
Runescape Classic Officially Shuts Down After 17 Years

After 17 long years, Runescape Classic has officially shut down. The game’s developers Jagex announced the closure of the Classic Runescape servers back in May, following many problems with maintaining support for the game.

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PurpHerbison2127d ago

Hopefully this will light a fire under the RSC pserver scene. Still waiting on a faithful recreation of the game I fell in love with back in 2001. As it stands right now the RSC pservers rates are way too high. R.I.P. RSC! If only Jagex showed you love like they did RS2.

Gh05t2127d ago


You were my first true MMO, everyone remembers their first!


RuneScape Celebrates Spring with the Blooming Burrow

Jagex has launched a limited-time Easter-themed update for RuneScape players, inviting them to explore the charming Blooming Burrow.


RuneScape "Messed Up" On The Hero Pass And The Company Could Be For Sale Soon

And did you know Jagex is valued at up to $1.25 billion?

Kaii265d ago

ah "rollback" but not remove, always the same strategy with these companies.


RuneScape Adds A Battle Pass And Yep, Players Have Started Review Bombing

You can guess how this is going...

Kaii269d ago

Modern gaming, but dw they'll listen to the community.
Subscription model with a battle pass, gtfo.

isarai269d ago

Stop playing it, review bombing does nothing if they're still making money

Rutaprkl269d ago

People should stop playing it to boycott it, the game isn't even that good so that shouldn't be too hard.