
Super Mario Odyssey Review - IGN

Super Mario Odyssey is a brilliant adventure and love letter to the series that made Nintendo a household name.

hench072392d ago

Nintendo are the best game developers on this planet. No other developer can release so many games using the same characters and still pulls off perfection. Crazy.

Xenophon_York2392d ago (Edited 2392d ago )

I wouldn't really consider them developers—more like master artists. Mario and Zelda games both transcend the often-times gritty, stiff feel of many AAA titles. It's as if the more 'real' developers try to make a game the less magic comes across the screen. Plenty of magic from Mario/Zelda.

freshslicepizza2392d ago

It's nice to see Nintendo back in form. They have 2 GOTY contenders but I think this will take the crown.

darthv722392d ago

While I really enjoyed the Galaxy games, I have to say my favorite of the 3D Mario's was sunshine. This game looks to be my new favorite though.

adonisisfree2392d ago

Lol, he said "master artists".. Fanboism to the next level. Lol

Xenophon_York2392d ago


You must not come around here much—I'm a devout PlayStation promoter. I just know quality when I see it, and pay respect when a company has earned it. Highly suggested way to be. Maybe worth your time to adopt the habit.

choujij2392d ago

Congrats Nintendo. Nice to hear how fantastic this game is being received.

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2392d ago Replies(2)
ChasterMief2392d ago

They're good at what they do. Not necessarily the best over all though.

Istolla2392d ago

Name 1 developer that's better at churning out games with metacritic scores over 90

The 10th Rider2392d ago (Edited 2392d ago )

Mario Kart? Animal Crossing? Zelda? Mario? Splatoon? Arms?

I mean, not all of those are 10/10 games, but not only do Nintendo's internal developers put out the highest rated games out there, they also put out a wide variety of quality, fun titles. The internal Nintendo teams are unparalleled when it comes to quality, creativity and variety.

LOL, even with all the salty stealth disagrees you can't bring up another example of a developer that rivals the quality, creativity, and variety of Nintendo's teams. It's impossible because there are none out there.

Neonridr2392d ago

well Nintendo has several divisions, so as a whole maybe not. But the ones repsonsible for Mario and the ones for Zelda certainly know their stuff.

The 10th Rider2392d ago (Edited 2392d ago )


It's akin to having multiple teams in the same studio though. Nintendo recently restructured so that there's more overlap between studios and they're easily able to move employees from one team to another to prioritize certain games.

Nintendo's internal teams, previously Nintendo EAD, are unparalleled. They're the ones responsible for Splatoon, Animal Crossing, Arms, Zelda, Pikmin, Mario Kart, and Mario.

Erik73572392d ago

Um lets compare SOny when they try to do what Nintendo does, knack 2.

I would say super mario odyssey is miles better than anything knack 2 is in every way possible. I even like the graphics more in Mario odyssey on a weaker system!! How is that possible? Because the artist are more talented.

rainslacker2392d ago

I would say there is no real way to qualify only one dev as being the best. One can say that they are among the best, and among the best, I'd say they're all equally capable of producing a high quality product.

It's one reason I don't like top 10 type lists when it comes to developers. How can you say that one is better than the other, when they are both equally capable and masters of the craft?

SurgicalMenace2392d ago (Edited 2392d ago )

Basing validity on reviews is like building a house on quick sand. Reviews are opinions remember, now think if it had a bad review but it served your needs? Then what? Would you use the same system to validate? Reviews are to assist in getting a subtle feel for a games reception, not a written gospel. Case in point, though Mario has gotten good reviews, there is nothing that can be said to sway me to enjoy the game. I've never liked them since a child, focusing more on Ninja Gaiden, Rygar, Karnov, amongst other more mature difficult games. This again, is not saying it's bad, but not my series of choice. I've completed most of them out of shear determination to adopt its offerings, but again Rayman, Ratchet, Jax, and Kirby are my choice of platformers. So what good is a review worth outside of an opinion? I have my own and I'm not wrong in having it.

r2oB2392d ago

@ istolla

Serious question, when was the last time Nintendo released a game with a rating over 90 that wasn't Mario, Zelda, or Mario Kart? We already know Mario and Zelda games get high scores, even though they clearly get graded on different standards than most AAA titles they are compared to. God forbid a Non Nintendo AAA game doesnt have a great story, good pacing, deep mechanics, current gen graphics, character development, etc. Good thing Nintendo games dont need much of anything except to be fun functional, and maybe add a new feature.

