
Quit B**ching About Cyberpunk 2077 Being An FPS

In Cyberpunk 2077 you have a fluid class system where you can level up in any category and become anything you want. After that, the real fun began.

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-Foxtrot2189d ago

Why is it that anytime someone has concerns it's automatically considered "bitching" and people will go on the attack. No one has said it's going to be shit or called the quality of the game so I don't see why people are frothing at the mouth when they see someone just simply say "Oh it's a shame, I was hoping for third person"...

morganfell2189d ago

Its coin-drop. Have you not borne witness to some of the drivel from that site?

SirCupcakes912189d ago

You should try writing sometime if you think you're so good. What's so drivel about my article?

Eonjay2189d ago

A lot of these writers are children and they express themselves by projecting themselves onto the reader and somehow try to simultaneously define the readers perception so that they can pretend to have a conversation with someone who frankly doesn't exist. They tell you how you feel, what your feelings mean, and why they know better than you. Its a emasculated ego thing where they can't express themselves in normal conversation.

3-4-52189d ago

Trash site....block it.

morganfell2189d ago

Start with the title. A demand, complete with sophomoric profanity, that gamers stop expressing their opinion...ironically from an article that is in and of itself an opinion. If you are afraid of getting it whacked off, then do not stick it out there.


Another one for the hosts file.

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SirCupcakes912189d ago

Saying it's a shame it's not third person is one thing. Being pissed off about it is another. If you're not pissed off about it than you're not the one bitching about it right? But many people are.

-Foxtrot2189d ago

I'm annoyed and disappointed...but p***** off where I think the game is "now shit", not really I'm still getting it regardless.

I just think it's a shame considering how they've talked and teased the game for the past 5 years, especially customization.

LiamKreptic2189d ago (Edited 2189d ago )

And? Why don’t you stop bitching about other people bitching? Why does it bother you so much that people are making their voice heard? Jeez

Edit: Hey, I don’t mind the First person view tho...it’s CD’s vision anyway. Let them make what they want to make.

SirCupcakes912189d ago

Well from what I saw at E3 you'll see a lot of your character. Granted it will be only in cutscenes. I agree it could have been nice to see a 3rd person camera mode but the time it'd take them to redo animations and make that look as good as the first person mode would probably add quite a bit to development. Either way. The game's gonna be fantastic. And the Title was more of an attention grabber, gotta get them clicks :D

TheSaint2189d ago

Literally admitting clickbait, this is why bloggers like you are despised.

Alucard_4202188d ago

yeah the fact that you admitted to do sleezy work, I will never ever trust an opinion from a person like you. What you just admitted to, is your not good enough with your own skills to enlighten the public with proper education about your article. You need to rely on cheap tactics to get clicks.

RainbowBrite2189d ago

Haven't you read the comments here and in forums? Every whining kid on the neighborhood is saying that the game is gonna be sht. "Because I want the Witcher in a cyberpunk setting waaaaaaaa"

leoms2189d ago

There are also alot of kids that are saying that every games should be FPP

Link2DaFutcha2189d ago

Really seems like the FPS decision is more of a design choice. We haven't seen gameplay and there are already lots claiming to boycott/calling CDPR S*** because of it. It's going to be in a crowded city, probably filled with narrow alleys and indoor settings, 3rd person would be very annoying if the camera constantly has to swing around/avoid environmental interference. 1st person makes sense if the environment is going to be super crowded and full of stuff. Most of witcher 3 takes place outside in an open environment. Lets wait to see gameplay before freaking out.

Kerplunk802189d ago

Why is it any random article I click on you have made a comment about it foxtrot? You seriously need a life and mental help.

-Foxtrot2189d ago

Bite me

300 articles
Comment on like 10-15
Suddenly “need a life”


ClanPsi12189d ago

Because people were literally bitching. One wanker on another article here was crying and stated specifically he wouldn't buy it because it's 1st-person. Hasn't seen any gameplay, doesn't know much about the game, nothing. Whiners everywhere.

medman2189d ago (Edited 2189d ago )

I think that many people have indeed been moaning and whining, claiming they will never play the game, or saying the decision to make Cyberpunk fps is akin to some kind of mortal sin.

