
First direct-feed footage of Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus on Switch

NE: "After we saw the first off-screen footage yesterday, a bunch of direct-feed gameplay has come in for Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus on Switch."

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Neonridr2256d ago (Edited 2256d ago )

Looking good so far. Running fine as well. I am sure some concessions were made, but if I can get the entire game experience on the go, sign me up.

On a side note, whoever was playing this game has terrible aim, that boss fight.. sheesh.

Smokingunz2254d ago

I could see no concessions, for a handheld this looks mighty impressive color me impressed. This looks and plays better than doom on the switch. Bethesda/panic button outdid themselves

Neonridr2254d ago

don't get me wrong, I am super excited about what I am seeing. I just meant that we all know that it won't run as high of a resolution, framerate will be halved and there will probably be less anti-aliasing and stuff, but it looks awesome to me.

Sono4212254d ago

I don't know why you're getting disagrees. This looks phenomenal for being on the go.

Critic4l_Strik32254d ago

thats the N4G community for ya :/

MayorPauline2256d ago

Looking good. With no MP hogging resources and lessons learned from the Doom port Wolfenstein 2 looks even better the studios last port.

Pancit_Canton2255d ago

It gives me headache just watching this. 30fps is not good for FPS.

solderman2255d ago

Be warned if you give valid criticism about a Switch port on N4G you'll get scorned by the Nintenbots. It is currently the poster child on N4G.

TheFirstClassic2255d ago

Didn't seem to give headaches last gen, or before that.

Razmiran2255d ago (Edited 2255d ago )

Or when halo was hailed by xbox fans as the best fps saga

Wrex3692255d ago

Lmao you used Nintendbots unironically you should probably take a second to reassess yourself.

strayanalog2255d ago

I think it's more fair to say that every console is a poster child for how gaming is done in their respective camps.
So let's not target one party here, nor think that Nintendo fans are the only ones that defend their system choice.

2255d ago
wonderfulmonkeyman2254d ago (Edited 2254d ago )

Be warned; if you lie about what is and isn't valid criticism, like you just attempted to, you'll be ignored by anyone with common sense.
30fps has never been "not good for FPS".
It's the accepted minimum standard and works just fine now as it always has.
It's the janky ones that leap between 30 and 60 that you have to worry about, as inconsist fps is the worst foe of any game where detailed movement, in character or in aiming, is a necessity.
Thankfully, the Switch port here seems to be doing just fine on stability.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2254d ago
Razmiran2255d ago

I think you might want to visit a doctor if you get headaches that easily

Pancit_Canton2255d ago (Edited 2255d ago )

Nah, just the low textures + poor motion blur + sub par 30 fps seems to triggered my headache.

Razmiran2255d ago

Are you younger than 14?
Ps1 - N64 games would have decimated your brain then

Pancit_Canton2255d ago (Edited 2255d ago )


I can't remember any FPS that runs at 30fps last gen. besides Killzone 2. Other than that most of them runs at 50/60fps.

Resistance series runs at 50/60fps
Cod series runs at 50/60fps
Killzone 3 runs at 50/60fps
Halo series runs at 50/60fps
Crysis series runs at 50/60fps
Doom series runs at 50/60fps
Etc etc....

PhantomTommy2255d ago (Edited 2255d ago )

Oh I absolutely love it.

And with that, you prove that you have no idea what you're talking about. Killzone 2 and 3 were both 30fps, Shadowfall was unlocked -- rarely came close to 60fps. Resistance has always been capped at 30fps. Up until the release of the MC Collection, every Halo game had been 30fps..... you were right about Cod.

90% of the console shooters you played last gen ran at 30fps. Killzone 2, Resistance 3, Halo 3 and Halo: Reach were and still are fantastic games. They were designed with 30fps in mind and they play just fine.

Movefasta19932255d ago

resistance ran at 30 dude, resistance 2 ran at like 20fps. Halo 3,4 and reach ran at 30. Killzone 2 and 3 ran at 30 i think.

Theknightofnights2255d ago

Resistance series targeted 30 FPS https://www.youtube.com/wat...
Killzone series targeted 30 FPS https://www.eurogamer.net/a...
Halo series targeted 30 FPS https://www.eurogamer.net/a...
Crysis series were unlocked, but hovered around 30 FPS on consoles https://www.eurogamer.net/a...
The last Doom game on consoles aside from Doom 4 was a Doom 3 remaster. Which was originally on the first Xbox and targeted 30 FPS.

Battlefield series was also 30FPS on consoles. Bioshock was 30 FPS. Borderlands, Far Cry, Metro, Left 4 Dead...just about every shooter outside of Call of Duty targeted 30 FPS last generation. Unless you played on PC.

gangsta_red2255d ago

You might have had headaches all last gen and never realized it.

....Too funny right...

Razmiran2255d ago

This is it folks, this is when he stops answering after making a ridiculous claim

TheFirstClassic2248d ago

Lmao I wish I had seen this before, just beautiful

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2248d ago
FlyingFoxy2255d ago

Well the way some people harp on about 60fps, you'd think it's a golden standard and higher fps doesn't exist. On PC if you play 100+fps with the right monitor and Gsync/Freesync it looks and feels smooth as butter even compared with 60.

