
Atari officially introduces the Atari VCS - Say hello to Atari’s new video game computer system

One of the world's most iconic consumer brands and interactive entertainment producers, today proudly announces that “Atari VCS” is the official name of its new retro-inspired gaming and entertainment platform, previously known by its working title “Ataribox.”

AizenSosuke2263d ago

VCS new gaming system replacing XBox?
Dreams can people dream!

TGG_overlord2263d ago

Time will tell, but I hardly doubt that Atari is trying to replace the Xbox. The Atari VCS console is more likely trying to bring together old and new Atari fans.

Cobra9512263d ago

I'm one of the old ones. I was a young adult when the (original) VCS came out, and completely changed my perception of what game machines were about. Change the cart, and hey! totally different game on the same hardware. Amazing!

Problem is those primitive games have not aged well at all. A few are still fun in small doses, but by and large, they are best left in a museum. I certainly would not buy a new iteration of the VCS that just plays Atari games from the late 70s through the mid-80s. I don't need one for passive entertainment either. Let's wait and see what it actually turns out to be.

link2Dpast2262d ago

I mean what does Xbox have to offer anyway in the category of games other than Halo and Gears. Those are the only games that move systems and they only care about the entertainment aspect of it all. So we wouldn't be really loosing anything with the departure of xbox

Death2262d ago


You should open your mind a little if you think Gears and Halo are the only games on Xbox. Forza is the top rated exclusive racing game and is available in two different series, Motorsport and Horizon. Sea of Thieves is kind of hard to miss right now and Crackdown 3 is on the way. Quantum Break and Recore were nice exclusives as well as State of Decay. I know some gamers can’t tell the difference between an RTS and a FPS, but Halo Wars was a fun game if you are one of the few that knows the difference.

killswitch802262d ago (Edited 2262d ago )

Quantum Break , and recore are terrible games, I wouldn't be surprised if Crackdown 3 is canceled. Players will quickly return to Monster Hunter World, Call of Duty, and PUBG after a week of Sea of Thieves launching. The best IP was canceled. Plus I can play all this garbage except for the worst Halo ever on PC. Come on down vote me but its the truth. I own all the major systems.

darthv722262d ago

I would be all over this if it really was an "ATARI" box. Meaning it spanned every game from Atari's console library (Pong to Jaguar) as well as Atari Arcade titles (published / developed).

Atanasrikard2262d ago


I mean what does Nintendo have to offer anyway in the category of games other than Zelda and Mario? Those are the only games the move systems and they only care about the portability aspect of it all. So we wouldn't be really losing anything with the departure of Nintendo.

I can play that moronic game to. And it's just that, moronic.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2262d ago
Jinger2263d ago

Why would you want something to replace Xbox?

ChrisW2263d ago

Only members of an opposing faction would want that.

As to why? Who knows... Maybe they want something new to bash?

GrubsterBeater2263d ago


"As to why? Who knows... Maybe they want something new to bash?"

Bashing on the XBox, while easy, is just beating a vert, very, very dead horse.. So yeah, I guess it would be nice to bash on a different console, because XBox is like the brother that nobody knows about because he's an abomination that lives in the attic.

chris2352262d ago

you can‘t replace something that‘s not really existant.

subtenko2262d ago

To see if they can beat the record for having the least amount of exclusives

InTheZoneAC2262d ago

Why wouldn't you? They are a cancer to the industry for what's best for us

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2262d ago
FallenAngel19842263d ago (Edited 2263d ago )

You beyond crazy if you think that can happen

2263d ago
Xb1ps42263d ago (Edited 2263d ago )

Seriously.... it’s a retro console and the first thing that comes to mind is a replacement to the Xbox brand?!

I have no clue what dreams you have been having but if you think a retro console is worth the replacement of the Xbox brand..... then please go back to bed and keep dreaming while I hope that no one wakes your ignorant ass up...

Atari day one... right along my x1x and ps pro. No replacement needed #gamers!

Do you guy even realize how many retro games exist?

zerocarnage2262d ago (Edited 2262d ago )

Fanboy by any chance..

We can only dream that people like you would stop being pathetic and just enjoy gaming from everywhere, instead of having a one track mind designed to hate..

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2262d ago
Neonridr2263d ago

"The Atari VCS will of course serve up lots of classic content, but it is so much more than a “retro-box.” It is a completely new Atari connected device designed for today’s living room."

so what it it? A retro emulator + netflix?

