
Wolfenstein II Dev: XB1X Is A Super Powerful Machine, Will Set New Standard For Games Moving Forward

Wolfenstein II's producer said that the Xbox One X is a super powerful machine which will set a new standard for games moving forward.

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Imp0ssibl32396d ago

Maybe it could if it wasn't bogged down by the Xbox One...

AAWELLS092396d ago

Devs dont seem to think thats a problem so now that you that you take this inexperience with developing games and learn something from it.

Eonjay2396d ago

This whole thing will be hilarious in 2 years when we have a new 'standard'. In the mean time, these companies will expect you to buy ANOTHER console. I'm gonna get the most out of the current system I have and pray that the PS5 offers more than just higher resolution. I would also like good backwards compatibility to the mountain of games I have now on PS4.

spreadlove2396d ago (Edited 2396d ago )


It will be even more hilarious when in 2-years, people will still say "in 2-years"!

2396d ago
2396d ago Replies(3)

Ok I'll take your word over an actual devs...

mkis0072396d ago

What if there was something that just couldn't be done with the power of the base consoles. Something that used particles or physics to a degree that the downgrade would change the gameplay? If the dev was forced to abandon the mechanic due to the base consoles Just not having enough power? Idk it just seems obvious that a new idea might not be scaleable. Think, could red dead redemption be scaled down to ps2? Or would the ps2 have held it back? I'm not talking about current gameplay or engine features, I'm talking new things that can't be experimented with because games have to run on base consoles...

XStation4pio_Pro2396d ago (Edited 2396d ago )

The hype is real on the one x and the 360 was extremely successful. The xb1 has made a complete 180 and not everyone is gonna hold that against me for forever. The x is proving that.

Even when I went to e3 this year, I mentioned the buzz on X was very much also real but n4g fanboys just disagree away cuz they only fixate on their opinions while the rest of the world moves on.

Developers love more powerful software cuz it allows their products to look better and despite all the naysaying fanboys the one x is not only selling well so far but reviewing well and receiving praise from gamers and devs alike.

343_Guilty_Spark2396d ago

The Xbox One has no bearing on how great Enhanced titles look.

It’ll look like s Potato on the One and s full course meal on the X

spreadlove2396d ago

Don't worry, the XB1/PS4 won't hold back the Xbox One X. It is designed with this in mind, and is why it is such a beastly monster. It's tamed though!!!

DrumBeat2396d ago Show
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2396d ago
ccgr2396d ago

Hoping to utilize it, but it needs exclusives. Still go for PC when given the choice

mark_parch2396d ago

if money is no problem then pc any day but at $500 the xbox one x is better value for money imo

alexg5872396d ago (Edited 2396d ago )

Imo it MS should've just focus on better/more exclusives because thats what really sets these consoles apart. I mean sunset overdrive blew my mind and it was 800p or something like that. The xbox one was never a terrible console. They're exclusive line up has just always been weak. Look at the ps2/xbox days where xbox was the most powerful console and still fell behind, granted it was MS first entry to console market..
My point is they need to use them dollars and throw them at exclusive game development. I wouldve much prefered a new fable, scalebound, and phantom dust but i guess 3rd party graphics bump is nice too🙄

OpenGL2396d ago

Okay, and a $200 PS4 or Xbox One S is a better value than a $500 Xbox One X.

Bigpappy2396d ago

@alex. if they were to rely on games like sunset overdrive, they would be out of the console business. no, getting an exclusive from a playstation developer didn't help the X1 fortune. hardly anyone bought it. but I did. l regret the purchase. played about 4hr in about 4 attemps at getting into it. fail to entertain. very uninteresting

Eldyraen2396d ago

My pc is better than my new X, still play on console on a more regular basis though. I love GF and even some other console services for example which helps sort of negate the “pc game sale advantage”.

I think multiplatform games next year or later could utilize the x better too, if they choose to. Same for Pro if the games also come to pc. I want both 4K and Quality when possible.

christocolus2396d ago

It's good to see devs praising the consoles design, specs an performance. Great job MS.

datriax2396d ago

Great job? They threw in a faster CPU, faster GPU, more RAM. Spectacular job at picking those off-the-shelf components MS.

Truly, these components, when put together inside the X1X case, perform worlds better than they normally should. How? By the magic of MS, how else. Great job MS.

christocolus2395d ago

Lol. The console is a well designed piece of tech and proof is out there. Devs love it, gamers love it, critics love it. No need for the sarcasm. MS did a great job here.

2396d ago Replies(1)
odderz2396d ago

A new standard which games will still have to scale to original Xbox One to release.

AAWELLS092396d ago

Which is perfectly fine. You dont see PC games being bogged down by games running on lower end hardware(graphics cards). The person with the lower end hardware gets the lower end experience. Cant wait for the N4G game devs to mash their keyboards with all their knowledge.

2396d ago
2396d ago
windblowsagain2396d ago

4k is not setting new standards.

The gaming industry needs to push more in the physics direction and less in the COD direction. Same crap year in year out.

Better lighting, shaders.

Other then that. FUN.

Stop holding everyone's hand. If your shit at games don't play them.

Alexious2396d ago

To get better physics we'd need far better CPUs in console platforms, but hardware manufacturers favor using GPUs to create better visuals.

OpenGL2396d ago

Knack 2 featured some pretty impressive GPU accelerated physics and ran fairly well even on the base machine, Uncharted 4 also used GPU accelerated physics. On PC the problem is that not everyone is using the same family of graphics hardware and Nvidia has pushed proprietary crap too much.

Mostafeto2396d ago

People need to understand and realise the importance of gameplay compared to visuals. I know the gaming community knows gameplay is definitely more important than pretty visuals but once the visuals drop, they all complain, the example off the top of my head is Watch Dogs, even though that didn't have spectacular gameplay to save it tbh.


4k 60 with graphics like this sets a new standard for shooters on console, this and Halo 5 Enhanced.

AAWELLS092396d ago

Id love to eventually see Physx on consoles sometime in the future. I played Borderlands 2 on PC and loved the Physx on that game.

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