
August is going to be a hot one for Nintendo Switch owners

It’s not quite the dog days of summer but that doesn’t mean it’s not too hot to do anything outside. That’s okay though, your Nintendo Switch console is just as good at entertaining you inside.

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Anon19742132d ago

Screw those games. When is The Messenger out this summer for Switch. That's the only game on my radar at the moment.

2132d ago Replies(4)
Movefasta19932132d ago

MHGu will steal your life away, the amount of content it has could last you a generation

BadElf2132d ago

Still sitting here upset, waiting for NEW Switch games. If i didnt own the Wii U I would think I am happy with the Switch as well.....

Neonridr2132d ago

wait so a good chunk of those games aren't new games?

Gameseeker_Frampt2132d ago

5 out of 10 games on the list are ports. Did you not read the article or does 50% not count as a good chunk for you?

Neonridr2131d ago

@Gameseeker - meh, I welcome more games. They are new to the Switch, and depending on what systems you own, might be new to you as well.

to each their own I guess.

3-4-52132d ago

Those are actually mostly decent to good games for what they are but nothing huge.

I play games on everything so Switch is just a part of the equation for me. I get to play Smash ultimate later on this year and that is going to be huge.

I get to play Dragon Quest XI on PS4 in a month....I get to play Shenmue 1&2 HD on XB1 in a few weeks, and Fifa 19 & BFV on XB1 in a couple months.

Not every console is going to have a strong month, and August is usually a weaker gaming month, September is when it really starts up. Most already know that though.

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