
Payday 2 Switch Review: Mo' Money Mo' Problems | GameSpot

Marred by compromise, Payday 2 on Switch pales in comparison to other versions.

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Kumakai2289d ago (Edited 2289d ago )

How many times have I said the Switch can’t hang with AAA multiplatform. Review after review proves me right. It’s good for Nintendo IP and indie ports. Other than that it’s a handheld, not a true console. Too underpowered. I mean this game is ancient and it was still downgraded to run on Switch. And for those who say graphics don’t matter, this affected performance as a whole.

Gman322288d ago

so true Nintendo rather save money and cut cost on their hardware nintendo switch should have 8G of ram just like ps4 and xbox one but nintendo act like it would kill them to do something like that

2289d ago
BradsGamingPlace2289d ago

Most of the issues with the port don't have an affect on me for this one. The performance is acceptable in portable mode, and I have irl friends to play with. Also, this version, while not including the most current patches, has more content than my PC version.

I'm looking forward to playing.

ThePenetrator2289d ago

Blame Nintendo for the bad reviews they the one who refuse to add voice chat

zerocarnage2289d ago

I wouldn't just blame switch, the publishers and developers surrounding payday 2 I wouldn't exactly trust or throw money at any more after all the console fiascos that have happened. When even the pc crowd stand behind console players and have ago at the pubs and devs then you know liberty's were taken and they were out of order with how they went about things.

I for one thank all those pc players who sided with us console players at the time, overkill and David Goldfarb left us in limbo with nothing for over a year and half, in my eyes they should of been heavily fined..


The Rise of Payday and Its Fall

GB: "Of course, Payday 2 has had its fair share of ups and downs as well, in spite of the success that it has enjoyed. For starters, the disparity between the game’s PC and console versions is a major issue that plagued the game for years on end, thanks to the frustrating optimization issues across platforms brought about by the Diesel Engine, which the game was developed on."

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Payday 2 free at Epic Games Store

Starting today, Payday 2 is free at Epic Games Store. The free game offer runs until June 15. Once you claim it, it's yours to keep.

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