
Far Cry 5 Left A Bad Taste - Hands-on Preview | Sirus Gaming

Lex wrote: PlayStation Experience 2017 South East Asia in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia has concluded and it was blast! Thankfully, I got to try out some awesome games and even horrible ones too. But where did Far Cry 5 fall under? The latter, unfortunately.

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Bigpappy2494d ago

I can appreciate that you weren't impressed by the Alpha or maybe Pre-alpha demo. But I don't think they are trying to sell you the game in that state. I was supposed to be an example of how a rescue could play out and maybe there were other approaches you could have tried. I do agree on the ethnic outcry part though.

Eonjay2494d ago

I have to agree. If you have a game with mostly white people per the location... white people are gonna have to be villans and why does it matter? In Yakuza guess who the villains are and guess why? I'm actually following this game and will be excited to see how it turns out. Fighting a cult leader isn't an attack on white people though. That's silly.

Kabaneri2494d ago (Edited 2494d ago )

Yeah but the Ubosoft CEO actually had the audacity to say that this was based on "real world events". Which is incredibly ironic because its his home country France that is being destroyed by an insurgency of religious fanatics, not Montana.

Eonjay2494d ago

Um the entire state is not at risk here. These guys can't take the whole state of Montana. It's probably just a town. I think you are thinking too large scale. This is small scale like the events being described. Here in America we have had several cult episodes and it seems more interesting than a French insurgency tbh.

Aloren2494d ago

@Kabaneri don't be silly. France had about 900 homicides in 2015, and that includes the "destruction" caused by the "insurgency of religious fanatics", that's not even as much as Florida alone....

moegooner882494d ago (Edited 2494d ago )

" France that is being destroyed by an insurgency of religious fanatics, not Montana."

^ Proof that some Americans do indeed live in their own little worlds. Easy there snowflake, go do some research.

gbsrnctaln2494d ago

Kabaneri...you ever heard of the Branch Davidians? Look them up millennial snowflake.

subtenko2493d ago

Why you acting like thats something new, just because everyone else wants to bring it up? Games in the past usually have been made with white characters so you had heroes white, and villains white...

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2493d ago
OffRoadKing2494d ago

I disagree, the author tries to make it sound as if other ethnicity's outside of "white Americans" never complain when mis-represented in video games,

"Arabic people didn’t mind, Russian people didn’t either, and how much more African-American."

which is a load of bull scat, anyone who feels slighted in the least these days complains, not only different races but but genders and sexual orientations, many examples of said complaining could be found right here at this very site in the past and I'm sure there will be more to come. The difference is its ok for everyone to complain accept for white Americans.

New_Age_Retro_Hippie2494d ago

The question, ORK, is what they are complaining about. For example, you would agree that - at least in the past - it was a lot more common to see an Arabic villain than an Arabic protagonist, yes? This is not true for white Americans, who are likely to be in either group. The issue isn't that "Arabic characters are the villains," it's that "Arabic characters are the villains for the 800th time." It's about Arabics being disproportionately villainous, not that they are villainous period.

Hope this makes sense as to why this is different than with criticism of representation for non-white characters.

DarthSocio2493d ago

Everysingle villian in these FPS shooters is either Russian or Arab, do you see them whinging?

mhunterjr2494d ago (Edited 2494d ago )

The game takes place in Montana... it's 90% white. The next closest group is Native American at 6%. After that it's 'mixed ethnicity' at 2%.

You have to be dense to agree with ethnic outcry. Of course, the bad guys are white. What other group would be populated enough to build a formidable cult threat? That said, Most of the good guys are probably white too.

Eonjay2493d ago

This. Just basic realities.

generic-user-name2493d ago

While I can't argue with your logic as it makes total sense, there is still a disturbing amount of glee coming from some people (and big gaming media) who seem overly excited at the fact that white Christian extremists are the bad guys.

Meanwhile Ubisoft are patting themselves on the back because they managed to distract us from seeing that it's another FC3 re-skin (at least from what I've seen so far).

_-EDMIX-_2493d ago

@Gene- " there is still a disturbing amount of glee coming from some people (and big gaming media) who seem overly excited at the fact that white Christian extremists are the bad guys"


Like how this same media had no issue with people of color being bad guys? or Middle eastern bad guys or Russian bad guys in the 80's etc.


