
Kingdom Hearts III Should Not Be On Xbox

When a game franchise prides has been on going for 15 years that prides itself on a deep complicated story it's likely not the best decision to release on a new platform.

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Neonridr2478d ago ShowReplies(6)
Deep-throat2478d ago

Because everyone cares about the story or lore of a game.


UCForce2478d ago

More like Kingdom Heart 3 will sell less on Xbox One because you know the first game came out on PS2. You can see MGS V that sold PS4 unit more than other platforms because the first MGS game came out on PS1.

Cy2478d ago

MGSV sold more on PS4 because more people own PS4s. It has little or nothing to do with which system the first game came out for. By that logic, Call of Duty should always sell the best on PC, or Mass Effect should always sell the best on Xbox.

SoulWarrior2478d ago

@Cy except every single mainline KH game is available on the PS4 and not a single one on Xbox as of yet. They didn't even bother releasing the collections on it since they won't sell.

MGS and KH have a far more established fanbase on Playstation than Xbox, that's where most of the fans started with both series. KH3 is obviously too big of a game to exclude the X1, but I wouldn't be surprised to see the PS4 version outsell the X1 version by at least 5-1.

4Sh0w2478d ago (Edited 2478d ago )


Simple logic always seems to be missing with your comments. Even if any past *3rd party game started on console A, and let's say it's true the sequels will always sell MORE on console A that still is NOT a logical reason to NOT sell it on console B, which will only *increase the overall TOTAL SALES.

I mean short of funding to outright pay for development or share the costs of development from Sony or Microsoft it makes no financial business sense to go exclusive UNLESS you know you won't make enough money on each platform to cover your investment....clearly given the install base of Xbox there is potential profits there, even if it's not as much as ps4.

- You just sound upset like the author because more people will enjoy this game, not my cup of tea for what it's worth but I still think that's a terrible attitude for a gamer.

_-EDMIX-_2478d ago (Edited 2478d ago )

Well...very likely.

The install base for KH titles is just mostly PS and Nintendo.

I don't know just how many die hard Kingdom Hearts fans don't own a PS or Nintendo system right now...

Its just statistically unlikely. I felt maybe Square should have taken the hit and put the collection on XONE too to get them on board.

Metal Gear Solid is another great example, if your a hardcore MGS fan, chances are you own a Playstation....

I didn't miss MGS3 on PS2, I didn't miss MGS4 on PS3, chances are....you will own another playstation. MGSV sales are just not surprising.

@Cy- Mass Effect didn't spend enough time on 360 to really build a install base that huge to sell the "best".

Metal Gear Solid 1, 2 ,3 and 4 all came to PS first or in some cases only.

Every Mass Effect can be found on PC and Playstation as well as XB. You can't find MGS4 on any XB.


Soooooo I don't know what your talking about bud.

"MGSV sold more on PS4 because more people own PS4s" LMFAO! No.

MGSV sold better on PS because that is where the BULK of that community exist. I don't know how many hardcore MGS fans, DON'T own a PS.

So they like MGS, but didn't play MGS3 at launch on PS2? Or MGS2, also skipped MGS4? You sure? LMFAO!

Really ,really look at the releases. If you are a hardcore MGS fan, it questions why would you not own a PS4 considering PS having a LONG history of getting MGS first and in many cases ONLY.

So MGS selling better on PS4, is simply based on the install base already favoring PS based on past MGS titles. If MGSV came out only on PS3 and 360, it would have still sold better on PS3. You legit think that more would buy MGSV, then the install base that is the only one that got MGS4?

" It has little or nothing to do with which system the first game came out for."

It has a lot to do with which one the series did the best on and which one clearly got many entries exclusively.

That is like saying you are a hardcore Pokemon fan yet don't own a 3DS, DS, Switch etc.

Well....when MGS1 doesn't come to 360 or XBOX, MGS2 comes years later as a port, MGS3 comes a generation later as a port, MGS4 doesn't come at all. I'm having a very, very hard time trying to figure out how any install base would favor that IP MORE then the one that actually GOT ALL THOSE TITLES DAY IN DATE.

