
Far Cry 2 features more advanced physics than Far Cry 5, despite being released 10 years ago

DSOGaming writes: "As we’ve already reported, Far Cry 5 looks and runs incredibly well on the PC platform. However, it appears that the game’s physics have been severely downscaled compared to Far Cry 2; a game that was released ten years ago on platforms that should – theoretically – be less powerful than current-gen systems."

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Tetsujin2233d ago

Watching this makes me want to try 2 for the 3rd time; as long as my game save doesn't corrupt again.

PUBG2232d ago

Far Cry 2 definitely had the best atmosphere out of all the Far Cry games. When you sit down for a long session and get absorbed into the world, it really feels like you're in Africa, it's amazing.

leahcim2232d ago

Totally agree with you I do not how to explain but the world was the most involving of all the others...

AspiringProGenji2233d ago ShowReplies(1)
LordMaim2233d ago

Far Cry 2's biggest issue was too much realism.
...that and checkpoints that respawned virtually instantaneously.

JEECE2233d ago

You're right, enemies respawning is a terrible idea.

Now let me go talk about how great Dark Souls is, without noticing the irony at all.

OpenGL2233d ago

Enemies don't respawn in Dark Souls unless you die or rest at a bonfire. In Far Cry 2 you can be attacked by respawning enemies while walking out of a recently cleared camp.

Muigi2233d ago Show
JEECE2233d ago (Edited 2233d ago )

Obviously touched a nerve here, lots of people realizing their hypocrisy about FC2.

@Muigi It seems like you might have misinterpreted my comment. I'm not criticizing FC2 or Dark Souls, both are great. I'm criticizing people who hate on FC2 for one of the things they praise about Dark Souls, simply because it hadn't yet become cool to like that design choice in 2008.

Sounds like you haven't played FC2, enemies don't respawn until you've left an area.

sinspirit2232d ago


That is entirely different. The point of the Souls games is, despite being tough, it is able to be memorized and learned. The enemies are respawned when you rest at a bonfire. Entirely different from what you are talking about. Just because enemies pop back up doesn't mean it's the same circumstance.

LordMaim2231d ago

Perhaps you missed the part about how quickly they respawned. FC2 checkpoints were literally why I stopped playing.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2231d ago
Tetsujin2233d ago

My issue with 2 was the damn Malaria through the game. I'd get so mad at random times I had to take pills, or do missions to get random number of pills. Also my game save corrupted at the final fight both times, so I never get to officially beat the game, but if a remaster/remake released I would try it again.

TheCommentator2233d ago (Edited 2233d ago )

I liked most of it, TBH. The guns getting old and jammed just meant you needed to take care of them more, but they could have made them last a little longer until they jammed up. Fire was way more natural and fun to use strategically in combat (with the flare gun!). Weather was really well done too.
The frequency of the respawns you mention and the Malaria that Tetsujin mentions dragged the game down a bit, but I could easily overlook that for everything else FC2 did right.

OT: I mentioned it the other day, but I really miss the first Far Cry (both pc and console) and I think the concept/theme should be revisited in a future game. The survival horror and superhuman aspects could work really well in an open world environment and stop the games from feeling too similar from one another.

Hardiman2233d ago

Yeah I loved 2 just wish the saves were better and I'll agree with you all day long about part one. They need to revisit the horror/sci fi elements maybe in the next one.

kevnb2232d ago (Edited 2232d ago )

the original far cry became crysis, the first crysis and its expansion are quite awesome.

BassMan1252232d ago

Exactly! I love every unique features of Far Cry 2. And I've never seen these on any other recent AAA game.
Realistic fire on grass/trees, Buddy systems, how you must take Malaria drug every now and then, Degrading weapons, Currency treated as collectibles where you have to hunt for them (rough diamonds). It really feels like a survival game.

But there's one big downside of this game for me.
The fast travel systems and the world is too big.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2231d ago
Bastrad2233d ago

But Far Cry 5 is, by far, the better game.

madforaday2233d ago

In every single way... If someone asked me hey pat, you can only play Far Cry 2 or 5. I would pick 5 in every time. I don't find fun throwing grenades at trees and having them blow up. It is a cool concept but that doesn't add game play to me. Just because something is more realistic doesn't mean it is better. I am surprised at how good Far Cry 5 is, of course, not perfect but the set up and how the missions are so much better compared to the previous games. It is cool finding missions just by exploring and not some person telling you where to go.

PhantomS422233d ago

Better story, better characters, the color pallet isn't strictly brown, far better map editor, no malaria, the gameplay, in general, is a lot more fun.

PurplePeopleEaters2233d ago

I’m sure if someone asked you when Farcry 2 came out if you’d rather play Farcry 1, you’d say no. Farcry 2 is the older game, of course you’d say you’d rather play 5, that doesn’t make It better.

I haven’t played 2, but I’m sure there’s more to do than throwing Grenades at trees.

