
Are X-Men Console Games Dead?

A lack of mutants in MvC: Infinite and LEGO Marvel Heroes 2 has us worried about our favorite team.

PhoenixUp2255d ago

I sure hope not

I enjoyed a lot of X-Men games. They’re among my favorite Marvel videogame properties

XisThatKid2255d ago

Will be seeing them most likely after next year if/when Disney finalizes the deal of buying most of 21st Cent Fox and get Their movies licenses back. Disney will stop black balling X-Men and F4 properties that's not movies. F4 comics are making return (announced yesterday). That's a good sign.

DillyDilly2255d ago

They will return after Disney gets the movie rights back

InTheZoneAC2255d ago

can we get a modern side scroller beat 'em up? I miss the old x-men games.

Fullmetalevolust2255d ago

Haha , I just said that w/o looking at your post. But yes,a tons of yes!

Fullmetalevolust2255d ago

I need VanillaWare or Platinum games to take on the franchise and make an arcade beat them up like Dragon's crown.
It'd need some deep gameplay mechanics to avoid repetitive combat.

Tross2255d ago

Licensing is BS. There's a reason why it features prominently in my list of top 10 gaming BS. If I were to write out such a list and rank each item, licensing would definitely be in my top 3 at the very least.

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An X-Men Retro Collection Would Rival TMNT's Cowabunga Collection

The Cowabunga Collection is one of the best retro collections ever. Another '90s pop culture hit, the X-Men, could comprise a similar collection.

darthv72604d ago

Im not so sure. There was only 1 arcade beat em up and the others were fighters. The home games werent that memorable.

autobotdan604d ago (Edited 604d ago )

The Home xmen games on snes and genesis made by Capcom and Sega were all memorable good

Knightofelemia604d ago (Edited 604d ago )

Side action beat em up is the way to go Xmen only have one cabinet I know of that was done by Konami and I have the arcade game on my PS3. Turtles have two arcade cabinets Turtles has always been a beatem up on the NES, SNES and Genesis minus the first game on the NES. Most of the XMEN games are side scrolling platformers or shitty one offs by LJN. You can't rival side action beatem ups with platformers.

Terry_B604d ago

The Author clearly didnt play the 8-16 bit Marvel games. (Most of them sucked)

lodossrage604d ago

Yeah, the x-men game on the nes was ridiculously bad.

And even the snes and genesis games, while they were ok, they aren't games we think of fondly as favorites (well barring this author anyway lol).

HeliosHex604d ago

They were not as good as you might think. Please don't give them ideas.

CrimsonWing69604d ago

I guess… I mean the 2 Sega games were good, I think.

ZeekQuattro604d ago

Spider-man and the X-Men was mediocre at best but X-Men 2 Clone Wars was actually pretty good especially in the sound department.

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Arcade1Up X-Men 4-Player Arcade Machine Impressions

Arcade1Up X-Men 4-Player Arcade Machine is an excellent looking cabinet that includes three games with fantastic emulation and sound.

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HeliosHex855d ago

This is nice, but I wish it had all the marvel games from cps-1 and 2. Three games is just not enough

ApocalypseShadow855d ago (Edited 855d ago )

Loved this game. But it has been surpassed by Openbor with games like these.
Marvel Infinity War. Watch any video like this. So many Marvel characters to play and remakes of other games all packed in.

Download Openbor, download the games from Zvitor br or Game jolt, add a Bluetooth controller and enjoy. Or multiple controllers on PC for multiplayer. You'll thank me later. Even Avengers United Battle Force is great.

Also, Justice League Legacy is also awesome for DC action.


5 Franchises that need a Turn-based Game - Turn Based Lovers

Here are five franchises I believe need the turn-based treatment and how it should be done. Check out the article

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899d ago