Statically, it makes no sense how that install base would EVER sell more units of a series they don't get as much as another install base.

Has nothing to do with "more people own PS4" has more to do with "more people own PS4 THAT PLAY METAL GEAR SOLID"

Deep-throat2478d ago

Sure, but don't forget every sale counts for those publishers. So if it sold say 100k copies on Xbox, that wouldn't be bad at all.

freshslicepizza2478d ago (Edited 2478d ago )

"Many on here get caught up with this crap and can't even logically have a conversion"

Says the same person using an example as to why Battlefield or MGS5 isn't on cellphones or Facebook. How is anyone supposed to take you seriously with such a poor counter like that. Your argument is about the install base on the Xbox not being fans of these types of games. The last time I checked there are more cellphone and Facebook users than all the consoles combined. So where is your logic in that?

Of course it makes sense to have the PS4 get support for this title but this topic is just really dumb because why should the author care? If it is such a concern that you have to have played previous games to understand this one then maybe they should just do what they did for Mass Effect 2 on the PS3. Journalism, is this what it is now, some fanboy at home writing blogs for attention?

_-EDMIX-_2478d ago (Edited 2478d ago )

@Moldy- "Says the same person using an example as to why Battlefield or MGS5 isn't on cellphones or Facebook"


You seem bent on trying to argue and be combative. I don't think you even tried to realize the point of the example given. You are just too caught up in this vendetta and personal attacks to really understand anything that is being posted.

"It would be nice.....not really logical though in terms of business. As to why we don't see Battlefield 4 or Metal Gear Solid V"


".the example was made to show that BOTH hardware and install base must be in sync to justify a port. Who cares if 1 billion own a phone if you game can't be ported to it? Who cares if it works on XONE, yet doesn't sell? BOTH must work for that to make sense"

The example was not made to be take seriously, it was not made to pretend that is the situation with XONE, it was made to show that it doesn't actually make sense even with a 1 billion install base.

Thats it.

"The last time I checked there are more cellphone and Facebook users than all the consoles combined. So where is your logic in that?"


I'm so sorry you can get what is being explained. Stop fighting and start reading...seriously. Buddy, I'm telling you I want it on XONE, I'm telling you I"m in FAVOR of it coming to XONE, yet you are still bickering as if its some sort of trick...

More cellphones doesn't mean Battlefield 4 is coming to cellphones. BOTH must make sense. Read my post.

BOTH must make sense. My argument is mean't to show WHY its not on Switch, yet on XONE.

Do you seriously not get its IN FAVOR OF YOUR POINT? I"M AGREEING WITH YOU.

I don't know how blunt or direct I need to be lol Do I need to say it 4 or 5 times or ?

Having the install base doesn't mean you will get the game if you don't have the tech, cellphones and Switch.

Having the hardware might not mean you'll get the game......XONE with Dragon Quest and Yakuza.....

"this topic is just really dumb because why should the author care?" I agree 100% Moldy...as to why I stated this.

"I don't agree with the author either as it just makes no sense."


"I think its stupid too because its already happening, Square clearly made their choice based on something logical and I don't even get what the authors solution is regarding this"

So. I agree. It makes no sense, its already coming and this helps XONE and Square. I'm in favor of it coming. Those examples are simply to show that having an install base doesn't mean you can get the game if you don't have the tech. ie why its not coming to Switch.

I mean....I agree with you for the 100th time lol Read whats being posted. I think many of you legit just start assuming and start picking sides for classic BS warfare lol Stop getting caught up in the warfare bud. Its sad when even agreeing with people, they are jumping to conclusions even with in English you are agreeing with their point.

I write long post, so its only fair that I read, many, many long post to get what the point of view of the user is.

2478d ago
strifeblade2477d ago

i played 1 and 2, and i own xbox. I switched over in 360 gen. so yeah i think it should

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2477d ago
Nitrowolf22478d ago (Edited 2478d ago )

That's a pretty silly statement considering this game is very much about the lore and story. Not saying the gameplay is an important because it is but anyone interested in Kingdom Hearts 3 has most likely already played the other.

