
Forza 7 vs Gran Turismo Sport Beta Graphics Comparison

Since Turn 10 Studios already released Microsoft’s flag racing game we can check how does it looks compared to GT Sport Beta and this duel seems to be the most interesting during this season.
Please note that both games have predefined time of day, and weather effects therefore it was not possible to exactly match them. Also GT Sport was recorded on PS4 Pro meanwhile Forza 7 was powered by Xbox One S.
Which one do you like better?

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Sm00thNinja2421d ago

Horrible comparison. Xbox time of day is overcast covering the sky while GT SPORT has really nice lighting regardless. THAT BEING said I THINK GT SPORT has better more detailed environments. I think the car models could go either way. I get Forza 7 is going for native 4k and 60fps too btw Xbox fans but GT SPORT definitely holds it's own against Forza minus Xbox One X.

Bigpappy2421d ago

I will give GT sports light effects. They put a lot of effort into showcasing that feature. But having said that, the X1s is handling itself rather well with Forza vs GT. I am pleasantly surprised.

Erik73572421d ago

The environments do look better in GT sports but like SmoothNInja said the comparison should atleast try to put them in a similar weather preset.

I think Forza is more fun to play though...and sounds more fun hearing the engine in forza compared to gt sport

bouzebbal2420d ago (Edited 2420d ago )

a lot more is happening in GT. environments are much more rich.

"SmoothNInja said the comparison should atleast try to put them in a similar weather preset. "
means even better environments in GT due to less weather constraint.

sinjonezp2420d ago (Edited 2420d ago )

Biggest issue with GT Sport for me is sense of speed. Forza nails that. GT sport does boast better environment details, Forza car models offer a bit more especially in cockpit view...Overall I give a slight nudge to Forza. I been a big fan of both series so no bias here.

S2Killinit2420d ago

seems like the only part that is clearly better on one versus the other is the lighting system in Gran Tourismo which is more complex than Forza's.

darthv722420d ago

GTS looks very nice and FM7 is just as nice. I will enjoy playing both.

bouzebbal2420d ago (Edited 2420d ago )

@Biggest issue with GT Sport for me is sense of speed.

i was wondering the same, but the opposite way.
how can a car driving 70km/h drive this fast??? how will it be at 300km/h? WipEout?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2420d ago
shuvam092420d ago

Up against GT6, I absolutely love the attention that GTS has got...
Forza 7 looks really nice, but somehow I prefer GTS, and not just for its graphics...
FM as a series looks and plays very similar to PC, while GTS has enough elements to differentiate itself from the pack...
That being said, I can hardly imagine them going up against AC, which is the current king of racing sims on consoles...
Now if only AC got an upgrade for PSPro and X1X...

Ju2420d ago (Edited 2420d ago )

4k bla bla. GT runs high specs, too, even if it doesn't hit 4k natively (1800CB) and it simply does more than Forza. Well, but then, Ridge Racer ran 1080p@60 on the PS3... ;)

Sm00thNinja2420d ago

I mean you shot your comment in the foot when you said even though it doesn't hit natively....

How many players can race at one time in GT?? There's 24 in Forza. Anyone following how many on track in GT Sport

IRetrouk2420d ago

The official site say 2-24 online.

spreadlove2420d ago (Edited 2420d ago )

Sorry, but GT Sports VR focus has hampered it and it shows. I'm looking forward to the reviews though.

Forza 7 tops Forza Horizon 3 scores with 92% currently on MetaCritic.

Bruh2420d ago

How does it do more than Forza? At a rendering level, FM7 has photogametry for its environments, its also features dynamic time of day and weather. This is also coupled with dynamic cube mapping for cars and image based lighting....so where does GTS out do it? Forgetting resolution completely here

SierraGuy2420d ago

Ridge Racer I miss it so much.

conanlifts2420d ago

You do realise this comparison is gt sport 1800cb vs xbox one s in 1080p without enhancements?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2420d ago
YAO-BLING2420d ago

lol a beta comparison vs a full game.. wow

RememberThe3572420d ago

One is on the Pro and the other on the S. Horrible comparison.

conanlifts2420d ago

Standard xbox version, which is weaker than a standard ps4, vs ps4 pro version. So yes its not a good comparison.

