
Microsoft: It Is Difficult To Make A Triple-A Game Without Content Plan For 1 Or 2 Years

Microsoft appears to be one of the only major first party publisher this generation that is alienating itself from single-player games.

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ArchangelMike2199d ago (Edited 2199d ago )

O come on! Please tell me no one is still buying this bullcrap. What he's saying is that MS are hedging all their bets on GAAS. That might be what they want to do, and the direction they want to go in, and that's fine. It really is. But don't start with the Bullcrap that your audience don't want single player games. Heck Ryan McCaffrey said it best https://twitter.com/dmc_rya... and if you don't start now, you'll lose the next gen as well. C'mon xbox fans, you've got to ask for more than just GAAS, please tell me that you guys see this problem for what it is, and how it will affect xbox next gen.

CaptainObvious8782199d ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the new GoW have no plans for future DLC? And again, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the 5 week in a row it's at the top of most charts?

Maybe if ms fans actually called ms out on their BS instead of just sony fans, you'd have some decent games right now.

firelogic2199d ago

Not anyone can put out a game like God of War. You need the talent, the vision, and proper support. Sony can afford to push their first parties because they have so many of them. They'll put out a total of around 10 BIG games for PS4 this gen which means they can give them a lot of time to finish. They can also afford to whiff on a few of them. MS on the other hand doesn't have the first party studio portfolio to do that. Which is of course their fault. Considering they've been in the industry since 2001, it's kind of embarassing. I'm pretty sure Sony had a large stable of first party studios 17 years after the PS1 launched.

kneon2198d ago


I think Sony takes the movie studio approach to games.

Movie studios count on a few big hits to pay for all the other movies that are too niche, weird or just plain bad to make much money. Of course they would prefer if all movies made a profit, but you can never be sure. Sometimes an "obvious" hit turns out to be a flop, or conversely, some odd little movie becomes a huge hit.

I think this is why Sony will sometimes greenlight games that other publishers wouldn't. They are willing to take more chances on their games and let developers have more creative freedom. Sometimes that fails, and other times you come up with something really great and different.

fiveby92197d ago

@kneon I agree. Sony's pedigree has much deeper roots in creativity through their movie and music businesses. That pedigree clearly shapes how they view first party studios. MS, on the other hand, is primarily a business software company. Not exactly a creative pedigree like Sony's. You can see how it shapes MS strategy. They appear to make decisions based on analytics and have more of an aversion to taking risks compared to Sony. Playing it safe and trying to rely on last gen successes have only lost them market share. Clearly, they read their analytics wrong when designing and marketing the X1 at release. They have been swimming against the currents ever since.

Flewid6382197d ago

I guess his point is, pulling a GTA V is more profitable.

And while he's right, very FEW companies and FEW games can pull off billion dollar GTA numbers for 5 years straight. His argument would be more compelling if MS was the king of multiplayer exclusives........but they don't do exclusives of any type. lol.

2197d ago
darthv722197d ago

Well of course it's difficult to make AAA content if you don't put any time, effort and $$$ into doing it. MS just wants that ROI instead of actually doing any of the "I" part.

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2199d ago Replies(17)
The Wood2199d ago (Edited 2199d ago )

Excuses excuses..........

Some will defend this because of 'reasons'

Its almost ms are throwing in the towel and skillfully covering the eyes of its fanbase with the same throw.

Ms definitely need to change their ethology. Sony will capture more fans and ex fans if both companies trajectories continue as is.

-Foxtrot2198d ago

Even if they decide in the far future to step away from a "traditional console" and expand on some sort of Netflix like Xbox app for a variety of different products to use they'll never actually say they've left the gaming industry...it'll just slowly transistion into it.

They just don't want to p*** off Xbox die hards who have always been by the Xbox and throw future customers away...tell them "Oh we want to move away from consoles and expand into some streaming app service where we can establish a bigger market along with more income" I doubt people would take that lightly there would be such a backlash. Do it slower, leading die hard fans on like a carrot in front of a Donkey and there's more chance of keeping those customers for the future.

Not saying this will happen, nor am I saying they will leave the console industry but their past history and the actions now with what they say and do seem to point in that general direction.