TGG_overlord2263d ago

That would be my conclusion of it all. I have already signed up for a copy, because as soon as I saw that it runs on Linux, I was sold.

Old McGroin2262d ago

Retro emulator + Netflix, already have all of that on the Nvidia Shield, or any android box for that matter.

milohighclub2262d ago

Plus modern games from current studios.

Gh05t2263d ago

If you have to keep telling everyone that you are "One of the world’s most iconic consumer brands..." you are not really that iconic.

Iconic brands need no introduction! THAT IS WHAT MAKES THEM ICONIC!

TGG_overlord2263d ago

Point taken, and I wouldn't have used that slogan. I would just have gone with the old ones. Yep, that's correct (just look at Nintendo).

Gh05t2263d ago (Edited 2263d ago )

That was not meant to be directed at you. I assumed it was part of Ataris press release since that is the section I was referencing. I have heard Atari spokes"people" say something akin to this multiple times and its starting to become laughable like the turd in school that tries to tell everyone he is the cool kid, the ones who have to tell you they are cool... arent the cool ones.

fr0sty2263d ago

While Nintendo is certainly to thank for the industry taking off to the point it is at now, Atari forged the market. There were other consoles before them, but they were the first to make gaming a mainstream thing. They also were part of destroying the market when people realized it was something that could be cashed in on and the lack of quality control meant a flood of garbage games ended up on store shelves, some that were fundamentally broken. Nintendo then resurrected it a few years later.

That said, we all know who Atari is, they are to thank for putting the gaming console in average joe's living room. They can claim to be iconic. Press releases often spend a lot of time bragging about the company, so this isn't too far out of the norm. That said, I did find it funny that they had to spend an entire paragraph bragging about the graphic design used to promote the console and its games, while not revealing a single fact about what the console actually does.

OB1Biker2263d ago

To be fair there was a time I and everyone I knew were calling video games 'Atari games'.
So there's that.

TGG_overlord2263d ago

I think that I might be one of the few that has never owned an Atari console before. However, I did play on my uncle's Atari Jaguar quite a bit in the 90s (not to mention Atari made arcade games). Anyways, I get what you mean ;)

letsa_go2263d ago (Edited 2263d ago )

I'd rather have a system from Atari Games(Midway, Warner Bros) instead of Atari Inc(Infogrames). Atari Games made all the good arcade games from the 80's & 90's like Gauntlet, Hard Drivin, Toobin, Hydra, 720, & APB. Atari Inc makes Rollercoaster Tycoon World, Pridefest, & Deer Hunter...ugh.

joab7772263d ago

If you have an entire website asking people to order, but have no details at all, except cliche statements, what can we actually expect?

Twinblade2263d ago

Gamers these days probably doesn't even know what Atari is.

kneon2263d ago

I guess they need to play up the brand since that is mostly what they paid for when they bought the leftovers of the previous incarnation of Atari.

rainslacker2262d ago

While true, Atari is pretty iconic. Granted, being iconic doesn't mean it's still relevant.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2262d ago
Relientk772263d ago

Definitely keeping my eye on this, and seeing what games this will get.

TGG_overlord2263d ago

I'm going to ask Atari if they plan to roll out Atari Jaguar games on it, because I would love to play AVP again.

FyBy2262d ago

Yes, it really depends on software platform. If there is intereface, which I can download games from 8bit/16bit(mainly atari XE and ST) era (or also from jaguar era), its very nice piece of work. If this is only 2600 emulator + some sort of steambox, it doesnt really appeal to me (I already have Ps4,Ps3, 3ds, PC, so I dont need another pc in a box). But thumbs up for Atari!

TGG_overlord2263d ago

@Gh05t "That was not meant to be directed at you. I assumed it was part of Ataris press release since that is the section I was referencing. I have heard Atari spokes"people" say something akin to this multiple times and its starting to become laughable like the turd in school that tries to tell everyone he is the cool kid, the ones who have to tell you they are cool... arent the cool ones."

- Ah, sorry, my bad. I think that it would be better if they started over on a feash page instead. Simply put, that they try to find their own path and niche. Yep...