Its probably impossible to get Nintendo loyalists to understand that though.

Prince_TFK2392d ago


Well Smash Bros for WiiU got 92 and Fire Emblem for 3DS also go 92 on Metacritics just to name a few. In case you haven't noticed, both games have no "Mario or Zelda" in their titles.

Had you taken off your fanboy google for abit maybe you would have already noticed that.

r2oB2392d ago

@ kun

So one game from 3 years ago, and another handheld game from 5 years ago? I think you helped prove my point.

Dont get me wrong, Nintendo games are good, great even, but anyone can see they are held to their own standard. Which is totally fine, until Nintendo loyalists try and compare them to other AAA games that are obviously graded more critically, which is not fair to say the least. I mean, take this review for example. Is the stuff he said really indicative of a "masterpiece" by anything other than Nintendo standards? He mentions the game being fun, enjoyable, paying homage to older titles, having collectibles, the hat possession feature, good platforming (i.e. going from 3d to 8 bit 2d), and maybe a few other things. He also mentions the charming, but unoriginal story and some camera issues. If the exact same thing was said about any other non Nintendo AAA developed game, it would not get a 10/10 masterpiece. Why? Because they would also weigh other aspects of the game (that get overlooked for many Nintendo titles).

Mario is a game I thoroughly enjoyed playing from beginning to end. Its fun and charming. Great platforming. There were some camera issues occassionally and the story was unoriginal. 10/10.

Game XYZ is a game I thoroughly enjoyed playing from beginning to end. The gameplay is solid, but there are some camera issues. The story was good, but some of the characters could have been more fleshed out. There could have been more variety of enemy types. The game was too easy or too difficult. Yada yada nitpicked to hell... 8/10

UltraNova2391d ago

I have to agree with r2oB here. Nintendo is being held under different standards. Their games cannot be compared with other AAA games.

Just imagine the time, tech, money, technical know-how, people, voice acting, motion capture, story/screen play, playtesting time, QC required for games like Uncharted or Horizon compared to a game like Mario Odyssey(and I haven't even mentioned multiplayer modes)...its planets apart really.

Dont get me wrong, Mario Odyssey is probably the most fun and perhaps the most polished game of 2017 but it cannot be compared to other AAA games.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2391d ago
EddieNX 2392d ago

Undoubtedly the best developers of all time , especially considering the sheer volume of top games they've made, their portfolio completely flattens every other developer by miles.

Explains why some of us are Nintendo fans I guess.....

2392d ago Replies(2)
RommyReigns2392d ago

10! 10! 10! like Tye Dillinger. Come on Mario, beat that overrated Stink of the Wild!

rainslacker2392d ago

I think the time has come to get a Switch.:)

I was waiting until this holiday either way after WiiU disappointed me as a day one buyer, but I like what Nintendo is doing with the Switch, and they seem committed to it, and given it's current success in the market, I imagine it's not going to have a support problem.

It'll be a nice replacement for the 3DS, which they had no problem supporting and got copious 3rd party support.

Sirk7x2392d ago

After this holiday, I don't think 3rd party developers are going to be able to ignore it. They'll have to question what kind of audience there is for their games, or what types of games they should release on the Switch, but they're going to want software on it.

Cartman551252392d ago

Nintendo is fantastic. The only other developer I can think of that comes close would be Rockstar.

SurgicalMenace2392d ago

To be fair any repetition is factored to replicate progressive results. Now think about Nintendo stepping out of the form an actually creating something new, the nuances of learning something new will tend to show through. How many of you, even with previous experience, stepped into a new job with the same relaxed nature you had in a like field?