AmUnRa2197d ago (Edited 2197d ago )

No they will not do that, Microsoft future is games as a service.
Thats it, nothing more. But xboxfans dont care, and will defent Microsoft all the way.The fans are bending over and say please Microsoft give me more GaaS.
I do not understand that, i realy dont.
Thats not my future, my future is the model Sony is going for.

choujij2197d ago (Edited 2197d ago )

"They just don't want to p*** off Xbox die hards who have always been by the Xbox and throw future customers away"

It's happening already. Not all of course, but many are beginning to see their true colors. My bro was the biggest Xbox supporter I know. He sold his Xbox One and I didn't find out till over a year later because he was so embarrassed for giving them the support he did and for trying to persuade everyone we knew to buy one.

Personally, I used to love the Xbox. Owned the original as well as the 360 since the day it launched. But towards the end of last gen, I saw them for what they were. Now I call them out in hopes they either change or GTFO of console gaming.

meka26112197d ago

Nah it's mostly from mako not knowing what he is talking about. I don't think there ate many gamers that wasn't games as a service, it sounds terrible, but to being in azure and all this other stuff makes him sound. Azure is a microsoft platform that lets you do a domain without a centralized server, which is nice.

2197d ago
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2199d ago Replies(1)
Muzikguy2199d ago

They seem to say the same thing over and over just wording it different. They shouldn't try to discredit good AAA single player games and then complain when they can't get something right. Who's the one not sharing their numbers again? Who's the one trying to hide behind a future they've yet to prove to anyone? Gamers are getting tired of being lied to, or at least I hope they are

trooper_2198d ago

I'm sure as heck not buying it.

They're full of crap.

ClanPsi12198d ago (Edited 2198d ago )

Gallium arsenide?

xRacer74x2198d ago (Edited 2198d ago )

You can always tell the Sony troll. He does not own a XBOX but any chance they get to down the other platform they take advantage of it. If you spent half the time you do trashing a console you would be a pro gamer little boy.

UCForce2198d ago (Edited 2198d ago )

Well, you and Kribwalker are no different really. If MS continue with their Gaas like that, it isn’t going to help them in long run.

xRacer74x2198d ago

@UCForce, the difference is I have a PS4 I try things before I say I like it or not. Actually Krib is on my friends list he is a good guy.

Rachel_Alucard2198d ago

"B-but Sony!!!"

Every time

Maybe if MS weren't doing so much damage to the industry, consumers, and themselves, people would stay silent.

UCForce2197d ago (Edited 2197d ago )

I don’t think so. Even you two owned all platforms, but you and him are both loyalty to MS and of course both of you don’t want to admit. I will say this again, you and Kribwalker are no different.

2197d ago
rainslacker2197d ago

" If I can play any game except Sony games for less than 2 games a year its a deal to me and most other sane people,"

And what caliber of game, and how many of those games, do you really expect to get for the cost of only two games a year...although realistically, the price will go up to about 3-4 games a year eventually.

MS wants to make money off the service, and they're not going to do that by financing publishers AAA games to get them on the service. It'll be mostly older games like GWG or PS+, some F2P games wrapped up as something more than they really are, and maybe the occasional big game from MS to push the service.

If MS is really going to put all their titles up on game pass, then I either expect them to back off on the games they put up, or greatly reduce the nature of those games, because there just won't be enough subs to make it worthwhile in the long term.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2197d ago
Jinger2197d ago (Edited 2197d ago )

I don't know what to tell ya. I just play their games and I play Sony's games. Both have something I like.

UCForce2197d ago (Edited 2197d ago )

So you prefer something that modernization and more social experience, is that you want in the future ? You know it’s amaze me that you and others still defending publishers greedy antics. I remember you got scared when the government got involved about BF2 loot boxes aka gambling. I’m not big fan of government here, but when publishers gone too far with their greed then they got caught by the government. So publishers need to back off or face the government regulations.