I’ve heard of the synopsis of 2, and I agree the set up is more interesting. And I’m sure the mission set up is also better.

kevnb2232d ago (Edited 2232d ago )

@PurplePeopleEaters Far Cry 1 is much much better than Far Cry 2, Far Cry 1 was done by crytek when crytek was good. When Far Cry 2 first came out I expected it to be crap and bought crysis instead. Far Cry 3 managed to change my mind on the ubisoft developed titles (even if its simply not really far cry to me), but 2 was just a horrible game to play imo.

Back on topic, far cry 2 was annoying because enemies were bullet sponges yet respawned almost immediately and wouldn't leave you alone. On top of that guns jammed way too often and you got malaria much too easily. Even if you could get past all of these issues, the game was repetitive and had poor missions.

madforaday2232d ago


I don't know if you watched the video from the article but the guy just finds physic base things and see how different they are compared to each game. Far Cry 2 is by FAR way better in the aspect but NOTHING add game play to that game. It adds a little immersion but also, that immersion isn't gone because FC5 lacks it. That is where a developer needs to ask themselves, should we do this or should we work on another feature.

There are tons of games that I like the "older" version of. Mario 64 is probably the best Mario game to ever come out. I did love Odyssey but Mario 64 IMO was better in every single way besides smoothness and controls but it did come out in 1996.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2232d ago

Well, yes. But FC2 is dear to me

madforaday2232d ago

FC2 is dear to me, I got 73% completed and I was close to beating it I believe. Then I got robbed and my PS3 was stolen (but no games were). I slowly realized how long it took me to get to 73%. When I got another PS3, I just said sorry FC2. That was around the time they added trophies to FC2, so I was like alright alright, I will try again. FC2 was really fun for what it was. The outposts were a nightmare, and I still talk about how bad those were. My one friend quit these games because of FC2's outpost. He said, "I lost all enjoyment out of these games because of those outposts." His PS3 was also stolen but never went back to the game.

zaherdab2232d ago

@Madforaday sounds like you got a ps3 serial thief in your neighborhood

theXtReMe12233d ago (Edited 2233d ago )

I was playing with the Far Cry 5 editor for about 6 hours last night, just adding objects and details. One thing I have noticed is the game is severely lacking was detail items. I was building a playground/ picnic area and had a tray, hotdog, ketchup and mustard, that was what they had for condiments and kitchen related items. And, as this article suggests, physics is near completely crippled and what is there is pre-canned animation and not true physics calculations.I think the current consoles limited what they could do, due to their CPUs being maxed with gameplay alone. Though, it doesn’t excuse at least an option for more advance physics on the PC.

Though, this is nothing new this generation. Last generation, developers were toying with real world physics as a gameplay element. Games like Red Faction: Guerilla, which happened to be my favorite game because of it, used real world physics and objects and structures made of thousands of parts, each with calculated weight and plyability added to further add realism. Buildings fell and broke apart as they should, not all at once, but only when conditions were met to for cause and effect. Metal would bend, concrete would crumble and wood would splinter. If a structures support was comprised, it would crack and groan until it gave way to the floor below, crushing anything in its path. Just amazing and the remaster should be incredible with all of that in 4K and HDR.

Far Cry 2 was another that had good physics, which were great on the PC. Consoles had limited physics, but still better than most games. PCs structures would break and blow apart realistically, where consoles would break with predetermined splinter points. Though it was still impressive. The fire propagation was very cool and allowed for incredibly inventive ways to take out the enemy. Between the two, it was amazing tech for the time.

Far Cry 5 scales it all back, but then gave us a huge, amazing looking world to explore with pretty decent AI to boot. I think it was a trade-off due to the limited CPUs consoles use. It’s why I’m hoping next gen, the CPUs are at least 8 core Ryzen at 3Ghz, if not 10 or 12 core. If not, then include a physics chip to offload those calculations, so as not to limit developers abilities to implement real world physics. As I always say, I’m tired of shooting enemies in the face. Let me shoot the statue that falls on the truck, that explodes and send glass and tires flying at and killing the enemy. Let me and them, use the environment to piece together a deadly outcome.

Vrabstin2233d ago

I don't see a false statement in there, and somehow you're scoring downvotes. That is sad.

FPS_D3TH2233d ago

Welcome to N4G where fanboys rule and facts are dismissed. You get used to it or move to better sites.

Vrabstin2233d ago

Any you would suggest? I've used this for... Gotta be 7 years now.

phoenixwing2233d ago (Edited 2233d ago )

a better site would be dualshockers, smaller community though as far as comments

BrettAwesome2232d ago

IGN's "podcast beyond" Facebook group! Fantastic community! But they don't tolerate all the infantile shit that goes down here

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2232d ago
AmstradAmiga2232d ago

I agree. This console gen has increased poly counts and texture detail but enemy AI and environmental physics have stagnated. The blame lies squarely on the choice of using tablet CPUs.

