
Xbox One Exclusivity For PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Called Into Question

Whether the game is a full exclusive or simply a timed exclusive within a window is not quite clear from Microsoft and Bluehole's statements.

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AspiringProGenji2478d ago

It is a game with a massive hype so I don't blame them for securing it. Then again, the game is still early access isn't it? That is what MS will be publishing, and it creatly said they will be publishing it for the Xbox One. The full game will most likely be multiplat

Kribwalker2478d ago

She doesn't say that there....

Nyxus2478d ago

@ Kribwalker: read between the lines.

morganfell2477d ago

None of this is of consequence. The issue is that some people think the PC demand will transfer to the console. It will not.

Unspoken2477d ago

These fans can't even read english. Those rose tinted glasses will translate anything huh

TFJWM2477d ago

With the way sales are unless someone says straight up its an xbox exclusive it is coming to other systems

Newmanator2477d ago

Sounds like the Crash Bandicoot situation!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2477d ago
bluefox7552477d ago

Not sure why people are disagreeing with you, it's pretty clear that it's not exclusive, lol.

Specter2292477d ago

I must have missed something. Is that guy the developer?

goken2477d ago

i hope it hits ps4, but not exclusive to xbo could mean it will release on switch but not necessarily ps4 though... just saying

ninsigma2477d ago

Crapgamer trying so hard in that thread 😂

Zero_Suit_Samus2477d ago


“Crapgamer trying so hard in that thread 😂“

Crapgamer along with Timdog are the cancer of gaming.

LexHazard792477d ago

Yeah its coming to PS4 next holiday. Til then watch Xbox and PC gamers playing on your game streaming service of choice..

G20WLY2477d ago

^Lex, I won't watch streams of an unfinished game - why disappoint yourself? I'll wait for the full and finished release.

If I judged Ark from the crap the early access fools parted with their cash for, I'd have never bothered looking at it again lol

InKnight7s2477d ago

When u are disagreeing to a fact you will really know how the world is really in real mess.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2477d ago
whothedog2477d ago

its not exclusive its on another platform

aconnellan2477d ago

Spot on - it'll be on Xbox only during its time in Game Preview, and then the full release will likely come to PS4 as well.

I don't know why this is being 'called into question', it's pretty obvious this has been the case from the beginning

_-EDMIX-_2477d ago


That is what it sounding like. Its a good move by MS, but I'd rather see them spending that money on actual teams and making new IP they actually own.

This timed stuff is not really helping them, i mean...how many REALLY believe this is never coming to other platforms?

Big_Game_Hunters2477d ago (Edited 2477d ago )

Still a hit for PS4, This is easily the biggest new ip of the year, already coming close to DOTA2 Avg player count Numbers on steam. Hopefully ,for Sony's sake and PS4 only gamers, the actual full release is soon, because they are missing out on a hell of a fun game.

a similar situation to FF7 remake where the "timed exclusivety" actually has massive relevance.

UCForce2477d ago

We have enough PS4 games to have fun. PUBG will come to PS4 for sure. But for now, We PS gamers will enjoy our current games for awhile.

2476d ago
Big_Game_Hunters2476d ago

@real madrid fan, name me one GOTY contender multiplayer game that came out for PS4 this year.

mark_parch2477d ago

the fact she kept saying SOONER tells be it's times exclusive

Christopher2477d ago

I like how console exclusives are now just exclusives. Screw you PC.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2476d ago
Overload2478d ago (Edited 2478d ago )

It's not exclusive, it will be in early access on Xbox, which why they said they're publishing it. MS PR 101. It's a play on wording like they did before with TR.

freshslicepizza2478d ago

Does it really matter since many of you seem to suggest that the Xbox One doesn't have any exclusives, so why aren't you playing it on your PC instead of waiting a year to find out? The fact is most sales are front loaded and right now there is a ton of hype over this game.

WePlayDirty2478d ago

Xbox has new IP exclusives, but they are lackluster. The userbase doesn't support them. PUBG is the only saving grace and it's only a timed exclusive.

bluefox7552477d ago (Edited 2477d ago )

I am. Or at least I would if I was interested in the game. I did play FH3 on PC though, the only Xbox game that's any good IMO. But don't worry Moldy, you can rest assured that MS will make plenty of money, that seems to be the top concern for all of you Xbox super fans, lol.

Dark_Knightmare22477d ago (Edited 2477d ago )

Yes and we've seen plenty of times that the hype for a pc game does not translate when ported to consoles. I believe it will be modestly successful on consoles but nowhere near what it is on pc

whothedog2477d ago

I did, I liked it, doesn't make it exclusive still

Christopher2477d ago

Same reason people cared about Street Fighter V and similar titles. Not sure why you are even asking why, both sides play the same game and you know it.

2477d ago
steveo1234562477d ago

and so there should be its a cracking game

Neonridr2477d ago

playerbase for this game is ridiculous. So any way you look at it, it's a bonus that MS gets first crack at it. No it won't move a ton of systems, but it won't hurt MS sales either.

2476d ago
+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2476d ago
alb18992477d ago

Maybe is true but until now I haven't seen anyone saying it will be on ps4. Let's see what happens after a year.
What I do know for sure is that I'll be playing it in my xoneX

G20WLY2477d ago

Make sure you feedback to devs during the beta! Do your bit for those that buy the complete game, down the line.. 😉

alb18992477d ago (Edited 2477d ago )

Keep telling yourself that and be happy

Ashlen2478d ago

It's not exclusive after it leaves early access it will be on PS4.