You think Sea Of Thieves and State Of Decay 2 are good games and selling pretty well but in general they got bad reputation for lack of content and unfinished and lack of polish. Sea of Thieves was doing pretty well at UK Chart in first week but each week it gone down and down significantly. God of War was holding at UK chart in five weeks. Detroit Become Human was able to reach UK charts in 2 days and State Of Decay 2 took number 2 spot because it got one weeks. Xbox fanboy thought SoT and SOD 2 would overthrow God Of War and Detroit Become Human but of course they got backfire for being arrogant.

sprinterboy2197d ago

MS treats us gamers like we're 5yr old without a brain, their so patronising and belittling.

Adisoftcafe2197d ago

We've quit asking. Sold the X, bought a PRO. Microsoft is on a different planet.

WelkinCole2197d ago

The thing its not just about xbox fans. Its really is about SP games and about getting full games when we buy them. This goes beyond just xbox fans.

dumahim2197d ago

Wasn't this article from 2 days ago? Why is it showing submitted 18 hours ago?

Ceaser98573612197d ago

"C'mon xbox fans, you've got to ask for more than just GAAS, please tell me that you guys see this problem for what it is, and how it will affect xbox next gen"

Xbox fans dont listen. Look at those 6 dislikes and rest prolly ignored you.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2197d ago
CaptainOmega2199d ago (Edited 2199d ago )

Just make a good game and people will continue to play for it 1-2 years. Hell... Make some GOOD DLC story for people to come back to. Enough of the trash excuses from MS.

Eonjay2199d ago

Its like they are thinking only in terms of DLC. They are only going to do something if it is overtly financially beneficial to them. But in doing so they aren't even giving themselves a chance to actually be successful.

2199d ago
maybelovehate2198d ago

Nobody is going to be playing a single player game without seasonal content more than a week or two.

UCForce2198d ago (Edited 2198d ago )

Then you are not helping here. It’s like you want more social gaming and more modernization. Is that you want ? God of War and Horizon Zero Dawn have earned a lot of respect from gaming community and industry at awhole by not trying to be greedy antics.

showtimefolks2198d ago


Why does every game need to be played for months there are games you can finish in few weeks have great experience and move on

You are always defending this crap instead of calling it what it is and that's is greed

Make sure you Xbox fans love this because soon that's all you will get is below average games with content plans

Name me one Gaas that has worked from day one

Sea of thieves
State of decay 2

Every game launched with issues and some still aren't fixed but guess what you can play for months going the same repetitive missions but worry not to you and others that getting your money's worth

Playing below average games and than depending this crap

thejigisup2198d ago

If by nobody you mean people that purchase bad single player games and pass up the good ones for some close minded reason(s).

ArchangelMike2198d ago

So what? Good single player games like God of War still have a huge market - without the DLC, microtransaction, season pass.

It's MS that lies to you and wants you to believe that they should be investing in single player games, but in Gaas, just so that they can sell you an unfinished game in bits and pieces, so you can keep throwing money at them.

But you don't worry yourself with that, just continue to let MS nickle and dime you into a Gaas future, because they lied to you that that is what is best for you.

I feel so sorry for you right now.

tombfan2198d ago

Excuse me, but I can't stand the fact that games have season passes, actually I prefer to wait 1 or 2 years to play a complete game, because I just tend to play them once and not look back at them.

InTheLab2197d ago

There are people still playing Skyrim 8 years later.

I've been grinding echoes in GoW for at least a week and I don't even need echoes. I just like the combat.

yellowgerbil2197d ago

People keep buying skyrim over and over

2197d ago
DarXyde2197d ago (Edited 2197d ago )

Persona 5 has no DLC content. Still play it a lot. Heck, I just finished playing Persona 4 again. I'm always playing Gravity Rush 2 and replaying missions or doing time trials, treasure hunts, and mining missions. I still replay Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams, which, as a PS2 game, does not have access to DLC. I even replayed The Last of Us Remastered earlier this year, Catherine, and the Ico Collection late last year.

I've replayed all of those games multiple times already. The fun part is I *can* buy more games because there's always something new and interesting to play, but I appreciate the collection of single player games I've amassed so much that there's really no need to go out and do so at the moment, even though there are games I want to play. You honestly have no idea what you're talking about.

DerekTweed2197d ago

The only single player game I have played more than once is Skyrim.