Sono4212254d ago

The only thing giving me a headache is how bad this person is at playing, also the fact that you act like this is unplayable. This is truly amazing for an on the go machine.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2248d ago
MetroidFREAK212255d ago

It's looking better than the Doom port. The frame rate needs to be cleaned up a bit, but I don't mind 30 FPS given all the concessions that had to be made.

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PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for April: Kena, Doom Eternal, Riders Republic and more

Also added this month: The Evil Within, Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom, Paradise Killer, Dishonored: Definitive Edition.

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MaximusPrime_424d ago

Riders republic. Nice. I never bought it but played beta twice. Good fun openworld game.

BigBosss424d ago

I have 3 other mates who like playing multiplayer games. Is this something we will all enjoy together?

Astrokis424d ago

It’s a really fun game when there’s a lot of people on but the player base dropped a lot compared to launch. This should help increase the amount online drastically.

It’s definitely a - I want to chill with my friends type of game so definitely check it out! Also it’s a huge improvement over Steep

MaximusPrime_424d ago

Sounds good. Also, Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores DLC coming a day after. I'll be more likely spending time on that DLC first. But will join when free.

closed_account424d ago (Edited 424d ago )

Riders Republic is a ton of fun and one of the best things Ubisoft has done in recent years IMO.

The music and acting are obnoxious, which I just turn down... but it's so much just freeriding mountain bikes or other stuff across the mountains. I haven't played w friends, but I imagine it would be a ton of fun in MP. Very underrated game!

SlothLordPootus424d ago

I kept getting caught up in other games so I never got around to buying Doom Eternal. If it's good I'll still buy it so i can keep it. The reboot was awesome, i think i played through it about 5 times, and platinumed it.

closed_account423d ago

Same here, I've had Doom Eternal on my wishlist for a long time. I'm definitely jumping in considering the free PS5 upgrade they released.

Storm23423d ago

It is a lot of fun. First FPS in a while that has really grabbed me. And I love FPS games. C’mon Killzone/Resistance series remasters/remakes/sequels…anyt hing.

DefenderOfDoom2423d ago

I agree , Sony has not produced a single player FPS campaign in about 8 years. I already played DOOM Eternal which was awesome.

FallenAngel1984424d ago

A whole lotta Bethesda titles in this lineup

Sackboy also got included as well despite already being as Essential title

crazyCoconuts424d ago

Regarding sackboy, you're right... That's confusing. At least wait until it's not in essential, as it's impossible to have extra without essential.

Welshy424d ago (Edited 424d ago )

Damned if you do and damned if you don't with that one I think. When a former monthly free game goes into the subscription catalog at a later date it also gets criticism, so may as well just add it straight away for people who don't claim it going forward I guess.

Profchaos424d ago

Hopefully the claim on the game counts as a essentials claim so when the game leaves the catalogue it doesn't leave the players library.

I found a similar situation frustrating I played fallout 76 when it was introduced as a premium game a month or so later it was a essentials game and I could not repurchase it so I'll lose the game when it leaves the Library

crazyCoconuts424d ago

Spiderman is in the titles leaving Extra in May. Guess 1st party titles aren't guaranteed to stay

Welshy424d ago

That's just the way of subscription services in general, titles come and go, but I'm sure it'll be back. Maybe it's a Quantum Break deal where it's just a license refresh?

It's one of the reasons I fear a subscription/digital only future. I don't want the platforms telling me what I can and can't play at any given time and waiting of tenterhooks for games I actually want to be available.

closed_account424d ago

Oh boy, that's making me want to jump back into Returnal! Not that I'd mind buying the game, love it.

EvertonFC424d ago

Great Month, own most of them but looking fwd to trying monstor boy, nice sto have EW in my collection now and some wolfeinstein.

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Top 10 Best Shooters On Switch

Despite lacking Call of Duty, the Nintendo Switch has many great shooters to replace it. Here are some of the best shooters on Switch.

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RavenWolfx606d ago

Anyone else have a small but noticeable delay in aiming on Borderlands 2? Anytime I move the aiming reticle, there is maybe a quarter of a second (250ms) delay before it moves. Happens in both Handheld and Docked.

jznrpg49d ago

I haven’t bought one shooter for Switch. It’s just to weak to play them good enough. I really don’t play my Switch at all anymore. Going to sell them and wait for Switch 2.


Best Wolfenstein Games - All the Wolfenstein Games Ranked

BLG writes, "There can be only one best Wolfenstein game. Since the franchise’s debut in 1981, the Wolfenstein series has graced our gaming platforms for over forty years. It’s hard to believe, but it’s true! In honor of that legacy, we’re going to list some of the best Wolfenstein games and the worst. That’s right: it’s the Wolfenstein games ranked."

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RaidenBlack672d ago

Scheiße! Nein.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein is the best in the series. After that:
New Order
New Colossus
Old Blood

Harryvok672d ago

I really wish they'd remake Return to Castle Wolfenstein from the ground up. Easily the best of them all.

666d ago