Sure the game might not sell well on Xbox One as on Playstation but it's good that it's coming to another platform. Like I said people who are interested in Kingdom Hearts 3 most likely already know how the story goes

I understand the statement that not everyone cares about those things but for a game like this with how many we've had chances are pretty high that that's exactly what you're playing the game 4

UCForce2478d ago (Edited 2478d ago )

I know my statement is silly. But here the thing, Kingdom Hearts 3 will sell less on Xbox One because Xbox always focuses 3 genre than variety especially on smaller scale. This will make Xbox One look irrelevant even more and always being mocked as "dudebro shooters". For PlayStation, I know a lot of people mocked them as "walking simulator", but it's far from it. Here this video : https://youtu.be/ypditG7qbX...

4Sh0w2478d ago Show
Nitrowolf22478d ago

Ucforce I wasn't responding to you....

darthv722478d ago

@ucforce... so why NOT have a game like this on the xbo to try and help break that dudebro stereotype???

There is also the stereotype that the ps4 is mostly for SP games and that xbo is for MP games. People wanted more SP games on xbo. well..... here is one to answer that call.

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Dark_Knightmare22478d ago (Edited 2478d ago )

Well yeah alot of people do care about story and lore especially kingdom hearts which is built on and well loved because of its story and Lore

badz1492478d ago


because story doesn't matter, right? /s

no wonder Phil Spencer was calling SP games' future in jeopardy and what xbox guys are getting giddy about at the moment is to be getting PUBG early access

GamesMaster19822477d ago

Then why the hell would you jump into a game like Kingdom Hearts if not for story and lore. Thats what Kingdom Hearts is about.

mastiffchild2477d ago

Its totally okay to release KH3 on any platform. In my opinion its going to sell poorly on Xbox but SE should be praised for bringing it to more gamers either way.

The fact that all main entries plus the remixes and 2.8 are only available on PS4 means most interested gamers will have a PS4 means the sales on it will be much, much bigger even by percentage of owners that on xbox. However, its no bad thing to see if it flies on xbox. If they lose money, mind, itmay not recur.

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PhoenixUp2478d ago

Except it's still going to be, so no use in wasting energy complaining about it

InKnight7s2478d ago (Edited 2478d ago )

The sad truth.
Although since last gen no game come close to Ps selling at least RPGs, FFXIII alone on Ps3 sold more than whole trilogy on x360.
FFXV sold like almost 5 million on Ps4, and just 1 million on X1.
The only case that Xbox did well yet beated is that Rise of Tomb sold 1.5 on x1 and ps4 one year later sells 1.7, still these numbers mean more money for SE.

hulk_bash19872477d ago

Thank you, I never understand this mindset. Why would you purposefully want other gamers to be left out of experiencing a game just because they are on a different platform? Having first party exclusives are just good business, but third party games should, in my opinion, always be multiplatform whenever it's possible.

FlyGuyHung2477d ago

Exactly. I actually am going to jump ship with KH (& all these multiplatform games) simply because I'm 99% sure the Xbox One X version will be the best on the market. My Pro will be for Sony Exclusives but I'm pretty sure for me personally (yet I'll STILL get disagrees I'm sure), but there is no way I'm playing games like KH3 and RDR2 on anything but the best possible quality available.

VoiceOfUnreason2477d ago

Yes, i'm sure the Xbox One X will improve greatly on the story, characters, and especially the gameplay. You know - the real reason people play these games...

FlyGuyHung2477d ago

@VoiceOfReason what does one have to do with the other? Your imput adds nothing of value. You also must have missed the part where I said "best possible quality". If I have a Pro and also getting the 1X why would anyone not buy the version that looks and runs better? If that option is available to you why would you not take it? ....because I HAVE to play KH3 on a PS because I played the others on those platforms? Pffttt eff off, I'm not here to entertain stupidity.

VoiceOfUnreason2477d ago (Edited 2477d ago )

Right because quality only translates to graphics?

Someone sounds mighty triggered...

PS. play the game on whatever console you want, but don't act as if a game being developed for the PS4 fan base in mind is going to be/look/play any better because it's on your oh so special X.