Some people here have mentioned getting new games instead of playing one for a long time. I think that is the reason developers are trying to make their games "as a Service" so people don't abandon it after they're done. Of course the reason behind that is so they can make more money but who doesn't want to make more money?

I like single player games, I've played loads in the past few months, but I also like multiplayer games, and games with season passes. However, I prefer to buy a game with a season pass after all the DLC/expansions are out then play all. I bought Far Cry 5 gold edition before the DLC came out, completed it and I don't know if I can bring myself to go back. If the DLC's were already out, I would have played right through. That's my mistake.

Z5012197d ago

Did you just start gaming this gen?
People still play MegaMan 2 & Super Mario World & Final Fantasy 7 & Skyrim, etc.

2197d ago
maybelovehate2197d ago

Skyrim is great, but Skyrim has the best modding system in gaming to keep things fresh. They also have had multiple content releases. Skyrim does not apply here.

yeahright22197d ago

Apart from this being blatantly false (I'm still playing yakuza 6 and it's been weeks), Even if this were true, that's not a bad thing at all. You pay $60 and get weeks of enjoyment, seems fair to me.
It's funny PS takes flack for their games being "one and done" but from my point of view, GaaS are the true one and done games, because you buy, say over watch and that's the one game you play over and over and over and over. Meanwhile, In that same time, I'd have played, horizon, God of War, Tomb raider, Neir, watch dogs 2, and had fun with all of them without ever touching their micro transaction, season pass crap.
So while GaaS fans play one game and have fun, I've played multiple titles.
I'd rather take all the money I would have spent on micro transactions and season passes and buy a new game or two and get new experiences and support multiple developers rather than just limiting myself to one or two games a year and feeding into a system that will create an oligopoly.

KickSpinFilter2197d ago (Edited 2197d ago )

Hum still playing GOW and I've had it since launch.
One of my favorite games this Gen was "Inside"
The last Guardian is a game I enjoyed immensely.
Both are two games much like TLOU, org Tomb Raider, Zillion etc I will never forget about.
Ya some fun times I also had with COD MW 1,2,3 MP but all those can be easily be replaced with the next version.
I love both MP and SP, but it's the SP memories that stick with me.
Sure when there is a lull again I'll go back to COD WWII, I mean how many MP games can you play in a year and be excellent at it, one or two? If I'm not placing in the top 3 positions in Free-For-All etc whats the point?

Goldby2197d ago


Its been More than a month and I'm still playing Gow on a regular basis, if not daily, every other day.

So maybe change your comment next time to state that You don't play games after a week when it's released.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 2197d ago
tombfan2198d ago

This statement is True. There are plenty of great games with no DLC and no GaaS services that has a dedicated playerbase. People stop playing games not because they're bad, they just get bored.

Cueil2197d ago

Making DLC that span multiple years is GaaS *sigh*

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lociefer2199d ago (Edited 2199d ago )

God of war, detroit, beyond two souls, uncharted , wtf microsoft . I also believe quantum break and alan wake didn't have any, not sure though

RpgSama2198d ago

"Microsoft: It Is DIFFICULT To Make A Triple-A Game Without Content Plan For 1 Or 2 Years"

And by the quality of the games they actually released, any other game it seems.

Jinger2197d ago

Pretty sure uncharted had plenty of content released in its MP

DivineAssault 2197d ago (Edited 2197d ago )

Pretty sure Uncharted's meat n potatoes was the SP. Just like TLOU, the MP was secondary to the engaging & compelling campaign. Im also pretty sure youre lobbing salt. Why though? Instead of tossing it our way, go cut loose on MS' twitter or something. Get their attention and let them know that theyre headed down the wrong path. I think we all as gamers would like to see them improve but they need constructive criticism. Imagine if you didnt follow games on sites like this and you paid $60 for sea of thieves or state of decay 2 for your console. Thats a super shady stunt to pull on their own fans. Yeah, game pass is only $10 but they know what theyre doing. Releasing unfinished/rushed betas is dirty. Just so they can tout "day 1 exclusive releases"

UCForce2197d ago (Edited 2197d ago )

The thing is that Uncharted MP and The Last of Us MP are never ND primary focus. I didn’t like Uncharted 3 because it focus way too much on MP than Single Player. ND learned that lessons and went back their formula with Uncharted 4. ND games are always Single Play focus.