MegamanXXX2420d ago

After seeing both comparison I still think Drive Club looks better than both

Sm00thNinja2420d ago

Lmao DRIVECLUB IS STILL MY FAVORITE RACER THIS GEN. Damn shame there won't be another. Add this to the list of franchises gone too soon. LAIR, Heavenly Sword, Folklore, DC, etc

RommyReigns2420d ago (Edited 2420d ago )


Have you had the time to go for the Credit Where it's Due trophy since I told you about the trophies not being hard, but proper grindy on that PS Community N4G page?

Sm00thNinja2420d ago

@Rommy unfortunately with Destiny 2, Yakuza Kiwami, UC Lost Legacy, CUPHEAD, Path of EXILES, Forza 7, ugh my back catalogue is ridiculous but I do plan to platinum it one day lol

rainslacker2420d ago

overcast sky or not, there is a marked difference in the overall environment quality given GT:S the lead in that department.

I'd agree that cars could go either way, but the lighting models on the cars is better in GT:S. Beyond that, it's kidn of hard to tell from a Youtube video.

Granted, this was a PS4P vs X1S comparison, so that makes it a horrible comparison IMO. OGPS4 and X1S would be more apt IMO.

KickSpinFilter2420d ago

LOL really much closer than the Forza 7 comparison when it's raining and it's not in GTSport, not very equal either, but favors F7. Plus this is a Beta version going up against final version of F7

2420d ago
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2420d ago
KingKionic 2421d ago

Forza 7 bodybags GT SPORT.

Let polyphony weep on there legacy with this already a joke of a Gran Turismo game.

Turn 10 already put the nail in GT SPORTS coffin.

Eonjay2421d ago

I think you are watching a different video.

KingKionic 2421d ago

Lol dude theres been several videos of Forza 7 if this doesn't convince ya.


It aint even a contest.

RommyReigns2420d ago


Is the AI in Forza 7 better than the previous version?


Wallstreet372420d ago


I bet you were also one of the ones saying Gears looked better than Uncharted, Halo better than Killzone, etc... lol we all know that was pure lunacy and sights like DF and LOT def shattered your dreams.

Forza on a graphics level has never been able to compete or look better than GT. Not only that we know a three year old game in DC still holds that crown :)

2421d ago Replies(5)
2421d ago Replies(8)
2pacalypsenow2421d ago (Edited 2421d ago )

GT looks more realistic, Forza looks like a really good video game.

Imagine if GT was native 4k :-O

But it's ok, you can still preffer Forza over GT, and enjoy it.

KingKionic 2421d ago

Even in another comparison


GT SPORT is just subpar next to Forza 7 just look at the cockpits and the dubai track LOL

MatrixxGT2420d ago

Im buying both games because i like what both games offer. However, in regards to your comment PD was quoted that GT sport was built to handle up to 8k for future consoles. Im still on fence on how good GT Sport will be since on the surface its a shadow of its former self. However i like the challenge and trials that GT Sport promises to bring, alongside rating your skills and matchmaking so you are not in a crashfest all the time. Forza still doesnt do anything to combat this serious issue.

Ju2420d ago

GT will have boosted res on the Pro. 1800Cb is as close as it gets. I am looking forward to the pixel counters at 800% magnification to point out the "shortcomings" in GT over FZ7.

DigitalRaptor2414d ago (Edited 2414d ago )

@ KionicWarlord

Using outdated low-res footage of GT Sport's beta is disingenuous and won't help you.

GT Sport looks near-photorealistic, while Forza 7 is at the other end of the spectrum. It just runs at native 4K.

There is absolutely NOTHING in Forza 7 that looks as good as these shots:

And even when the game comes out and more of these shots come to light and proper comparisons are made with final builds, you're still gonna be in denial that a racing game on PS4 Pro can look better than a racing game on XB1X, despite it not running at native resolution.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2414d ago
butchertroll2421d ago (Edited 2421d ago )

Em...no. GTS has better car models, more detailed interiors and better lighting.

Look like Kionoc really trying so hard in a bad way and he is always wromg.