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Far Cry 20th Anniversary Celebration

Far Cry debuted on March 23, 2004, meaning that next week, it will have been 20 years since Jack Carver first washed up on the shore of a tropical paradise teeming with hostile mercenaries.

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DefenderOfDoom262d ago

Played and enjoyed Far Cry, Far Cry 3 and 4 campaigns .

-Foxtrot62d ago

4 wasn’t so bad

Pagan Min was pretty entertaining

Skuletor61d ago

Yeah, 4 was good, was hard choosing which Golden Dawn member to side with, when they were both pieces of sh!t.
I've beaten all the main entries except 2 and 6, ended up uninstalling 6 to download something else instead.

Profchaos62d ago

I'd love a far cry pack with the original PC game (not the half assed port on ps360) instincts, predator even a port of far cry 2 to modern consoles back when these games had their own identity and weren't far cry 3 cut and pastel

Demetrius62d ago

Still one of my most favorite franchises along with assassins creed

banger8861d ago (Edited 61d ago )

Same here, I don't know why these games get so much hate. I've thoroughly enjoyed every single one of them, with only a couple of exceptions. I wish they'd hurry up and announce Far Cry 7. The only thing I'm concerned about is the rumoured time limit.

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Far Cry 5 Has Surpassed 30 Million Players Worldwide

The 2018 first-person shooter has reached this milestone exactly 5 years after its initial release.

Profchaos412d ago

When you're free on every single service it's eventually going to happen.

Profchaos412d ago

Part of PS plus at the moment

ChasterMies412d ago

Far Cry 5 is “free” if you pay for PS+ Extra.

gangsta_red412d ago

Going to have to try and get back into Far Cry. The formula for Far Cry may be fun, but it gets repetitive very fast.

Demetrius412d ago

Been playing this series since far cry 3 I love the adventuring vibe this series gives off even far cry primal is so good, but experiencing far cry 5 in 60 fps crisp graphics on ps5 for the first time is dope it adds life to it, I wana give far cry 6 a second chance couldn’t get into it at first I wonder if it’s worth it


Far Cry 5 in native 60 FPS - available for PS5 & Xbox Series consoles now

Far Cry 5 Official Twitter: "You've been waiting long enough… Welcome to Hope County! Experience Far Cry 5 in native 60 FPS - available for PS5 & Xbox Series consoles … NOW! Far Cry 5 will also have a FREE WEEKEND from March 23-27 on all consoles & PC. Enjoy!"

banger88426d ago

Damn. I replayed it recently on SX with fps boost, and to achieve that they had to downgrade the resolution. Game played great but looked like ass. Wish I had've waited.

blackblades425d ago (Edited 425d ago )

So you saying fps boost lowers the resolution to achieve 60fps? Cause that culteastwitch was praising in a fanboy cok suking way.

Darkwatchman425d ago

It depends on the game. Some keep Xbox One X resolution. Others drop to base Xbox One resolution and settings.

Knushwood Butt426d ago

Waiting to play this on Extra but have had too much else to play.
So is this a native PS5 version or does the PS4 version run at 60fps on PS5?

Jin_Sakai426d ago

As expected, Far Cry 5 will now run at 60 frames-per-second on PS5,

“as part of a patch that optimises the PS4 game on Sony's new-gen console.”

Knushwood Butt425d ago

Downloading now. I might do a bit of pancake gaming this weekend.

Eidolon425d ago

Not native PS5. But still looked pretty good on PS4 Pro, and at a solid 60fps, definitely a good experience. Sadly games can't break out of PS4 Pro resolutions, for some reason.

LucasRuinedChildhood425d ago

PS4 games can run 2-2.5 times better on PS5. They're basically just changing the framerate cap to take advantage of that. They could actually change the resolution but it might affect the framerate - it's not a native PS5 game so it can't properly take advantage of the hardware. 1620p isn't bad, tbh.

Eidolon425d ago

Was really hoping to read that New Dawn would be upgraded as well. :( Already beat Far Cry 5 + and only like 1 hr into New Dawn.

KeeseToast425d ago (Edited 425d ago )

Pretty nice 👍
Now we’ll only need fps boost for:
Arkham Knight
The Last Guardian
Assassin‘s Creed Unity
Shadow of the Colossus
Gravity Rush 2

Did I forget something?

Welshy425d ago

The worst part about AC Unity is that it *does* run natively at 60fps, but only when running the 1.0 version from the disc. If you allow the game to update, future patches applied a 30fps cap for some reason.

I don't see any reason it would be difficult to just lift the cap that they added.

CML2425d ago

Shadow of the Colossus already runs at 60fps.
Its possible to play The Last Guardian at 60fps with an unpatched disc version too.

Stanjara425d ago

So why not unlock framerate cap on the latest version? Can't be that hard.

CML2425d ago

Probably because the studio doesnt exist anymore. 🥲

LucasRuinedChildhood425d ago (Edited 425d ago )

Absolutely. RDR2 still sells very well so the lack of a next gen version after GTA5 next gen is really annoying.

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