
N4G Radio 10/23/2017

This week is all about fart powers, mashing buttons, and blue soldiers.

anast76d ago (Edited 76d ago )

We are going to see a lot of crap South Park products since they sold out to paramount years ago. It's their IP they can sell out, of course; it just means the quality of their show has tanked and other products as well. Nevertheless, they put on excellent musicals, but those haven't been sold to a mega corporation.

cammers199576d ago

They said awhile ago that Ubisoft holds contract rights to the main flagship South Park games. So like stick, fractured and phone destroyer.

Snow Day was handled by THQ and Question and is a random spinoff. Hopefully Ubisoft is cooking something.

anast75d ago

That's one reason to be hopeful, but Ubi is trending down too.

chicken_in_the_corn75d ago

Loved the RPGs but never played the others. Have to track them down. Still not sure about Snow Day though.


The 7 Best South Park Games

The South Park series has somehow managed to stay relevant for over 25 years, but which are the best games based on the TV show?

cammers1995182d ago (Edited 182d ago )

The only two worth playing are Stick of truth and fractured but whole. The rest were garbage except snow day which I can't say anything about yet. But with that said, unlike stick and fractured which debuted as AAA full priced titles by ubisoft, snow day is a new developer and publisher and has a budget price at only $30 soooo


Every Fire Emblem Game Ranked From Worst to Best

BLG writes: "The Fire Emblem games are a storied part of Nintendo’s history. Debuting only in Japan in 1990, it gave the first Nintendo consoles an enjoyable fantasy RPG-strategy experience. With 2003’s Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade, the series made its debut in North America (Europe and Australia got a 2004 release). Since then, the franchise has been a mainstay on every Nintendo system."

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ZeekQuattro703d ago

I still own Fire Emblem POF and RD. Those entries are uber pricey now. I wish they would bring back the transforming units from those games. Radiant Dawn was pretty hard too but at least you could save before each turn. Saved me the trouble of having to redo many a map due to unlucky enemy crits. lol

TheColbertinator703d ago

Thracia 776, Heroes and Warriors are all awful. I ignore them when discussing Fire Emblem altogether

FortWaba703d ago

Top 5:
1. Awakening
2. Three Houses
3. Blazing Blade
4. Sacred Stones
5. Path of Radiance.

I've played most of the others, but they didn't really hook me.

Stay away from Shadows of Valencia and the DS remakes.

CrimsonWing69703d ago

I really like Shadows of Valencia.