
How Realm Royale Is a Worthy Competitor To Fortnite and PUBG | COGconnected

When Hi-Rez studios opened up their class-based hero shooter Paladins to the public back in 2016, it was met with quite a bit of criticism due to the similarities in gameplay and character design to Overwatch, but those same criticisms may be strengths for the game's Battle Royale spin-off Realm Royale.

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2176d ago Replies(2)
Kabaneri2176d ago

They need to bring this to consoles ASAP.

Sonyslave32176d ago

This look pretty good, can't wait to play this on Ps4.

Father__Merrin2176d ago

Tested this out on steam it's quite good still in alpha tho. Looks same as Fortnite visually had no Xbox controller support yet the death mechanic is quite funny you turn into a giant chicken together with chicken music and have 20 seconds to survive for a revive

UltraNova2176d ago

So when you kill them before they revive you get the REAL Winner of the chicken dinner!? Hehe

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Hi-Rez To Shut Down Paladins’ Switch Port Due To Poor Performance.

A long history of crashing and worsening performance has eventually led to the game's Switch sunset.

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_Decadent_Descent412d ago

Nintendo really needs to step up in their power game next-gen. I know they opted out of the 'power race' back with the Wii, but they really need to still stay within a certain margin of their competitors.


Nyx & Season 6 Arrive on Paladins

Today Paladins begin s its Season 6 with an update chock full of new content!

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XxINFERNUSxX469d ago

I do like Paladins but I wish they would move over to UE5.


Invoke the Might of the Pyre in the Latest Paladins Update

From Xbox Wire: "Invoke the Might of the Pyre in the latest update to Paladins, the free-to-play fantasy team-based shooter where you wield guns and magic as a legendary Champion of the Realm.

Since protecting the Realm against the power of Yagorath, Azaan has felt the walls of reality starting to break down, with something even worse ready to emerge from the other side. In preparation for this threat, Azaan summoned the Dawnforge – a base of operations and munitions factory harnessing the wrathful power of the sun to forge an army of willing Pyre soldiers. Under Azaan’s watchful command, the Dawnforge stands poised to stop any invasive threat or even destroy the Realm to stop it from falling into the wrong hands…"

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