
The Exceed System Needs To Be Revamped In Devil May Cry 5

Huzaifah writes: "Now bear with me here, because I acknowledge that this might be a divisive opinion within the Devil May Cry fandom, but I personally really hated the Exceed mechanic. It definitely had its moments when it worked, often times purely by luck on my part, but mostly it just bought the flow of combat to a grinding halt."

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FallenAngel19842159d ago

Who knew we’d live in an era when we’d see new sequels to over the top action series like Darksiders, Bayonetta, & Devil May Cry?

The only thing that’d make this more perfect would be if a new Ninja Gaiden game got announced.

AK912159d ago

I think Team Ninja had moved onto Nioh and I honestly prefer that over Ninja Gaiden.

Chexs19902159d ago

Dude, never forget Ninja Garden 3... Let them stick to NiOh which is awesome xD

WitcheRivia2158d ago

I only want Ninja Gaiden (and DOA for that matter) if Itagaki is making it (he obviously wouldn't be making them which is why both of those IPs are trash now).

Chexs19902159d ago

Love Devil May Cru, hated the exceed skills. I don't wanna charge stuff in the middle of my combat flow, even if some charges could be mitigated by skill-switches... It interrupted my flow-base


Starfield Would Have Benefited from Daggerfall-Like Dungeons Proc-Gen Instead of Reusing Premades

OnceLost Games, developers of The Wayward Realms, believe Starfield would have benefited from Daggerfall-like procedural generation of dungeons instead of just reusing premade ones.

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VincentVanBro1h ago

One of many low hanging fruit that would have improved the game

anast42m ago

Better tech, better devs, and Morrowind like freedom would have improved this game.


Nightdive would "love to remaster Deus Ex"

Nightdive would "love to remaster" Deus Ex, among a few other games. How can we make this happen.

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Behaviour Interactive Is Laying Off 95 People

Behaviour Interactive is facing redundancies, with almost 100 people affected, mostly affected in Montreal.

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just_looken2d ago

Man this studio got hit with another round? it sucks there know for dead by daylight not saying that its a bad game because its not but because its from 2016 and this team has tossed a game out almost every year sense then but each game got worse and worse sales/notice.

meet your maker all done by them has 8 players playing on average via steam


Stuff like this looks like alot of work was done but so few sales this is what no doubt is causing all the layoffs.

January this year they laid off 45 people

95 is this week so this news is new

Just back to back waves of layoffs.