Prince_TFK2392d ago

They do have Arms, Splatoon, and Xenoblade just to name a few as their new franchises. So no, they don't only rely on old ips.

SurgicalMenace2392d ago

Arms and Splatoon are the only games Devloped by Nintendo, while Xenoblade, which scored higher than both is in fact Monolith Soft. Unfortunately, Nintendo cannot have the credit for Xenoblade, since they develop outside of Nintendo, that is not first party. My point being, Arms and Splatoon had mixed reception when first introduced. One at 82 and one at 86, so their "mastery" did not in fact factor. It's one thing to like a company but to turn a blind eye to their weaknesses is more telling of the individual.

davand1142391d ago (Edited 2391d ago )

In regards to your second comment, you are wrong. Monolith Soft is first party Nintendo and they share a building with other Nintendo studios. Also they worked on BOTW with EPD. Actually they help with a lot of Nintendo games. Nintendo owns 96% of Monolith Soft and the other 4% is owned by the founder of the Studio.

Artemidorus2392d ago

Clearly never encountered a game called FIFA. not character based but very popular among the masses.

bf0007779662392d ago

yet they like to comfine themselves in a weak hardware.

carmelo432392d ago

Yeah if you like playing the same old crap each time lol, nibte do is not the best cut it out they ran outta ideas for new games since the GameCube failed

bloodbond2391d ago

Wouldn't have as many dislikes if you said it about a company that starts with an S.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 2391d ago
XiNatsuDragnel2392d ago

This game is nothing short of perfection

2392d ago
Tazzy2392d ago

The reviews say otherwise and you should really consider a name change. ;)

Obelisk922392d ago

The_Infected I'm sure you played it, right?

2392d ago
RommyReigns2392d ago Show
2392d ago
RommyReigns2392d ago Show
conanlifts2392d ago

63 out of 66 reviews score it 90-100. I would say that is as close to perfection as a game will get. There is a single random 75 score helping to drop the average to 97 though!

2392d ago
+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2392d ago
remixx1162392d ago

This is a fact, games like this is what happens when actually give a damn about what your creating. Most devs and publishers only think about the resulting profit of what they create and less about the initial game itself. The difference between art and a mere product.

Games like super Mario oddysee, cup head, horizon ZD, persona 5 and Zelda all need to be award because while none may be perfect you can at least tell the devs put their all into it. Also no MTs or forced multiplayer.

Neonridr2392d ago

I can agree with you there. All those titles listed clearly have their hearts poured into them by the devs right down to the smallest of details.

I can't remember another year like this recently that had sooooo many good games.

Perjoss2392d ago


Agreed, even if you exclude the real heavy hitters like Zelda, Mario and Horizon there are still so many other good games that came out this year, like Nioh!!, Nier, Persona, Divinity 2, Cuphead and Wolfenstein 2. Not to mention some of the amazing indy titles too like Hob

DrStronk2392d ago

@Realms "No story involved in any of their games no depth in any of their characters" As far as having any credibility goes, you just shot yourself in the foot.

BQ322392d ago

Ok, this game is probably going to be great and all but doesn't anyone else find it funny that even though no one here has played it they are already saying greatest of all time and utter perfection lmao. Or bashing the one site that complained it was too easy. That might actually be problematic for some wanting a challenge if true but of course it is being discredited as click bait even though again, no one has played it. Nice job showing your objectivity fanboys. Why dont you play it first.

The 10th Rider2392d ago

The game's been playable at many stores allover the place, in addition to many events around the world. We already knew the controls and everything was tight, it was just a question of if the polish, story, later levels, content, performance, etc . . . was all up to snuff. Reviews all nearly universally confirm that's the case.

As for the 7.5/10, there's no problem with saying the game is too easy, etc . . . But the way the review is written is highly unprofessional and they complain about contradictory things.