2421d ago
butchertroll2421d ago


Yes, i saw that too. LOL

Atticus_finch2420d ago

The_infected Wow! They were really pressured to hit native 4k haha

Nyxus2421d ago Show
UCForce2421d ago

Now you are just being disrespectful. GT series understand about car history from past to present. They have academy to teach gamers to become real racers.

andrewsquall2420d ago

I'm not touching the travesty that is GT Sport but believe me when I say it is NOTHING to do with Forza and that I will still be ignoring another annual Forza release.

Razzer2420d ago ShowReplies(2)
showtimefolks2420d ago


Sales wise? Oh yeah mow sales don't matter but they mattered when it came to halo VS killzone

Gt is the king of racing and the biggest racing IP

xHeavYx2420d ago ShowReplies(2)
kayoss2420d ago (Edited 2420d ago )

You must be blind or you must be a blind fanboy. You compare the background from both games and you can obviously see that GTSport has more details. The grass, the road, the trees, etc is better the Forza.
Im not even talking about lighting because the lighting in Forza isnt show cased due to the overcast in most of the track. However, later in the video, there is clear skies and yet you dont see lighting effect at all in Forza.

Ju2420d ago Show
UCForce2420d ago ShowReplies(2)
SpinalRemains1382420d ago

The video clearly shows you to be a liar.

trooper_2420d ago (Edited 2420d ago )

No...you just hate Playstation games, not to mention Sony.

You're not being objectionable.

Atticus_finch2420d ago ShowReplies(1)
UCForce2420d ago (Edited 2420d ago )

Gran Turismo Sports is the second generation of GT series.This isn't like GT 5 prologue and it's not GT 7. You can say it's a reboot. Start from scratch. And I'm not convinced by your word. You completely hate Sony because it's your vendetta. Don't lie to me.

KingKionic 2420d ago

They spent 4 years for a reboot with less features and content?


Dude.... this is a horrible spin.

rainslacker2420d ago

I hope it's more a spin off than a reboot. If this is the direction the series is going, I won't be following it.

Graphics aren't as important to me in GT as the expectation of it being a proper GT game. If this is a prologue, fair enough, but prior prologue games offered up more content. This game seems to focus around the parts of past GT games that didn't really appeal to me that much....license tests....as well as online racing, which isn't really my thing as a main way to race, because there are too many people that just ruin it for me because they drive stupid.

Hopefully a proper campaign mode comes out before the end of the gen. While I respect what this game is looking to accomplish, I just can't really get excited for the game itself. I want my A and B spec.

SurgicalMenace2420d ago

Good observation UCForce

This is a reboot, and it is like the individuals talking about the lack of features have forgotten that we are in a digital age and GT often updates their games for free. So the GTS that releases this month will not be the GTS next year when yet another Forza is released.

UCForce2420d ago (Edited 2420d ago )

@rainslacker I know what you saying, but if you want a beefy campaign in GT series, then there would be GT Sports 2. Like I said, the first Generation of GT series have ended and GT Sports is the second generation.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2420d ago
OffRoadKing2420d ago Show
AmUnRa2420d ago Show
UCForce2420d ago (Edited 2420d ago )

Right or wrong about GT Sports, Kaz want to make sure everything have to build from ground up, not reuse the old animations and old vacuum sound which you made fun of it. So it was a risk for him doing that. Of course, it will depends what people think what his decision, but for me it did paid off for him.

rainslacker2420d ago (Edited 2420d ago )

You could have pointed out that this was a PS4P vs. X1S to make an argument which was completely valid....as I did above.

Instead, you take two hardware specs which are vastly different, with one having a very large power boost over the other and say that the one that in all ways is inferior, technical, and even if one were being reasonably subjective, and say that it smoked GT:S?

I'm sorry, but if you don't want to be seen as a fan boy, then don't just make up comments like this which obviously can't hold up to scrutiny outside the Xbox fanboy bubble.

Question....did you know this wasn't the X1X version they were showing, and if so, would you really have argued that what was shown in Forza would be worth a $500 upgrade? Driveclub looked better in the PS4's first year by all technical measures, yet I am curious if you actually thought this was the X1X version. It would explain a lot....and be a damning example of just how poor our vision health is here in the US(or wherever you're from).

