
10 Nintendo Franchises that need a Switch Treatment

With the release of Super Mario Odyssey, we decided to take a look at what else Nintendo has to offer, such as Pikmin, Animal Crossing and Super Smash Bros.

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FallenAngel19842411d ago

Why call the next installment of a franchise on their latest console a “treatment?”

Lightning Mr Bubbles2409d ago

True, I'd say a good portion of these are pretty much guaranteed to happen. Luigi's Manson I'm not so sure about. Donkey Kong possibly, but DK Country series was like way back in the SNES Days, I loved it but I haven't played a good DK game since then. That's a long time ago. Excite and Super Princess Peach or whatever are pretty doubtful I think.

Smokingunz2409d ago

Donkey kong country was on the 3ds and the wii u genius smh. Also luigis mansion 3 was announced for the switch before it even came out. U are so out of tune dude its not even funny

Lightning Mr Bubbles2409d ago (Edited 2409d ago )


You're right about Donkey Kong Country, There's DK Country Returns for Wii/3DS and Tropical Freeze for WiiU/3DS. I wasn't into Nintendo at all during the whole Wii era, so I didn't realize the series had such current installments.

Either way, they don't look nearly as good as the ones for SNES. The SNES Donkey Kong Country games had amazing realistic graphics for that time. These new installments look like C level games. They should really step it up and give Donkey Kong Country AAA level treatment for the Switch if they want to revive it.

deafdani2408d ago

Lightning Mr Bubbles: trust me, Tropical Freeze (which is available only on Wii U, not 3DS, btw) has a superb art direction. It looks fantastic.

2409d ago
2411d ago Replies(2)
EddieNX 2410d ago

F-zero. None of these clones like fast RMX are gunna cut it for me.

Moonman2409d ago

I agree, the clones lack personality. A sequel to F-Zero GX equipped with another story mode would be awesome. Captain Falcon needs more story. And he with the series, could become more popular if Nintendo allows it.

EddieNX 2409d ago

GX was the last futuristic racer I really cared about and the it was perfect! It had the charm, the cut scenes, the customization and quality you expect.

Fast RMX is good but that's about it. It isn't epic F-zero level at all!

2409d ago Replies(1)
Smokingunz2409d ago

I dont see f zero coming back, the last game was terrible. Nintendo handed thr developemnt to seag and thry screwed it up. The last good f zero gsme i played was on the n64, the gsmecube version was garbage. If nintendo do it thrmselves mabye.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2408d ago
Moonman2409d ago

I love Super Mario Maker. The next game needs even more customization. Every single item, enemy, boss and level backgrounds need to show up. But Mario 64 Maker is the dream. Lol

Yohshida2409d ago

Just make a goddamn pokemon game

Prince_TFK2409d ago

Emm...have you been living under a rock?

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20 Best Super Mario Games of All Time

Cultured Vultures: Put on your freshest dungarees and chow down on the ripest mushroom as we reel off the best Mario games ever made to celebrate Mar10 Day.

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Barlos83d ago (Edited 83d ago )

My top 3 are Mario 3, Mario World and Mario 64. Mario Odyssey is also excellent, and I enjoyed Sunshine but didn't care for the Galaxy series.


The 7 Best Selling Switch Games of All Time

The Nintendo Switch has been an undeniable success for Nintendo, but which games make the best selling chart for the console?

GotGame818110d ago

Animal crossing came out the week the entire world shutdown. Yeah I bought it.

kevco33110d ago

Agreed. I think a lot of the AC: H sales have to do with early lockdown players!

I mean, I would've played it anyway. But I guess there's a lot of people who got into it because of the hype and their new found free time!

DivineHand125110d ago

Nintendo made out like bandits with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. It's the same game that was on the WiiU except they added 2 item boxes like in double dash.

kevco33110d ago

It's the Capcom method:

1. Add a new word to the end of the title and features that should've been expected first time around.
2. Charge full price for it.
3. Profit.

gold_drake109d ago

this is why i always say that Nintendo will always be fine. look at those numbers lol

and those are all first party games.


Nintendo Considers Pikmin A Flagship IP, Offers Update On Next Gen Console

Nintendo considers its real-time strategy series, Pikmin, a flagship IP, based on the latest details from its recent shareholder meeting.

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Jin_Sakai112d ago

Pikmin 4 is great. The new camera system made everything better.

Cacabunga112d ago

I like the concept of this game but it really gets boring in the long run. Nintendos flagship could be F-Zero, they really need to bring it back

-Foxtrot112d ago

I’d prefer a StarFox spin off like the GameCube Adventure games. I found them to be fun despite being different to the main core games.

RaiderNation112d ago (Edited 112d ago )


I'd love a new Star Fox game done in a similar format to Starlink, but with a better story and better enemy variety.

Nebaku112d ago

Every subsequent F-Zero sold worse than the prior.

If it's a flagship title, I think the flag will sink with the ship.

MrBaskerville112d ago

I love Pkimin 4, but wish they'd lean more into the rts aspects of the game. Would be interesting if you were using pikmin to gather resources and building stuff. Wouldn't mind if it strayed a iittle bit away from the cozy game territory. Atleast in spin-off.

MrBaskerville111d ago

Everyone hated the rts sections or what?

ifinitygamer112d ago

The "next gen console update" part of this is so clickbaity. The Nintendo president offered an update that they have nothing to update us on.

Crows90112d ago (Edited 112d ago )

I'm all in for a new Nintendo generation if they can give us

New smash
New Mario party
New Metroid
New Zelda both in 3d and 2d
New starfox
New IP
New and better pokemon game that really advances the IP

ifinitygamer112d ago

So you want all new Nintendo games from every franchise lol
Not making fun but it's like every major franchise, minus Mario for some reason?

talocaca112d ago

I live in Japan and Pikmin 4 did surprisingly well. Tons of collaborations and marketing. Even now they play ads on the trains.

One of my favorite franchises ♥️

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