They say the game is too short (story can be beaten in about 10 hours), that it's too easy (it's easy to collect enough moons to beat the story), and that there's not enough content (you only have to collect like 1/5th of the moons to beat the story). However, if they were to collect more moons they would A) Have more content B) The game would be longer C) The game would be harder. Huh, fascinating.

They also complain about how easy it is compared to other 3D Mario games but in every 3D Mario game it has been easy to beat the story.

2392d ago
Realms2392d ago

Yeah because Nintendo fanboys act more like cult members. There is no doubt that Nintendo makes good games but they often get a pass. No story involved in any of their games no depth in any of their characters it's the same old formula that they have perfected. Which is fine in a vacuum but I often think that many and mean many reviewers that grew up playing these games often are more lenient when reviwing said games.

Nivekki2392d ago

'There is no doubt that Nintendo makes good games but they often get a pass.'

Bullshit, the fact that Nintendo make great games is what gets the 'Nintendo gets a pass' comment. People are so far up there own assholes that they can't appreciate that they make great games and have to make excuses why they get great reviews.

I play games of all sorts and the main factor in how I like a game is how much I enjoy it, it's as simple as that. And Nintendo do make really enjoyable games. They've been doing this for a long time and that is why they are so good at it. They understand the fundamentals of game design and focus on it.

All this 'They get a pass!' and 'Yeah, for kiddies!' bullshit is just salty shite. A great game is a great game. And only fanbois don't agree with that fact.

Xenophon_York2392d ago


Some (very few) things in life 'you just know.' This is becoming one of them.

Realms2392d ago (Edited 2392d ago )


They do get a pass if Sony or MS developed the same type of games over and over they would get so much heat for it. Nintendo does develop great games but Mario is just that awesome game mechanics and while that is fun they bring nothing more to the table. Story non existent, Zelda really no story hell they can't even speak and while Nintendo games have a whimsical aspect to them they are far from pushing the medium forward. IMO other developers have surpassed Nintendo blending story telling with game mechanics CD Project Red, Guerrilla Games, Rockstar have all had far more ambitious projects in recent history, and guess what they all tell a story and their characters are complex and interesting. In any event it's just an observation in my part one of the reasons I have stopped supporting Nintendo blindly.

KakashiHotake2392d ago

Just goes to show how quick people are to jump on bandwagons.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2392d ago
EddieNX 2392d ago

So sad how someone made and leaked a fake 8.6 IGN review the other day lol. Just wow at those game

2392d ago Replies(3)
ninsigma2392d ago

Kinda pointless too, it's not like 8.6 is a bad score xD

EddieNX 2392d ago

Pretty funny when u think of it like that 😂😂.

2391d ago
remixx1162392d ago

Lol that might've been the lowest score it could possibly get if it was real.

TheEnigma3132392d ago

Anything below a 9.8 is a troll.

Christopher2392d ago

No. You're essentially saying everyone has to like the same thing. That's not how life works.

2392d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2391d ago
The 10th Rider2392d ago

Metacritic is currently having trouble working properly, haha. Keeps going down. 98/100 on Opencritic with almost 50 reviews.

My favorite is this condescending clickbait 7.5/10 on Metacritic:
"Though a really neat game, Super Mario Odyssey is an utterly underwhelming adventure for every long-term Super Mario fan in existence. Unless Cappy brainwashed you. In that case, you are a satisfied zombie customer now. No, seriously, only a zombie would find a healthy challenge in this pleasant but disappointingly easy Super Mario Walk-in-the-park. Sorry"

Prince_TFK2392d ago

Lmao I was laughing so hard at that review as well. Seriously, who made that anyway? It seem like they did it on purpose to get click because they know this game gonna get high score on Metacritic.

BTW, whats up with all the disagrees in this article? Jealous fanboys?

Why o why2392d ago

Hateraid on tap

Well done nintendo, another hit and reason to buy a switch. 👍👍

jojo3192392d ago

Metacritc has GOT to employ Olympic style scoring. Throw out the top and bottom two reviews to reach the average. This would stop all games from getting that stupid one super low score just to get clicks. Letting one score either positive OR negative affect an average is just dumb. Especially if your site is literally dedicated to providing a reliable result.

