
9 Franchise Revivals that Could Save the Xbox One

It’s no secret that the last few years haven't been kind to Microsoft. Whilst the big green behemoth used to perch atop the pile of last generation consoles, the Xbox One's infamously misjudged E3 announcement saw it slide to the bottom of the pack, almost overnight. Microsoft was left face down in the dirt, and although they've managed to somewhat pick themselves up, Xbox as a brand has never really dusted itself off.

Big releases in the form of Halo 5 and Gears Of War 4 didn't innovate enough to entertain hardcore franchise devotees, while more original titles such as Recore or Sunset Overdrive failed to make waves. Indeed, unlike the PS4 and especially the Nintendo Switch, this newest generation system simply hasn't been able to connect with fans.

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crazyh0rse2311d ago

Microsoft is sitting on some great games personally i like these Alan wake, Fable, Banjo Kazooie, Crimson Skies, Jade Empire, Conker. imagine all of them running in native 4k

TFJWM2311d ago

I rather them running as good games...

darthv722310d ago

some games just simply ran their course and werent intended to continue. Others should though and MS has been very quiet with all of their in house stuff. Maybe something interesting will happen at E3, but then again it might be business as usual.

Tankbusta402311d ago (Edited 2311d ago )

Having been a Playstation gamer since the early PS1 days, I picked up Halo 5 and Gears 4 on the One X...Halo 5 was just meh...but I really enjoyed the Gears 4 story...I may even have to pick up the Ultimate Edition on amazon(currently sitting at 27 dollars) to get the first 4 games.

also the list for those who don't want to click through
Castle Crashers
Alan Wake
Steel Battalion
Jade Empire
Battle Toads
Crimson Skies
Banjo Kazooie

Fist4achin2311d ago

I've been an an Xbox supporter until this generation. I recommend the gears of war series and halo through halo reach. Those are some of the exclusives that made Xbox great.

The games mentioned on this list are phenomenal and I don't know why they are subject to the dusty cellar...

FinalFantasyFanatic2310d ago

So many good IPs they're just sitting on when they could be putting them to work.

Gaming4Life19812311d ago

I personally loved halo 5 and I thought halo reach was meh. Crimson skies 2 needs to happen I need that game.

bahabeast2311d ago

haha. bro this is why games pass is soo great almost all the games on your list are on games pass. im playing the original fable now.

Fist4achin2310d ago

Enjoy. 1 and 2 were fun. 3 was okay.

Bobafret2311d ago

New, new, NEW franchises please.

The_Eternal_one2311d ago

Nope old ones judging by your dislikes.

Professor_K2310d ago Show
Jon615862311d ago

I really want a sequel to Jade Empire Bioware hit the nail on the head with that universe so many possibilities. Also a Truly open world Fable with the Witcher 3 fighting amd fable comedy

Jakens2310d ago

Yes, a great game that was under-rated. Even ahead of its time.

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2024 Xbox Games Showcase: Top 10 Reveals

Rayan from NoobFeed writes - The Xbox Games Showcase 2024 unveiled several titles that are anticipated to be released soon. Exciting new trailers for games like Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, State of Decay 3, Gears of War: E-Day, and Doom: The Dark Ages are just a few of the many franchises fans can expect to play soon. While most of us have already watched the showcase, we've decided to pick the top 10 most highly anticipated games.

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GaboonViper16h ago

So many great games shown but for me Perfect Dark took the cake.

Jingsing14h ago(Edited 14h ago)

Looked dated to be honest, simple cpu character pathing mixed with gameplay and graphics resembling a 360 game. It is clearly an indie effort. Perfect Dark Zero was a better attempt despite not having the best controls.

Lightning7713h ago

Quick look at your comment history it's pretty obvious on your little crusade so why would anyone take your comments seriously?

GaboonViper12h ago

LOL i think you're talking about Concord.

Jingsing14h ago

Perfect Woke Starring John Dark for Xbox 360

Lightning7714h ago

Perfect Dark trailer looked better than I thought. People are down on Dragon Age or has a mixed response but I have to see gameplay im still hyped for it. People want the big titles. I know AAA guys are closing down studios and doing massive lay offs but ppl need to get excited for PS5 and Series X and still need a reason to buy these consoles. The small AA stuff that Geoff showed off was fine, It's not a reason to pickup consoles, hell even turn on your console for some.

Ranting. Anyway Avowed I'm definitely looking forward to also.


Fable Confirmed for 2025, But is it a Reboot, or Prequel?

Fable got a whole new trailer at the recent Xbox Games Showcase. It was breathtaking and left so much to interpret for fans new and old.

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Fable – What the Heck is Going On?

Announced in 2020, Playground Games' open-world action RPG has seen sporadic updates and departures but still no release date.

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PhillyDonJawn52d ago

I expect it to be released by 2026

Sonic188152d ago (Edited 52d ago )

I expect it to release by the time the next Xbox releases. Can that be 2026? Sure

DOMination-52d ago

You could say the same for any number of games that were stupidly announced during pre-production. Elder Scrolls 6 & Perfect Dark are current examples, Blade is another recent one and in the past Mass Effect Andromeda and Cyberpunk 2077 come to mind.

I don't think this game is in any trouble. For a start, Playground Games are one of the few under MS Studios that actually have a track record of delivering on time and with quality. We got a trailer last year and I'd fully expect there to be something more substantial at the next showcase in the summer.

No dramas here - just another victim of Microsoft's incompetence. They simply had to announce several games way too early because they had nothing else to talk about.

Michiel198952d ago

how are they a victim when they are clearly being given enough time? They haven't set any release date, haven't had to show any trailers, how is that being a victim? You even say yourself that you think it's not in trouble.

MrBaskerville52d ago (Edited 52d ago )

TESVI was mostly announced to stop people from asking. Like how they gave us a roadmap of first Starfield, then TES then Fallout. So people keep asking whether they'll do another one or not.

But Fable and Perfect Dark was defineately too early.

RNTody52d ago

The same thing that happens to any project when you announce it far too early. Perfect Dark, Fable, The Elder Scrolls 6, Star Wars KOTOR Remake...you actually have to, I don't know, make the game?

I'm fairly confident this game will see the light of day, as Playground have released 5 Forza games of quality and on schedule. Think it was just revealed too early.

Charlieboy33351d ago

The only issue I see is that, as you mentioned, they have only done Forza games. An RPG is completely different requiring completely different facets.

Whole new different open world....not just tracks. Character designs and animations, dialogue, combat systems, quest systems, equipment and inventory managment....the list is very long and none of it falls under their previous experience.

Even with assistance from other studios I believe they are still far off from delivering a complete version of this game.

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