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The INDIE Live Expo 2024 event showcased +150 Games during its Saturday broadcast

"INDIE Live Expo, Japan’s premiere online digital showcase series connecting indie game fans all over the world, highlighted more than 150 games during its Saturday broadcast introducing world premieres, new trailers, and updates during its 10th-ever digital showcase." - INDIE Live Expo.

TGG_overlord4h ago

Very much so, there should be something in there for everyone to enjoy for sure.


Zotac To Reveal Their Portable Gaming PC At COMPUTEX 2024

This sounds like a very interesting mobile gaming PC. ZOTAC returns to COMPUTEX 2024 to showcase its biggest push yet into brand-new product categories from Handheld Gaming.

smashman982h ago

My last 2 gpus have both been zotac. No issues. I'm interested.

Garethvk45m ago

It will be interesting to see what they have to offer


PlayStation VR2 Official PC Adapter by Sony Is Being Certified

An official PlayStation VR2 adapter for PC made by Sony is being certified. It won't be long before the VR headset is officially compatible.

Read Full Story >>
Profchaos14h ago

one step closer to unlocking the headsets full power.

I'm extremely underwhelmed with how Sony has treated it's psvr2 customers seriously Nintendo treated it's Wii U owners of which the sales were probably equal in the headsets 2bd year v the consoles far better.

This is the least they could do

ravens5211h ago

I agree. I'm a day 1 consumer too. 😢 For my day 1 Vita. I do not like when Sony does that crap.

11h agoReplies(2)
BlackOni10h ago

Agreed, but to your point, those dollars went a lot further back then than they do now. This should have been a consideration from the beginning.

Imagine buying a monitor or tv that could only work with one device. That's basically what this equates to, so they left a LOT of money on the table by not making it PC compatible from the getgo. But to Sony's credit, even they were unaware of how popular their games would be once released on PC.

Babadook77h ago

I doubt there will be foveated rendering implemented on PC. PSVR2 is already a better experience than PCVR. PS5 Pro will unlock the full power.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 7h ago
Neonridr12h ago

so now Sony is going to sell me an adapter I have to buy so I can use the headset on my PC? Gee, how generous of you :P

While it's great that I will be able to use this headset instead of my Index or Q3 for PC only VR titles, it's still a sad realization that Sony is sorta waiving the white flag here. Here's hoping they at least make some of their PSVR2 exclusive content available on PC as well now.

ocelot0712h ago

I don't see it as waving the white flag. PSVR the first one even though modders did get it working on pc it was a awful experience.

PSVR2 one of the best VR headsets available. Requires just one usb c cable. Even though I truly believe exclusives are what sell consoles. When it comes to VR it's very nich among gamers. I'm ecstatic that soon I can imo use the best VR headset on both ps5 and pc. No need for a pc vr headset. I have said it since PSVR2 was announced that I hope they make it pc compatible. With it being a very expensive headset and pc vr being more popular it just makes sense for Sony to do this.

11h ago
Neonridr10h ago

as opposed to a Quest 3 that requires no cables, or a single cable if you want to pair it with your PC right? ;)

While the tech is better in the PSVR2 for the most part (I own an Index, Q3 and PSVR2), I'm still let down by certain things. Headset rumble is a novelty. Eye tracking has only been used well on a couple of titles.

to each their own I guess, but to me this doesn't give me confidence that Sony is fully investing in their own hardware, more like they are stepping back to allow others to fill in the gaps.

ocelot076h ago

@Neonridr not owned a quest 3. Did own a quest 1 and 2 both where fairly good. Have used a quest 3 for a limited time and thought it was fine. But comfort wise not as nice as psvr2.

Tried using quest 2 via wireless streaming to my pc and it was so bad I much rather using a single cable and have a solid connection than streaming the game from pc to headset.

11h agoReplies(2)
ocelot0712h ago

It's most likely just going to be a usb c to usb 3 adapter. Even for modern era a lot of new cases and motherboards don't have a usb c ports.

The budget but still fairly fairly high end pc I recently helped my friend build. He went with a b550 motherboard. Didn't have a usb c port or a on board socket to connect a pc case with a front panel usb c. Had to get a cheap pcie usb c.

1nsomniac8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

They developed the headset/attached usb c cable so that it wasn’t possible to run through any port other than a designated ps5 port. The adapter allows all the data to be passed correctly to a none designated ps5 port.

11h agoReplies(1)
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