The 10th Rider2392d ago

That would actually be a great way of doing things.

rainslacker2392d ago

That works for when there are only a few scores.

What you're talking about is the median average, although there would be a bit of mean by removing the higher and lower scores. Generally, it'd have to scale based on the number of reviews. Like for every 10 reviews, you throw out the top and bottom, but then you get into the problem that it can remove a few of the low reviews, but not enough of the overly high reviews...as high reviews tend to be more prevelant.

In the end though, you'd probably only be looking at a 2-3 point difference, and ultimately, does it even matter? I've found 90% of the time that the score tends to normalize to about what I'd score the game at.

RosweeSon2392d ago

Yeah because he completed it in day 🙄 Bull 💩

yeahokwhatever2392d ago

Sounds like the only reviewer capable of critical thinking to me.

conanlifts2392d ago

I really have an issue with reviews that are so different. I actually think reviewers should be analysed and any reviewers that are consistently too far above or below the average should be banned from reviewing until they learn how to actually review. Occasional deviation from the norm is expected, but if a site always under or overscores then they have an issue.

I have the same problem with reviews of tv series that people post after watching just the first episode. Sure review the episode, but you shouldn't be able to post a series score until the series has finished and you have viewed them all.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2392d ago
FinalomegaS2392d ago

follow up to super mario 64, was all they needed to say, slap a 10 on it and call it a day.

will pick it up after work tomorrow.

InTheZoneAC2392d ago

Super Mario 64 was never at the top or near it for all the Mario's I played. This one does look great though

yeahokwhatever2392d ago

The series peaked at Super Mario Brothers.

Quetzll2392d ago

SM64 isn't even near the best for you? Those are some standards i'm glad aren't the norm.

InTheZoneAC2392d ago (Edited 2392d ago )


-super mario 3
-super mario world
-new super mario bros
-new super mario bros u
-new super mario bros wii
-new super mario 3d world
-new super mario 3d land
-mario rpg
-paper mario(entire series, except for paper mario 64 since I didn't play that)

I skipped the n64 generation, but played mario 64 the most of all the n64 games I did play. I also skipped the gamecube since that was still in the period where I gave up nintendo, so hardly any playtime on sunshine and no playtime on galaxy/galaxy 2. I did play paper mario thousand year door on my sister's gamecube.

Mario 64, when it was announced, looked as bland and boring as ever. The 64/ps1 era was full of "bland'meh/generic 3d games and for me this was one of them. The early stages of 3d graphics overall were such a turn off for me, although I still had fun with many early 3d games. I just don't have that "good/nostalgic" memory when I hear super mario 64.

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20 Best Super Mario Games of All Time

Cultured Vultures: Put on your freshest dungarees and chow down on the ripest mushroom as we reel off the best Mario games ever made to celebrate Mar10 Day.

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Barlos63d ago (Edited 63d ago )

My top 3 are Mario 3, Mario World and Mario 64. Mario Odyssey is also excellent, and I enjoyed Sunshine but didn't care for the Galaxy series.


The 7 Best Selling Switch Games of All Time

The Nintendo Switch has been an undeniable success for Nintendo, but which games make the best selling chart for the console?

GotGame81890d ago

Animal crossing came out the week the entire world shutdown. Yeah I bought it.

kevco3390d ago

Agreed. I think a lot of the AC: H sales have to do with early lockdown players!

I mean, I would've played it anyway. But I guess there's a lot of people who got into it because of the hype and their new found free time!

DivineHand12590d ago

Nintendo made out like bandits with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. It's the same game that was on the WiiU except they added 2 item boxes like in double dash.

kevco3390d ago

It's the Capcom method:

1. Add a new word to the end of the title and features that should've been expected first time around.
2. Charge full price for it.
3. Profit.

gold_drake89d ago

this is why i always say that Nintendo will always be fine. look at those numbers lol

and those are all first party games.


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