I didn’t like God Of War Acession for tacked on MP and people agree that God Of War Acession was the weakest of God Of War Series. Even new God Of War have come back stronger than ever by returning to old formula and reinvent the franchise.

Xavi4K2197d ago

Well I played GOW for one month beated everything got platinum and now It’s on my shelf thats the problem with single player game the reputation for such games is limited unlike multiplayer games.

Z5012197d ago

Did you get your money's worth?
How is that a problem?

UCForce2197d ago

Well, it will be remember for many years to come. There is beginning and there is the end. So yes, God Of War is worth it.

Liqu1d2197d ago

Sea of Theives is multiplayer, it's barren and has less content than most single player games. Lawbreakers, Battleborn, Evolve are multiplayer and they died quickly. People played them once and then never again.

yeahright22197d ago

Ok so now you're free to play Detroit, or persona, or Yakuza, or shadow of war and on and on. Why limit yourself to just one multiplayer title when you can play so much more?

dreue2197d ago

Sorry but that is not a problem, there are space for any kind pf game, i love god of war, would never trade with the ones lile pugb, sea of thiefs or state, but again all can exist.... The problem with ms is that they dont care about games or gamers.....

Xavi4K2197d ago


Well around 70 hour of playing GOW vs over 1.5k hour in battlefiled 1 is a big different...but I get your point you are right.

@UCfprce true I never said its not worth it

@Liqu1d sea of theives lack conrent so I won’t take that game most of the games you listed are failures at lunch... we can say the same toward many single player games meanwhile some aes like battlefield 1 and Destiny as well as FF XIV got + 1000 hours comparing to less than 100 hour in other games.


True I plan to get detroit once its on sale I beated the other games you listed while ago the obly game from your list that I see myself go back to it often is Yakuza probabbly for the mini games and for the fact that it remainds me of Shenmu

AspiringProGenji2197d ago

That's not a problem. You consumed the product, and you can do ti as many times ad you want. NO extra fee, no Mts, no publisher trying to nickel and dime you. The End!

SegaGamer2197d ago (Edited 2197d ago )

Ok, so you got your fun out of GOW, now go play something else. Am i missing something here? why do gamers these days feel they must be limited to handful of games that they should be playing for months and months?

I play games that take me a few days to complete, i play games that take me a few weeks to complete, some games i play and complete and never play again, some games i come back to every so often to complete all over again.

I don't need my games to last me months. I love having having so many choices. I would get bored of gaming if i just played a handful of games for months and months.

Vizigoth042197d ago

So you'd rather play one game forever and ever and ever instead of getting the next new game out there and playing it? That's like reading one book over and over again but not reading a new one. That would be boring.

rainslacker2197d ago

And when I play a MP game for that long, I tend to get bored with it as well, and once I put it on the shelf, I'm not likely to want to go back to it. In fact, the vast majority of people are like this, as a user base drops off sharply for any MP game after the first two months. They may still maintain a healthy user base, but it's not like people just play a game endlessly because there is a constant stream of content.

People get bored. people move on. People want to try new things. Whether its SP or MP, it doesn't matter.

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2199d ago Replies(1)
Rimeskeem2199d ago

Oh really? God of War doesnt have a content plan (none that has been said anyways) still sold extremely well and is a SP only game. Bullshit M$

paintedgamer19842198d ago

Not to mention Horizon Zero Dawn

ludicrous2198d ago (Edited 2198d ago )

Didn't HZD has DLC that released within a relatively same as other games with planned DLCs like witcher for example? Is DLC not considered contents? What is the purpose of HZD DLC? Do contents just appear out of nowhere without planning?

Can you elaborate on your reasoning for how DLC comes about if you dont have a plan?

Liqu1d2197d ago

@ludicrous Horizon didn't have a DLC plan, there was no plans for DLC announced. A while after launch they then confirmed that they are working on DLC.

showtimefolks2198d ago

And some on this site are expecting ms to make huge impact at E3. They have totally given up

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