If you were talking about other comparisons, as evidenced by your other comments...then should I just flag your comment as off topic?

Tazzy2420d ago

Typical fan comment the sand in the link you shared looks like the sand in Super Mario Sunshine but in HD.

SurgicalMenace2420d ago

Oh really?!?! Perhaps you should do some research my dear sir, as GT is still the most recognized racing game world wide. Even with 5 Forza Motorsport games released on the XB1, their sales continue to decline. Gran Turismo eclipses the racing market by a very large margin, so what coffin were you going on about again? Please pay attention to the world wide sales and that will be all that matters, because it is about who is playing it over 4K. LOL

Weeblordbad2420d ago

Or both games look amazing and we should all just be jazzed you have a great racing game this holiday season. Chill out, play some Forza man I'm going to play some Forza and some GT Sport and you know...be happy? Games yay?

Is anyone bored.of this pissing match yet? We've been doing this since 2001 and f-me guys...I can't even look at this s*** without dying a little inside.

DialgaMarine2420d ago

You say there's no debate, and yet 90% of the people are calling out and exposing your BS. Constantly yelling "I'm right and you're wrong!" isn't an argument, kid. Enjoy your NFS wannabe arcade racer.

badz1492420d ago

"Turn 10 already put the nail in GT SPORTS coffin."

says one of the biggest and most vocal xbox fanboy on this site!

+ Show (26) more repliesLast reply 2414d ago
corroios2421d ago

Of course the Pro version will look better then the S version. Why this kind of comparison? I dont know why they dont show a comparison between the PS4 standard and the S, because those version are the one that 90% + will buy.

There is where both PD and Turn have to work hard

Bigpappy2420d ago

But it does really look better than the S in this comparison. That's maybe the point of the comparison.

Ju2420d ago

The Pro will look better than the X version, too. There are things left behind (yet again) by the brute force push for 4K on the X. It's the same in Forza. Not so much against the S, because it sure can run the same in 4K, but you'll see this even more against the Pro when both are actually out.

ILostMyMind2420d ago

Why not PS4 standard and XBO standard?

knickstr2420d ago

Because only the people that buy a pro and an Xbox x are going to care this much about graphics.

ClanPsi12420d ago (Edited 2420d ago )

I'm curious how the author of this article knows it was recorded on a PS4 Pro, since they didn't make the video and it doesn't say so in the video's description.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2420d ago
StifflerK2421d ago

The lighting in GT looks great.
Not sure why they're comparing the PRO with the S, surely the regular X1 and PS4 would make for a better comparison?

RegorL2420d ago

Well Phil Spencer says XBox S competes against PS4 Pro...
“I look at [PS4] Pro as more of a competitor to [Xbox One] S than I do to Xbox One X,”


SierraGuy2420d ago

Lol...ya ya Phil keep dreaming in lala land. How about some games for your people.

marquisray2421d ago

let's compare the x and the pro then let's make our judgment

Nyxus2421d ago

Why? Most people will be using the base PS4 and XB1.

Fishy Fingers2420d ago

They aren’t using the base PS4 here.

Poobz2420d ago

Indeed and yet they are using the Pro.

Nyxus2420d ago

@ Fishy and Poobz: Missed that, doesn't make a lot of sense then.

Show all comments (192)

Gran Turismo Sport Has Been Delisted From PS Store

Sony Interactive Entertainment has delisted Gran Turismo Sport from the PlayStation Store as of January 1, 2024.

ApocalypseShadow134d ago

The great digital future. Where games vanish. The benefits of digital just aren't enough over physical to every buy in 100 percent. Especially when my Atari games still work and can be played to this day over 40 years later. Some of these digital games don't even last a whole generation.

purple101134d ago

But in this case everyone who has it still has it

And they unlocked single player to be allowed to progress offline

ApocalypseShadow133d ago (Edited 133d ago )

But in the case of others, they can no longer can buy it or any delisted game. Just like online only games that get their servers turned off and there's no update for offline with bots.

