms are all really good 1st party titles. BOTW is not a re-release, so you cannot call that a quality 1st party title, it released simulataneously as the Wii U version and obviously is the superior of the two. While you might not like MK8 Deluxe, it improves upon the Wii U version in every way. 1080p/60fps across the board (even 4 player split screen), new battle modes, all DLC. It's the best package you can get out there for that game.

And you have to factor in that a lot of the Switch owners didn't own a Wii U, so games like MK8, Bayonetta 1/2, Captain Toad, Donkey Kong are still top notch games and allows people to experience them.

my PS4 was my first game system, you think I was angry that I got to play TLOU Remastered on it? Absolutely not, that game was a gem and I was happy I didn't have to go back and buy a PS3 so I could enjoy that game. Same goes for the Uncharted Collection and God of War 3 (assuming I ever get around to beating the new one, lol). All great re-releases that might appeal to a new audience.

SurgicalMenace2098d ago

Concerning the Vita, it is not a matter of success because I buy games for me. Unfortunately for the Switch, in my case, I own what I like on other consoles. Portability is not a justification to waste my money on old experiences( I make 4 to 5 figures a month). Mario anything is a no go on all fronts, for me, I've never liked them even as a child. No Splatoon, Battlefield and Destiny scratch that rate itch if it arises.

TekoIie2098d ago


"My thing is, most of those indie games are already out for the Vita and the Vita was bashed for having too many indie games. The double standards are ridiculous"

I think what you've said is largely untrue. The Vita's life was, for the most part, nothing but ports of old games. The Switch is recieving ports of games old and new, AND new exclusive titles that are more than capable of rivalling its competitors offerings.

What are the biggest releases the Vita had in the last 2 years? What attention did it receive at E3? Its been pretty much silent. The Wii U was a bigger flop and Nintendo still mentioned it frequently.

There are no double standards here.

SurgicalMenace2098d ago

In any case, I have over 300 games for my Vita and maybe 15 for my Switch. I have noticed that there are quite a few games from the Vita finding their way onto the Switch. My question is this, am I expected to buy the game again to have a reason to play my Switch? Whether the Vita failed or not is not the point, I own plenty of games on it and have no plans to repurchase them. Dont get me wrong, once the Switch actually has games that are unique to it, I'll be spending plenty of time with it. So far though, I refuse to convince myself it's great just because other people like it.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2098d ago
KuroKiko2098d ago ShowReplies(2)

Celeste developer Extremely OK Games has announced its next game, Earthblade has been delayed

Earthblade is a 2D fantasy platformer in a seamless pixel art world and is the next release from the Celeste team, well it’s still is but likely will not be released in 2024 as Extremely OK Games’ head Maddy Thorson explains in an official blog post. Earthblade was first announced in April 2021 and then had its first trailer at The Game Awards in 2022. You are Névoa, an enigmatic child of Fate returning at long last to Earth, in this fantasy platformer. Earthblade’s lush pixel art world offers seamless exploration, challenging combat, and countless mysteries to pick apart. Celeste was an amazing game, so we know this will be too, we just will need to wait at least another year.

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XiNatsuDragnel73d ago

That's good then make earthblade 64 afterwards too


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