Kribwalker2478d ago

According to your assumptions?

Nyxus2478d ago

It's as exclusive as Rise of the Tomb Raider, from the looks of it.

Overload2478d ago

Aside from people saying this... it's what MS and Blue Hole AREN'T saying. You should know this by now.

Ashlen2478d ago (Edited 2478d ago )

Read the press statement. It says "launching exclusively" The fine print keyword is "launching" they would just say exclusive if it was exclusive.

And you should be able to tell from the twitter conversation in this article that they are clearly avoiding committing to saying exclusive when asked about console exclusivity. If it was exclusive both they and Microsoft would be making it absolutely clear not jumping through hoops to be evasive.

It's timed.

Kribwalker2478d ago

So it'll be like a crash bandicoot deal?

lodossrage2478d ago


That depends on whether or not Crash actually happens for the xb1.

To be fair, this situation will be more like the "We Happy Few" and "Ark combat evolved" situations. Those were announced as xb1/pc only then went to the PS4 toward the end of their early access phases.

_-EDMIX-_2477d ago

The developer already confirmed the deal is simply for MS to publish, its not for MS to own or for them to buy the team, IP or anything like that.

They even referenced the Tome Raider deal.

Sooooo might as well. They would not say that otherwise. I mean....who says that if its ONLY coming to XONE?

Why even try so hard to defend this? LOL! I mean...damn, its already on PC, the team is not saying ANYTHING that points it it ONLY coming to XB, they are very, very openly making it clear it will come to "other" systems later, MS doesn't even have the pull to pay for silence bud.


MS has just done this way, way too many times to REALLY believe anything deal they make is for a game to ONLY be on XB.

OffRoadKing2477d ago

Its already technically not an exclusive and that's not an assumption its a fact.

butchertroll2477d ago (Edited 2477d ago )

You trying to hard Krib! Game isn't exclusive on your lovely Xbone!

Bluehole's statement few months ago :

Battlegrounds producer Chang-han Kim reportedly told Inven,
“There is something called ‘Game Preview’ on Xbox One. It’s like Early Access for Xbox. We have the game running on that and are in process of polishing it. For the release, we’ll both release it on PlayStation and Xbox.


game will be exclusive to Xbox probably in Early Access program like Ark. Later when games will be finished, it will launch on both PS4 and Xbone.
As Jez Corden said in twitter, game will be published by MS on Xbone

And this one ( and it's new article )


"By partnering with Microsoft, our team believes that we will be able to accelerate console development, while maintaining quality across all platforms, as well as giving us access to vast sales, marketing and publishing resources that will help us reach new fans to welcome to the PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds universe."

"Coming to Xbox One as a console launch exclusive in Xbox Game Preview later this year"

Do you see, Krib, a statement : "across all platforms..." and "console launch exclusive..."?


+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2477d ago
WePlayDirty2478d ago

While it's interesting to see this game be a 'console launch exclusive'.... the ppl at Xbox should NOT be calling this an exclusive. We all know this is coming to PS4 eventually... (Unless Microsoft shovels money to keep it on their platform).

freshslicepizza2478d ago (Edited 2478d ago )

This is the same thing that happened a few months back with Crash and Sony.

WePlayDirty2478d ago (Edited 2478d ago )

I would NOT expect Activision to make Crash a console exclusive. Is there somewhere that Sony said Crash will be Ps4 exclusive?

freshslicepizza2478d ago

"I would NOT expect Activision to make Crash a console exclusive. Is there somewhere that Sony said Crash will be Ps4 exclusive?"



Dark_Knightmare22477d ago

Can you provide a link where Sony said crash was exclusive and no not some small Ireland or whatever account that wouldn't even be privy to the deal

_-EDMIX-_2477d ago

Well I'd assume the amount of money it would cost to actually make that game exclusive 100%, might be the cost of the actual IP and team.

Krysis2477d ago

I don't see PUBG selling, but Microsoft has been known to pay exorbitant amounts of money for IP's they deem profitable enough. So I would be curious if they would take the money.

Sciurus_vulgaris2477d ago

I wouldn't be shocked by a buyout, MS needs more teams and IPs.

Gravesinger_2477d ago

And lets be honest, if ANYONE can shovel money to make it exclusive to their eco-system...its definitely Micro$oft

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Krafton profits up to $171.5 million despite lowest quarter since 2020

From GI.biz: "Krafton, the Korea-based publisher behind PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, released its Q3 financial results alongside news on how it's expanding its collection of studios.

The company reported that it saw revenues of $328.5 million and net profits of $171.5 million, the latter marking a year-on-year improvement of 27%.

Krafton also announced it plans to acquire Neon Giant, the developer behind The Ascent, and open a new studio in Canada."

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PUBG is too violent and must be banned, says Taliban

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deleted621d ago

Taliban is too violent and must be banned, says PUBG.

blacktiger620d ago (Edited 620d ago )

incase you didn't know Taliban is a place not Al qaeda or however you spell them. Just saying

CobraKai621d ago (Edited 621d ago )

“Says Taliban”. 😂😂😂

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