You are only showing that a bias exist and has existed for a long time.

At the end of the day, regardless of how you feel, the VAST majority of terrorist attacks that happen in America, are by white Christian males.

Consider this...Dylann Roof killed 9 people, yet was not charged with an act of terror, despite killing 9 people being an act of terror.

Soooo yes, the media and even the government has a love affair brown folks as bad guys. Even when a WHITE PERSON does the exact same thing, they are FIGHTING to not call them the same thing.

Its about time someone actually make a game which has a setting that actually makes this much sense. In America, you are more likely to be killed by a terrorist which is white, then from another country.

Why ignore logic?

mhunterjr2493d ago



Should white Christian extremists be off limits or something?

Unless you are a white Christian extremist, why would you be offended? I see a refreshing take on villainy - a breakaway from the tried and true. There's nothing wrong with that.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2493d ago
generic-user-name2494d ago

Ugh, the people here using 'snowflake' as an ironic insult in this thread makes me cringe. There's even a millennial insult thrown in for good measure for extra cringe.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2493d ago
BrianOBlivion2494d ago

15 minutes (with a line-up standing behind you waiting for their turn) is not nearly enough time to come to any kind of conclusions about any game.
Hell, I'll give just about any game (even one of no interest to me in a genre I don't like) an hour to hook me before I'll write it off.

GamerAllTheWay2494d ago

That is why it's a "preview", not a "review".

BrianOBlivion2492d ago (Edited 2492d ago )

If you spend far more time writing the article than you've spent playing the game, then don't bother. Besides, we've all already seen that same bit of gameplay.

opinionated2494d ago

That wasn't very descriptive or convincing. Framerate has never been an issue for me on far cry games so I will give them a benefit of the doubt until they prove otherwise.

Far cry has always had random soldiers or animals to kill that don't serve a purpose. The demo didn't have any missions to play and just let you free roam but it left a sour taste in your mouth even though you know they will be in the game?

GamerAllTheWay2494d ago

And how is it wrong to give out facts about the game's current build? It wasn't meant to convince people to not get it, it's more of reporting what the current state of the game.

opinionated2493d ago (Edited 2493d ago )

It's not "wrong", I just think it's flimsy "reporting". It's a stage demo, it's not there for a review it's so people can get a taste of the game. It might look like a good informative article to someone who has barely played far cry games (like this author) but it's really not lol.

chris2352494d ago (Edited 2494d ago )

the game looks very interesting. will be very, very fun again. people need to chill the frag out.

mogwaii2494d ago (Edited 2494d ago )

You cant just say "its a game, if you dont like it dont buy it", this game yeah cause its not that big a deal but if they made a game where the entire point was to kill and rape babies would you be saying that?! I dont think so.

GamerAllTheWay2494d ago

So you're still going to buy a game you don't like? How is that practical?

mogwaii2493d ago

Its not about buying it, its about being offended.

Shadyceaser2493d ago

Who the f said kill and rape babies ... Nobody but you .
And at the end of the day it is a game ... It says it on the cover.

mogwaii2493d ago (Edited 2493d ago )

And by that logic so would a game about raping and killing babies....it would say so on the cover, would you still be offended by it? I mean "at the end of the day it is a game" right?
Btw nowhere on the cover of any game does it say "this is a game".

Shadyceaser2493d ago (Edited 2493d ago )

There is no game that does that shit ... So what the hell are you on about.
And the only one say this shit is YOU ... And no I wouldn't buy it and no I wouldn't be offended at all ... As I am mature enough to work out it a god damn game. It can't offend anybody mate as it is not real.

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Far Cry 20th Anniversary Celebration

Far Cry debuted on March 23, 2004, meaning that next week, it will have been 20 years since Jack Carver first washed up on the shore of a tropical paradise teeming with hostile mercenaries.

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DefenderOfDoom281d ago

Played and enjoyed Far Cry, Far Cry 3 and 4 campaigns .

-Foxtrot81d ago

4 wasn’t so bad

Pagan Min was pretty entertaining

Skuletor81d ago

Yeah, 4 was good, was hard choosing which Golden Dawn member to side with, when they were both pieces of sh!t.
I've beaten all the main entries except 2 and 6, ended up uninstalling 6 to download something else instead.

