
Tooth and Tail Review - AusGamers

Tooth and Tail from developer Pocketwatch Games offers a world where squirrels fight for freedom and badgers wield mini-guns. But in a way that's both fun and thematically rich. Think George Orwell's Animal Farm and you get the idea. Battles aren't turn-based but real-time, with quick missions that present both a challenge and a great way to team up with another player.

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Tooth and Tail PS4/PC Crossplay Tomorrow

Tooth and Tail is a real-time strategy game where you lead the revolution with an army of flame-throwing Boars, mustard gas-lobbing Skunks, and paratrooper-puking Owls.

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IGF 2018 Spotlight: Excellence in Narrative

Sitting comfortably? Cliqist take a look at the Nominees for the Excellence in Narrative category at the 2018 IGF awards,


Tooth And Tail's Simple Story of Deceptive Implication

Cliqist analyzes how Pocketwatch Games communicates the narrative of splintered factions though a minimalist approach in Tooth and Tail.