If you like the idea of any digital game being delisted where it's no longer available at all, then you and others are fools. What's all that presentation bullshit guys like you spew?

There should be no reason any digital game should be removed. Ever.

Bathyj133d ago

Apocalypse no one likes it. But let's be clear here.

If you own the game, you still own it. All that's happening here is they are stopped selling it.

Why? I have no clue. But it's the exact same thing if your local best buy isn't stocking the disc anymore and Sony aren't making any more. Same thing, just in the digital realm.

If you want to complain about servers for an online game being shut down, go ahead. But that's a separate topic and can happen to any online game even with a physical disc.

fan_of_gaming132d ago (Edited 132d ago )

@Bathyj "But it's the exact same thing if your local best buy isn't stocking the disc anymore and Sony aren't making any more. Same thing, just in the digital realm."

It isn't the exact same thing at all. When a game gets a physical release, it is always available even if big-box retailers aren't selling it new anymore. For example, I can go on eBay today and buy a new & sealed copy of Transformers: Fall Of Cybertron for PS3, because it once had a physical release. However I cannot buy a copy of Transformers: Fall Of Cybertron for PS4 today, because it had a digital-only release and was delisted.

If Gran Turismo Sport had a digital-only release, it would be unavailable for anyone to buy ever again. But because it had a physical release, in 5 years someone that wants to play it can still acquire it.

Cacabunga132d ago

People should stand against digitalization

purple101132d ago (Edited 132d ago )

I have only brought one or two digital games in my life
Everything I buy is physical

Often from eBay in perfect condition.
Sometimes from a online shop in uk such as


All, who will ship disk to your door on day of release, cheaper than buying from digital store.

Then I either keep, lend, or sell. My choice

No where, did I say I support digital. And yet someone even called me a fool,
Totally misunderstood, some would say, he’s the fool

With GtSport It ISNT being taken away from anyone who already owns it. So this has all got out of hand with people not even reading the article

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 132d ago
DigitallyAfflicted133d ago

Maybe this will make people realise the future of digital-only games

purple101133d ago

This one won’t though
Because it’s not de-listed and taken away from you
It’s just not on sale anymore and the multiplayer will be shut down soon I reckon. It released 2017 so it’s had a fair run of 5 years online multiplayer lobbies

DigitallyAfflicted133d ago

@Purple, but it could be taken away, like p.t. Demo was, as well is taken away from anyone who didn't purchase GTsport in a digital form and yes I know we can still buy disc version and it's not a big of a deal.

My point is that you can't own something if it's not physical, with digital-only content you pay for the right to download and use and possibly in the future there will be some laws regulating you rights to it…

blackblades133d ago

I mean y'all been whining about that since the ps3 era. To this day im still able to play all the games I payed for.

ApocalypseShadow133d ago (Edited 133d ago )

It won't. Fools like purple think that just because they can still download it now, that it's safe. I've bought multiple games on console and mobile that are no longer downloadable or function. Because the game was either delisted or since it was connected to the Internet, no longer works because the servers were shut down turning those games into coasters. With no update to be able to play some games offline with bots. They're gone.

He won't get it or care until it happens to him and some of his games are delisted and removed or don't work any more even if he "bought it "

EvertonFC133d ago (Edited 133d ago )

If you don't keep your old consoles, your physical disk will be useless too. Do you think console hardware or disk drives will be around in 20 years. Good luck with that.
I'm not saying it's right btw, just pointing out to the physical crowd that digital and physical are very alike when it comes to actually being able to play the games in the future like 20 years time.
When I'm in my care home, I don't expect to be able to play my old digital or physical collection as consoles won't be around or disk drives for playstation.
Unless your keeping the old consoles safe in the attic over time, nobody will be playing there old physical game collections.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 133d ago
EvertonFC133d ago

If you bought a physical launch day copy of GTS you still won't be able to download any of the updates in 20 years when servers are off.
Plus there will be no such thing as a disk drive or a hardware box for that matter in 20 years unless you keep your old consoles.
My point is sadly your physical or digital copy won't work.