Profchaos81d ago

I'd love a far cry pack with the original PC game (not the half assed port on ps360) instincts, predator even a port of far cry 2 to modern consoles back when these games had their own identity and weren't far cry 3 cut and pastel

Demetrius81d ago

Still one of my most favorite franchises along with assassins creed

banger8881d ago (Edited 81d ago )

Same here, I don't know why these games get so much hate. I've thoroughly enjoyed every single one of them, with only a couple of exceptions. I wish they'd hurry up and announce Far Cry 7. The only thing I'm concerned about is the rumoured time limit.

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Far Cry 5 Has Surpassed 30 Million Players Worldwide

The 2018 first-person shooter has reached this milestone exactly 5 years after its initial release.

Profchaos432d ago

When you're free on every single service it's eventually going to happen.

Profchaos432d ago

Part of PS plus at the moment

ChasterMies432d ago

Far Cry 5 is “free” if you pay for PS+ Extra.

gangsta_red432d ago

Going to have to try and get back into Far Cry. The formula for Far Cry may be fun, but it gets repetitive very fast.

Demetrius431d ago

Been playing this series since far cry 3 I love the adventuring vibe this series gives off even far cry primal is so good, but experiencing far cry 5 in 60 fps crisp graphics on ps5 for the first time is dope it adds life to it, I wana give far cry 6 a second chance couldn’t get into it at first I wonder if it’s worth it


Far Cry 5 in native 60 FPS - available for PS5 & Xbox Series consoles now

Far Cry 5 Official Twitter: "You've been waiting long enough… Welcome to Hope County! Experience Far Cry 5 in native 60 FPS - available for PS5 & Xbox Series consoles … NOW! Far Cry 5 will also have a FREE WEEKEND from March 23-27 on all consoles & PC. Enjoy!"

banger88445d ago

Damn. I replayed it recently on SX with fps boost, and to achieve that they had to downgrade the resolution. Game played great but looked like ass. Wish I had've waited.

blackblades445d ago (Edited 445d ago )

So you saying fps boost lowers the resolution to achieve 60fps? Cause that culteastwitch was praising in a fanboy cok suking way.

Darkwatchman445d ago

It depends on the game. Some keep Xbox One X resolution. Others drop to base Xbox One resolution and settings.

Knushwood Butt445d ago

Waiting to play this on Extra but have had too much else to play.
So is this a native PS5 version or does the PS4 version run at 60fps on PS5?

Jin_Sakai445d ago

As expected, Far Cry 5 will now run at 60 frames-per-second on PS5,

“as part of a patch that optimises the PS4 game on Sony's new-gen console.”

Knushwood Butt445d ago

Downloading now. I might do a bit of pancake gaming this weekend.

Eidolon445d ago

Not native PS5. But still looked pretty good on PS4 Pro, and at a solid 60fps, definitely a good experience. Sadly games can't break out of PS4 Pro resolutions, for some reason.

LucasRuinedChildhood444d ago

PS4 games can run 2-2.5 times better on PS5. They're basically just changing the framerate cap to take advantage of that. They could actually change the resolution but it might affect the framerate - it's not a native PS5 game so it can't properly take advantage of the hardware. 1620p isn't bad, tbh.

Eidolon445d ago

Was really hoping to read that New Dawn would be upgraded as well. :( Already beat Far Cry 5 + and only like 1 hr into New Dawn.

KeeseToast445d ago (Edited 445d ago )

Pretty nice 👍
Now we’ll only need fps boost for:
Arkham Knight
The Last Guardian
Assassin‘s Creed Unity
Shadow of the Colossus
Gravity Rush 2

Did I forget something?

Welshy445d ago

The worst part about AC Unity is that it *does* run natively at 60fps, but only when running the 1.0 version from the disc. If you allow the game to update, future patches applied a 30fps cap for some reason.

I don't see any reason it would be difficult to just lift the cap that they added.

CML2445d ago

Shadow of the Colossus already runs at 60fps.
Its possible to play The Last Guardian at 60fps with an unpatched disc version too.

Stanjara445d ago

So why not unlock framerate cap on the latest version? Can't be that hard.

CML2444d ago

Probably because the studio doesnt exist anymore. 🥲

LucasRuinedChildhood444d ago (Edited 444d ago )

Absolutely. RDR2 still sells very well so the lack of a next gen version after GTA5 next gen is really annoying.

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