2478d ago Replies(6)
FallenAngel19842478d ago

"I would rather see Kingdom Hearts III release on the Nintendo Switch instead of Xbox One. Why? Simple: The story. Kingdom Hearts from the outside looks like a cute game filled with Disney characters, simple but deep combat, and fan-favorite characters from the Final Fantasy series."

KH3 would have to be downscaled on NS while it would easily run parity on XO.

Disney characters are American just like most of Xbox One's userbase, there's plenty of action RPGs on XO, and there's been been six Final Fantasy games on Xbox consoles.

Not that KH3 ever has a chance of selling well on XO, but it somewhat makes sense why the game is on that console.

therevolution2478d ago

I'm going to buy it for Xbox because I only plug in my PlayStation for 1st party titles. I'm sure Square Enix is going to be kicking themselves in the ass for selling another million units...

FallenAngel19842478d ago

Can you believe that some people think that Square Enix selling more units of a game by making it multiplatform is better than selling no additional units by making it exclusive

Eiyuuou2478d ago (Edited 2478d ago )

It might have been better if there was an exclusivity deal. Of course that depends on how much Sony would have offered.

FallenAngel19842478d ago

I don't see how KH3 being exclusive would've made it a better game. The game should be high quality no matter what platform it's released on

alb18992477d ago

It makes sense for me because I have a ps4 and will have the X too. I have played the 1 snd 2.
I want the best version of the game so I will buy it for the X, period.

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Final Fantasy XVI Has Finally Given Donald Duck A Worthy Opponent

For a long time, it's been widely accepted amongst Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts fans that Donald Duck is the most powerful mage ever to exist, mainly due to his use of the stupidly powerful Zettaflare spell towards the end of Kingdom Hearts 3. This spell is one step up from Teraflare, a spell which was used in Final Fantasy XIV that was so powerful that it completely wiped out the base game, giving the developers a canonical reason to let them bin everything and start again from scratch.

Now you're armed with this information, you can see how it was pretty surprising for Donald Duck of all characters to bust out Zettaflare and establish himself as the most powerful character in Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts lore. However, now that Final Fantasy XVI has arrived and delivered a whole new cast of characters, a new challenger has arrived to provide Donald with some much needed competition.

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Final Fantasy's Strongest Canonical Magic User Is... Donald Duck?

Final Fantasy features many strong characters, but an unlikely character from Kingdom Hearts is able to cast ​the most powerful spell ever seen

gold_drake393d ago

that was pretty amazing, not gonna lie, i might have shed a tear or too, just cause of pure awesomeness.

he was already my favourite disney character and one of my favs from KH and then to see that amazing spell too. aah so good xD


Final Fantasy's strongest magic user is Donald Duck, who never appears in a final fantasy game.


This Kingdom Hearts Boss' Unpredictability Gave Me Sekiro Vibes

Kingdom Hearts is filled with otherworldly boss battles, but only one stands out like a phoenix dancing with ethereal grace across the night sky. Before we embark upon a discussion concerning Kingdom Hearts' exceptional boss battles, it may be prudent to first reflect on the evolution of the criteria for appraising video game bosses. This criterion has undergone a major metamorphosis over the past decade; one that owes much to the profound influence of From Software and its iconic Souls series.

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-Gespenst-405d ago

"Yozora is much more than a grueling secret encounter; he is a reflection of what Kingdom Hearts' bosses should be"

No thank you. If every boss in Kingdom Hearts was like Yozora, the series would be unplayable. That's not to say that they shouldn't include such challenges, but making them fundamental to the game would be too much. And don't say that this is what the From Software games are, because Yozora is absolutely harder than most of the bosses in those games. He is waaay faster, has a ludicrous number of abilities (and does them in random order AND can chain most of them together), and punishes you severely if you make a mistake. On top of that, you have to survive this onslaught for a really long time because of how much health he has. It's borderline too much - for me at least. Still, it's a stunning battle.

OMNlPOTENT404d ago

I agree, while I do really enjoy the Yozora fight, I think it's far too difficult to be anything more than an optional boss. However, I do believe that there should be more bosses that are in the same weight and size class as Sora, as the majority of those in KH3 were the best fights. The giant heartless bosses just aren't as enjoyable.