
Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris' New Strikes Are a Huge Letdown | Twinfinite

Twinfinite says: "We had the opportunity to go hands-on with the new strikes ourselves, and ultimately, were left feeling disappointed."

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maybelovehate2391d ago

So basically they liked the strikes.. but it is the internet so they really really just want to complain about something for the sake of it.

Mikelarry2391d ago

Actually another publication also echoes the same sentiments, dont worry noone is gonna shit on your poor precious destiny 2


Krysis2390d ago Show
EdMcGlone2390d ago (Edited 2390d ago )

hi author here and I definitely did not like the strikes. If you like recycled story missions as strikes being the standard going forward then you might like these strikes, but I don't.

Goldby2390d ago

its sad how this game is also nominated for best on going game this year.

like i dont even understand the logic behind the nomination. a game that just came out and everyone is echoing these remarks in regards to the expansion pass. its Destiny 1 all over again. so glad i didnt fall for the hype a second time

PapaBop2390d ago

^^^ They're seriously up for game of the year? Only nomination they deserve is a green one for all the recycling they keep doing.

maybelovehate2390d ago (Edited 2390d ago )

You said right in the article that they are fun? So what is it?

Also this isn't the first time strikes have been part of the Story Missions, it is just the first time they have been scaled to be both.

MIDNIITE_Z3RO2390d ago

I mean, Destiny 1 recycled story missions as strikes. It was lame then, still lame now. Which is why I haven't bought, nor will I buy this game.

Ittoittosai2390d ago

Such is the state of gaming these days, when you have unfinished early access games getting nominated for game of the year and praised when they arent even official released or finished and MT defenders of the crown what do you expect.

killswitch802389d ago

but the strikes are really good regardless that they are recycled....nice click bate article ed

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2389d ago
EdMcGlone2390d ago (Edited 2390d ago )

I said the story mission versions of it was fun. I played those first. I also mentioned that I was not thrilled when I started to piece together while playing the Strike that I was essentially just doing the mission over again. It didn't feel like I was getting a "new" strike. It's not the end of the world, but it was a let down, like the title says.

maybelovehate2390d ago

So it was only fun when it was a story mission.. That like totally makes sense.. It's not the gameplay folks, it is all about the label.

Krysis2390d ago Show
EdMcGlone2390d ago

Yeah overall it's a let down when I'm expecting to get something "new" and I don't. Sure they made good choices on the missions they picked to reuse, but when I hear new strikes, I expect content that's more than just retreads of missions I already played. I wanted that cool story mission + another cool new strike too. I think we're going around in circles here. You have a difference of opinion, if you like it that way then great, you'll enjoy it on Dec. 5.

maybelovehate2390d ago

No difference of opinion. You are the one arguing with yourself. You say they are fun and then you contradict yourself. I am just glad they are fun. I will leave the complaining about fun content to others.

Quetzll2390d ago


Are you purposely ignoring his point for the sake of defending your game?

He said the missions were good, but he was disappointed that the new strikes are just alt versions of the story missions. There's no contradiction there.

Gaming4Life19812390d ago


I understand what your are saying but I don't think this person will ever understand so don't even waste your time.

Destiny 2 is a letdown overall but I wasn't a fan of the first one and I once again fell for the hype from friends and bought this one, I won't fall for it again.

maybelovehate2390d ago

I am not ignoring his point. His point is that the content is fun. But he wants to find a reason to complain about that. Bungie has included Strikes as part of the story since the first DLC in Destiny 1. The difference is that this time they scaled the strike so that single players didn't have to match make for the story version of it. As long as the Strikes are fun, I don't see why it is an issue.

KwietStorm_BLM2390d ago


Then yes, you are exactly ignoring his point, or you just don't understand. You can keep crying that he is contradicting himself and looking for something to complain about, but you're just not getting that he said it was fine in the story, but it's not fine for the strike because it's just the same thing again. And that effectively has been the problem with Destiny since day 1. It's not that complicated. If you enjoy it, go ahead and enjoy it. Not everybody is going to feel the same way about this waste of money.


I think the problem with your explanation is that you're using logic, there's no need for logic on N4G...

maybelovehate2390d ago (Edited 2390d ago )

@KwietStorm: I will enjoy it. Just like the author did. Even though he complained about it. In the end he said the strikes were fun. I play games to have fun. End of story.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2390d ago
TheSaint2389d ago

Glad I didn't partake this time round.

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Neonridr2391d ago

wow Destiny 2 starting to disappoint. I feel like I have heard this story before.. I can't quite put my finger on it though..

PapaBop2390d ago

Key difference here though is that even the hardcore Destiny fans are disappointed this time around.

KyRo2390d ago

What papa said. I stuck with destiny 1 for years, went through the all motions and changes and defended it, even through the god awful episode 1 and two DLC. Destiny 2 was brilliant for the first 5 days, improved every aspect but still felt like destiny, then the end game was lackluster and 3 months on were still waiting for something to happen... I don't think the hardcore destiny players are going to stick around for three years this time.

Neonridr2390d ago

I was a day 1 Destiny 1 and 2 player. I haven't played 2 in a few weeks now. Enjoying my time with other games. I will pop back on once the new Curse of Osiris launches, but the game has way less value to me this time around.

yomfweeee2390d ago

With Destiny 1, the same people who had 500 hours were the ones whining all the time. So it isn't different now.

Krysis2390d ago

Thank you. I was as hardcore as it got but D2 is garbage. I'm done with it til they make it like destiny 1

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ApexWolf222390d ago (Edited 2390d ago )

It is, what it is. I barely do strikes as it is now, I feel they all already suck, they're not as engaging as those in D1. Zavala just doesn't motivate me enough to care lol. They're really struggling to find a balance in the D2 RNG system. They made it so generous this time around that people lost interest fast, there's ultimately no must have anything to push you to grind...

maybelovehate2390d ago (Edited 2390d ago )

The rewards suck but the actual strikes are awesome with the exception of Exodus, hate that strike. Pyramidion is the best strike Bungie has ever made in my opinion.

Krysis2390d ago

Wrong on every level.

2390d ago
kevnb2390d ago (Edited 2390d ago )

Destiny needs something to give it a little more gameplay depth...

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