Barlos133d ago (Edited 133d ago )

I see this as the digital equivalent of physical games going out of print. They don't continue to make copies forever, at some point they will stop making it, usually when sales dry up and I guess for GT sport that happened some time ago. Also, in the digital world, storage space is not infinite. If a game is no longer selling, why would they waste space on keeping it available?

For those that already own the digital version, they will still have access to it.

frostypants132d ago

I generally agree, but GT Sport is primarily an online game. They probably have some reluctance to deal with the blowback of selling an online-oriented game that may not have active servers much longer. Admittedly that's a whole other issue in itself.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 132d ago
Father__Merrin133d ago

Online based titles like this I wouldn't expect to last forever as the game has been updated iterations as in gt7

Same with if FIFA 20 was delisted as example there's update to game. If something like Uncharted collection was delisted then that's something that's bad

Agent75132d ago

You pay stupid money for digital games and DLC, then it goes missing. Who's laughing?

shinoff2183132d ago

Physical games for yet another win.


Gran Turismo Sport End of Online Services

On January 31, 2024, at 06:00 UTC, the online services of the PlayStation®4-exclusive software “Gran Turismo Sport” will come to an end.

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shadowT232d ago (Edited 232d ago )

Time to get a PS5! New PS5 owners in the USA can currently claim a game for free, but GT7 is not part of this promotion.

purple101232d ago

GT sport was good. Gt7 is better.

For someone who was crap at racers (and still is) and only played kart racers with powerups, I can say GT sport and gt7 balance SIM/ arcade racing to perfection. Easy enough for anyone to play and not crash but with enough depth to master for years.

Totally different to need for speed / Forza handling where the cars feel 'floaty'.

The dualsense is just supreme with gt7 toi

badz149232d ago

So...will they enable offline saves now or what?

VariantAEC227d ago

From Gran-Turismo.com (the article liked above): "All existing cars and personalized Car Settings kept in Garage will be accessible. Gameplay progression required as normal to unlock additional cars and items."

So... yes, as far as I can tell you'll still be able to use all your collected and purchased cars and race on all the tracks in the game and unlock ones you might not already have access to. That's what I'm getting from the post, but time will tell if this actually comes to pass February 1st, 2024.

Agent75231d ago

After Turismo 4 on the PS2, the series was never the same. Although Turismo 4 wasn't a finished game and didn't play as good as Turismo 3. Turismo 5 on PS3 was a mess, Turismo 6 was Turismo 5 finished. Sport on PS4 was another mess, especially VR mode. Sort of back on track with Turismo 7, but so tiring as with the Forza series. Anyone remember the PSP version that had no championship mode? Turismo has always been average at best.

OmegaSoldati231d ago

Thats why i dont like online only games. Cant believe this, this game sold so well. You need to be a fanboy to keep supporting Sony after this. Bought this thinking that it would take 10 years for this. I'm lucky that there are enough classics and single players for a life time.

VariantAEC227d ago

Looks like PD has the potential to set the bar for closing out always online games.
Back when GT Sport launched you couldn't do anything when you couldn't access the servers, but it looks like GT Sport will retain access to SP race modes, custom races, VR, your full garage, and all tracks. This is much more than what was available at launch if offline.

We still will lose custom liveries and race suits, which is nonsense, but hey if you share them online now they will be in the cloud and available to you in GT7 if you're interested. Basically, we lose MP, but players keep everything we earned and whatever was paid for.


GranTurismo World Series 2022 | World Finals | Nations Cup | Regional Finals

30 of the world's top GT drivers arrive in Monaco after a highly competitive 2022 Series. They must now navigate a regional qualifying group featuring drivers from their home regions for a place at the Grand Final.
12 drivers from each respective group including the top three from Asia-Oceania, Americas, and Europe/Middle East/Africa groups, and the top three from the Repechage will qualify for the Grand Final.

Agent75231d ago

After Turismo 4 on the PS2, the series was never the same. Although Turismo 4 wasn't a finished game and didn't play as good as Turismo 3. Turismo 5 on PS3 was a mess, Turismo 6 was Turismo 5 finished. Sport on PS4 was another mess, especially VR mode. Sort of back on track with Turismo 7, but so tiring as with the Forza series. Anyone remember the PSP version that had no championship mode? Turismo has always been average at best.