I have no problem with people having concerns, but I would suggest having some faith that if CD Projekt decided to go the fps route, they did so because they felt that is the absolute best way to deliver the experience and game they dream of making. Give them some credit, and the respect they've earned based on their achievements and quality, and at least wait to be "disappointed" until you see actual gameplay and get more of a feel for what they're trying to achieve. Too many people are dismissive out of hand without having any real tangible sense of what the game even is at this point.

Ceaser98573612189d ago (Edited 2189d ago )

Damn! i so so so so so so wanted Cyberpunk to be Third person

But i will need to see the gameplay 1st and more gameplays to decide whether this game is worth my time or not
I trust CDPR so lets see

gamer92188d ago

Oh people are definitely b**ching about cyberpunk being FPS. including questioning the quality of the game and calling CDPR names.. you need to check out some more comment sections on N4G if you haven't seen this

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2188d ago
TheOptimist2189d ago (Edited 2189d ago )

I loved the first para:

"They’ve stated that “sometimes just walking down the street in 3rd person and admiring the details on your customized character and how they walk, react etc is a truly unique feeling”. With as massive as the world is, as interactive as the world is, and as highly detailed as the world is, I’m far more invested in the world around my character than my character."

It completely depicts the self centered (Or entitlement you could say) and sensitive mentality of most modern gamers. And yeah for the people above saying "Who is bitching?", just check out the Witcher groups on Facebook. Not really a depiction of the whole crowd, but there are enough people bitching about it. ANd if that's not eough, CDPR had to damage control by saying "It's an RPG first and FPS later". Enough proof that many ar bitching, not just dissatisfied or concerned.

franwex2189d ago

Funny how they cannot really change the protagonist in the Witcher anyway. So to me people are just looking for something to complain about.

Antifan2189d ago

I love that part about how gamers are self-centered, especially with RPGs. I remember a lot of folks complaining about how Geralt was a locked-in character and you couldn't change his appears. And if they didn't add character creation, it was a 'no buy' for them.
Funny how history repeats itself, and it's also funny how those naysayers instantly disappeared after its release.
All CDPR has to do is release their masterpiece to shut these clowns up.

2189d ago Replies(2)
Blu3_Berry2189d ago (Edited 2189d ago )

It's called opinion. Get the f**k over it. Everyone is entitled to their own thoughts on it being first person.

Veneno2189d ago

Will you please just stop b*tching?

PhantomS422189d ago

Don't like it that's fine just don't buy it and don't cry on every internet discussion thread about it. Devs are going to make what they want to make. CDPR has a good track record so there is no reason to doubt they can't handle this.

RainbowBrite2189d ago

Yeah I have an opinion on people complaining about this... that they are whining ltl b

starchild2189d ago (Edited 2189d ago )

Don't buy it then. Your loss.

I wonder if someone went into every article about Ghost of Tsushima and bitched about it being 3rd person or about its approach to combat if a lot of you would be so understanding. I somehow doubt it. I think that person would be met with a lot of hate, called names and told to get the hell out. In fact, I'm certain that's exactly what would happen.

My point is not that Ghost of Tsushima deserves to be complained about. Quite the opposite. It's one of my most anticipated games. My point is, there's a double standard prevalent on this site. I don't think a lot of the complaining is sincere. I think some people are just jumping on a bandwagon and finding something to complain about in order to try to downplay this game.

leoms2189d ago

I don't see the link with Ghost of Tsushima. Is it the same genre?

TheCommentator2189d ago

It's all just a matter of perspective. ;P

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2189d ago Replies(3)
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just_looken3d ago

"It’s incredibly difficult to figure out a way where New Game Plus could be done in a way that doesn’t completely break the way the game is constructed,"

Yet in 2020 i had this mode via a mod they are actually saying that your powers can screw up v's infection for those unaware pre the big update so it might not be a thing anymore but if you maxed out v with save editor your character would get sick see johnny all that but still would be in the first part.

Here is a very old vid of mine you can see how it can screw up the game

So they could do it if they did not spend years making a mess of everything then last minute toss a game out half done.


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